Phone firmware through odin. Typical errors when flashing Samsung in ODIN

Error 0x00000116 Windows 7 is one of the most annoying. Why? The whole point is that this problem occurs during a person's rest. That is, when a user uses their computer to play games or watch movies. Just imagine: you sat down to rest, and then - the blue screen of death (error code 0x00000116). The planned pastime was covered with a copper basin. What to do? The stump is clear - fix it. And we will try to help you with this. Of course, if you have a few minutes to read the material below.

Reasons that lead to Windows error 0x00000116

So, it is clear that the error code 0x00000116 is somehow related to the video card used. But this is a general reason, I would like to get more specifics. And we have it! There are three options to answer the question - what is the stop 0x00000116 error?

For example, if in the message that is displayed before the user's eyes, you can see the blue screen 0x00000116 - atikmpag sys, then the reason is the absence of an important file with that name. By the way, the name may be completely different, but it does not change the essence.

Two other reasons that can cause blue screen error 0x00000116:

  1. On the user's computer, the overclocking procedure for any equipment was launched. It is possible that it is the graphics card.
  2. The video card is trying to function due to outdated or corrupted drivers.

That is, it turns out that the devil is not as terrible as he is painted - the causes of the error 0x00000116 Windows 7 are quite simple, which means that the situation can be corrected.

Solving the situation with error code 0x00000116

Finally, we got to the answer to the question - how to fix 0x00000116 Windows 7. We will proceed from simple to complex. First of all, you should find out which antivirus is installed on the user's computer. If this is a popular Avast, and even updated to the state of " internet security”, then it is recommended to roll back the program to the standard version - perhaps this step will completely eliminate the occurrence of blue screen death with error code 0x00000116.

  • Quietly restart the computer.
  • We go into the BIOS menu.
  • We are looking for overclocked equipment, returning it to original state.

The last two possible causes that can lead to bsod 0x00000116 are corrected as follows:

  • The computer is installing two useful programs- DriverSweeper and CCleaner. They are completely free and install quickly.
  • Restart your computer and press the "F8" key.
  • Select the option to boot the system in safe mode.
  • Launch DriverSweeper. Remove with this software everything that is directly related to the operating graphics card.
  • Launch CCleaner. Clean up the registry.
  • Restart the computer, but in normal mode.
  • Update drivers automatically or manually.

This error is typical for computers built on the basis of AMD components. In its absolute majority, this case of a “blue screen of death crash” is the result of incorrect operation of the video card. It doesn't matter what type of video processing graphics device you use: a discrete GPU module or an integrated video card - the problem is the same for all graphics schemes. The main task is to get rid of the "Blue Screen 0x00000116 atikmpag.sys" problem. And on their own, without resorting to the help of specialists. Learn how and what to do in this article.

Priority steps to resolve error 0x00000116

First of all, you need to check the computer system unit for contamination. Dust deposits inside the PC case are the worst enemy of computer hardware components. This circumstance is especially critical for portable electronics - laptops.

In the “desktop case”, everything is easily solved - we remove the protective cover of the system unit and perform a thorough cleaning of the internal space of the case. If the pollution has reached its critical state (wow, how everything is running here!), then you should dismantle the CPU cooling cooler and replace cpu thermal paste .

The same must be done with the video card (if you are using a discrete graphics module). In general, it is necessary to carry out total preventive maintenance to clean all the hardware components of a computing device.

WITH laptop computers somewhat more difficult. Since the design feature of laptops is their compactness, which makes it extremely difficult to implement the “access to internal components computer system". Nevertheless, if elementary safety rules are followed and guided by the technical documentation for the device, the success of preventive measures to clean the computer from dust is guaranteed.

Of course, preparation in the latter case is an extremely important factor: you need to know for sure what is where and how to dismantle the case parts of a laptop . Otherwise, there is a high probability that the plastic will be deformed, the latches will be broken, and the bolts and screws will be superfluous during the final assembly (read this article and you will understand how serious everything is!).

Programmatic elimination of BSOD errors: driver and its performance

Often, everything can be fixed by reinstalling the software that controls the operation of the video adapter. A workable driver can and should be downloaded only from the official website of the manufacturer of the motherboard itself or a separately presented component for a computer (laptop).

  • Software for ATI graphics modules -

Before installing the current version of the agreed software, you should correctly uninstall the old driver, which implies complete removal device data from the system directory Windows Registry(exists special program, which incredibly simplifies the execution plan for finding and removing control software - Download Driver Sweeper from here ).

It is important to know: in the described situation, not always downloading, and subsequently installing and using the “most recent driver version” resolves the affected problem. Often, choosing the right graphics card management software depends on many factors:

  • The version of the operating system and its editorial bit depth;
  • How old is the modification of the used GPU module;
  • Does the video card match system requirements specific gaming application or other type of software.

The list can be continued for a long time. However, all of the above is the main source of "contradictions" when an error occurs - 0x00000116 atikmpag.sys.

The main "energy accomplice of the Blue Show"

A special place in the list of "culprits" of the problem that has arisen is occupied by the system power supply. If your PSU does not have enough power, then blue screens cannot be avoided. Checking the performance of the power supply is elementary: dismantle the specified component of the computer's electrical power supply and check all output voltages at the PSU terminals (the material in this article will help you!).

Another way to make sure the energy competence of the power supply used is to carry out software diagnostics device using one of the diagnostic programs Aida64 (click on the name and go to the download page of this software).

  • Run the program.
  • Use the "Sensors" tab.
  • Verify that the readings under "Voltages" correspond to the standard PSU ratings (standard type information).

In the event that the displayed readings deviate too much from the standard, replace the energy component of the computer. Do not forget that too much "hardware trim" of the motherboard (the power of any PSU is a priori limited!) Can also cause a BSOD error.

Software Over-Helpers, or How Video Card Fine Tuning Can Help

On the market software quite a lot of specialized software through which the user can conduct fine tuning video adapter. Such software allows increase video card performance , or, on the contrary, lower the GPU frequency to a level that is acceptable.

Depending on the modification of your graphics processor, choose the most optimal option for "calming software".

Do not operate with too large values, lower (or perhaps increase!) the frequency of the graphics core smoothly and measuredly, synchronously monitoring the temperature indicators of the GPU.

After each change you apply, run a software test until you get a positive result. Remember, correct equipment diagnostics will help you avoid "global" problems!

Summing up

So, now you know what you need to do in order to get rid of this "blue problem". Of course, the material you read, dear friends, is only part of the solution. However, with a high degree of probability, the described algorithm of actions will help you. We are sure you will succeed. Your computer's performance and optimal graphics!

The blue screen of death causes panic among all computer users. Even babies know that similar errors report serious problems with the PC, which are not always possible to solve on their own. But this does not apply to all BSOD alerts. Let's take a look at how to fix error 0x00000116 in Windows 7 quickly and effectively.

Description and causes of the error

In most cases, a blue screen with error code 0x00000116 occurs while watching a video in high quality or when trying to run a game with powerful graphics. From here it becomes clear that the root of the problem lies in the video card. Logically, hardware device should be serviceable, tk. the picture on the monitor is present and the interface elements are displayed.

What is the problem then? Here are a few reasons that cause BSOD to appear:

  1. Missing important files. Information about them always appears in the bug report. The most common elements are atikmpag.sys or nvlddmkm.sys.
  2. Launch utilities that are designed to overclock equipment.
  3. Corrupt or outdated video adapter drivers.

How to fix?

Let's start with the second reason, because. the first and third have the same solution path.

If there really was an attempt to increase PC performance - congratulations, it ended unsuccessfully. Therefore, you need to set all BIOS settings to default:

  1. Reboot your computer and at the power-on step, go to the BIOS.
  2. Revert the settings to their original state, or run full reset settings.

Attention! Setting default options may disable some system components or features.

Now let's move on to the next method, the essence of which is reinstalling the driver. It effectively solves the first and third causes of the error. To fix error 0x00000116:

This is where I end. Now you know how to fix error 0x00000116 in Windows 7. If the problem was caused by overclocking, exclude such experiments in the future, because such manipulations can damage the computer hardware.

The blue screen of death code 0x00000116 is an extremely dangerous problem that can take you a huge amount of time while you try to solve it. The appearance of this problem is directly related to the graphics accelerator installed in the user's system.

The reason for the BSoD 0x00000116 is that your system tried to access the graphics accelerator driver installed in the computer, but it could not get a response from it in the required time, which led to a critical boot failure.

Usually, Windows users encounter error 0x00000116 during installation new version graphics driver, when launching or running a heavy 3D application, while working with Flash plugins, and much more.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of reasons for the blue screen of death 0x00000116, but almost all of them somehow relate to your video card, which cannot but upset. Things can even go so far that you need to resort to buying a new graphics accelerator, but let's not get ahead of ourselves, but let's look at possible reasons for this problem.

  • Driver for graphics accelerator. The most common reason for the appearance of a critical failure 0x00000116 is the driver for the video card, which for some reason started to work completely incorrectly, which, of course, caused problems when starting the system. It is also worth noting that such a problem may occur due to a conflict between two drivers for different graphics chips, for example, during a video card change in the system.
  • Overheating of the graphics accelerator. A sharp increase in the operating temperature of the video card could cause its unstable operation, which in turn led to the blue screen of death. The temperature of the video card could increase for several reasons, for example, due to its dustiness, drying of thermal paste, weak system cooling, malfunctions of the chip itself, etc.
  • Malfunctioning RAM. One of the most rare reasons why the blue screen of death 0x00000116 can be shown is the incorrectly working RAM installed in the system. RAM is usually the most reliable component of the system, but it can also start to malfunction.
  • Problems with the power supply. BSoD 0x00000116 could also be caused by a problem with the power supply that powers your system. And what about the power supply? The fact is that there is a possibility that your video card is not receiving enough power to maintain correct operation.
  • Incorrect increase in the frequencies of the video card. Sometimes, unstable operation of the video card may occur due to an increase in the operating frequencies of the device. If you recently increased the frequencies of your video card, after which you immediately met with BSoD 0x00000116, then overclocking is the cause of the problem.
  • The video card has failed. Unfortunately, your system was unable to access the graphics accelerator driver because the device simply failed. Quite often this happens with video cards aged. Unfortunately, the video card is not the most reliable piece of hardware in the system.

As you can see, there are a lot of reasons for the occurrence of a blue screen of death with the code 0x00000116, but all of them somehow lead to problems with the graphics accelerator, which is rather unfortunate. However, often the problem is still a failed driver.

Methods for solving BSoD 0x00000116

Method #1 Update the graphics card driver

Let's immediately deal with the most obvious, namely, reinstalling the driver for the graphics accelerator. Most likely, the blue screen of death 0x00000116 appeared on your system precisely through the fault of the driver. You can reinstall the drivers in the Device Manager.

Of course, access to operating system you can't because of the blue screen of death, so you'll need to use the services of Safe Mode. To enter this mode, restart your computer, and then constantly press the key F8, To move to Additional Options downloads.

Select the option " Safe mode with loading network drivers. Once you are logged in, click right click click on Start and select "Device Manager". Open the "Display adapters" section and double-click on your video card to go to the device properties. Go to the "Driver" tab and click on the "Update Driver" option.

Once Device Manager updates the driver for your graphics accelerator, restart your computer and log in in the usual way. If the problem was really the video card driver, then the blue screen of death should have disappeared. If it is still in place, try uninstalling the driver completely, and then install it from the official site.

Method #2 Lower operating temperature

Of course, video cards can operate at fairly high temperatures, but if it reaches too high a bar, this can bring a lot of problems for the entire system and user. For example, overheating of the graphics accelerator can lead to a loss of initial performance, all kinds of graphic artifacts that appear from time to time on the monitor display, a reboot of the entire system, and the occurrence of various critical failures, such as the blue screen of death 0x00000116.

You can check the operating temperature of your video card using third-party software that you can download to your system through Safe Mode with Network Driver Loading. For example, you can use a program like GPU Temp or SpeedFan. normal temperature graphics card in idle is 35-45 degrees Celsius. The temperature under load can be quite high, but it should not exceed 90-100 degrees.

If you understand that your video card is really experiencing overheating, then urgently reduce its temperature, and then check for a blue screen, see 0x00000116. You can reduce the temperature by improving the air flow in system unit, replacing thermal paste, installing more powerful cooling, etc.

Method #3 Checking RAM

RAM is extremely rarely the cause of BSoD 0x00000116, but cases do occur. You need to check your random access memory and make sure it's not a problem. To get started, you can simply open the power supply and directly inspect the RAM strips installed in motherboard, for damage.

It is also worth checking the RAM for errors using specialized software, such as Memtest86+. You need to create bootable media with this program, then boot through it, and then there will be an automatic RAM check, which in this moment installed in the system. Based on the results of the check, you will understand whether this or that RAM bar was to blame for the blue screen of death 0x00000116.

Method No. 4 Reducing frequencies to factory settings

If you have recently increased the frequencies of your video card to increase its performance, then try resetting them to factory settings. Overclocking any hardware component of a computer is associated with certain risks. The loss of stability during the operation of the video card and the appearance of critical failures, for example, BSoD 0x00000116, could just have arisen due to an increase in operating frequencies.

If you have tried all of the above, but it did not bring any satisfactory results in resolving the blue screen of death 0x00000116, then we recommend that you seek the help of technical specialists. There may be something wrong with your video card, disk, motherboard or power supply. We hope that with the help of this article you were able to get rid of the error 0x00000116 and you did not have to contact the service center.

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