Remote control android lock. How to find an Android phone via remote control

Modern mobile devices are quite high-tech and their operation is unthinkable without the use of the Internet. The most popular one was no exception mobile platform Android from Google. Considering the fact that a very large number of people use Android smartphones, it is not surprising that the question often arises, how can find a lost or stolen phone or remotely erase information on it.

How to activate phone search on Android

The function of finding a lost phone appeared in Android in 2014 and it works for all users without exception by default. A necessary condition is only Creation Google account and entering information about it in the device itself. You can create a Google account both on your phone and on your PC. I wrote how to do this on a computer. Mailbox in the Gmail service - this is your Google account.

To check how phone search works, go to link and enter the password for your account. If location detection is turned on on your phone (I usually turn it off to save battery power), then you can see the location of your phone on the map.

Google map

Using your Google account, you can not only see the location of your phone, but also see when it was last connected to the Internet, and also activate a sound signal on your phone ( Call) and remotely clear the smartphone memory (start the process full reset settings on Android).

remote dialing or blocking

The ringing function is relevant if you have actually lost your device and cannot find it, for example in an apartment or somewhere else. Sound signal will help you locate its location by ear.

How to remotely lock a phone and delete all data from it?

You can block your phone and delete data as a last resort if you know for sure that it has fallen into the wrong hands and you do not want private information - SMS, photos, WhatsApp correspondence, etc. - to be read by a third party.

In order to be able to remotely clear the smartphone’s memory, you must in advance give permission to do this in the phone settings. This is usually done in the section “Security” - “Device” - “Administrators”

On my phone it looks like this:

After I allowed it in the phone settings remote control Android, then in the section DeviceManager another “Block” option has appeared

Now I can remotely lock my smartphone if it is lost or stolen. In the lock settings, you can set a password, the text that will be displayed, for example, “return the phone to the address. Moscow, Chistoprudny Blvd., 2-16" and indicate a phone number to contact you.

blocking settings

This is what my phone screen looks like when I remotely locked it:

The screen will not be unlocked until you enter the password correctly.

If you log in remotely clear smartphone contents Keep in mind that the data on the card may not be deleted (but this is not certain). The likelihood of deletion or not deletion depends on the specific version of Android and phone model.


This method Finding a lost or stolen phone is not a panacea. It is enough to do a HardReset on your smartphone and completely clear the memory, including Google accounts and other things, and the phone will return to working condition. This search method is designed for completely banal cases - the phone really got lost, for example in the grass, room, garden, etc.

There are cases when people found other people's phones and continued to use them without changing anything. for example, this is how it is described.

In this regard, the protection of Apple devices has been made much more serious; if you lost your iPhone, and the “find my phone” function was active on it, then through icloud you can completely “ brick" device. That's why stealing an iPhone is completely pointless, because you simply won't be able to sell it or use it for its intended purpose.

Many users mobile devices often face a specific problem - they don’t know how to unlock their Android. Often the reason for blocking is the user's forgetfulness. Taking care of the security of personal data, the owner sets a password to enter his device or graphic key, who subsequently cannot remember.

The simplest and most effective way to find out how to unlock your tablet is to contact service center, where they will help you unlock your tablet or phone for a certain amount. But if you don’t want to spend money, and the time it takes to remove the blockage is enough, then these instructions are for you. Let's look at a few simple, but at the same time effective ways, how to restore access to the device.

Methods to unlock a device on Android OS

At the beginning of all actions, you need to figure out which device you need to unlock. If it's a phone, you can try the following.

We make a call to a locked phone, accept the call on it without hanging up, minimize the call window and turn it off in the settings graphic lock. If you are going to unlock your tablet or the specified method did not help, follow the tips below.

Method 1: Unlock via Google Account

To remove the blocking using this method, the device must be connected to the Internet. If this is the case, then we perform the following procedure. We enter the wrong key several times in a row. Typically, devices are given 5 attempts to enter the key correctly, after which attempts are blocked for 30 seconds, and the display shows the message “You may have forgotten graphic password" Click on it, a window appears asking you to enter your username and password. account Google. In this window, enter only your login (before the “@” symbol) and password, and click “Login.” You will then be prompted to create a new lock password. Create a new one or click “Cancel”.

In this method, it is important to remember the following. Creating a Google account after locking your device is useless. The account must be registered and synchronized in the device before the problem.

Also accounting Google entry can help you unlock Android in the following way, however, this method is not effective for all devices. From a third-party device (computer, smartphone, etc.), you should log into your account, select the “Security” tab and go to the “Two-Step Verification” section. The account is linked to your Android device - good, if not - try linking it to a phone number. In the “Two-Step Verification” section, select “Application Passwords” – “Manage Application Passwords”, where you need to enter your account password again. In the “Step 1 of 2” field that appears, create New Password application, enter the application name (any), click “Create password”. This creates an application password, which at the same time is a password for the device.

We enter your login from your Google account and the newly created password on the device and, as in the previous method. Create a new graphic key or cancel it.

Method 2: USB Debugging Using ADB Run

This method involves debugging Android systems via console application for Android computer Debug Bridge (ADB), as well as its simplified version for the user ADB Run. If USB debugging was enabled on your device, resetting the unlock via the specified program will help you. To debug using this method, we sequentially do the following.

The above method is universal and allows you to both unlock the tablet and control the Android system via ADB. After completing this guide, the unit will be removed.

If this does not happen, you need to try repeating all the steps or unlock manually using command line computer. To do this, connect the device to the computer via USB, launch the command line on the computer, in which we enter the following commands, pressing Enter after each:

rm /data/system/gesture.key (this command will remove the pattern key)

rm /data/system/password.key (will remove the password).

We disconnect from the computer, enter a random key, and log into the device.

Method 3: Unlock Android OS without debugging via USB and without ADB, Recovery mode

The following tips on how to unlock your tablet or phone involve booting the device into Recovery mode. Each device has its own way to enable this mode, which can be found in the user manual or found on the Internet. But there is a boot method to Recovery that is suitable for most Android devices. We do the following:

  1. Turn off the device.
  2. Simultaneously press the “Volume+”, “Power” and “Home” keys (if there is such a key).
  3. Hold the power button until the device responds (the backlight turns on and an image appears), and hold the volume button until the menu appears. You have entered Recovery mode.

In order to unlock a device that has USB debugging disabled, and understand the intricacies ADB programs It’s scary or you simply don’t want to, you need to download the installer to your computer file manager with access to system files AROMA Filemanager. Copy the zip file to the SD card, insert the card into Android, boot the device in Recovery mode, select installation from SD card and click ZIP AROMA Filemanager. After the system boots, using this file manager you can manage it in Recovery mode, namely copy, cut, delete files, create new folders, etc.

So, let's unlock Android. In AROMA Filemanager, enable “Mount partitions on boot”, exit the program, then launch it again. The device partitions will now be visible. Go to /data/system/ and delete the files gesture.key, locksettings.db, locksettings.db-wal, locksettings.db-shm. When the files are deleted, reboot the device in normal mode. The block has been removed!

Hello friends, Max is in touch!!! Recently, smartphones have completely filled our lives. It’s rare to find someone with regular phone. But, like simple phones, smartphones are also often lost, forgotten in public transport, and so on and so forth...

And banal theft has not yet been banned. So what to do if you have lost your smartphone OS? This is what we will talk about today. Go...

Let's immediately make a reservation that your phone must be linked to your Google account. It is this service that will help you quickly locate the location of your device with an accuracy of several meters. Also, the smartphone must be turned on.

Finding a Lost Smartphone

So, it is assumed that you are logged into your Google account on your phone. 95% of Android smartphone owners use Google services, so there shouldn't be any problems.

To search, we use a computer, laptop, tablet or any other device from which you can access the Internet. Go to this link to one of the Google services...

You will be prompted to log into your account...

Enter it, as a result of which you will see the service window. You should click the “Accept” button located in the bottom right corner (if available)...

If your lost smartphone is turned on, data about your phone model, its charge level, and the time it was last connected to the network will appear in a new window.

There you can click the “Call” button...,

As a result, the music of your selected incoming call will be played on the smartphone for 5 minutes. You can stop ringing using the corresponding button at the bottom of the window.

How to block a lost smartphone

The main steps are performed exactly the same as in the previous paragraph. When the service window opens, the second item from the top will be “Lock phone”.

You need to press a button, and then perform several simple actions according to the proposed algorithm. You can immediately send an SMS message to your lost phone. For example, with a request to report the find and return it for a certain reward.

How to erase all information from a lost smartphone

Agree that any smartphone contains purely personal information that is not intended for public viewing. It can be even worse if some important or secret information is stored in the device’s memory, the access of which to unauthorized persons is extremely undesirable.

And in this case, this service will provide you with invaluable assistance. You will need to click on the “Erase data” button, which is located below the previous button.

Please note that all erased data will be permanently deleted, and you will no longer be able to track the location of your smartphone.I hope the information I offer will help you if you have lost your smartphone...

Smartphone or tablet? It might even be that someone stole it. The situation is not pleasant. While we don't have any advice on how to find it, there are definitely some things you can do to keep the information stored on it safe. The following tips are worth knowing for every owner of an Android gadget, unless he lives on a desert island. With their help, you can remotely lock or completely wipe a device to which you do not have physical access, using any computer over the Internet. As a result, the data will be secure and unauthorized persons will not be able to use the device. This does not require any third party applications– all the necessary functionality is present in the system as standard.

The first thing you need to do before you lose your gadget is to enable Android remote control on the device itself. If it is not enabled, all subsequent instructions will be useless. To do this, go to the application on your device called “ Google Settings"(not to be confused with just the settings that open in the top curtain):

In this application, check the boxes “Remote device search” and “Remote lock and reset”. That's it, the device is ready.

Now, if you are unlucky enough to lose your device, as quickly as possible, without delay, log into your Google account from any Google service, be it Gmail, Google+, YouTube, etc. To do this, click on your photo in the upper right corner of the page, and then on the word “Account” (sometimes your email address):

The Account Settings page will open. Scroll to the Recent Activity section. There will be a “Devices” item here. Login:

You will see a list of your devices. Select the one you need and follow the link “Find your Android devices using the Android Remote Control service.” By the way, you can also click on the red “Close account” button to disconnect the device from your Google account.

You are now in the Android Remote Control service (you may be asked to re-enter your email address and account password). Please note that here required device you must select again, even if you already selected it in the previous step. Not a very well thought out moment. (In fact, you can select any device at all in the previous step. It doesn't matter because you have to select it again in the remote control interface.) The system finds where the device is and displays it on the map. By the way, this is also a very important thing when searching for a lost gadget.

Actually, we are already at the goal. Click on any of the large buttons to perform the required action: ring, block, clear. The first function causes the device to make a sharp sound - in this way, bother the thief until his life turns into a complete nightmare and he himself brings you the gadget on a silver platter. Ringing works on both smartphones and tablets, and even if the volume on the device is completely turned off (and this function will also help if you cannot find the device in the apartment).

Locking is the feature we need most. This way you can set a PIN code and display some text on the screen (for example: “Call the owner at such and such a number”). Now no new owner will be able to use the device. When turned on, it will see the following screen with the text you specified:

The device will be immediately locked in this way, even if another user is currently working on it.

Cleaning is an even more brutal function that remotely clears the device’s memory. Use it when especially necessary.

By the way, you can skip most of these steps if you save a direct link to the remote control panel in your bookmarks:

Smartphones and tablets are used everywhere in the modern world, and many owners do not part with them even for a minute. In a car, public transport, a bar, a queue at a store and almost everywhere you can see people with smartphones. Most modern smart phones run the Android operating system released by Google.

Every day, tens of thousands of phones and tablets are lost or stolen around the world. Due to the constant connection of most of these devices to the Internet, mobile network and GPS, the creators of the operating system have developed additional security features. With their help, you can track the location of your smartphone, block it remotely and perform other actions. On operating system On iOS, the “ ” function is responsible for this, and on Android, “Remote control”.

How to set up remote control on Android

In order for a lost smartphone to be found or blocked, you must first make security settings on the device itself. From Android user consent is required for the continuous transfer of data about him. The following settings need to be changed:

Note: On some phones and tablets Android control Remote control is enabled by default.

How to find an Android smartphone

If remote control is enabled on the device you are looking for, it can be found from any other computer, smartphone or tablet connected to the Internet. This is done by synchronizing your Google account, to which the device transmits information about its location. To find out where a lost Android smartphone is located, you need to do the following:

Note: In the upper left corner of the map, you can switch between devices if there are several of them linked to one Google account.

Android Remote Control

Using the Android device remote control function, you can not only determine its location, but also send a number of other signals to your smartphone or tablet. A little more about each of the options:

In order to be able to find it if you lose your device, it is better to make the necessary settings for remote access immediately after purchasing a smartphone and activating your Google account on it.
