Why is the disk not being cleaned? How to clean C drive from junk files: Best ways

In this article, we will analyze what to do if the computer is under Windows control gives the message " Not enough space on drive C” and how to clean this drive C. Drive C is usually a system drive, i.e. it contains the operating system, so it must always have enough free space to avoid slowdowns Windows work.

In the process of working on a computer, a lot of unnecessary, so-called junk files accumulate over time. These include the remains remote programs, which, for one reason or another, Windows could not delete and temporary files itself operating system accumulated during its operation. In addition, a novice computer user usually saves his documents, music, photos and videos on the C drive. Although by default Windows offers to save user files to system drive C in the folders "Video", "Documents", "Music", "Pictures", but this is strongly not recommended. When the C drive is full, the operating system starts to slow down, the opening speed decreases, and a warning window constantly pops up about the lack of free space. A critical lack of space is signaled by a red bar full disk indicator in the folder " Computer».

How to clean C drive manually

First of all, transfer all your documents, images, music and videos to another one, previously there are corresponding folders. And in the future, always save your files on a different drive.

In the next step of cleaning drive C, check if you really need one or another installed programs how often you use them and whether you can do without them. All not desired applications you need to delete, or alternatively, reinstall them on another local drive.

The first way is faster than the second. Open the folder " Computer"(Main menu - Computer), select the drive (in our case, drive C), by right-clicking on it, call up the context menu, in which select" Properties” and press the button “ Disk Cleanup».

The cleanup program will start and start scanning the disk for extra junk files, which will take some time. After searching, the user will be shown a window with a list of what can be safely deleted and the size of the garbage to be deleted.

Click the button OK", then confirm your intention with the button" Delete files". The program will begin the process of cleaning the disk from garbage.

To start the program from the Main Menu, left-click on the " Start”, select “ All programs", then the folder " Standard" And " Service", in the last click on the icon" Disk Cleanup».

Disk cleanup is considered on the example of the operating system Windows systems 7. In others Windows versions the algorithm of actions will be similar and should not cause any difficulties.


Very often, users of the operating system (OS) Windows 7 have to deal with such a problem as a full local drive C.

And, as you know, this leads not only to longer processing of data and failures in the system, but also to its complete deactivation. So, why is this happening, and how do I free up the local drive from?

The main reasons for the full system local disk

Local disk C, also known as the system local disk, is a place for storing data for the entire OS, as well as for locating and linking various program files with the system.

It follows from this that when installed on Windows computer, we need a relatively small amount of memory for volume C. Only about 100 GB of memory for it will be enough, because the OS, along with the full package necessary programs usually occupies no more than 50 GB.

This value will remain true if the user, due to his inattention, does not litter the disk with all kinds of games, audio, video and other files downloaded from the Internet, which is usually the root cause of the system disk overflow.

The fact is that any game is also a program, the purpose and functions of which are very different from the work of service and system programs operating system. However, when installing the game, like any program, the installation manager always indicates the path for further unpacking the files. By default, in all programs, in this case, the path to the local drive C is specified.

Therefore, when installing the next game, users are strongly recommended to change the path for unpacking files to any local drive, except for the drive with the letter “C”.

As for downloadable files from the Internet, for this the system provides the path to the "Downloads" folder, which is also on the system drive, namely: C:\Users\Computer name\Downloads

So what happens to the data in this folder if it is not systematically deleted? The answer is obvious: the weight of the folder increases over time, taking away more and more free space on local disk WITH.

In order to save ourselves from constant monitoring of the amount of memory in the Downloads folder, we simply redirect the flow of information from the network to another local disk, since this function is present in the settings of any of the browsers.

Let's create in advance new folder on another local drive, which will become a new cell for downloads from the Internet and give it some name, in this case it is " Inet Failes«:

Then, in the browser, specify the path to this folder (using the Yandex browser as an example):

The next reason is to fill the desktop with all sorts of shortcuts and folders. Undoubtedly, moving frequently used files directly to the desktop is, on the one hand, convenient and saves time, and on the other hand, again, it takes up a certain amount of space. free memory disk C.

The "Desktop" folder has the address: C:\Users\Computer Name\Desktop. Here you can see all the shortcuts available in this moment on the desktop as a list.

How to clean the local disk from?

Very often, users are interested in: "Why does the local disk fill up by itself." Below we will look at the main reasons for its “autocomplete”

Disable Windows Automatic Updates

A significant amount of memory bloodthirsty "eats" any next Windows update.

If we let this process go by itself, we will find that as a result of several such updates, practically nothing remains of the disk volume. And if we increase the size of the volume when installing the OS as much as possible, all the same, in the end, the moment of disk overflow will come, but a little later.

To prevent this, disable automatic update windows.

We do this in the following algorithm: Start menu - Control Panel - System and Security - Enable or disable automatic updates.

In the window that opens, set the option "Do not check for updates (not recommended)". Remove the checkmarks, if any, in the paragraphs below and click the “Ok” button.

Disabling hibernation

A relatively large amount of memory can be freed up by disabling hibernation. Hibernation is one of the sleep modes that allows you to save data before turning off the computer, while not closing the applications that were open before.

How often do we use this mode? No? Then, in order to free up space on the local disk, turn off hibernation, thereby acquiring a significant part of the free disk memory.

To do this, in the Start menu in the search bar, enter the command - cmd;

the file that appears is opened through the right button with the launch as administrator;

in the window that opens, enter: powercfg hibernate off ;

press the "Enter" button on the keyboard and close the window.

After the manipulations have been done, let's pay attention to the indicator of the amount of memory on disk C. Having found that there has been a fair amount of free space, we proceed to the next item.

About Recycle Bin and Temp Folder

Basket. After deletion, the files located here can also be easily restored. This means that each deleted file entering the recycle bin borrows from its volume (and therefore directly from the memory reserve of the system disk) at the time of storage exactly as many GB as it weighs. Therefore, it is recommended not to forget to periodically empty the basket of junk files. The required size of which can be specified through its properties: replace the parameter with the desired one and click Ok.

The next way is to delete temporary files from the Temp folder located at: local drive C:\Windows\Temp . Here we freely and fearlessly delete all files, if any.

Disabling the Windows Recovery System

Concluding this article, it should be noted such an environment as Windows System Restore. This powerful tool is used in case of resuscitation of the system in case of its unplanned failure. Very useful system utility, at the same time, it occupies a large amount of system disk memory.

However, if we need to continue cleaning drive C, we can easily disable System Restore. To do this, go to the Start menu - Computer.

On the white background of the window, click right click mouse - Properties - System protection (top left).

Click on "Local Disk (C:) (System)" and below click on the "Configure" button.

Move the marker to "Turn off system protection" and below "delete all restore points" click on the "Delete" button.

All of the above actions can be applied both in combination and separately, at the discretion of the user. If necessary, all settings can be returned in reverse order. When connecting hibernation to command line type: powercfg hibernate on.

Hard drives are getting bigger and bigger, but for some reason they always fill up. This is especially noticeable if you're using a Solid State Drive (SSD), which offers much less hard drive space than traditional mechanical hard drives.

Empty trash

Rice No. 1. Empty trash.

When you delete items such as files and photos from your computer, they are not immediately removed. Instead, they are placed in the trash and continue to take up valuable hard drive space. To empty the Recycle Bin, go to your desktop, right-click on the Recycle Bin and select Empty Recycle Bin. A warning pop-up will appear if you are sure you want to permanently delete the contents of the Recycle Bin. Click "Yes" to continue.

Disk Cleanup

Windows has a built-in Disk Cleanup utility (properly called Disk Cleanup) that will help you clean up space by deleting various files, including temporary internet files, dump files with system error and even previous Windows installation, which may still be on your drive.

Rice #2. Disk cleanup.

You can find Disk Cleanup in the Start menu under All Apps > Accessories > System Tools > Disk Cleanup. Select the drive you want to clean up, click OK.

Click the Disk Cleanup button in the disk properties window.

Rice No. 3.0. Disk cleanup.

After clicking on the "Clean Disk" button of the Disk Cleanup program, calculate how much space you can free up. This process can take from a few seconds to several minutes. In general, the more cluttered HDD, the longer it takes to scan.

Fig No. 3.1. Place rating.

Select the file types you want to delete and click OK. This includes temporary files, log files, files in the recycle bin, and other unimportant files. When you're ready, click OK to delete. Make sure you check the boxes for each of the file categories you want to clear. Confirm that you want to delete these files.

You can also clear system files, which are not listed here. Click clean up system files button if you also want to delete system files.

Rice No. 4. Clean up system files.

Wait while Disk Cleanup calculates how much space you can free up. This process can take from a few seconds to several minutes. In general, the more cluttered the hard drive is, the longer it takes to scan.

Rice No. 5. Place rating.

After that, you will see the "Advanced" tab in which you can clear the "System Restore and shadow copy" for removing system restore data. This button deletes everything but the most recent restore point, so make sure your computer is working properly before using it - you won't be able to use old system restore points.

Rice No. 6. release extra bed on disk.

You can also clear "Programs and Features" by clicking on the top "Clear" button shown in Figure #6, or go to the following path "Start">"Control Panel"> "Programs and Features" or "Uninstall Programs".

The following window will open in which you can remove all unused or unnecessary programs.

Rice No. 7. Removing programs.

Wait until the list of all programs installed on your computer is updated. Look for programs that take up a lot of space and are not used at all. Select the program and click the Uninstall button.

Expand drive "C" with drive "D" without third-party software.

This method is only suitable if you do not have important data on the “d” drive and you can format it all. Open Management Windows disks. Press the key combination “Win ​​+ R” on the keyboard, we will see the “Run” window, type in the command “diskmgmt.msc” and press the Enter key.

In the window that opens, we tear out the disk on which there is no necessary information and right-clicking the properties window will open where you need to select "Delete volume".

After that it will appear free place in which you need to delete partitions to expand the "C" drive, right-click on the free space and select "Delete Partitions".

The Expand Volume Wizard will open, allowing you to increase the size of simple or spanned volumes. Click the Next button. In the next window, you need to select the size by which you can increase the "C" drive. Next, click the “next” button and “ready”. And we see that there is more space on the C drive.

Next, you need to create new disk D. Right-click on "Unallocated", select "Create a new volume ..." > "Next", select the size of the disk "D" > "Next" > Select the drive letter, "Next" > "Next" > "Ready" .

Video how to increase disk C

Or a laptop, you can turn off sleep mode or install your favorite wallpapers on your desktop in a few clicks - even a novice user will not have any difficulties with this. Another thing is cleaning the system drive C, which tends to clog up and slow down the system at the most inopportune moment. How to free up some memory and speed up Windows - let's try to figure it out.

Manual cleaning

A user who does not want to look for the best and at the same time knows where to hard drives downloads are stored, unnecessary executable files and data left after uninstalling applications can be manually removed. It will take a little more time, but nothing really necessary will be lost, as often happens when the place is automatically freed from garbage.

Important: before deleting a particular file, it does not hurt to see how much it "weighs". Destroyed a hundred or two text documents, the user will free up a maximum of 300 megabytes on disk C - and this, taking into account the requests of modern software, will still not be enough for normal operation Windows.

To clean drive C manually, you need to follow a simple algorithm:

  • Open the "This PC" menu and, without going into the local drive C yet, go to the "Downloads" subsection located in the "Folders" section.
  • In the window that opens, familiarize yourself with the total number of files and their sizes.

  • If the C drive is full and you need to clean it urgently, call the drop-down menu near the “Size” column by hovering over its head with the mouse pointer and clicking on the downward-facing triangle, and mark only large amounts of data - for example, from 128 megabytes.

  • Or just sort by size from largest to smallest by clicking the left mouse button on the heading of the same column.

  • Find an unnecessary file, select it by pressing the right mouse button and select in context menu line "Delete" - or use the Delete key.

  • Confirm your intention to move the data to the "Basket" - if not done fine tuning Windows, it will not be completely and permanently removed yet.

  • To speed up the work, you can select several large files at once; looking at their size in the bottom line of the window, the user can easily remove them in the previously described way.

  • If you cannot open the Downloads directory, and the memory is still full, you will need to go to the system drive C.

  • Find the "Users" folder in the window that opens.

  • Select your account.

  • And find the required folder. Work with it should be in the previously given order.

  • The first step has been taken. Now the user needs to return to drive C, go to the "View" tab.

  • And check the box "Hidden items" - otherwise, some large files will not be cleared.

  • Entering the Windows directory, the user must.

  • Move down the page, find and open the Temp folder.

  • If you have not had to do this before and the owner of the computer or laptop for the first time encountered the fact that there is not enough space on the C drive, you will need to give permission on behalf of the administrator to work in the directory.

  • As a rule, large files are not stored in the specified folder. However, you can select them and delete them all - in the same way that was described earlier. You need to be prepared that some of the data cannot be cleared: they are used by the system and can only be destroyed after a reboot.

  • It often happens that after uninstalling unnecessary programs the same redundant files remain on the local disk. This is especially true for games that save user screenshots and progress data, graphic, video and audio editors. You can get rid of information that is not of value by once again finding yourself on drive C and sequentially visiting folders Program Files and Program Files (x86).

  • Delete files and folders that take up space on your computer. This should be done very carefully so as not to “hook” the necessary data: despite Microsoft’s declared concern for the user, some documents critical for Windows operation are still deleted in the normal mode, which means that the next successful system startup may not happen.

  • Visit and clean up other directories on the local C drive - for example, the Videos, Documents, Pictures, Music folders, and so on. It is highly not recommended, even if you need to free up space in the shortest possible time, to delete all subfolders indiscriminately: due to your haste, the user will most likely lose some important or vital files.

  • Now, having finished with the deletion of data in the "manual mode", you should open the "Trash".

  • Carefully review the files contained in it, ready for permanent deletion - and, if the necessary one is found, right-click on it and select the "Restore" item in the context menu.

  • Now by clicking on the "Empty Trash" button.

  • And having confirmed the firmness of his intentions, the owner of the computer will finally be able to clean the system hard drive from debris.

  • The process of permanently deleting files takes, depending on their number and total volume, from a couple of seconds to several hours. It will no longer be possible to restore them using regular methods - which means that you need to strain a little and spend a few minutes studying the list of contents of the "Basket".

"Disk Cleanup"

Most likely, the first method will not give a 100% result. The C drive, although it will no longer be full, is still full of unnecessary information - simply because no user can know exactly how Windows and third party applications plan to fill his computer with more and more files.

Take one more step towards optimizing the state hard drive You can use the built-in Disk Cleanup utility. It is quite fast, absolutely safe and handy program- to use it is no more difficult than to learn how or to flip the PC screen.

To go to "Disk Cleanup", you need:

  • Reopen the "This PC" menu, then right-click on drive C - or any other that you want to free up a bit, and select "Properties" from the context menu.

  • In the window that opens, click on the "Disk Cleanup" button located in the middle section. Here you can also see how much space on the media is free and already occupied - the corresponding information, accompanied by a pie chart, is to the left of the button.

  • Give Windows a few seconds to process the data.

  • And mark in the new window which types of files you want to delete.

  • If desired, the user can, by clicking on any of the categories, view the data contained in the folder - to do this, just click on the button of the same name in the same window.

  • Now, by clicking on the "OK" button and confirming the decision to free drive C from garbage.

  • The owner of a computer or laptop can wait a few seconds until the cleaning is completed.

  • As a rule, in the "soft" mode, it is impossible to get rid of more than one and a half gigabytes of unnecessary information. To switch to advanced, you should use the "Clean up system files" button.

  • Again, give Windows time to pre-collect information.

  • And, making sure that now you can clean up much more garbage, carefully and thoughtfully check off the extra groups of files. So, the user can, without any consequences for Windows Health Erase downloaded updates, logs, and Defender data.

  • But deleting the entire “Downloads” folder, unless you want to re-download gigabytes of information, is not worth it.

  • By clicking on the "OK" button and once again confirming the intention to clean the hard drive.

  • The user must spend a little more time until the system is done with deleting the data.

  • To save a little more minutes in the future, you can check the box "Compress this disk to save space."

  • And remove it - in the checkbox "Allow content to be indexed".

  • It remains to click on the "Apply" button, and then on "OK"; a user who has gone all the way to the end will make sure that there is noticeably more space on the local disk.


Ironically, hard drive defragmentation latest versions Windows, called optimization, allows not only to speed up the operation of the operating system, but also to free up several megabytes, or even gigabytes of free space. This possibility is connected with the “repackaging” of large files, accompanied by the removal of information garbage.

At the end of the process, you do not need to empty the Recycle Bin or restart your computer - you can continue working as usual. To simplify the task for the system, it is strongly not recommended to copy, move, delete, download and even open large files until the process is completed - while they are in use, they will not be defragmented.

To start defragmentation, you will need:

  • Already in a known way, open the "Properties" of drive C.

  • Go to the "Service" tab and click on the "Optimize" button.

  • In the list that opens, select the desired local disk by clicking the mouse (you can select several at once), click on the "Optimize" button.

  • And wait for the end of the process. It can take, depending on the size of the C drive, the speed of data movement, the number and total "weight" of fragmented files and a number of random factors, from several minutes to five to six hours.

  • In order not to spend so much time on cleaning disk C next time, you should enable scheduled defragmentation: click on the "Change settings" button, select the media to be optimized and set the frequency of maintenance.

  • The changes made will be displayed in the main optimization window. Although it is not recommended to do this, the owner of the computer can interrupt the process at any time using the Stop button.

Removing the paging file

The swap file is necessary to ensure the operation of relatively weak machines suffering from a lack of random access memory; it can take, depending on the choice of system or user settings, from one to several gigabytes. If the computer is new, powerful, and the user is not addicted to resource-eating games, the swap file can be safely deleted.

You can do this in the following way:

  • Open the “This PC” menu again and, without selecting drives and folders, click on the “Properties” icon located on the main tab at the top of the window.

  • Go to section " Extra options systems" to the left of the main section.

  • In the window that opens, switch to the "Advanced" tab and click on the "Options" button.

  • Go back to the "Advanced" tab.

  • And click on the only button "Change" placed there.

  • In the new window, the user must uncheck the top checkbox "Automatically select the size of the paging file."

  • Now the PC owner has the opportunity to set his own file size by entering the maximum and minimum allowable values ​​in megabytes in the "Specify partition" field.

  • Or completely abandon the swap file by marking the lowest field with a circle.

  • After reviewing the information about possible failures, the user must, if he has not changed his mind, click on the “Yes” button and apply the changes made - after rebooting, the space on drive C will become a little more.

Removing unwanted Windows programs and features

Applications, games and utilities windows utilities installed by default on the system hard drive. A user who has completed all levels or has ceased to be interested in computer graphics, creating music or cutting video clips, it is worth getting rid of extra programs ny products that waste space on the C drive.

You can remove programs that have become redundant as follows:

  • Open the "Control Panel" by clicking on the magnifying glass icon located in the lower left corner of the screen, entering the appropriate query in the search box and selecting the top one from the list of options found.

  • Find the “Programs” section in the window that opens and follow the link “Uninstall a program” contained in it.

  • Select the one you don't need from the list of programs.

  • And remove it by double-clicking on the title and going through the standard uninstall procedure.

  • At the end of the process, there will be more space on drive C - exactly as much as the application files occupied.

  • To make it easier for yourself, the owner of a computer or laptop can sort the applications in descending order of size by clicking on the heading in the corresponding column.

  • Next, go to the "View Installed Updates" tab.

  • The user should read the list very carefully and, having found something unnecessary, double-click on it with the left mouse button.

  • After confirming his decision and waiting for the command to be processed, the user will complete the deletion and be able to free up a few more megabytes on the C drive.

Important: as mentioned, regular tool uninstallation does not remove all files associated with the program.

You can improve the quality of cleaning drive C using third-party utilities - for example, the Uninstall Tool, which scans the application directories and the system registry after normal removal. Applying it is as simple as: a couple of mouse clicks - and there will be much less garbage on drive C.

Using special programs

If after all the above options, the computer remains crowded, it is worth trying one of the applications for cleaning the hard drive. Today, there are as many of them as you like in free access - paid and free, complex and simpler, having only one application and multifunctional.

One of the best software products, problem solving with garbage - Wise Care 365. With it, the user will be able to:

  • Conduct an initial check of unnecessary files, simultaneously identifying erroneous registry entries and problems with the security of personal data.

  • In the "Quick Cleanup" section of the "Cleanup" tab, find and clean up system junk and get rid of numerous history entries created by browsers.

  • In "Deep Cleaning" - scan the C drive and get rid of the data not found in the first two ways.

  • In "System Cleanup" - delete downloaded and already unnecessary update files, help files, and so on.

  • IN " Large files» - get a comprehensive understanding of the storage units that take up the most space on the local disk, and, of course, destroy them.

  • There is also the most convenient utility for defragmenting a computer, which completely replaces the standard one - and is just as effective in the fight for free space.

Transferring files

And, finally, the easiest and at the same time neglected by many way to clear drive C is to simply copy the user files stored on it to another medium: a removable HDD, flash drive or memory card.

Summing up

You can free up space on the C drive by deleting unnecessary files manually or using the Disk Cleanup utility. The user can disable the paging file and get rid of unnecessary programs and games. Third-party applications will also help - for example, the multifunctional program Wise Care 365.

Memory is one of the most valuable resources these days. It stores files and programs necessary for work, leisure and entertainment. In computers, storage media are hard drives and their more modern counterparts - solid state drives. The classic option for distributing space on any computer is to allocate space for the operating system, where all programs are also installed, and create partitions for storing photos, music, movies, and countless valuable documents for the user.

While using the computer system partition creates a large number various files, which are necessary for the normal working condition of the operating system and its components. Many of them have an expiration date, which, upon expiration, makes previously created files completely useless. They take up valuable space, gradually filling up free space on the system partition, wreaking havoc on the file system.

The issue of saving space in partitions by destroying unnecessary data is quite relevant at the moment, so there are special utilities, which can be finely tuned to maximize effective work. Disk cleanup can also be performed internally by the operating system, but first things first.

Method 1: CCleaner

Probably, there is no user who has not heard about this program. CCleaner is rightfully considered one of the simplest, but at the same time functional utilities for finding and deleting temporary and irrelevant files from the system. There are a number detailed settings, which will help to customize this product completely to the requirements of the user, performing all the necessary operations.

  1. The program has a paid free version. The latter is suitable for us, it has all the necessary functionality and is not limited in time of use. From the developer's official website, you need to download the installation file, double-click it and install it into the system following the installer's instructions.
  2. Open the program using the desktop shortcut. Set the Russian language for convenience, following the instructions in the screenshot below.
  3. Now go to the first tab of the program. On the left side of CCleaner, in both tabs, you need to configure items that need to be deleted during cleaning. The program has a competent Russian translation, even an inexperienced user will immediately figure out what needs to be cleared. By default, certain data is selected for deletion, that is, you can start cleaning right away. But it is recommended to carefully study each proposed option for the highest quality free space.

    After the configuration is done, you can click on the button "Analysis", the program will scan the data specified to it and show the exact size of the files it will delete. Do not be surprised if their size exceeds several gigabytes.

  4. CCleaner has a built-in tool for fixing errors in the system registry. This is at best to remove a few kilobytes of unnecessary information, however, it will fix incorrect file associations, errors in autoload and libraries, and check the health of services in the operating system. To search for errors in the registry, go to the second tab in the left panel of the program and at the bottom of the window, start the check by clicking on the button "Finding Problems".

    The program will check, it may take some time. After the end, the user will be presented with a list of problems found in the system. You can fix them with the button "Fix selected Issues".

    You will be prompted to back up the registry in case there are problems after the update. Confirm saving the copy.

    Choose a location to save the file. Its name will contain the date and exact time of creation backup.

    After creating a backup, you can fix the problems found with one button.

    The fix will also take certain time, depending on the number of records found. We recommend that you restart your computer after the fix is ​​complete.

  5. A large number of rarely used programs may be installed on the system. Removing them will significantly increase the amount of free space on the system disk, speed up computer boot and reduce the load on the OS.

    In the left menu, go to the tab "Service". A little to the right of this menu will appear a list of tools that will be useful to us in the future. The tool will be first on the list. "Remove Programs"- a fairly accurate copy of the standard utility in Windows environment, which will display a list of programs and components installed on the system. Find the software that you do not need on your computer, right-click on its name and select "Uninstall" then follow the instructions standard program removal. Repeat this action with each unnecessary program.

    After removing all unnecessary programs, it is advisable to carry out the cleaning described in paragraph 3.

  6. Surely the browser has a large number of add-ons and plug-ins that you very rarely use. Not only do they take up space on the system disk, they also significantly slow down the browser itself. Perform a general cleaning immediately with a tool "Browser Add-ons", which is slightly lower than the previous one. If several browsers are installed on the system, you can navigate between the list of their add-ons in the horizontal tabs.
  7. For a more visual study of the list of files that take up space on the system partition, you can use the utility "Disk Analysis". It allows you to check the types of files that we need to find on the disk.

    Scanning will take some time, after which the results will be displayed in the form of a simple diagram. In the list of categories, you can view the percentage of available files, their total size and number. If you select a specific category, a list of these files will be presented below in order of decreasing size - an ideal way to identify rascals who steal free space from the user. It is highly recommended to clean up temporary files before analyzing disks, which was described in paragraph 3 - the program finds a huge number of files that are currently in temporary folders and will soon be deleted. The information is correct but useless.

  8. After cleaning is completed, all temporary files of the operating system and programs installed on the computer will be deleted. They dominate, but using CCleaner You can free up even more space by removing duplicate files. The same files may appear if instead of being moved from one directory to another, the files were copied. It is useless to keep two copies of the same data, but they can take up a lot of space.

    Here you have to be careful. If identical files found in the directory of a program, then it is better to refrain from deleting so as not to disrupt the performance of the latter. Files that can definitely be deleted, select in turn with the left mouse button, clicking on the empty checkmarks to the left of the names, then in the lower right part of the program window, click "Delete Selected". Be careful - this action irreversibly.

  9. Forgotten and irrelevant restore points can take up a lot of space - the sizes can be literally tens of gigabytes (if you don’t know what restore points are and why they are needed, we recommend reading). With a tool "System Restore" check out the list of restore points. Unnecessary delete, leave 1-2, just in case. To delete, select unnecessary ones, then click on the button below "Delete".

Method 2: Manually Remove Junk Files

It is possible to free the system partition without third-party utilities. This method has both advantages and disadvantages, the details will be discussed below.

  1. A huge number of users store collections of music, movies and photos directly on the system partition. It is strongly not recommended to do this, because. when the operating system malfunctions, precious collections are at risk. Move them to the next partition, if it does not exist, partition the hard disk into sections of the required partition (study this material).

    Right-click on the folder containing large files, in the context menu that opens, select "Cut out".

    Then open another section, right-click on an empty space, in the context menu select "Insert".

    moving multimedia files significantly unload the system partition.

  2. How long have you been cleaning "Basket"? These files do not hang in the air, but are all on the same system partition, just in a different folder. final cleaning deleted files suddenly can add a gigabyte or two of free space.

    Right click on the trash can icon on your desktop and click on "Empty trash".
