Download apps for android 6. The most needed apps for Android

If you buy a smartphone based on the operating Android systems, then in any case you will receive a device with a certain set of applications. However, not all of them will be useful, and some important programs will not be on the device at all. In this collection, we want to talk about those utilities that you need to install first. Their presence on any smartphone can now be called virtually mandatory.

In the old days, a rare person installed on mobile phone additional programs. Usually the user thought about Opera Mini and ICQ, where his fantasy ended. But modern smartphones delight with hundreds of thousands of applications. Here, willy-nilly, you think about which of them you need to download after purchase. In this article, we will talk about the most useful applications for Android. You just have to click on the button leading to Google Play in order to install this or that program on your device.

Price: Free

Very useful application. But the effect of it can be seen only on older smartphones. Or on new ones, but having a minimal price tag and weak components. The essence of the program is to regularly unload applications from memory so that they do not consume battery power. Also, right from the main window of the utility, you can find out to what temperature the battery has warmed up. This is where management takes place. Bluetooth modules and WiFi.

In a word, Battery Doctor will increase the duration battery life. But you should not count on an incredible result - on average, the increase is no more than 5-10%. And it makes no sense to install this program on some Samsung Galaxy A5, which already has a well-implemented power saving mode.


  • Extends battery life;
  • Possibility to download for free;
  • The presence of a task manager widget;
  • Possibility to know about battery temperature.


Degree of usefulness: device dependent

360 Security

Price: Free

Now it is impossible to use a computer without some kind of antivirus. A similar program will also come in handy on a smartphone, especially if you have not asked the operator to block sending SMS messages to four-digit numbers. This product will prevent a malicious application from sending SMS without your knowledge, depleting your balance.

You need to download 360 Security not only for protection, but also to speed up your device. The fact is that a full-fledged optimizer is built into this utility, which tries to speed up the performance of the smartphone. Of course, this works best on inexpensive devices, as well as if too many applications are installed on it.

Finally, 360 Security allows you to find your device if it is lost or stolen. However, such a function is already built into the Android operating system - just not every user suspects its existence.


  • Good antivirus;
  • Help in finding a smartphone;
  • Optimizer with the possibility of automatic cleaning;
  • The interface is translated into Russian;
  • Distributed for free.


  • In some cases, the antivirus will be useless;
  • Optimization is not needed on new versions of Android.

Degree of usefulness: device dependent

Price: Free

The Internet is replete with a variety of interesting articles. After all, even now you are reading just such informational material. But often the process of reading with a browser is somewhat difficult. Advertising may interfere here, and the layout may not be intended for mobile device. In this case, the easiest way to use Pocket is to move the web page there.

Most desired applications for Android cannot but include Pocket. In fact, this is a service that contains various texts that you decide to save for later reading. The program requires registration, but then you can access articles from several devices at once. And you can save a web page even on a computer by providing the browser with the appropriate extension.

It should be noted that only text and pictures are displayed in Pocket - nothing more. This greatly simplifies the reading process. Also, a recommendation system is implemented here, but it works best so far only with English-language texts. What is important, the application developers do not require money and do not introduce annoying ads into their project.


  • The interface is translated into Russian;
  • Easy reading articles;
  • Using the program without access to the Internet;
  • Access to texts from different devices;
  • Distributed for free.

Price: Free

Doing without cloud storage is very difficult now. The easiest way is to store photos in it, so that you can then access them from different devices. Yes, and transferring files from a computer to a smartphone or vice versa is much easier this way. We recommend using the Dropbox service as a "cloud". His application has the most thoughtful interface. The program can automatically upload just taken photos to the cloud storage. And it also provides access to the "cloud" to some other utilities. For example, this can save the database of your coin collection, which you maintain through a special application.

The disadvantage of Dropbox is the minimum amount of storage offered for free. Some competitors provide much more space on their servers. Therefore, you can still think about installing the Google Drive or Yandex.Disk applications. But it should be remembered that a much smaller number of third-party programs work with these services.


  • Distributed free of charge;
  • The interface is translated into Russian;
  • Automatic sending of photos;
  • Integration into some other applications;
  • Convenient use.


  • Not a lot of space is provided for free.

Degree of usefulness: mandatory to install

Price: Free

If Pocket saves ready-made articles, then Evernote is a kind of "cloud" notepad. You can save the notes you need in it. In the future, you will get access to view and edit them from any platform where you install Evernote - it can be Android, iOS, and even Windows phone. The corresponding program is also available on the PC. The creators also offer to use their site, in which case you only need a browser, and this opens up the possibility of taking notes even on outdated platforms.

All notes can be divided into separate notebooks, which act here as folders. Evernote is free to download and use. However, every month the creators give you a strictly limited space on their servers. If you want to create notes with many photos, you will have to issue an annual paid subscription. And it is very expensive!


  • The interface is translated into Russian;
  • Distributed free of charge;
  • View your notes on different devices;
  • Offline viewing of recordings (paid subscription required).


  • Not the richest text design options;
  • Notes with photos require a paid subscription.

Degree of usefulness: depends on lifestyle


Price: Free

Each smartphone has a standard player created by the manufacturer of the device. But most of the time it is not enough. In this case, irreplaceable video players come to the rescue. For example, you can download and install KMPlayer as it. It is capable of playing video content of any format - even .flv, which many other video players do not recognize, will not interfere.

The application is able to provide a background playback function. This allows you to read some magazine saved in .pdf format, from time to time being distracted by events in a series or movie. Previously, this could only be achieved through the use of several gadgets - for example, a tablet and a TV.

You can also consider installing other video players. In particular, they perform well MX Player And BSPlayer. Ours, which contains a corresponding comparison, will help you make your choice.


  • The interface is translated into Russian;
  • Distributed free of charge;
  • Background playback;
  • No problems with AC3 audio codec;
  • Ability to create playlists.


  • Playback issues on some devices.

Degree of usefulness: mandatory to install

Price: Free

Do not listen to those people who say that a modern smartphone or tablet can do without a file manager. No, someday such a utility will definitely be needed. And it will be better if it is already in the device's memory. There are now a large number file managers, we even wrote about the best of them. Theoretically, you can install any of these utilities. But if you are going to use it often, then it is better to pay attention to ES File Explorer.

This program is developed by ES Global and is regularly updated. Now it includes a very rich functionality. The creators even introduced support for themes! The utility allows you to instantly go to the Downloads, Videos, Music or Pictures folders. And in a separate tab is all file system devices - experienced users should be interested in this. The application also boasts a built-in archiver, FTP client, cloud storage support and some other useful features.


  • Work with cloud storages and FTP protocol;
  • The interface is translated into Russian;
  • Support for themes;
  • Distributed free of charge;
  • With help this application you can easily get directions. You can also view panoramas here. Otherwise, it's typical navigation program. You can only regret the lack of the ability to download maps for subsequent offline navigation. More precisely, such a function is present here, but only for maps of the most popular Russian cities. By the way, in a separate article you can get acquainted with other navigation applications.


    • Detailed maps of most Russian settlements;
    • Distributed free of charge;
    • Russian-language interface;
    • A large number of POI points;
    • View panoramas;
    • Support for Yandex.Traffic.


    • Difficulties with offline use.

    Degree of usefulness: mandatory to install

    What are the most needed Android apps?

    Perhaps, we have mentioned almost all the most necessary applications. But we deliberately forgot about instant messengers. The fact is that each owner of an Android-based device prefers his messenger, and therefore we do not undertake to recommend a specific one.

    We recommend immediately after purchasing a smartphone to install such necessary programs for android like Yandex maps And KMPlayer. The degree to which you need to download the rest of the applications discussed today depends on your way of using your smartphone and its specific model.

It would seem that summer is the time for rest, but it is not. The developers are working hard and continue to delight us every week with new interesting applications which will surely benefit many people. This is evidenced by 5 the best programs weeks below.

HTC devices have always stood out from the competition thanks to the branded shell for Android. Together with the new generation of devices, the Taiwanese company has always represented new version HTC Sense. With the release of HTC 10, the company has not changed the tradition, but managed to please everyone again Android users- for devices from other manufacturers.

From now on, the owners of all devices under Android control 4.4 KitKat or higher can use the launcher from the proprietary HTC Sense shell. Application changes appearance home screen of your device, providing interesting features. Main Feature Programs is a function thanks to which any object in the background image can be set to launch a specific application.

Following HTC, Asus also shared their branded skins with the world. From now on, every owner of a device running Android 4.3 or higher can download Asus ZenUI Launcher for free. The developers are positioning the new application as a launcher with advanced features for easy use. The creators have relied on the functionality of their program.

The user will be able to choose one of the many themes, a certain type of folders or effects through the application settings. You will also be given the opportunity to choose the option for displaying application shortcuts: on the main screen or through a kind of Start menu. An interesting feature is the function of smart grouping of applications by function: when activated, the program will automatically combine instant messengers into one folder, games into another, social media to the third and so on. By using " Quick Search» you will be able to find information from all over your phone, be it contacts, Google search, or a note to your photo in the gallery.

Every person over 5 years old has some business and responsibilities, which are sometimes too much. In such cases, they need to be written down in the organizer, but even this is often not enough, because really important tasks are lost between insignificant ones. Scientists believe that a person perceives better information that is in every way distinguished from others.

The developers of the Daily Plans application created their program on this basis. With this organizer, you can not only quickly and conveniently create notes and shopping lists, but also highlight them. The application was created primarily for ease of use, because a large number of fonts, background colors, various cards and themes for them will allow you to separate important tasks from unimportant ones. Daily Plans is distributed free of charge in two versions: for smartphones and tablets. The only drawback of the program is the lack of synchronization between devices.

Every smartphone has a camera, and if you bought your device in the last two years, then you can certainly take pretty good photos. However, it is unlikely that you will be able to create a masterpiece without applying post-processing if you are not fond of taking photos. In truth, even professional photographers process their images in different ways. graphic editors.

Toolwiz Photos at first glance is a standard inconspicuous photo editor that provides the most common functions: photo cropping, color correction functions (changing brightness, contrast, warmth, etc.) and filters. However, with a longer study, it turns out that the application has interesting features that have not been seen in mobile photo editors before. Among all, it is worth noting the “Mixer” function, which allows you to combine two photos (screenshot 7); "Picture in frame", which allows you to highlight the main points in the photo in an original way, and blur the rest (screenshot 3); "Face Rating", which allows you to determine the most beautiful face in one or more photos thanks to artificial intelligence(screenshot 2).

The developers of the Android operating system do not always provide users with the most convenient solutions compared to competitive platforms. I think every smartphone owner receives countless notifications every day from various applications, including messengers. To reply to the message shown in the notification, you need to open the messenger, which will close the active application.

Surely, many have come across such an uncomfortable situation when playing a game or watching a video, when suddenly a message arrives that needs to be answered. With the Notifly program, you can reply to messages directly from notifications: you just need to enter text in a special field below it and click on the "Send" button. At the moment, the application supports all popular services, including VK, WhatsApp, Telegram, Skype, Twitter and others.

  1. To start downloading the installation file, click on the blue button "Download from server" located just above.
  2. After that, the server will prepare and check the installation file for viruses.
  3. If the file is not infected and everything is fine with it, a gray “Download” button will appear.
  4. By clicking on the "Download" button, the file will be downloaded to your computer.

We do not ask you to go through a tedious registration process or send any SMS for confirmation. Just download and enjoy =)

How to Install Android 6.0 Marshmallow for Android

To install the program, follow the simple instructions that apply to most programs.

  1. Run the downloaded file by double-clicking on it. All installation files are taken from the official websites of the developers.Last update date android file 6.0 Marshmallow version 6.0 was January 10, 2017 at 15:59.
  2. Accept the license agreement in the window that appears. Also check out license agreement You can also visit the official website of the program developer.
  3. Select the required components you wish to install. Clear the checkboxes that may be required to install additional programs.
  4. Select a folder on your computer where you want to install the program. In most cases, the program automatically selects a folder, for example, in Windows it is C:\Program Files\
  5. Finally, the program's installation manager may offer to create a "Desktop Shortcut" or "Start Menu Folder".
  6. Then the installation process will begin. After completion, the installation manager may ask you to restart your computer for the program to work more correctly.

This year, the company has already shown the 6th version of its Android mobile operating system. She received the name Marshmallow. This is how the very M stands for, about which fans have been speculating and betting all summer. Despite the fact that this is not 5.2, but a whole 6.0, there are much fewer new features and noticeable updates than it was in 5. But this is not surprising, because 5 set a new direction, and 6 simply strengthens its position. So, what's new in Zephyrinka?

Google Now on Tap

This is probably main function, which the creators boasted and the fans were waiting for. It analyzes the contents of your screen at a particular moment and offers interesting features. If you're browsing the latest movies in the app, Now on Tap will show you a list of upcoming shows. Listening to music, you can get comprehensive information about the artist, and talking in the messenger about a particular restaurant, you can book a table or call it. Thus, Google knows even more about you, but uses it only for your own benefit.

Support for new standards and technologies

Here it is worth mentioning two innovations at once. Fingerprint sensors brought to market by Apple and USB Type-C that everyone has been talking about for a long time. Many companies, including Samsung, have already installed fingerprint sensors in their devices, but they used their own developments, now this function is native, that is, any manufacturer can add a sensor to their smartphone and not create special software for this. USB Type-C is a new standard that will finally save everyone from the problem of an inverted cable. Now the cord can be inserted in either direction and not waste precious time. It will take at least a year for this technology to become mainstream, but Google's attention speaks volumes.

Setting Application Permissions

Surely, many users, when installing new applications, wondered why a particular program needs so much access to personal data or individual smartphone functions. If access to the camera of the application for creating a photo can be explained, then the permission to view SMS for the next game looks rather strange. Now any user can control which functions each of the applications installed on his mobile device will have access to.

Doze - another step towards efficient energy saving

The new Power Saving Mode makes smart use of your battery. The smartphone understands when you are not using it, and, to the maximum, turns off everything background processes. Due to their inactivity, basically, the charge is saved.

Embedded Chrome

This innovation will appeal to both developers and fans Chrome browser. So, the creators of applications that need to open web pages will no longer have to embed or create third-party solutions. This role will be played by the browser from Google. In addition, it will integrate well, and the user will not even notice when, in fact, a web page is open, and when the content of the application itself is on the screen.

New features for working with a memory card

Google, like Apple, actively fought against memory cards, but at some point stopped and reached the point that now on any device running Android 6 Marshmallow you can use a memory card as a system volume. This useful feature for those who do not have devices with a large amount of internal memory.

Android Pay, improved text tools, themes and more

Launches with Android 6 payment system Android Pay, which, unfortunately, is not yet available with us. For those who often copy, cut and paste text, the developers have simplified this process a bit by adding context menu with commands right above the highlighted text. Also in the settings, users can choose a dark or light theme for the OS. Smartphones running Marshmallow can now act as chargers for other devices. Now finally users can do backups systems without the help of third-party applications.

It's safe to say that Marshmallow is a quality update for the Android operating system that simply improves the user experience, but does not bring radically new features. And rightly so, given that the global update took place just a year ago.

Now update and install the operating system of your smartphone or tablet up to latest version became even easier. Now to install new firmware, just download Android 6.0 from our website, follow the instructions from the downloaded archive, download and install the application on your smartphone or tablet with operating system Android.
