Download the Gothic clock widget. Desktop clock

The Clock widget is a simple technical gadget for the Windows operating system that allows you to monitor your local time. However, ordinary users do not always have a clear opinion about such tools. For some, this is a necessary addition to the desktop, for others it is a useless trinket that takes up free space. This article is dedicated to those who are used to always keeping track of time.

Desktop Clock widget for Windows 10

One of the popular functional Windows features 7 was the presence of desktop gadgets (or widgets). In addition to several already built-in extensions, the system supported the installation of additional widgets from the Internet, which made it possible to rationally configure the workspace.

Windows 10 from Microsoft is the same as previous Windows 8, again upset users with the lack of such a widget panel.

  • According to the OS developers themselves, the decision to completely abandon the usual system of gadgets was influenced by several global reasons, namely:
  • uselessness of the function. One of the main ways to develop the new OS was the rebranding of the design, where this kind of extension was simply not included conceptually;

security of users' personal data. However, this point is controversial. It is difficult to even imagine that such an insignificant extension of the operating system as a widget can harm the user's security.

In the new Windows OS (version 8/10), desktop widgets were replaced by dynamic tiles, which to some extent were supposed to replace them. For example, the “Alarms and Clocks” application tile has even more functionality than the “Clock” gadget in Windows 7. The situation is similar with other dynamic tiles. However, the problem with all the available tiles is that none of them can be placed on the desktop, unlike the same widgets. To find out the necessary information, you constantly need to go to the Start menu.

Not all users are happy with this situation. For their sake, third-party software developers tried to return the function of desktop widgets to modern operating systems. Let's look at the most popular programs that can complement Windows 10 with the necessary Clock widget.

Popular Clock widget programs for Windows 10

There are a sufficient number of programs on the Internet for installing Clock widgets for the Windows 10 operating system. The most popular of them are the following three.

Gadgets Revived

Second title Windows programs Desktop Gadgets. Its main task is to return popular widgets to new system from Microsoft. The only minor difference will be a slightly modified tool interface (to match the Windows 10 style). The program installation algorithm is as follows:

In addition to the Clock widget, the following are also available here:

Gadgets Revived will not only add a “Gadgets” menu, but also place widget management access in “Personalization” (right mouse button on the desktop), and also add a corresponding sub-item to the “View” menu.

Video: How to add a widget to your desktop using Gadgets Revived


Missed Features Installer 10 (MFI10) is a popular software extension for returning the familiar gadget system to Windows 10.

MFI10 is the image ISO disk(to open it you will need a CD/DVD drive emulator program, for example, Daemon Tools), about one and a half gigabytes in size. Since the program cannot currently be downloaded from the developer’s official website, you will have to use any available search engine.

After downloading the ISO image, you need to open it and mount it on your computer. To do this, you will need a CD/DVD drive emulator program, for example, Daemon Tools.

The window that opens will display a list of all files on the virtual disk:

  1. Run MFI10.exe.

    If the autorun of the image does not work, it can be found in the “This computer” tab

  2. After acceptance license agreement(the program is distributed free of charge), a menu of application components available for installation will appear. The Gadgets item is responsible for installing all desktop widgets for Windows 10.

    Despite the English language of the program installation interface, the desktop widgets themselves will be in Russian

  3. After selecting the Gadgets installation, the required “Desktop Gadgets” section will be added to the “Control Panel”.

    If the required item does not appear, you should reinstall the MFI10 program


A relative disadvantage of 8GadgetPack is the incomplete translation of the program into Russian. You can download the utility from the official website of the developer.

On the developers website at English language, but using the corresponding images shows in detail the installation process of the program

The undoubted advantage of the program, in comparison with the previous ones, is its more advanced functionality. As a result of installing 8GadgetsPack, not only several types of clocks, weather, calendars will be available, but also widgets for tracking the necessary information about the state of the PC (resource consumption, active processes, temperature, etc.). Open full list widgets can also be used using the context menu by clicking right click

mouse on the desktop and selecting “Gadgets”.

A distinctive feature of the program is the variety of widgets

Another distinctive feature of the program is the significant variety of possible settings for widgets. A special panel opens either through the interface of the application itself or through the Start menu.

The menu is entirely in English, which can be a little difficult to use

  • Since the configuration menu does not support the Russian language, let’s briefly look at its items:
  • Add gadget - installing new widgets on the desktop and deleting them;
  • Disable Autorun - disable autorun of widgets when Windows boots;
  • Make gadgets larger - scaling desktop widgets. This is most relevant for monitors with high screen resolutions;
  • Disable Win+G for gadgets - deactivates the widget panel call by pressing the Win + G key combination. Sometimes this combination is simultaneously responsible for the process of recording video from the monitor screen;
  • Visit Website - visit the developer's website to check for program updates;
  • Reset all gadgets - resets the settings of all available widgets (returns everything to default);

Uninstall - removes the 8GadgetPack program and all accompanying widgets.

Video: How to add a widget to your desktop using 8GadgetPack

Other programs

The list of programs for adding the “Clock” widget and others is not limited to those listed above. Therefore, we will give a couple of examples of less popular programs.

Digital Clock It is a widget for an electronic clock. A special feature of the program is that it has a wide range of settings, so Digital Clock can be easily customized to suit you. To do this, after installation you need to go to the program section " Digital Settings

A wide range of program settings will allow you not only to change its appearance, but also to choose the optimal functionality

In addition to general settings the program also has a “Plugins” tab, where you can select the following components:

  • scheduler;
  • alarm and reminder;
  • transparent variable;
  • date setting;
  • system shutdown;
  • setting an alarm every hour;
  • quick note;
  • moving clock on the monitor screen.

Desktop Clock Plus-7

If you are a supporter of the classics, then this program exactly what is needed. It adds an analog clock widget to your desktop. The program exists in two versions. Its free version contains all the basic clock settings (widget size, moving around the desktop, enabling/disabling the second hand, pinning the clock to all windows, autostart with the operating system).

IN free version All basic widget settings are available in the program

The paid version of the program has a number of additional options: You can enable display of the current date, change the design of the clock, etc. In general, the free version will be sufficient.

Where can I find Clock widgets with different designs?

There are a large number of thematic sites on the Internet for adding various kinds of widgets, including “Clocks,” to Window 10. Some users like to change their appearance every day or from time to time. Therefore, here is a small list of sites from which you can download dozens of different designs.

In the corresponding section of the site you can find more than a hundred design options for the “Clock” widget. Having chosen the one you like, you just need to click on the “Download gadget” button and save the .gadget format file to any folder on your computer.

Each widget design option has detailed information about him

After downloading, you need to run the instant installation file, and then find and attach the new “Clock” widget on Windows 10 to any of the popular programs (Gadgets Revived, MFI10, 8GadgetPack) by simply selecting it from the list of available ones.

Similar to the previous site, in a special section you can choose from more than two hundred design options for the “Clock” widget.

Despite the small number of different designs for the Clock widget, the site has a convenient navigation system. All files are downloaded in .gadget format and added to your desktop thanks to third party programs following the example of Gadgets Revived.

Thanks to special programs third party developers regular users capable of returning to tenth Windows version missing gadget system, including a simple Clock widget. Moreover, the most picky users of the Gadgets Revived or MFI10 programs provide not only the opportunity to install standard widgets, but also add ones downloaded from the Internet.

The digital clock gadget category for Windows 7 and 8 invites the user to install a clock gadget on the computer desktop. If you are not a fan of the classics, but on the contrary prefer everything in the Hi-Tech style, then a digital clock gadget for your desktop is what you need. Compact and large in size, as well as different in design style and color, watch gadgets will satisfy the taste preferences of even the most fastidious users.

For those who are not a fan of traditional analog watch faces, we are ready to offer current solution– digital clock for work Windows table 7. Large, clear numbers, nice colors, clear shapes, the ability to set the 12-hour or 24-hour format at the user’s request - these and many other convenient and pleasant options are contained in the mini-applications for the seventh version of Windows OS, which we have collected for you in our virtual catalogue.

After studying the range of offers, you can choose a widget that will best suit your goals, interests and preferences:
compact or large in size, the numbers on which can be seen from a considerable distance;
bright or made in subdued colors;
classic or executed in an original design format, for example, in the form of a barcode, the numbers on which indicate the time;
showing time accurate to minutes or seconds;
with or without date;
monofunctional or supplemented with other comfortable and necessary options.

The last variety should be discussed in more detail. So, for example, having decided to download a Windows 7 desktop clock on our website, you get the opportunity to select a mini-application with the information:
about the weather;
about the processor load and random access memory;
about the stability of Wi-Fi connection;
about working hours computer device since the last time it was turned on and other data.

For advanced polyglots, we offer Windows watches with support for several languages ​​- English, German, Russian. For those who like to constantly change pictures on their desktop, there are gadgets with several dials of different designs. For those who still can’t decide on their own preferences, we have chosen programs that contain both digital and analog clocks. And for those in whose life there is always a place for humor, we recommend paying attention to the funny dials, at one glance you will not be able to contain your smile.

Some widgets have an alarm clock, a calendar and other options that will make your rhythm and lifestyle more orderly, comfortable, enjoyable and convenient, combining the functions of several devices and devices.

In addition, our gadgets are easy to install and manage; if necessary, they can be easily removed from the desktop and replaced with new ones, take up very little space, do not destabilize the operation of the computer device, are aesthetically pleasing and attractive, sophisticated and elegant.

Windows 7 desktop clock: price issue

Most users, having stumbled upon an interesting or even the desired program, thinks something like this: “It wouldn’t hurt me, but I’m not ready to pay money for it.” So, we hasten to inform you: on our website you can download a clock for your Windows 7 desktop completely free of charge, without registering, without sending your personal data and without wasting time waiting for an SMS message.

The section's catalog presents complete, modern and stylish watches for Windows 7, adapted to the requirements and wishes of most users, and you can download them in any quantity. You can load at least three dozen mini-applications into your computer’s memory - one for each day of the month, and change them daily. Then your desktop will delight you with something fresh and unusual every morning.

Or you can pick up a single clock for your Windows 7 desktop, download the gadget directly from our online catalog and use it until you get bored. And then come back to us again for something new.

In addition to digital watches, the site presents a wide range of other programs and applications with different functions and capabilities, which, moreover, is regularly updated, expanded and structured. Here you will find news, entertainment, educational, music, information and other areas. It is these small and easy-to-install and operate utilities that can make working with your electronic device from a boring everyday routine into an unforgettable pleasure, making it not only pleasant and comfortable, but also as efficient and effective as possible.

Come in at any convenient time - we are always happy to see you and will provide any possible assistance in choosing and obtaining the gadget you need or simply like. And if the digital clock for Windows 7 that you downloaded from our website fully met your hopes and expectations, do not forget to leave a review - we will be pleased, and will also allow us to make the necessary adjustments to the operation of the resource.

Having upgraded to Windows 10, many users experience inconvenience due to the fact that the “top ten” does not have the usual gadgets. Like a clock, a calendar on your desktop, etc. Don’t despair and be sad about this. On our portal you can download the clock to your desktop and always have at hand a tool that shows the exact time when the computer is turned on. Of course, the function itself is in the OS - everything is also in the lower right corner, only in a new interface. It looks like this:

But many people want a gadget that can be moved anywhere on the screen. And such a solution exists.

Officially, the top ten does not allow the installation of any of these gadgets. The developers intended that users would use the app tiles they designed. But today such a problem is not so relevant, since on our website you can easily download a clock to the desktop for your Windows 10 and as a result you will get quite familiar functionality from it. You can do the same with the start button, returning it to its usual appearance using this program.

How to install clocks or other gadgets for Windows 10

Many people don’t like the fact that familiar gadgets or some individual components are missing from the updated operating system from Microsoft. To eliminate this drawback, you should use a package of components for new Windows 10, called MFI10 for short.

With the help of such a package, you can get not only a time tool, but also some other favorite gadget with the old OS. Moreover, all these applications work in Russian! And also have the same simple and clear interface management, as before and of course, supports transparency just as it did in the seven or eight.

Analogues of old gadgets in Windows 10

We have put together an analogy for each tool to make it more convenient for you:

  • Simple system data – provides information about the calendar, time and current date;
  • Virus blue – shows temperature and other processor parameters;
  • Rockstar extras – will also tell you about the processor temperature, its load level, and also transmits information about the video card;
  • Acu Weather mini is an application that allows you to track the weather in a specific place;
  • Trush dump is a very original program for Windows 10, thanks to which you can change the appearance of the recycle bin.

To make it possible to find out the time in the new OS without going close to the monitor, try downloading the clock to your desktop from our portal. This gadget will allow you to get a more familiar look to your new operating system.


The clock icon is available in all versions of the Windows operating system. Standard, it is not always convenient to view, especially if the user has vision problems. But at any time you can set the picture you like with the image of a clock. Windows Features allow you to do this within a few seconds. The seventh version of the operating system is especially convenient in this regard.

The remarkable thing about Windows 7 is that in its settings there is already a small supply of various gadget applications with a clock image. To install them on your computer, you need to right-click anywhere on the desktop. Then in the window that opens, select “Gadgets”. Open it and go to the “Clock” section by double-clicking on the corresponding icon.

After this, an additional clock icon will appear on your desktop. If the default image option does not suit you, replace it with a more suitable one. To do this, move your mouse to the image of the clock, click on the wrench that appears on the right and go to the “Options” section. Here you can set the basic settings of this element and change the picture. To do this, click one by one on the side arrows in the gadget window and select the image you like.

If the options presented by Windows 7 do not suit you, you can use an online search on the Russified Microsoft website or on any other Internet service. For example, a lot useful programs, including for installing a clock image on the desktop, is available on the Softportal website. Open the page at the address below, select the application you like, download and install it on your computer. Launch the program and use it.

Video on the topic


  • Softportal
  • set clock to desktop

Nowadays, many different watch models have been created. Perhaps some people are so frightened by how certain mechanisms work that even they are a problem. But all clocks now work on approximately the same principle. So far they are classified mainly into two types - mechanical and electronic. Let's remember how to set the time on such a watch.



On mechanical watches there is always a special “wheel” with which it is installed. If this is a manual mechanical watch, then pull it out a little and turn the hands clockwise to the numbers you need. If the clock shows seconds, then you can set the time more accurately using either a TV, that is, synchronize your clock with the clock of the radio station, for this you need to wait for the announcement. After the desired time has been selected, the “wheel” must be inserted back exactly at the moment the time signal is transmitted.


Many people think that setting the time on an electronic watch is like figuring out a computer. In fact, such devices have a special menu and you can set the time in it. You just need a button that is responsible for the time, and press it, following the instructions from. Usually, when you press a button that is responsible for the time, the numbers start flashing, then it’s time to start. You need to press a button, and the numbers will sequentially replace each other, set the time and press the special button again (see the instructions), fix it.


Pull the wheel towards you until you hear a slight click. Don't force yourself, do everything carefully.

Rotate the wheel to set the exact time.

Push the wheel back into the groove by lightly pressing it. Do not move the arrows.

If necessary, wind the clock mechanism. To do this, quickly and carefully rotate the same wheel to the side, without needing to remove it from the groove. Please note that you do not need to start it until the spring is fully stretched; 6–8 partial turns are enough.

Conventional electronic watches have two standard buttons: a menu button and a status change button. Press one button - the number expressing the hour begins to blink. Use the second button to increase/decrease this value.

If your watch has more buttons, use the instructions. But most likely, two of them will be for calling the menu and changing the value, and the rest, for example, for calling , month and year (which can also be changed), for starting the stopwatch, and so on.
Again, if there are instructions, you will be able to configure all available options.


Mode - switches to a stopwatch - then to an alarm clock... ... in alarm mode Start - adds one to the counter, Reset - switches the counters between hours - minutes... Mode - returns to clock mode again...

Helpful advice

The date is set in the same way as the time, and the stopwatch most often does not need settings. There are electronic watches that have a range of additional functions. In order to decide on them, you must first figure out how to set the date and time on the watch and then deal with the other functions.


Many personal computer users are thinking about displaying a clock on the desktop, because... Looking at the time on a small clock that is located in the system tray is at least inconvenient. In addition, by walking past the computer and looking at the monitor, you can find out what time it is.

You will need


If you are using operating systems Windows Vista or Windows Seven, you can use the clock that is in the gadget library. To open this panel, right-click on free space desktop, in the window that opens, select the gadget " Watch" To place a clock on your desktop, right-click on the clock face and select “Add.” You can also simply drag this clock onto your desktop by grabbing it with the left mouse button.

As soon as the long-awaited clock appears on your desktop, you can customize it. This gadget includes 8 clock display options; you can choose a clock with a second hand. Change the watch face display settings to suit your needs. You can place several clocks on your desktop and give them different names, such as “London”, “Paris” and “New York”. You can remove the clock image from your desktop in the same way: open the gadget library and transfer it back.

If you're using Windows XP or other operating systems that predate Windows XP, try creating a creative clock using the Desktop Clock program. This utility has the following operating principle: instead of the usual clock, you get a non-standard display of an analog clock on the desktop (desktop shortcuts are grouped into arrows). So you end up with a watch made up of shortcuts.

After starting the program, the main window will open, go to the “Chronometer” tab and click the “Enable” button. A clock will work on the desktop, which will be accompanied by walkers. Of course, the usual arrangement of shortcuts will be confused, but this is where the creativity of this program lies.

In the program settings you can set your own values, because... one user will have fewer shortcuts, while another user may have twice as many.

Video on the topic

Any watch can stop - mechanical and quartz, and electronic. But it is not always possible to navigate by the heavenly bodies, and even then only approximately. So, how can you find out more precisely how much?

You will need

  • - telephone;
  • - computer or communicator;
  • - Internet connection;
  • - radio or TV.


Call landline phone to the exact time service of your city. An answering machine will tell you the information. The service is free and available. The number for this service can be found in the telephone directory. You can also make a call to this number from your telephone. In this case, the connection will be paid according to your tariff plan.

Make a call to someone you know (if telephone service you don’t have it or you don’t want to go there). Apologize, briefly explain your situation and ask what time it is. If you behave correctly, your friend will willingly give you information for free. Minus this method is that the information obtained is often approximate. Moreover, it is not advisable to ask such questions at night. Awakened people tend to exaggerate in anger, and friendships can end.

Establish an Internet connection. Go to any website that shows the exact time. On similar sites you can find out the current time not only in your area, but also in any other city. To do this, just enter the name of the one you are interested in settlement in the request field.

Turn on the radio. Most radio stations regularly inform their listeners of the current time with varying degrees of accuracy. If the degree of accuracy of the selected one does not suit you, switch to another wave.

Turn on the TV. TV screensavers showing the exact time, as a rule, precede news releases. But also TV channels that constantly show informers with the exact current time. Look for them on air.

Go out of your apartment onto the street and ask what time it is from one of the passers-by. Be extremely polite and friendly. When you receive an answer, thank them. The information may or may not be accurate.

Go to someone you know at home and find out the current time with them if you haven’t met any passers-by or are simply afraid of strangers. This method safe and suitable for visits time days. At night, such treatment can end in disaster. Awakened man current time He will probably tell you, but very approximately. In this case, the possibility of brute physical force cannot be ruled out.

Video on the topic


  • Yandex. Time in 2018

To Moscow time all regions are oriented. Geographically, it is located in the third time zone from Greenwich. Due to the extension of our country from west to east, all regions are divided into 9 time zones: Kaliningrad, Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Omsk, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Yakutsk, Vladivostok and Magadan.


Until 2011, there was a transition to winter time. Now it has been abolished, and throughout the country it’s the same thing all year round. time. If you are going on a long journey across the vast expanses of our country, take care to change the hands of your watch when crossing zones. Then you won’t get confused and will be on time everywhere. time.

Turn on any radio station, for example, “Mayak”. It provides accurate information hourly time in Moscow. If you live in a remote country, find out what time zone you have. Next, perform primitive arithmetic operations, and you can easily find out what it is now time in Moscow.

Knowing exactly what will allow you to time come to various meetings and business meetings, which will certainly have a positive impact on your reputation. Always carry a watch with you. They will not only inform you about the current time, but will also give you appearance more solidity and confidence. Under no circumstances should you use your mobile phone in public to find out what time it is. This may give some people a negative impression of you, which will then be extremely difficult to change.

Every evening all central TV channels broadcast the final results. At the very beginning of the release, having seen the graphic splash screen in the form of a clock, you can find out the exact Moscow time. If you want to know the exact time, synchronize the clock on your personal computer with a server on the Internet. Then at any time time day and night, just by turning on the computer, you can immediately find out time in Moscow.


  • how to find out what time it is

The taskbar on the Desktop helps speed up the user's access to various computer resources. In addition, it is quite informative. The developers have provided for many needs that may arise during the work process. Along with other icons in the notification area, there is a clock on the taskbar. If they are not working as expected, you can correct the time display in a few steps.


If you don't see the clock on the taskbar, set it to appear. Through the “Start” menu, call up “Control Panel”, in the “Appearance and Themes” category, select the “Taskbar and Start Menu” icon. Another way: right-click on any free space on the taskbar and select “Properties” from the drop-down menu. A new dialog box will open.

In the dialog box that opens, go to the “Taskbar” tab and select the “Show clock” field in the “Notification Area” group. Click on the “Apply” button for the new settings to take effect, and close the taskbar properties window by clicking on the OK button or the [x] icon in the upper right corner of the window.

Call the Date and time" To do this, double-click with the left mouse button on the clock icon in the notification area on the taskbar. Another option: via the Start menu, open Control Panel and select “Date, time, Language and Regional Options" Date and time", clicking on it with the left mouse button.

In order to fix time displayed on the watch face in the Properties: Date and time» open the “Date and time" In the right part of the window, double-click the left mouse button to select the hours, minutes or seconds field and enter the value you need. Click on the "Apply" button.

To keep the clock on your computer aligned with the time displayed on the Internet, go to the Internet Time tab. In the “Synchronize with an Internet time server” field, check the box. Select the server whose time your computer should check against and click on the “Update Now” button.

Wait for the synchronization operation to complete. If it was successful, once a week time your computer clock will be checked against the time on the Internet. Synchronization is only possible when your computer is connected to the Internet.

On the Time Zone tab, use the drop-down list to specify your time zone. The data in the drop-down list is focused on GTM (Greenwich Mean Time), that is, on time meridian, passing where the Royal Observatory Greenwich used to be located. After selecting the desired time zone, click on the “Apply” button.

On the same tab, pay attention to the “Automatic changeover to daylight saving” field. time and back". The marker in the specified field allows the computer to independently add one hour to the current time (or subtract it) on certain days of the year. Since the territory Russian Federation switch to daylight saving time was canceled, the need for this function disappeared. Remove the marker from the field and click on the “Apply” button.

operating system Windows is equipped with a function to display the time and date. You can see these options in the lower right corner of your desktop. If for any reason the computer displays incorrect time, you need to set the clock.

You will need

  • - computer;
  • - Internet access.


In the window that appears, set the correct year and month using the drop-down lists in the “Date and time" This tab can be opened in the settings window. Select today's day in the table of days of the week by left-clicking on it.

In the time setting field, highlight the minute indicator in the right section (“Time”) of this tab. Set the exact number of minutes using the navigation keys (up and down). You can also enter the numbers you want using the keyboard or click the arrows to the right of the input field. Set the correct number of seconds and hours in the same way.

If your computer is part of a domain in local network, its clock can be synchronized with the time of the server of the given domain. Then the “Internet Time” tab will appear in the date and time properties settings panel. If the tab is available, click it to synchronize your computer clock with the server time.

Make a mark at the top edge of the tab (in the corresponding checkbox), and select an available time server in the drop-down list. If what you need is not in the list, you can enter it manually using the keyboard.

The system clock readings in modern operating systems do not require constant adjustment; usually it is enough to set them once after installing the system and forget the path to the settings of this component. If intervention is still required, it will not be difficult to recall the order of actions in relation to the Windows OS.

You will need

  • OS Windows 7 or Vista.


Left-click the clock in the tray or, as it is correctly called, in the “taskbar notification area”. The OS will open a small window with an analog clock and calendar. If their readings really require adjustment, click on the link “Change date and time settings” - it is located at the bottom of this window. As a result, a separate window will appear on the screen with a set of settings on three tabs.

Make sure that the UTC correction shown in the Time Zone section matches your local time offset. If this is not the case, click the Change Time Zone button, select the correct line from the drop-down list, and click OK.

Then click on the “Change” button date And time" to access calendar and clock controls. If you need to change the year, click on the calendar title - it shows the month and year. After clicking, only the year will remain in this line - click it again and a list of selections of past and future years will appear. Select the one you need from among them, and the list of years will be replaced by a list of months - select that too, and when the numbers change to months, complete the formation of the date.

Below the analog clock is a digital indicator of hours, minutes and seconds - use it to change the system time. If you click on a pair of numbers indicating the current hour, you will be able to change them using the up and down arrow keys. The same can be done by clicking the cursor on the arrows to the right of this control element. Set the hours, minutes and seconds in this way. When finished, click OK.

If you want your computer to automatically synchronize the system clock readings via the Internet with an exact time server, go to the “Internet Time” tab. Click the “Change settings” button and check the only checkbox in the window that opens. It only makes sense to change the value in the “Server” field if there are problems with the default value selected. Click OK buttons in two open windows, and the procedure will be completed.

Video on the topic

Clocks can be completely different - mechanical or electronic, wrist or wall, large or very small. In any case, they must show their owner the exact time.


If you are setting the time to , pull out the watch winding wheel, which is located on the side of , until you hear a second click. note that this action must be done then, the second hand will be at the number twelve.

Start rotating the wheel so that the hand moves clockwise until the required time is reached.

I haven't written to you for a long time about computer time indicators, so especially for today’s review I found on the Internet a good free digital clock for your computer desktop - Digital Clock 4.

Not only will these chronometers allow you to easily change your color, font, skin, size, location on the screen..., they also have built-in alarm clock, reminder, computer time switch, scheduler, hourly signal... Christmas trees, they even have a “crust” of a master of sports in swimming!

I want to clarify right away - Digital Clock 4 is displayed exactly on the desktop computer, not . All images of clocks in the title picture of the article are screenshots of real skins from the program described.

So, there is no point in describing how to install a watch on a computer - it is absolutely clear and simple (just a couple of clicks). "Pitfalls" in the form inconspicuous jackdaws to install “useful” additional software No.

The only “misunderstanding” appears immediately after setting the clock - a notification about an update error...

Just ignore him.

Let's set up our new digital clock on the computer desktop - right-click on the tray icon and in the appeared context menu go to “Settings”...

You can use the sliders here set opacity watches and their size. Use the checkboxes to enable transparency for the mouse, blinking of the separator and secure them always in the foreground.

You can use the watch style from the built-in collection...

...or by choosing beautiful font, play with size and color...

By the way, in addition to a bunch of styles, the program has an incredible number of ready-made textures...

They “live” under the button with three dots, which is opposite “image” in “texture type”.

Remember, I described to you the screensaver “Clock Made of Grass” - here’s an almost identical clock for your desktop...

In the second section of the clock settings you can set them to system startup, select the time format, change the distance between numbers and enable auto-update of the program.

The third section is “tasty” plugins (add-ons) for our clock on the computer desktop...

There is an alarm clock with a reminder...

Tried to point out playlist address for online radio in the line “flow”, but “didn’t take off” for some reason 🙁 ...

Signal from local file worked wonderfully...

If you notice, when the alarm clock is turned on, the appearance of the tray icon changes.

The plugin can enable date display...

...activate the computer shutdown timer... a note to your desktop...

For those who miss their old grandmother’s clock with hourly chimes throughout the entire apartment, there is the “Signal every hour” plugin. The floating mode of the clock with the scheduler is immediately activated, the color of the tray icon changes, and variable transparency is activated.

Personally, I found a use for these watches - instead of unnecessary gluttonous browser add-on, just adjusted the size and position on the monitor screen...
