How does an internet browser work. Browser - what is it in simple words and which one is the best

Hello again, dear readers. In touch as always Roman Chueshov. And we continue to explore the Internet and today we will learn how to work with the Yandex browser. Despite the fact that this web browser has appeared relatively recently, there are many features that will be useful to the webmaster.

How to clear the cache?

Regardless of which browser you use, there is a need for regular cleaningcache. This is a folder that stores copies of various data (audio and video recordings, pictures, and others).

Of course, this can be a real plus, because when you revisit web pages, the browser will not request information from the Internet, which will increase the download speed. The question is, do you need so much "garbage" on your computer?

You can clear the cache either through the browser settings or manually. In the latter case, the path to the folder will depend on the installed operating system:

  • Windows XP– C:\Documents and Settings\Account\Local Settings\Application Data\Yandex\YandexBrowser\User Data\Default\Cache;
  • Windows Vista – C:\Users\Account\AppData\Local\Yandex\YandexBrowser\User Data\Default\Cache;
  • Windows 7/8– C:\Users\Account\AppData\Local\Yandex\YandexBrowser\User Data\Default\Cache;
  • MacOS– ~/Library/Application Support/Yandex/YandexBrowser/Default/GPUCache.

If this seems too complicated for you, you can go through the settings:

How to clear cookies?

However, in addition to standard files, the browser can use additional data stores. This is how information is stored on the computer for a long time. Adobe Flash Player.

Flash cookies you can clear it using interactive panels (for example, on Here to open "Web Storage Options", find and click "Delete website". In order not to have to repeat this too often, you can disable the storage of data. This is done through the panel. "Global Storage Options".

How to hide passwords from the browser?

If you want the browser not to remember the entered search terms, passwords and addresses of visited web pages, you should use the mode "Incognita". At the same time, Yandex will save changes made to the settings or added bookmarks. "Settings» — "Additionally""New window in incognito mode."

Activate this mode in open window If it doesn't work, you need to create a new one by selecting the appropriate function. About successful completion operations you will recognize by noticing the icon "Invisibles".


Today we can safely say that modern users are very spoiled. They are so used to GUI operating systems that simply cannot control a computer without a mouse.

But what if you forgot it at home? Stop work? In fact, you can only create websites using the keyboard (you just don't know it yet). The fact is that Yandex has provided its browser with hot keys. All you need is to remember their combination. You'll be surprised how this feature helps streamline your workflow.

So, the hottest are the following keyboard shortcuts:

Create new tab ctrl+t
Close current tab Ctrl+W
Restore randomly closed tab Ctrl+Shift+T
Add tab to bookmarks ctrl+d
Bookmark all tabs Ctrl+Shift+D
Open bookmark manager Ctrl+Shift+O
Open download history Ctrl+J
Open browsing history ctrl+h
Open new window Ctrl + N
Open a new window in incognito mode Ctrl+Shift+N
print page ctrl+p
Open page search Ctrl + F / F3
Move cursor to address bar Ctrl+K
Open source pages Ctrl+U
Open settings Alt+F

Please note that you can set keyboard shortcuts yourself. This is especially useful if you frequently perform the same tasks.

Omnibox or "smart" search bar

Another useful feature for a webmaster is omnibox. It is also called a "smart" search bar, because. the browser when you enter text in the address bar begins to offer options for ending the request.

This not only helps reduce typing time (we hope you know the keyboard well and do not experience such problems?), but also see the most popular queries. In the future, this may be useful for compiling the semantic core of the site and selecting keywords.

Of course, this is not all the features of the Yandex browser.

Do you want to expand your horizons? Then subscribe to my blog and get continuous benefit and, I hope, pleasure. See you soon! Bye bye.

Every day we access the Internet through our web browsers, to which we have become very accustomed during this time. Windows users are probably more familiar with well-known browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, etc. In fact, there are many other browsers with a wide range of unique options.

There are browsers designed for gamers, as well as browsers for social networking enthusiasts. We'll cover 20 web browsers for Windows that you may not have known about before. By the way, they could make your life much easier.

Dooble is a new free multi-platform web browser launched in September 2009. Its purpose is to provide its users high level privacy and offer them ease of use. The browser is currently available for Windows, OS X, Linux and FreeBSD. In addition to the basic set of options, Dooble has a built-in download wizard, and it also supports third-party plugins.

U is a free browser developed by Conduit. It is based on Chronium and features a user-centric design. U Browser will be especially relevant for those who like to use various social tools. With U, you can easily and easily connect with your online friends, access the right applications and even to your phone.

Coonwon is a browser based on Google Chrome encoding designed specifically for gamers. It has a number of options that are ideal for online gamers: automated tasks, joystick drivers, game speed control and much more.

BlackHawk is an easy-to-use web browser that harmoniously combines the speed of Chrome operations with the practical functionality of Firefox. Here you will find an exceptional approach to cookies.

Beamrise is the latest social media browser that combines chat and web browsing options. You can chat using the usual social media, as well as make video calls in the browser itself. In addition, you will be pleasantly surprised by the wonderful animations, visual bookmarks and free texts based on Android.

NetGroove is lightweight, fast browser with tabs based on the Internet Explorer Engine. A distinctive feature of this browser is that you can use it directly from your flash drive without prior installation.

This is an Indian browser from Mozilla. It will provide you with the latest movies and songs, live cricket, news from various sources (regional and Hindi language sources). Among other things, no one will be able to track what you searched for and what pages you visited.

QT Web Browser is a portable, reliable, fast and lightweight web browser with a unique user interface. It is open source software based on the Nokia QT platform and Apple Webkit.

Browsezar's main focus is privacy: it does not save browsing history, cookies, passwords, cache, temporary files, etc. It is perfect for banking and cloud operations. All information is automatically deleted immediately after you have completed the work and closed the browser.

Wyzo is often referred to as The Media Browser because it optimizes online publishing. It increases download speed and allows users to download torrents with a single click. Wyzo is compatible with all popular Mozilla based browser addons.

It is fast, reliable and powerful browser. It is one of the best web browsers for Windows when it comes to saving time. Filling out forms is much easier and faster here than in other browsers. SlimBrowser has a built-in filter and the ability to remove pop-up ads out of sight.

The Avant web browser will please you with a pleasant and intuitive interface, as well as the absence of ads and malware. Avant is multi-processor and lightweight; it has a built-in download accelerator and video sniffer to find and download videos from the current web page. Avant's options range from incognito mode to a flash animation filter.

Superbird is free and fast Google alternative Chrome. The strongest point of this browser is speed, data privacy and stability. The lightweight Superbird is ready to offer its users the option automatic update and a wide range of plugins. The level of security of user data on Superbird has been improved by the fact that now no information is sent to Google or other third parties.

Comodo IceDragon is based on Firefox and is rich in various useful options. Particular attention should be paid to security on Comodo, as it scans web pages for malware. Comodo IceDragon is fully compatible with all Firefox plugins.

Free web browser that uses 3 popular rendering engines - Trident, Gecko, WebKit. Using a special button, you can switch from one mechanism to another. Lunascape is a great choice for web developers.

TORCH, like all the browsers on our list, is completely free. With it, you can search and share photos, videos, links with just one click, and download your favorite videos. Suitable for those who like to collect and store memorable events.

Midori is a fast, lightweight and free web browser designed primarily for users who Special attention level of protection and security. The default browser allows you to search by , and also uses the interface GTK +2 and rendering engine webkit.

Maxthon is a cloud-based browser with a unique dual-core design that uses Trident and Webkit. Browser offers cloud services, modes for more comfortable reading and other useful options. Here you will find great options to keep your data safe, as well as the ability to capture the screen.

Yandex.Browser is a very simple and intuitive browser based on the Chromium technology platform. It loads pages quickly and provides plenty of space for web browsing. This browser also offers cloud technology viewing, where privacy is maintained by Kaspersky Lab.

A multi-platform web browser based on the QtWebKit engine. The most successful options include: history and news feed, incognito mode, unified bookmarks library, integrated ad blocking, speed dial, cookie manager.

how the web works provides a simplified view of what happens when you view a webpage in a web browser on your computer or phone.

This theory is not essential to writing web code in the short term, but before long you "ll really start to benefit from understanding what"s happening in the background.

Clients and servers

Computers connected to the web are called clients and servers. A simplified diagram of how they might interact look like this:

  • Clients are the typical web user's internet-connected devices (for example, your computer connected to your Wi-Fi, or your phone connected to your mobile network) and web-accessing software available on those devices (usually a web browser like Firefox or Chrome).
  • Servers are computers that store webpages, sites, or apps. When a client device wants to access a webpage, a copy of the webpage is downloaded from the server onto the client machine to be displayed in the user's web browser.

The other parts of the toolbox

The client and server we "ve described above don" t tell the whole story. There are many other parts involved, and we'll describe them below.

For now, let's imagine that the web is a road. On one end of the road is the client, which is like your house. On the other end of the road is the server, which is a shop you want to buy something from.

In addition to the client and the server, we also need to say hello to:

  • Your internet connection : Allows you to send and receive data on the web. It's basically like the street between your house and the shop.
  • TCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol are communication protocols that define how data should travel across the web. This is like the transport mechanisms that let you place an order, go to the shop, and buy your goods. In our example, this is like a car or a bike (or however else you might get around).
  • DNS: Domain Name Servers are like an address book for websites. When you type a web address in your browser, the browser looks at the DNS to find the website"s real address before it can retrieve the website. The browser needs to find out which server the website lives on, so it can send HTTP messages to the right place (see below).
  • HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol is an application protocol that defines a language for clients and servers to speak to each other. This is like the language you use to order your goods.
  • Component files: A website is made up of many different files, which are like the different parts of the goods you buy from the shop. These files come in two main types:
    • code files: Websites are built primarily from HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, though you"ll meet other technologies a bit later.
    • assets: This is a collective name for all the other stuff that makes up a website, such as images, music, video, Word documents, and PDFs.

So what happens exactly?

When you type a web address into your browser (for our analogy that's like walking to the shop):

  1. The browser goes to the DNS server, and finds the real address of the server that the website lives on (you find the address of the shop).
  2. The browser sends an HTTP request message to the server, asking it to send a copy of the website to the client (you go to the shop and order your goods). This message, and all other data sent between the client and the server, is sent across your internet connection using TCP/IP.
  3. If the server approves the client's request, the server sends the client a "200 OK" message, which means "Of course you can look at that website! Here it is", and then starts sending the website"s files to the browser as a series of small chunks called data packets (the shop gives you your goods, and you bring them back to your house).
  4. The browser assembles the small chunks into a complete website and displays it to you (the goods arrive at your door - new shiny stuff, awesome!).

DNS explained

Real web addresses aren't the nice, memorable strings you type into your address bar to find your favorite websites. They are special numbers that look like this: .

Packets explained

Earlier we used the term "packets" to describe the format in which the data is sent from server to client. What do we mean here? Basically, when data is sent across the web, it is sent as thousands of small chunks, so that many different web users can download the same website at the same time. If websites were sent as single big chunks, only one user could download one at a time, which obviously would make the web very inefficient and not much fun to use.

Technically, a web browser is a client. A program that uses the HTTP (or HTTPS) protocols to send requests to web servers over the Internet. Most browsers support email and FTP (file transfer), although a web browser is not required to work with them. There are separate programs for working with mail and file transfer.

The very first browser, whose name was WorldWideWeb, was created in 1990. The name has been changed to Nexus to avoid future confusion. The first web browser with a graphical user interface was Mosaic, which appeared in 1993. Most of user interface Mosaic has been ported to the Netscape Nsvigator web browser. Later, the corporation introduced Internet Explorer (IE), which until 2006 was one of the most popular web browsers. Then I had to choose between IE and Netscape. Today, the user has more choice. And IE has already ceased to be wildly popular, first of all, users install other web browsers for themselves.

The most common browsers

There are quite a lot of web browsers, although most are based on the most common ones. The most popular browsers today are:

  • Firefox. Developed by Mozilla, an open source version of Netscape.
  • Chrome. Browser from Google, one of the most popular today, both for desktop and mobile devices.
  • safari. Browser for devices from . The third most popular, works only with operating systems from Apple.
  • Opera. Fast, stable browser compatible with most operating systems.
  • Lynx. Text browser for UNIX and VMS users.
  • Internet Explorer. The browser from Microsoft is still actively updated, maintained and optimized, despite the impressive competition.
  • Flock. A browser based on Firefox with Web 2.0 support for blogging and social bookmarking.
  • Tor. Browser for absolutely anonymous access to the network. It is usually used to bypass a territorial ban on displaying certain pages and access to the darknet.

Modern browsers are constantly updated and provide users with more and more opportunities to visit the worldwide web. So don't forget to update when it comes out a new version. Updates to such client software are completely free.

Basic functions and browser management

The main functionality of all web browsers is the same. They are designed to communicate with web servers and provide user access to websites. You can download them from the official websites of the developers, they are completely free. Each browser has its own toolbar with which you can access your favorite sites. Including ours.

The set of tools and buttons for browsers is usually similar. There is an address bar, forward and backward buttons, a refresh button, and a button to stop loading the page. All have their own menu where you can set custom settings if necessary. Also in the browser you can see the history of the pages that you visited recently. And you can clear it so that no one else gets access to this information. Browsers differ in speed, extensions and user interface.

What can the Internet

Network connection

Browser - window to the Internet

Browser usage

In our fast-paced age, information and its exchange are becoming increasingly important. Many analysts believe that now some countries have entered the so-called post-industrial era, and they also call it the “information era”, when information, and not social production, is in the first place in the life of society. Whether this is true or not, it is difficult to say, we will leave the debate on this topic to politicians and sociologists. One thing is clear: the exchange of information today has become of great importance. The presence of a huge fleet of computers on the planet simplifies these processes. The Internet simplifies them even more.

They call it differently. In addition to the traditional name "Internet", sometimes they use the English-language World Wide Web - the World Wide Web, sometimes they just say "Web" or "Network", sometimes they use the jargon "No" or "I-no". At its core, the Internet is a network of individual computers and local computer networks around the globe, thanks to which you can exchange information between these same computers.

What can the Internet

Maybe the Global Network, by the way, very, very much. Let's start with the fact that any information (text, graphic, sound or video) can be presented in digital form, that is, suitable for storage and processing using a computer. The Internet, as already mentioned, allows computers to exchange any data. Therefore, thanks to the Internet, the user can receive and receive any information.

Thus, using the Internet, you can do the following.

Send to friends, relatives, acquaintances (as well as strangers) and receive from them emails, which are almost the same as the usual ones, written on a piece of paper, but only their electronic versions are typed on a computer keyboard. At the same time, the speed of delivery of a letter is a few seconds, a maximum of minutes, and it does not matter where the addressee lives: in a neighboring apartment or on a neighboring continent. By the way, the payment for such a letter is usually equal to the payment for the time spent on the Internet, spent sending or receiving mail. It does not require any envelopes, stamps and other paraphernalia inherent in traditional mail.

Communicate in real time: you wrote a message - your interlocutor immediately received it, he answered you - and you are already reading his answer. This opportunity is provided in a variety of ways: chats, forums, ICQ, etc. All this will be discussed in the book below. For now, let's talk more about forums. By becoming a visitor to one of the forums, you can not only take part in the discussion of a topic, but also ask other participants a question yourself, for example: “Who knows how to properly make moonshine?” Rest assured, there will still be an expert who will help you find the answer or suggest it himself, the main thing is that the topic of the forum is appropriate.

Talk online like regular phone i.e. by voice. In addition, the interlocutor can broadcast an image from a video camera connected to your computer. The result is a "video phone". The fee for such a service, as a rule, is zero, that is, you only have to pay for the time you connect to the Internet or the amount of traffic. Of course, for this you will need to get at least a microphone connected to the computer, and at the maximum - also a webcam.

Meet new people on a huge number of different online dating sites. At the same time, the goals of acquaintance can be very different: both simple communication and acquaintance in real life and even starting a family. By the way, users of such services talk about communication outside the Internet “in real life”, and communication on the Web is sometimes called “virtual”.

Search (and find!) the information you need: last news, weather forecast, job postings, or information necessary for writing abstracts, term papers, and other scientific papers. Internet users have access to numerous search engines, which allow you to find in the bowels of the World Wide Web exactly that piece of information that is in this moment most needed.

Download to your computer various files: games, programs, drawings, music and movies. In addition, you can share your valuable files with other network users.

Make purchases without leaving your home and without even getting up from your computer. It is enough to go to the website of one of the online stores, place an order and wait for the delivery of the purchased goods.

Make payments. In the age of the Internet, this has become as easy as counting cash at the nearest supermarket. It's even easier, because you don't have to leave your house to do it. And you don't have to pay for purchases. You can simply transfer the debt to a friend who once helped you out by borrowing money, and now lives several hundred or thousands of kilometers away, or provide material assistance to your parents. You can pay for utilities or services for using the same Internet.

Through the Internet, money can not only be spent, but also earned. The methods are numerous. You can create a page on the Internet and make money on advertising that will be published there. You can sell your services, the provision of which is possible using the Internet. For example, creating websites, translating texts, writing articles and much, much more.

This is by no means a complete list of possibilities. global network, but the main points are mentioned here. In general, with the help of the Internet, you can do almost everything that you do in everyday life. Just a little more. And faster. And better. And more convenient...

Network connection

Connecting to the Internet is generally easy. But here you need to take into account some points. First of all, you need to have the following things.

Computer - it is understood that if you are reading this book and you have an interest in the Internet, then you also have a computer.

Modem - an abbreviation of the words "modulator-demodulator" - is such a special device that converts information received from a computer into signals suitable for transmission over a wired connection (usually a telephone line). The modem performs and inverse transformation(signals from the communication line - information for the computer). This device is not included in all computers, so if you do not have it, then you should take care of acquiring it. In some cases, it may be supplied by an Internet service provider.

A communication line is usually a telephone wire.

Desire to connect to the Internet.

Finance to pay for related services.

An agreement with a provider (a company that provides services for connecting to the Internet) - sometimes such an agreement exists orally, or is not concluded at all, or operates under a previously concluded agreement on the provision of communication services.

A caveat should be made. It is quite possible to connect to the World Wide Web without having many of the above things, for example using mobile phone. However, this book deals exclusively with traditional ways of interacting with the Web, the essence of which is connecting to the Internet using a computer.

So, let's say you have everything you need to connect to the Web. The point is small: first you need to create a new connection, for which you need to do the following.

1. Run command Start > Setting > Control Panel- a window will open Network connections.

2. In the left part of this window, select the parameter Create a new connection- a window will open New Connection Wizard in which to click the button Further to display the next wizard window.

3. To select a type network connection, in this window it is necessary to set the switch to the required position. Leave the default option Connect to the Internet and press the button Further.

4. In the window that opens, you must select the method of connecting to the Internet, and options are already possible here. It is likely that your ISP will be listed on the proposed list of ISPs or will provide you with installation disk. However, consider creating a connection manually by setting the switch to the position Establish connection manually and pressing the button Further, – the following wizard window will appear.

5. Consider the most typical so far connection method - modem, setting the switch in this window to the position Through a regular modem and pressing the button Further.

6. In the next window in the field Service provider name you must specify the name of the Internet provider, you can write any word, it does not matter. However, you need to take into account that the word you specify will be called the created connection. After writing the name of the provider, click the button Further.

7. In the field Phone number you must enter the number by which you will dial the provider. This number must be provided by the provider itself when concluding an agreement with it. By entering the number and pressing the button Further, specify the username (login) and password for accessing the Internet, which must also be provided by the Internet provider. Button press Further will open the final window New connection wizards.

8. The last window of the wizard does not require any special settings. You can only check the box Add connection shortcut to desktop to make it easier to connect to the Internet in the future: just double-click the connection icon on the desktop.

Now you can master the global network. To connect to the Internet, you must execute the menu command Start > Control Panel > Network connections and select the desired connection. Double click on the connection icon on the desktop will lead to the same result and open the connection window (Fig. 1.1).

Rice. 1.1. Internet connection window

In this window, click the button Call and wait until the modem dials the number and establishes a connection.

To disconnect from the Internet, you need to right-click on the connection icon

in the notification area (next to the clock) and in the pop-up context menu select item Disconnect.

Browser - window to the Internet

Connecting to the Internet is only half the battle. To travel on the Global Network, you will need a browser - a program that allows you to view web pages, navigate through them, save them, etc. For example, as part of operating systems Windows families includes a built-in Internet Explorer browser (Fig. 1.2), which is the most popular today due to the prevalence of the operating Windows systems. To start Internet Explorer, you need to run the command Start > All programs > Internet Explorer.

Rice. 1.2. Internet Explorer browser

In addition to the Internet Explorer browser, there are other popular and noteworthy browsers such as Mozilla Firefox and Opera.

All programs for navigating the Internet have a number of common features, and also have their own differences from competitors. In addition, each browser has its own advantages and disadvantages. To clarify the situation a bit, here are the main pros and cons of each of the programs mentioned.

Internet Explorer


No need to search and install this browser, it is already installed with the operating system;

Many sites are optimized specifically for Internet Explorer, in other browsers they are displayed incorrectly or refuse to work at all, requiring you to view the site using Internet Explorer;

The latest, seventh version of this browser uses a new fashionable and beautiful interface, and also borrows some useful features other browsers.


The widespread use of the browser has resulted in many malware exploiting various vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer; as a result, the security of browsing the Internet using this browser leaves much to be desired;

Lower speed compared to competitors;

Lack of multi-page view available in Firefox and Opera. True, in the latest version of Internet Explorer, this shortcoming has been eliminated, but most fans of the most common browser are still using its previous, sixth version.


Support for multi-page mode;

Support various platforms, i.e. Mozilla Firefox browser ( (Fig. 1.3) can work not only with Windows, but also with other operating systems;

Rice. 1.3. Mozilla Firefox Browser

Support for plugins and themes that exist in huge quantities;

Blocking unwanted pop-ups;

The presence of a search bar, which allows you to search for the necessary information on the Internet directly from the browser, without going to the site of the search engine.


Quite high demands on computer resources;

Not a very convenient download manager, which, however, is solved by installing add-ons;

Like all alternative browsers, Mozilla Firefox does not properly display web pages that are optimized for Internet Explorer.


Enough user-friendly interface browser ( (Fig. 1.4), not overloaded with controls and at the same time equipped with everything you need;

Rice. 1.4. Opera Browser

Like Mozilla Firefox, Opera blocks unwanted pop-ups, and it also has multi-page support and a search bar;

Ability to scale web pages;

Widget support - small software modules, sometimes quite interesting, sometimes completely useless.


Lack of built-in help - reference Information downloaded from the program website;

Lack of plugin support;

Lack of support for ActiveX - a technology that allows applications to interact with each other; this disadvantage is also an advantage, since the use of this particular technology in Internet Explorer has made it quite vulnerable to intruders.

It is impossible to say unequivocally which browser is better and which is worse. Which one to use, everyone must decide for themselves, and for this you need to try all browsers in work.

In addition to the above popular web browsing programs, there are other less common ones:

Netscape Navigator - based on Mozilla Firefox code;

Maxthon - in fact, shell for Internet Explorer;

Safari - based on the Konqueror code;

Konqueror is a file management tool in Linux operating systems that also acts as a browser;

Galeon is another browser for Linux, characterized by simplicity and taking the words as a motto: the web, only the web - the web and only the web;

Epiphany is a project that at one time separated from Galeon and therefore has a lot in common with it;

Kazehakase is a Japanese development for Linux;

Charon is a browser for the exotic operating system Inferno;

Arachne is a full-screen graphical browser for MC-DOS compatible operating systems;

K-Meleon is a browser for the Windows operating system that tries to compete with three popular browsers.

Browser usage

As already mentioned, the main purpose of the browser is web browsing, so it is worth talking separately about the features of navigating the Internet using browsers. Let's start with the basic controls, without which no web navigation program can be imagined, taking Internet Explorer as an example. In all other browsers, the described actions are performed in a similar way, unless otherwise specified.

To start a journey through the expanses of the Web, you need to enter the address of the site of interest in the address bar (Fig. 1.5).

Rice. 1.5. Menu, toolbar and search bar in Internet Explorer

The address bar of the browser is located under the toolbar. Strictly speaking, the site address, as a rule, begins with the combination http://, however, if this combination is not written, then the browser itself will add it to the address entered by the user. Having indicated the address of interest, you need to press the key Enter on the keyboard or button Transition on the toolbar (in Opera browser it's a button Start, in Mozilla Firefox it's an arrow button). The browser will immediately start loading the requested page.


The browser remembers all the requested addresses, and in the future, to go to the page whose address was entered earlier, it is enough to select it in the drop-down list of the address bar, instead of entering the address again each time.

When the page loads, you can search it for the information you need or use the links. Links, as a rule, are highlighted in a color different from the color of the main text of the page. When you hover over the link with the mouse pointer, it takes the form of a hand with an outstretched index finger, and the link itself changes color and usually becomes underlined (Fig. 1.6).


The pointer may take a different form, and the link may not be highlighted with color and underlining - it all depends on the settings of the computer and the specific website.

If you click on the link, the page of interest will open, on which, in turn, you can also click on the link of interest, etc. In this regard, it is worth mentioning the purpose of some more browser controls. These are buttons Back And Forward(in Mozilla Firefox it is Back to previous page And To the next page respectively). Button Back returns to the page from which the user came via the link to the current one. You can use this button many times in a row, up to returning to the page from which your journey on the Internet began. At the button Forward– inverse task: it will return the user to the page on which the button was previously clicked Back.

Key combination Alt+ Back while keyboard shortcut Alt+> - button capabilities Forward. Also, instead of a button Back key can be used backspace.

Let's also mention some more controls in browsers. These are buttons Refresh And Stop(in Mozilla Firefox they are called Refresh current page And Stop page loading, while in Opera these functions are performed by one button, which, depending on the situation, is called Refresh or Stop).

Button Stop interrupts further loading of the page, which can be useful when a large web page is loading and it takes quite a long time, and all the information of interest on this page has already loaded. This approach allows you to save traffic (the amount of transmitted and received information), which is especially useful if Internet services are paid not for the time spent on the Web, but for the amount of information received / transmitted.

Button Refresh used when viewing pages where information changes frequently, such as forums, chat rooms, dating sites, news sites. While the user is browsing the page, its content may have changed, such as a new message. Button press Refresh initiates a reload of the page with the information already changed on it.

The ability to use the above controls is quite a sufficient condition to start roaming the Internet, but we will not limit ourselves to this.

Additional browser features

Of course, the capabilities of web browsers do not end with browsing sites and moving from page to page. Programs for navigating the Internet can do much more, which we'll talk about now. Moreover, if it is not specified separately, then the described features are inherent in all considered browsers.

Saving pages

Almost any modern browser allows you to save open web pages to HDD computer. This can come in handy if some interesting information is found on the Internet that can be used in the future without connecting to the Web. In addition, for further work with this information, you may need another computer that is not connected to the Internet at all. For example, at work there is a computer with Internet access, but at home there is no such achievement of civilization yet, or the user visits the Network from an Internet cafe, computer club, etc.

Saving a page downloaded from the Web is as easy as saving, say, a document created in text editor, or any other file. To save the page in Internet Explorer, you need to run the command File > Save as, specify where exactly to save the desired file, and click the button Save.

When saving web pages, there are some features that are worth mentioning. In particular, the save format is of great importance. By default, browsers, as a rule, offer to save the page in HTML or HTM format, which is not always convenient, since the images contained on the page will be saved in a separate folder. In turn, this complicates the process of copying and transferring the saved information to another computer.

It is much more convenient to use the MHT format, which allows you to save the entire design of the page, along with the drawings, in one file. To do this when saving in the dropdown File type you need to select an item Web archive, one file (*.mht). Thus, on the hard drive there will be a file containing all the information and design with open web page. Agree that it will be much more convenient to work with one file in the future than with several.

The Opera browser also provides the ability to save a web page to a single file. Mozilla Firefox can't do that.

Job log

Another useful feature of the browser is viewing the work log (Fig. 1.7). In Opera, unlike the other two browsers discussed here, the work log is called Story.

Rice. 1.7. Viewing the log in Internet Explorer

It can be useful to turn to a magazine if you remember that you visited some interesting resource yesterday (the day before yesterday, last week, etc.), but you cannot remember its address. When viewing the log, you will surely find the required address.

You can delete an entry about a visited page from the log by right-clicking on it and selecting the item from the context menu. Delete.

Bookmark management

For convenient organization of work on the Internet, it is useful to use bookmarks. In order not to look for the addresses of frequently visited pages in the log each time and not to enter these addresses manually, it is advisable to bookmark the addresses of the most interesting web resources (in Internet Explorer this Favorites). In the future, to get to the desired site, it will be enough to select it in the created list of bookmarks.


To quickly add an open page to the list of bookmarks, it is convenient to use the right mouse button.

To work with bookmarks in Opera and Firefox, there is a bookmark manager, which is called by the command Bookmarks > Bookmark management. In Internet Explorer, you can manage bookmarks in the window Organize Favorites opened by the command Favorites > Organize Favorites.

Working with these tools is intuitive, so we will not dwell on it in detail.

Mozilla Firefox Browser Features

In addition to the features common to all browsers, Mozilla Firefox has some features that should be mentioned.

Extensions - add new features to this browser. They can add anything from a control panel button to a brand new one. functionality. Extensions allow you to customize the application according to the personal needs of each user. For example, they help block unwanted pop-ups, ads, search the Internet more efficiently and download files.

Themes - change appearance Mozilla Firefox. They allow you to change the appearance and interface of the browser, customizing them according to the taste of the user. A theme can change the look of buttons or completely change the look of Mozilla Firefox.

Themes and extensions in a given browser are collectively referred to as Add-ons. You can download and install them from the Mozilla Firefox website or third party websites.

Opera Browser Features

The Opera browser also has its own features and additional features.

built-in mail client- a program for working with e-mail. For details on working with electronic correspondence, see Chap. 4. Here I will only note that Opera has a built-in mail client, the capabilities of which, however, are far from the capabilities of specialized programs, but for a beginner they are quite enough.

Mouse control. In addition to doing standard features(clicks on controls and links), the mouse in the Opera browser can also be used in an unconventional way. By holding down the right mouse button and moving it in a certain way, you can perform some frequently used browser commands, such as refreshing a page, returning to the previous page, closing the current one, etc.

Voice control is a rather unconventional way of human-computer interaction. Opera allows you to execute most commands by simply speaking them into the microphone. Of course, this requires the microphone itself, connected to sound card computer. Convenient, of course, but Opera only understands English commands.

Web page scaling is a unique feature found only in the Opera browser. For example, if a web page does not fit on the screen in width, then the browser itself can restructure its structure so that the screen width is enough to fully display the page content. In addition, page scaling is available within the range of 20-1000%.

Speed ​​Dial is a kind of bookmarks, but made more convenient and visually and works independently of the bookmarks themselves. Function speed dial(Fig. 1.8) appeared in Opera since version 9.2. When you launch the browser, a window appears with nine large buttons, each of which can be assigned to call a particular page, and a thumbnail image of this page will appear on the button.

Rice. 1.8. Speed ​​Dial in Opera Browser

Widgets (fig. 1.9) are a kind of extensions in Mozilla Firefox, only less functional. Widgets allow you to, for example, show the weather, broadcast images from webcams, search, etc.

Rice. 1.9. An example of a widget in the Opera browser, broadcast from a webcam

In this chapter, the concept of "Internet", its capabilities, the method of connecting to the Network, as well as the main and some additional functions browsers. However, this is only a small part of what the World Wide Web can do.
