Kingo root if there is a password on the device. The Best Apps for Rooting and the Pros and Cons of Getting Rooted

Kingo Android Root is a program for quickly obtaining root rights on almost any device that is running the Android OS.

What is root rights

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="android-root" width="100" height="119" srcset="" data-srcset=" 251w" sizes="(max-width: 100px) 100vw, 100px"> !} Using an analogy, root access on Android can be compared to administrator rights on Windows. Taking into account the requirements of this particular operating system, Kingo Android Root was developed, which provides users with the opportunity to use the so-called "super rights". The standard user mode greatly limits the capabilities of owners of smartphones, phones and tablets based on Android. Root access allows you to fine tuning, modify system files, remove useless applications, flash the kernel, install patches, and effectively clean the device from unnecessary information.

You can get root rights different ways, but with Kingo Android Root it is easier and more efficient to do so. The developers have foreseen in advance the difficulties that users constantly face at the initial stage of using the device. They tried to make it as easy as possible to install and use the program, so that even a beginner can handle obtaining administrator rights!

Step-by-step instructions for installing and using the program

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="KingoApp" width="100" height="100" srcset="" data-srcset=" 150w, 120w" sizes="(max-width: 100px) 100vw, 100px"> !} You can get the Kingo Android Root program for free on the official website of the developers. Before proceeding to download files, you can also make sure that your model is in the list of supported devices.

After successfully downloading the program, it must be installed on the computer to which the connection will be made in the future. However, before installing directly, you need to work with the settings by enabling two parameters, without which you cannot get administrator rights. We are interested in the "Unknown sources" and "USB debugging" modes, which should be checked in front of them. Look for these options in different models You'll have to go to Settings under About Device, For Developers, Build Number, and Options.

Installing Kingo Android Root does not take much time - just follow the prompts and click the "Next" button. To use the program, you need to get stable Internet access and adhere to the following points:

  1. launch the Kingo Android program;
  2. connect your Android device to your computer using a USB cable;
  3. wait until the program determines the model and version of the firmware, and also downloads and installs the necessary drivers. This is a lengthy process during which the phone may turn off, turn on and reconnect to the computer;
  4. press the "ROOT" button: thus, you agree to receive the relevant rights;
  5. read the warnings and click the "OK" button;
  6. after the Unlock Bootloader inscription appears, press "Yes" using the volume buttons;
  7. wait for the rights to be set: if successful, the “FINISH” button will appear on the screen;
  8. reboot the device if it didn't reboot itself.

If you are reading this article, then most likely you have heard the word "root-rights", and you probably want to know what it means and why get superuser rights on your smartphone at all, go through this whole incomprehensible process. We will try to explain to you in more detail what rooting is and why it's cool.

What does "get root rights on Android" mean?

In short and in a nutshell, getting root rights means that you get superuser rights or, more simply, get admin rights on your phone. In more detail, this means that you can completely edit all system files that are not available to ordinary users. That is, you or any applications that only work on rooted devices will be able to access and change system programs and features, such as camera flash, notification flashlights, etc.

You will remove all restrictions given to you stock firmware. Getting root rights on android is the same as jailbreaking on Apple devices. On Windows computers it's changing your permissions from a simple user to an administrator. Perhaps you will understand more when you finish reading the full article. So stay with us.

Will I lose my warranty after getting root?

Of course yes! It is a fact. Also void the warranty. iPhone owners, after jailbreak. But, fortunately, it is also easy to return to the stock (standard) firmware of the manufacturer ("roll back to the drain") and remove root rights. Therefore, after such manipulations, no one will guess that you have root rights installed and you can continue to make claims under the guarantee.

Benefits of Rooting Android Smartphones and Tablets

Administrator rights open up new horizons for customization and total adjustment of the gadget, and moreover, it helps you become more experienced in working with a smartphone. Below we present you a list of benefits with their detailed explanation.

1. You will be able to make a complete backup files on your device (make a full backup of the entire device)

Let's start with the biggest benefit of rooting: better backups. With a rooted device, you will most likely want to reconfigure the entire system, install a custom ROM, or applications that require rooting. Since you will be rooting the system, it is very useful to have a backup of applications, user data, or even the entire system. And what's more, it never hurts to have a full backup, as you can accidentally delete an important system file.

The most popular system backup application and individual files is Titanium Backup. Though Pro version costs about 7 dollars, the program deserves it. The app will help you backup all your installed programs and system data.

Another way to back up your device is called a "Nandroid" backup. Restoring the system with such a backup is very similar to restoring Windows to the exact state it was at the time of the last system backup. So if your gadget stops working correctly, programs stop responding and loading, then "Nandroid" backup will return you exactly to the point when the backup was made. This will keep you safe, if for example you want to install a different firmware or kernel, and something goes wrong, then you just use "Nandroid" backup to fix the situation.

2. You can automate everything

When it comes to automation, Tasker is the one and only desired application. With it, you can automate just about everything. The program also works on non-rooted devices, but with fewer features and options.

The app has exactly the same philosophy as the If This Then That (IFTTT) online tool, but works in a more sophisticated way. For example, you can turn off / turn on WiFi every time you come home or go somewhere, or turn on Bluetooth and Google Maps when you connect your gadget to the car dock. And that's just the flowers.

3. You will be able to monitor the device even if someone does a "factory reset"

Losing a smartphone or tablet is always a big problem. Especially if the device was not lost, but stolen. Of course, it is impossible to prevent theft, but you will be able to track your phone even without installing special application against theft ("anti-theft"), especially since they are visible on the device. This means that the thief can simply uninstall the app or do a "factory reset".

When you are rooted, you have the option to install a smartphone spying app such as Cerberus. In this case, the program is installed in the system roots. Thus this program will survive even after full reset device to factory settings. It is also possible to install a masked version of the application, so that it will be hidden in "apps".

4. You have the opportunity to install custom (modified) android versions, which are called custom firmware

As the name implies, custom firmware is an adapted and customized version of Android. It often has unique features and enhancements that you will never get on the standard version of this OS. The most popular custom ROMs are CyanogenMod, Paranoid Android and AOKP. These are just a couple of examples, and there are many more. If you want to get a more flexible and understandable system, stable robot, great performance and long battery life, then you just need to try all these firmwares and choose the best one for yourself that suits all your requirements and desires.

5. You can use " Xposed Framework" to set up your device

Xposed is the basis for all available graphics modules and allows you to customize appearance systems. That is, you can get all those settings and features that are on custom firmware, but for this you do not need to install such firmware. It is enough to configure the stock with the "Xposed Framework". Also, this framework is suitable if you do not want to install the whole firmware, because you only need to configure a few individual functions. You just need to install a certain module. Moreover, the framework is easy to install on your phone or tablet. In addition, it also works on custom firmware.

6. You can improve system performance and battery life

With superuser rights, you have the ability to change the processor frequency on your device. CPU overclocking will give you more performance, while reverse operation(underclocking CPU) will increase battery life. Test the SetCPU application, which is available at Google Play for 2 dollars. This great program, which has many useful features, for example, create a pair of CPU profiles that switch to automatic mode depending on the set conditions.

Ads are very annoying, especially on small screen smartphones. If certain applications bombard you with tons of ads, you can use blocking utilities and applications, . But you should be aware that developers sometimes make money from such ads, and if the application does not have ads, then most likely it is paid. Therefore, do not block all ads entirely, support the developers, because without their work there would be no free programs.

See also:

If rooted correctly, it's not a risky business, and of course, rooting has a lot of advantages over non-rooted gadgets. Stock firmware, or standard android- this is very good system, but having unlimited customization options is a lot better. In this article, we have only slightly clarified the essence of such a concept as root-rights, but we hope that you have realized the full potential of your device after receiving them.

Quite open compared to its opponents operating system Android is not without prohibitions and restrictions. Regular user will not be able to shamelessly intervene in the work of any system program, change settings to potentially dangerous, or delete any important files.

However, the taboo is removed if the owner of the device becomes the owner of superuser (root) rights, thereby opening up wide possibilities for managing his device. In this article, we will tell you how to install root rights on Android, about the nuances associated with obtaining root rights, the dangers and “pitfalls” of owning such rights.

The definition of "root" should be understood as a built-in account system administrator, which has advanced features for working with the Android OS, inaccessible to ordinary users. Device rooting is used to remove restrictions set by the manufacturer in order to protect the device from malware, potentially dangerous modifications system settings and ensure that applications are protected from unauthorized copying.

What root rights give to Android and what they are for

The main goals of rooting (Rooting), i.e. obtaining the rights of "root" or "superuser" on Android devices– removal of prohibitions of the manufacturer or telecom operator for the possibility of manipulation system applications and running programs and applications that require administrator rights to run. The owner of root-rights gets unlimited access to any system files, regardless of the access restrictions set. Simply put, having root rights, you get full control over your device.

  • Access to system files, shortcuts, themes, programs, etc. with the possibility of changing them.
  • Installing applications that require root to work (emulators, drivers, etc.).
  • Remove, replace or block pre-installed unnecessary programs.
  • Activation additional features Android OS.
  • Installing various mods or third-party firmware.
  • Ability to create backups and data transfer.
  • Application control (blocking the sending of SMS messages to paid numbers dangerous software or calls).
  • Other privileges.

Please note: the presence of root rights in itself does not in any way provide any advantages, but only makes it possible to perform certain manipulations with the device.

What's wrong with getting superuser?

Various Internet sources are full of all sorts of horror stories regarding root, but in fairness it should be noted that they are not unfounded. What are the disadvantages in this regard:

  • Void manufacturer warranties (does not apply to all devices).
  • Disabling official updates of the device system (firmware) via the Internet (OTA or FOTA).
  • Threat of failure of the device in case of inept use of Superuser rights.
  • Disable anti-malware protection of the phone system and unauthorized access.

There are many ways to get root access on Android. Moreover, for each of the devices there are methods that can be found on highly specialized forums. In our material, we will try to talk about universal ways Getting Root which can be used for most gadgets.

To get started, check out existing species Root rights:

  • Full Root is Root-rights without any restrictions, permanent and complete.
  • Temporary Root - temporary Root access, used in the absence of the possibility of obtaining a full Root. When the device is rebooted, the superuser rights disappear.
  • Shell Root is also permanent Root rights, but without the ability to change the \system folder.

For some gadgets, due to the NAND lock function in them, which does not allow making changes to the / system partition, it is not possible to obtain full root access, in which case it is possible to use Temporary Root or Shell Root.

On other devices, there are su programs (short for superuser) to provide full access. The rooting procedure is usually not particularly difficult if you follow the exact instructions.

The most common program that allows you to root a large list different devices– Framaroot. It makes sense to try to install it even if the name of your gadget is not in the list of supported ones, because the probability of getting root rights is quite high.

Installing root using Framaroot without a computer

  1. latest version apk file and Framarut.
  2. Install the downloaded apk file on your device.
  3. We launch the application. If your gadget is supported by the application, then a list of possible actions will appear on the main screen, including options for obtaining or deleting RTH. Below are the names of the exploits available for use.

4. Next, it is proposed to install the SuperSU or Superuser applications. There is not much difference between them, so it all depends on your preferences. In addition, the possibility of unrooting (unroot) will be indicated, i.e. remove existing superuser rights.

5. Click on the selected item. We are waiting for a message about the successful completion of the procedure for obtaining root rights (in case of failure, try using the second option)

6. After successful rooting, we reboot the device.

Installing root using pc

There are many programs that allow you to get Root rights using Personal Computer. This:

  • Kingo Android ROOT– supports most gadgets, easy rooting.
  • VRoot is a universal utility that allows you to get a root for a wide range of devices.
  • SuperOneClick is a great app that supports a large number of devices and is easy to install.
  • Other.

The principle of obtaining Root access through a PC is identical for all programs and boils down to the following steps (for example, Root):

In the settings menu of your device, go to "Developer Mode", turn on USB debugging:

Rooting (the process of obtaining root):

  • Download and install the application on the PC (VRoot 1.7.0).
  • If necessary, disable antiviruses.
  • Install the necessary drivers on your device (if not installed).
  • We launch VRoot and connect the included device to the computer. On the gadget, you need to enable "Install from unknown sources”, “USB Debugging” in USB connection uncheck the "Camera (RTR)" and "MTR" checkboxes. If not happening automatic detection smartphone, change the connection type.
  • After determining the device, press the "ROOT" button.
  • We are waiting for a message about a successful operation, disconnect from the PC and reboot the device.

Attention! Some devices require BOOTLOADER unlock.

In conclusion, I would like to note important points:

  1. If you cannot classify yourself as an advanced user, and you don’t have a very clear idea for what purpose you needed Root rights, then in order to avoid big troubles, it’s better not to wake up famously and not tempt fate with experiments with rooting your device.
  2. Antivirus programs usually define utilities for getting Root as viruses or trojans. But, in fact, such applications, due to penetration into the core of the system, are such. Therefore, as a rule, downloading and installing such programs requires disabling the antivirus.

As always in our publications, we invite you to discuss what you have read and contact us about any difficulties that arise. Good luck!

You have rooted your Android smartphone or tablet. Everything seems to be fine. But what to do next? What are they needed for? Let's say you got them to hack games. We've already played enough, what's next, huh? The fact is that root rights are an analogy for administrator privileges on Windows. They call it superuser rights.
So, imagine that you are a superman who has a key to any doors in his hands. Represented? Great! Now, let's move around the huge house in search of the right room.

Break Android

Yes, yes, with the help of root-rights, you can thoroughly damage your device, and not only in the software part, but also in the hardware. If the software is broken, then, for example, the processor clock speed can be raised (by unlocking the kernel) to an unacceptable level (although there are also hardware limitations). And at this level, for example, a continuous peak load will be given. And that's it, you can say goodbye to your electronic pet. Of course, you won’t do this by accident, but harming someone is easy.
And, as for self-sabotage, it is very easy to drive a smartphone or tablet into a bootloop state, when, when turned on, the device will “hang” on the power-up screensaver. Wow, you will be happy. But do not cry, run immediately to the RuleSmart forum, to the Android first aid section and pray for help. Although they always help for free, but for some reason they pray, strange ones, yeah.


Hook to your core! Yes, now you have the possibility of a total backup of your data, you can make a full-fledged firmware backup with user data directly from a smartphone or tablet. You really feel the power, don't you? In addition, you can make backups of all your software, and then roll them, for example, after resetting the settings. One of the programs that can do all this, provided that you have root rights, is Titanium Backup. The utility is so ancient that its beard can hold up to 20 kg of nuts.

Custom kernel

Now your smartphone or tablet from the Chinese basement calls you my lord, is that right? If not yet, then it's time to flash a custom kernel to bend the system! A custom core will open for you the doors to the basement, where there is a dumpster! Infa, cell! Thanks to this trick, you can increase or decrease the processor clock frequency or configure the chipset operating modes very flexibly, like a gymnast's back. For example, for the unlock screen, set the frequency of 800 MHz - 1 GHz, and to work with the 1.3 GHz interface, for applications - the maximum available clock frequency or 80% of it.
Feel how the crown is put on your head? So that!

Game Hacking

Ahaha, we considered this at the very beginning and, they say, you are already tired of playing with toys, but while you were reading this, you really wanted to again, huh? Therefore, we are not interrupted - we listen to each letter from the article. The trick is that some Android game hacking programs beg and beg (for mercy) for root rights in order to change the application configuration, for example. If you don't have super strength, you will simply be sent and the attachment will close along with your lip that has rolled out.

Removing system apps

You bought chinese smartphone or a tablet, and these “friends” have sewn a bunch of junk into your favorite device that cannot be removed. And sometimes they also shove viruses. Yes, he lied. What is there sometimes, constantly, it has already become a normal practice. Even Bluboo indulges in this because they need to be impaled, and then again, and again! By the way, UMI is on the same count, but on a first-come, first-served basis. We take our places, we don't push.
So, with as root You can take it all to the dog, you understand? For example, through the System App Remover program or something similar, there is enough such rubbish. Then do not forget to delete this softina too, the killer did his job - you need a new killer, right?

Changing system files

Oh, here the guys can just pick up all the rings of omnipotence. You go into build.prop like this and start changing the make / model of your device there (this is at least). What for? A few hours ago, YOU went to Google Play, and he, the bastard, writes that your device is not supported (for installing some kind of game). Ha! So we write brand = Samsung, model = Galaxy S8. And who is not supported here now, fools?

In fact, this is a very small fraction of what can be done with the superuser's sword. If you have any other ideas or comments - welcome to the comments, puppies.

Gadgets on Android platform won the lion's share of the technology market. Developers are constantly improving the OS, trying to fit it as much as possible to the needs of users, but from year to year they make a noticeable mistake: they prohibit the owner from accessing the "stuffing" of his gadget.

And it is for such cases that there is Kingo program android root.

Why does the user need root rights

Obtaining administrator rights may be necessary even for an inexperienced user. This is due to the huge number of resource-intensive applications embedded by developers into the OS shell. Sooner or later, they begin to adversely affect the performance of the gadget, and it is possible to return it to its previous state only by getting rid of them.

Without root rights, the user will not be able to do this, since initially Android does not provide for deleting or changing " system files". In fact, by obtaining an administrator account in the system, the owner of the device removes all restrictions. From this moment on, the user has access to all the secrets of the OS and the ability to change it at his discretion: from the design of icons and applications to clock frequency processor.

Thus, programs like Kingo Android ROOT expand the functionality of gadgets and in some cases give them a "second wind".

Preparing your device for rooting

Despite the fact that software developers claim it is absolutely safe for the device, they still cannot give any guarantees. Therefore, so that the device does not turn into a useless piece of metal and plastic, its owner should take care of the safety of data and system files.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to make a full backup of the system without administrator rights, but it is worth transferring important files to an SD card. Contacts and mail in most cases are tied to Google account, you just need to synchronize between it and the device.

By following these simple steps, the user will not regret downloading Kingo ROOT to the computer and using it, even in case of data loss.

First steps in working with the program

Installing the utility is easy and does not require any skills from the user, except for having a Windows PC. It is recommended to download Kingo ROOT in Russian or any other language on the official website; this will protect against unwanted additions in the form of third-party software.

Otherwise, there are no difficulties. As soon as the program is downloaded to your computer, it will be enough to click on its shortcut to open the standard installer.

When the installation is completed, the utility will be ready for use and will require you to connect your device to your computer.

After the PC recognizes the gadget, it should be included in the menu and "install applications from unknown sources" so that the Kingo ROOT program (even a beginner will figure out how to use it) can see it. Let's look at usage next.

KingoROOT: how to use

Kingo positions itself as a software capable of granting the user root rights in one click. Of course, this slogan is some exaggeration, nevertheless, the program requires a minimum of time and effort when working with it.

As soon as the drivers are downloaded to the device, the "Root" button will appear in the window, by clicking on which, the user starts the process and he only has to wait a while until the utility does everything itself.

If requests start to appear on the rooted gadget while obtaining administrator rights, you should always answer "allow". When the software completes its work, a notification will appear in the window about the successful completion of the operation and a request to restart the device.

To check if root has been obtained, the user will just need to go to the device menu and look for the SuperSU icon there. After that, the device can be disconnected from USB and close Kingo ROOT. How to use the privileges received and change the device settings in the future, the owner can find out using various manuals on the Web.

Advantages and disadvantages of Kingo software

Like any other rooting software, Kingo has its pros and cons. Among the advantages can be noted:

  • ease of use;
  • nice design;
  • the appearance of the Kingo version with this modification of the program will prompt a clear and simple interface), installed directly on the gadget, without using a PC;
  • the possibility of not only obtaining administrator rights, but also deleting them from the device and restoring its previous state;
  • wide range of supported devices.

The disadvantages of the utility include the possibility of data loss, the removal of the manufacturer's warranty from a rooted gadget, the termination of auto-updating the firmware, and the human factor: curiosity and careless actions of the owner can ruin the device.

Nevertheless, the listed shortcomings of Kingo ROOT are not so significant and are easily compensated by the use of acquired privileges by the user.
