I reset the settings to factory settings and forgot the mail. "You need to sign in to your Google account" error in the Play Store

After resetting your smartphone using hard reset, the next time you turn on your phone, you need to enter your Google account credentials. This is how the user described the situation to me, who brought me a phone with a request to confirm an account that was previously synchronized with a smartphone.

In general, this is something similar to the Apply ID, which has long been used in devices manufactured by Apple. Since many have complained that android data not protected at all, and you can crack any password on your phone with a regular hard reset, Google decided to refine several aspects of this protection.

As a result, starting from the series android firmware 5.1.1, a hard link to a Google account has begun. That is, even after resetting the settings, you will not be able to fully use the smartphone until you enter the credentials of the account that was linked to it when you first turned on the device.

Of course, the user who contacted me about such protection did not even suspect and calmly reset the settings without ulterior motives. Of course, no one remembers the account information, since it was created on hastily just to have access to Play market`at.

So, after another such smartphone, I decided to share my experience and show how I managed to bypass protection with Google account confirmation after resetting the settings (Hard Reset).

Resetting the smartphone to the factory state through the phone settings

Very often, a normal reset directly from standard menu settings. This is due to the fact that such a reset occurs directly from the phone and the security system recognizes this as if the user did it himself, respectively, and does not request Google Account Verification (FRP).

Of course, the most difficult thing that we have to do is get into the same settings menu, but we will still try to do it. This method was tested by me on android 6.0 and 6.0.1.

Bypass Google Account Verification (FRP) after reset with QuickShortcutMaker

If you didn't become happy owner device that was helped by the first method, then most likely you will have to turn to third party applications, which will help us remove the binding of a Google account.

One such application would be QuickShortcutMaker. By the way, I would say that this method helps 80% of cases that are associated with FRP. So I recommend that you use it first of all.

You can see a visual implementation from points 10 to 17 in this video, starting at 5:30 minutes:

Important information for those who have Google Accounts» there will be no item with login and password. In order for it to appear, you will have to additionally, in addition to QuickShortcutMaker, install the Google account manager patch. After that, the desired item should be displayed without problems in the list of Google accounts.

The third option to bypass Google's FRP using Test DPC

The third option is also to install and use additional programs, this time it's " Test DPC". If the previous method did not help you, then you should definitely try this option.

An illustrative example of implementation this method, look at the video:

It was with these images that I personally managed to bypass protection with Google account confirmation after resetting the settings on Android. If none of the described methods suits you, do not be discouraged, and it happens.

There are a lot of different options for bypassing this protection, you just need to find it on our website or on some forum. Where users could share the option that is right for you.

There is also a theory that by turning off the phone and putting it on the shelf for about 72 hours, the binding disappeared by itself and the smartphone turned on the next time as if it had just been taken out of the box.

Greetings, dear blog readers! Today we will look at a few simple ways Google account registration without SMS verification:

  • On a computer or laptop;
  • Using the Android platform;
  • Using a virtual number.
Google accounts are very popular among people who just need gmail.com or one of the services of an English-speaking company, whether it's a YouTube account or a Blogspot blog. Google is cracking down on multiple account sign-ups - putting a verification limit on every phone number, so creating an account without SMS can be a problem for some.

Method number 1. Create a Google account on a computer without verifying the number

Get a new one Google account may with various devices. A more affordable option for many is a computer or laptop. Here are a few ways to create a Google account without verifying the number on a PC:
  • Regular registration through any browser,
  • Create a new browser profile Google Chrome,
  • Using the Bluestacks emulator.
1. Standard option that allows you to create multiple accounts without SMS. Minus only in the word "several". Multiple registrations (without a break) will not work here. A “gray” IP address, an uncleaned cache, viruses - all this can arouse Google's suspicion.

2. The Google Chrome browser has recently been updated and a user icon for logging into the account has appeared in the upper right corner:

The procedure for creating a Google account is practically the same as the first, regular version. If after entering the first and last name you are asked to enter a number, then you need to clear the cookies, close the browser, change the ip-address and re-register after a while (ideally - after a day). Did these methods help? Then drastic measures are needed - reinstallation Google browser Chrome. This is the middle option. Many Google accounts can not be created in this way anyway.

3. We create an imitation of a smartphone or tablet on a computer using the Bluestacks emulator and are guaranteed to get an infinite number of new Google accounts. You can do this in different ways:

  • Through the native (pre-installed) browser of the emulator,
  • Through applications (YouTube, Play Market, etc.),
  • Through "Settings" - "Accounts and sync".
The second and third methods are more effective and give 100% results.

But it is important to understand that accounts created one by one can be blocked after successful registration after a few days. Better not to share. Besides, in new version Bluestacks sometimes needs to enter a number.

Method number 2. Create a Google account on Android without verifying your phone number

We have already covered ways to create new Google accounts in the Bluestacks emulator. On the Android platform, the principle is exactly the same. If you have problems with numberless registration on your smartphone, reset your phone or delete all data from your smartphone, which, of course, is already a very radical solution.

The main feature of registering Google accounts on a smartphone through the built-in interface (not through a browser) is the lack of entering a number at all. To confirm, you just need to enter the captcha. In new Android versions number must be entered.

For example, on Sony Xperia 2011 release, it is possible to create from 3 to 5 accounts. Then, if you do not reset, you will not be able to enter the newly created accounts (that is, 5 and beyond). Google will "swear" at suspicious activities and block them. You can get them out of there only through SMS confirmation.

Before creating a new account on Android in your native browser, you need to erase the data. "Settings" - "Applications" - "All" - "Browser" (we enter - click "Erase data"). And it is desirable to change the ip-address. Ideally, a clean IP (outside the ban list) is required.

Method number 3. Creating a Google account with confirmation of a "fake" number

Use to verify your Google account when registering or book a room for 5-20 minutes. I provide several services:
  1. - about ten free numbers which are replaced approximately once a week. Ordering a number for Google confirmation: from 2 to 4 rubles.
  2. — a good service for ordering virtual numbers. 20% cashback up to 50 rubles. Huge selection of countries and numbers, updated every day.
  3. sim.net/free- there is no exact information on the replacement interval, there are often no numbers.
  4. qealty.ru- a huge selection of free numbers, but a rare update.
If more than 2 hours have passed since the update of the virtual number, then it is highly likely that Google will say: This phone number has already been used several times for verification. You can buy Wirth. room for money for 10-20 min. Or wait for a new issue. Prices for confirming Google account registrations: from 2 to 5 rubles.
By the way, a fake number is needed only to confirm registration. The number will not be linked to the account google records.
In short:
1. You can try to register an account in the usual way through a browser, but you need to follow a few requirements:
a) clean ip-address, can be checked using services
b) absence malware on PC
c) no accounts have been created on the device for a long time
If these three simple rules, then a couple of accounts can be created without confirming the number. Does not exceed? Try method 2 or 3.
2. Register new account through the user profile. In the upper right corner is an icon with a little man. There you will be prompted to fill in the standard fields, as in normal registration.
3. You can try to create an account using a smartphone (through your native browser or through the play market or YouTube). Just make sure that there are no Google accounts already created on the phone.
4. Well, in the most extreme case, you can use free virtual numbers or book a room for a few minutes for 3-5 rubles.

Question: "How to create a Google account without verifying the number?" may be considered closed. If you know any other ways to bypass SMS verification, be sure to write about them in the comments. Also, if you have a couple of minutes, then share the results - did you manage to create an account without confirming the number?

Many owners of modern Androids complain about problems with account activation after a "hard reset" or flashing. So, the phone writes that "The default settings have been restored to the device." And if you try to enter a password, you will receive a notification “Could not sign in to your account due to an unknown error. Please try again in 24 hours." In most cases, this applies to models where the operating system is installed. Android Lollipop and higher. Today we will tell you what to do in this case and how to quickly bypass the blocking.

Cause of unknown error

The reason for the message is the “Google FRP Lock” function used in the latest versions of Android. This is a protection mechanism designed to protect the owner's data and the phone itself from theft. Thus, the smartphone remains protected even in case of full reset all settings. After the reset or firmware, you must specify the previously linked account and enter the password for it. According to the developers, such a mechanism does not allow attackers to obtain the owner's data after returning to its original state.

Because hard reset often done before and after the sale of a used phone, the problem remains relevant. Google representatives say that FRP-Lock is valid for up to three days from the moment it is turned on, but, alas, protection is not always turned off after the period has elapsed.

Despite the improvement of the protective system, the blocker is already obsolete and experienced users will bypass it without problems. As practice shows, it is the owners of the device who have the greatest difficulties in bypassing protection.

How to prevent blocking in the future

As a rule, for the first time they learn about the problem when the blocking has already occurred. However, you need to know how to avoid blocking so as not to step on the rake twice.

  • Firstly, if you have made a hard reset on your phone, then it is not recommended to change the password for the account. Many, after incorrect input, immediately rush to the browser, where they change the password from the account. This will cause the lock to turn on with almost 100% probability.
  • Secondly, to avoid blocking, you must always unlink your Google account, which is located in the settings menu, before performing a reset.

Bypass FRP-Lock

If you do not have time to wait three days or you do not want to pay decent money for unlocking in service center, then you can try to disable the linking of the phone yourself, that is, remove the Google account from Android.

What you will need to do:

  1. First of all, we need to access the "Settings" menu.
  2. In the "Security" menu, disable all activated functions.
  3. In the "Restore and Reset" menu, reset DRM licenses.
  4. In the same menu, perform "Reset settings".
  5. Wait for execution.

So, now we know what needs to be done and where, but how to get to the “Settings” menu on a locked phone? The use of custom firmware, launchers, as well as shells supplied with the main operating system greatly change the functionality of the device. Next, the standard options will be considered, but they do not work on all models.

No. 1 Using a flash drive or SD card

For these purposes, you can use standard memory cards for phones, but if the device does not have a slot for them, then an OTG cable and a traditional flash drive of any size can help.


  1. Turn on phone.
  2. Connect storage. Remember that the phone can recognize the flash drive for up to 1 hour.
  3. In the window that appears, select "OK", after which the transition to the storage settings will take place.
  4. Select "Application Data", select "All" and find "Settings".
  5. At the bottom of the window that opens, select "Launch".
  6. Well, then everything is standard.

If you have the opportunity to insert a regular micro SD without disconnecting, then you can connect it. How it looks like in practice, you can find out here:

#2 Using a SIM card

This method assumes that the machine can be reached.


  1. Insert the SIM card into the switched off device and turn it on. Wait for the network to appear.
  2. Call this sim.
  3. During a call, choose to add a call, and end the call. We are left with a menu with a numeric keypad.
  4. Dial the combination *#*#4636#*#*.
  5. In the advanced settings window, press the "Back" arrow, which will lead to the desired menu.

This decision is relevant only in rare cases.

#3 Via virtual keyboard

In this case, a lot depends on the keyboard being used. In this regard, the input to its setting is quite diverse.


  1. When choosing available WiFi networks click on the password field to bring up the keyboard.
  2. Call up the keyboard settings menu.
  3. In the additional menu, which is hidden under the icon of three dots in the upper right corner, select "Help / Feedback".
  4. Press the button "Recent applications" (square).
  5. Find the search string, and if it is not there, then in the third step go to any other window.
  6. In the search bar, type the word: Settings. Select the appropriate menu from the drop-down menu.

The methods described above are universal, but do not always help out in case of blocking "Failed to log into the account due to an unknown error." If they did not help, then you will have to look for a solution suitable for specific device. Experienced users can use various tools to unlock the lock. One of these methods is described in the video tutorial below. I note right away that the described option is only suitable for MTK processors.

For some reason, we often reset the phone to factory settings without thinking about the further consequences (common reasons: system slows down, forgot the unlock password). However, smartphones latest versions Android platforms there is a linking of the phone to a Google account, similar to iCloud Apple devices. Without untying which, you will not be able to log into an account on android, not only with a new account, but also with your own. After reinstallation new system, you will be asked to enter data, but unfortunately, it will not skip them, referring to the fact that you are entering the wrong account or entering it incorrectly.

In the article, I will tell you how to log into your Google account on android after reinstalling the system. This option has been used in practice personal experience and had a positive outcome. I did not find any other answers on the Internet. And so, after unsuccessful manipulations to enter the Google Account, the android constantly throws us to a page with the inscription:

Account confirmations. The device has been restored to its default settings. To continue, sign in with the Google account that was synced with it.

And no matter how much you enter the accounting data correctly, the result remains deplorable. Go to the site https://myaccount.google.com/ enter [email protected]/password. If you do not remember the mail of your account, then click on the link " Find an account". You will be prompted to enter a phone number or backup email to search for an account. An SMS will be sent to the phone number, a message with a confirmation code will be sent to the mail. After that, you will be shown your @gmail.com mail to sign in to your Google account. Enter login/password.

Now you are in personal account your Google account. Find the section ", press.

Select your device.

Click " Find».

You will have the buttons that I pressed" Locate device», « call», « Block», « Clear". After these manipulations, my smartphone missed my account. In practice, sometimes the reset occurs immediately, but my data (login / password) did not go through anything and I decided to try again only after 12 hours. The result is positive.

As for the "Clear" button!!!

After that, no one will be able to see your content. If you decide to delete all data from your device, remember:

  • Some files may remain on the memory card.
  • The ringer, search, and lock functions of the device will no longer work.
  • All data, backup that have not been completed will be lost.

The device will only be cleared the next time you connect to the Internet.

Now you know how to sign in to your Google account on Android. Hope the article was helpful. This is the small thank you that you could give for a useful post. Leave comments, share results.

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Modern phones are not just personalized and belong to you “body and soul”. Everything is much more serious: if one day you forget your Google account password and this account itself, or your friend or relative gives you the phone, and you want to remake it for yourself, you will encounter an unpleasant problem: the phone will require an “old” account, and you will need bypass FRP account on Android.

There is a huge amount of advice on the Internet, but you should immediately warn that most of them are outdated. They are talking about older versions of Android, before 2015, and if you need to bypass a Google account on a phone that is only a few months old, then these methods will not work. But the one that will be discussed below will do.

it latest way how to bypass Google FRP account on Android. It will come in handy for owners of new phones with the latest firmware.

So, our phone.

Before doing “dancing with a tambourine” in order to unlock a Google account on Android device, download the small BypassFRP file from this site. it apk file, that is, applications for Android. The link will be indicated at the end of the article, you can immediately look there, and then go back.
Connect your smartphone via USB to your computer and upload the downloaded apk. It is best to use the Downloads folder for this purpose. That is, "Downloads". Now let our file wait in the wings, and we will break through Google's stubborn FRP protection.

Follow instructions.

Select a language and click next. First, it will require you to connect to Wi-Fi. Allow him this, bypassing a Google account on Android will not interfere with connecting to the Internet. Then turn on your computer and download the SideSync program. This is the official Samsung program, so you won't have any problems finding, downloading and installing it. She also weighs a little.

And that's what we need her for. Once you install it, connect your stubborn device on which you need to unlock your Google account. You will see a window open where the SideSync program will offer to install itself on the gadget as well. But you don't need it. Instead, click search in the upper right corner, there is also a magnifying glass drawn there. SamsungApp will prompt you to log into your account, log in or create a new one and then log in.

After that, download the file manager for apk files. Best to use ES file manager. Just start typing the name and the device itself will tell you which application you are looking for.

Download and install, then run. Through the file manager, we go to the Downloads folder, where the same apk is waiting for us in order to bypass Google's FRP. Choose and run it. The phone will play a little more, ask if you trust unknown publishers, this is easy to eliminate in the settings.

And now - the cherished application is installed. Let's launch it. He will require some kind of password unknown to science, but we are not afraid, but we press the bar at the top, which means “login through the browser”.

And now, finally, after all the torment, you have a window in which you can bypass your Google account on your phone. Use yours or create a new one, it doesn't matter.

Turn off the phone, turn it on again - and it is completely yours with a new account, and no longer requires the one to which it was previously linked.
On the Internet you can find many other ways, but not all of them work, and not all of them are simple.
