What is a window manager? Cool Window Manager - Awesome WM A window manager without a desktop environment.

Linux window managers are used to manage application windows on the system. For example, when you run any graphics application, it opens its window. In order for this window to move and look beautiful, a manager works in the background, which is responsible for all these functions.

Usually window manager built into your desktop environment, but for very lightweight systems you can use a window manager without an environment. In this article, we have compiled the best Linux window managers that you can install and use on your system.

Don't confuse window managers with desktop environments. Desktop environments typically contain toolbars, wallpapers, widgets, folders, and icons. They also usually have a separate set of libraries and applications to make it more convenient for you to work on your computer. Window managers only manage windows. Desktop environments already have built-in window managers and window composers that allow you to draw and create windows separately.


First on our list is the i3. It is a well documented and highly customizable window manager. In this manager, the user can customize everything he wants, starting from the position of the open application, ending with his own keyboard shortcut. The advantage of i3 is that all configuration is in text form, you don't need to know any languages ​​like LUA or Haskell.

Switching between floating windows is done with Win+Shift+Space. The window manager is being actively developed, and the bugs found are being fixed by the developers. You can also use the terminal to perform the necessary actions.

2. Awesome WM

Awesome WM is one of the best window managers for Linux that uses the asynchronous XCB library instead of Xlib. The window manager is written in C++. It can be customized, style changed, appearance and set up hotkeys. And all this must be done in the LUA language.

The default configurations are enough for convenient operation. It supports multiple desktops, possibly resizing and moving panels with the mouse. Any component can be changed through the configuration file.


XMonad is perfect for you if you want to be able to extend your window manager in the Haskell programming language. You will not be limited to any pre-programmed templates and will be able to program anything in the configuration. The default settings are very easy to change and the program code is always kept clean and safe. XMonad is very fast and lightweight, so it will work even on a slow system.

Of the features, it is possible to note support for multiple monitors, and also, if you are missing any function, then it can be added using modules.

4.Open box

Openbox is a very lightweight and one of the most popular window managers for Linux. It takes only 100 megabytes random access memory after download. It is quite stable, and the developers are constantly closing new "holes" and bugs.

It is highly customizable and easy to use. You can edit the configuration files or use the configuration utilities.

5. DWM

This Linux window manager is included in the package software Suckles Suite. Typically, users can customize and extend its capabilities by changing source code. The entire dwm code fits in less than 2000 lines, so it is an example of very clean and readable code. In addition, dwm is very lightweight, has a simple design and consumes few resources.

The simple dwm settings and hotkeys are well thought out and this makes it one of the best window managers out there. You can group applications and windows on the desktop. The bar manager status shows information about Wi-Fi connection, volume level and battery status.

6. Gala

This window manager is based on the GTK client decoration. It has a simple yet thoughtful design, as if using ElementaryOS design rules.

Gala is suitable for beginners. It's incredibly configurable and has all the hotkeys you need for easy use. For hot corners, you can assign the execution of certain tasks or your own commands.

Gala also has animations and interesting effects. You can add and remove them as needed. The window manager is very lightweight and works well on low-end hardware like Chromebooks or older laptops. Gala is stable. It is also considered one of the most mentioned window managers of all time.


Easily customizable window manager in the KDE desktop environment. But it can be used in other graphical environment as well. Any settings can be changed via GUI.

KWin offers the most effects compared to other window managers. You can attach shadows to windows, make them sticky and wobbly, add various effects for minimizing and maximizing windows, and much more.

8 Fluxbox

If you are looking for the lightest window manager for Linux, then Fluxbox will the best choice for you. On any hardware, it will work very quickly. It is also easy to use and set up.

You don't need to know any programming language to set it up - the window manager has simple configuration and window management. Various themes and parameters for calibration are pre-installed, and automatic tiling is also supported.

9. Musca

This window manager is considered very simple and straightforward. It is also very efficient in terms of disk space and memory usage. There are no panels or window decorations here. But they can be added by setting additional applications. The window grouping system is very similar to virtual desktops.

Windows are organized into different named groups and you can switch between them very easily. The user can create or delete groups. Musca supports multiple monitors and can create window groups automatically.

10. SpectrWM

This window manager is very similar to Xmonad. But it uses plain text configuration files. After changing the settings, you can recalculate the configuration without rebooting the environment. This allows users to see the results of changes without having to restart the manager. The default interface is very simple.

Setting up spectrwm is very easy because it has a basic set of settings and you don't need to know any programming language to change them. Therefore, it is ideal for beginners and those who want to use Xmonad but do not know Haskell.

11. HerbstluftWM

This window manager is very easy to understand and configure. All settings are made via command line and you don't need to leave the environment. A great feature of HerbstluftWM is its support for manual and automatic window tiling. The user can set up automatic tiling for each window or application. Automatic tiling can be changed to manual at any time.

It uses a Bash script to set it up, but other than that it's pretty straightforward. Can be used different templates layouts, and create templates on the fly. Dual monitors are also supported.

12 Enlightenment

If you are a beginner then this is the best window manager for you. It does not require any programming knowledge to set up the environment. And in general, it is more like a desktop environment. All settings are made through the graphical interface.

You can fully customize it to your liking and also add an optional composite manager. It also has virtual desktops, widgets. Enlightenment is a very fast environment, perfect for laptops.

13. JWM

JWM is an extremely lightweight window manager. It is used as the default display manager in Puppy Linux. It's also perfect for any old computer. Menus and windows open faster than other managers. Also, JWM is easy to set up, you don't need any programming knowledge for this.

14. Window Maker

The design of Window Maker is very similar to the NeXT GUI and the user will be comfortable working with it. The window manager is very light and elegant, and it can be extended using various dock panels.

15. IceWM

IceWM is one of the lightest window managers out there. It takes up very little space on your hard drive. It is fast and quite easy to control using the keyboard. There are also many settings and themes that you can use. It also supports multiple monitors.

16. Pantheon

Linux newbies may think that Pantheon is made for people who have used MacOS before. This is a modern window manager with a beautiful design. There is a dock here that can be used to launch applications. Programs can be sorted by category or alphabetically.

17. XFWM

With this compositing manager you can split the screen into parts and place windows there very easily. There is a built-in ability to snap windows, as well as many themes and the ability to create new themes. You can set whether new windows open at the edge of the screen or in the center.

18. Ratpoison

Ratpoison is very easy to configure. It will take much less time to set up than for other managers, since it has a very simple structure. The main actions in the program are performed using the keyboard, there will be very little work with the mouse. You can create multiple desktops if needed.

19. Compiz

Compiz desktop cube

Compiz is an old window manager that used to be used a lot. There are even more effects here than Kwin. For example, it is known for such an effect as the desktop cube. It also supports extending Compiz with plugins. You can enable or disable a feature by enabling or disabling its plugin. The setup process is very simple - everything is in a special utility.

20. Wayland

This window manager does not have a drawing API. Wayland users get a DRM buffer handle that acts like a pointer to graphics memory. Wayland uses a graphics card to render images, not a processor. Wayland will make the work of the graphical shell easier and remove many unnecessary things. Its main goal is to simplify the Linux graphics stack. In the future it will be used in place of the X server in all environments, but it is currently under development.


There are three main types of window managers in Linux: stack, tiling, and composite. Composites take care of the 2D and 3D environment. Stacking allows windows to overlap each other on top of the desktop background. Tiling ensures that all windows are visible at the same time and do not overlap.

In this article, we reviewed the best Linux window managers. Each of them has its pros and cons. Before you make a choice, decide what exactly you need and try as many options as possible. The programs are free and just a few commands are enough to install them. What are the best window managers you know? Which one will you use? Write in the comments!

Attention! This article does not contain guides for setting up a particular window manager. It explains some of the general theoretical and practical aspects of using window managers. For instructions, refer to the specific window manager article on this wiki or post a question on the forum

A window manager is an application that is responsible for placing, decorating windows, interacting with windows - resizing, maximizing, minimizing, closing. The window manager interacts with the X11 graphics server, which handles interaction with the video card and input/output devices (keyboard, mouse, and monitor).

The window manager can work both together with the desktop environment (Gnome, KDE, XFCE), and separately from it. The functionality provided by window managers can vary quite a lot.

Window manager in desktop environment

So, the desktop environment already includes a window manager. In the case of Gnome it is Metacity, in the case of KDE it is kwin, XFCE uses xfwm4 by default. The LXDE desktop environment uses the openbox window manager - unlike other DEs that use window managers written specifically for them, LXDE includes a window manager that is developed independently from the rest of the environment.

In each of these environments, the default window manager may be replaced by another for one reason or another.

Perhaps two of the most significant examples for Ubuntu are the replacement of the standard Metacity window manager with Compiz to enable various special effects, or with Openbox to reduce resource consumption and provide more precise window management (more efficient use of hotkeys, placing windows in different layers (Always on top ) etc.)

Actually, there are no barriers to using the kwin window manager in the Gnome desktop environment, or vice versa.

In the event that the window manager is replaced as part of the working environment, the following actions are usually sufficient:

    Adding a command to replace the window manager in autorun using the session control utilities of this environment (textbook compiz –replace)

    If you want to transfer control over the desktop to the window manager (for example, in order to make the Openbox menu appear when you right-click on the desktop), disable the desktop control function in the settings of the application that does this by default. In the case of Ubuntu, this is Nautilus.

When you replace a window manager as part of your desktop, the latter continues to do a number of things for you. important functions- session control, mounting removable media, clipboard and network management, file association with applications. You change only and exclusively the window and desktop management mechanism.

Window manager without desktop environment

Suppose, in order to reduce the consumption of RAM and processor power, for self-education or for aesthetic reasons, you decide to independently deploy a working environment based on some kind of window manager.

What has provided you with a working environment so far? What do you now have to configure yourself? What tasks are performed by most window managers, and which are performed using third-party utilities?

Let's take it in order.

    Autostart and session control. If in the desktop environment you could add an application to autorun through the graphical interface, now you will most likely have to register such applications in the configuration file of your window manager. Looking ahead, I’ll say that most likely you will need to add a tray and / or panel, a keyboard layout switcher, a utility for managing network connections, a utility for mounting removable media, a utility for drawing wallpaper, mail client and Internet messenger, torrent client.

When adding apps to autostart, be aware of the order in which they start. For example, if you want to run the manager network connections or a torrent client, they will most likely need a tray, so they should start after the tray, possibly with some delay (use the sleep command)

    Network connection management. The desktop environment provides you with a network connection manager, in the case of a window manager, you will need to take care of this yourself. You can connect to the network before starting the graphical server, or after starting the window manager and running the tray nm-applet or wicd-client.

    Clipboard. You may notice that pasting a piece of text from the browser into text editor now only possible when the "donor" application is running. Install and add a clipboard manager to autostart, for example, parcellite.

    Switching keyboard layouts. It has disappeared!

The most versatile solution:

Setxkbmap -layout "us,ru(winkeys)" -model "pc105" -option "grp:ctrl_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll"

It also needs to be added to autorun. For more fine tuning switch layouts, use the utilities xxkb or xneur

    Perhaps you need panels and/or trays. The window manager can include a panel, as is the case with fluxbox, but you can use any other - undemanding to resources tint2 or functional gnome-panel or xfce-panel

    Power management. If you are using a laptop, you may need to manage power profiles. Can be used gnome-power-manager or xfce-power-manager

    Wallpaper. Most window managers will show you a black screen instead of wallpaper. In order to change and show the wallpaper, you need a separate utility, a special wallpaper manager is suitable nitrogen or image viewer feh

    Desktop icons. If you need them at all, then you can use a file manager that can draw them. Nautilus, pcmanfm or rox-filer fit. Nautilus - to a lesser extent - it tends to take full control of the desktop and can get in the way of your window manager.

    Mounting removable media. It is possible to transfer this function to file manager or configure the mount with udev

    Application appearance. Fonts, icons, desktop themes, cursor themes. Now you need to configure them yourself. Create hidden .icons and .themes folders in your home folder, in the first one you can add icon and cursor themes, in the second - GTK themes. Attention! Watch out for the folder hierarchy! Themes will only be configured if the theme path looks like this: ~/.themes/ topic_name/gtk-2.0. Some authors make packs of themes, and in the "Theme" folder there may be subfolders "Light Theme" and "Dark Theme". A handy tool for customizing gtk themes, icons, fonts and cursor themes - lxappearance. Don't forget that gtk themes require so-called "theme engines" to work correctly, which a freshly installed minimal system most likely doesn't have. You can install them from the repositories, you can see what engines are in the repository like this: aptitude search gtk-engines

    Shutting down the computer other than via halt/shutdown from the console. If your window manager does not have a shutdown utility, then you will have to resort to third-party shutdown dialogs, and in doing so edit sudoers only using visudo to allow your user to shutdown and restart the computer without entering a password

    Utility for quick launch applications by entering a command. Try for these purposes gmrun

    Compositing, also known as "transparency and cube". Since compiz itself is a window manager, it is unfortunately not possible to combine it with openbox or fvwm. There are, however, composite managers who are not engaged in window rendering, but exclusively in special effects - cairocompmgr and a bunch xcompmgr And transfer- both allow you to add some simple compositing special effects (shadows, transparency), but nothing more.

Keyboard shortcuts, window decorations, virtual desktops, and menus are typically provided by the window manager and configured in the latter's configuration file.

From the translator: this note is interesting in that it is a guide to modern window managers, including new and little known ones. In principle, there is nothing in it that a user with the most minimal knowledge of English would "niasilil", so its translation seems to be useless. However, we know that blog posts tend to disappear sometimes, which in this case would be a pity. The only way to deal with this is relocation. But it would be ridiculous to re-post an English-language article on a Russian-language resource, so I decided to make this translation.

One of better ways Speed ​​up your Linux desktop by using the lightest window manager. For anyone who cares about speed, minimalists, and those who still hope to revive their outdated hardware, I present 20 of the fastest and easiest window managers for Linux.

Window Maker

Window Maker, a popular window manager designed to emulate the NeXT GUI as an OpenStep compatible environment, is described as "one of the most useful and versatile window managers available." Window Maker has a reputation for being fast, efficient, and very stable. It is very popular as an Open Source solution for use on both new and old machines. Like most window managers, it supports a large number of themes.

black box

is a minimalistic window manager for those who are looking for a fast and transparent environment with no frills. Some Blackbox features are only available through other apps. An example is the bbkeys application for using hotkeys. Blackbox is written in C++ and its code is completely original. It was developed by Bradley T. Hughes and distributed under the MIT license.


Fluxbox is a window manager based on Blackbox version 0.61.1. It is lightweight and customizable, and has minimal support for graphical icons. His user interface has only a taskbar and a menu that is invoked by right-clicking on the desktop. Configuration - through text files.

Fluxbox can please the eye: you can define colors, gradients, borders, and some other attributes. IN latest versions window corner rounding and graphical elements are supported. Fluxbox also has several features not found in Blackbox, including tabbed windows and a configurable title bar.


dwm is a minimalistic and dynamic tiling window manager. Outwardly, it is similar to wmii, but inside it is much simpler. The dwm manager is written in pure C and, for simplicity, does not have any configuration tools other than editing source codes. It's not as scary as it seems. However, one of the project's guidelines is that the source code will never exceed 2000 lines, and user configuration options should be represented by macros and contained in a single header file. According to the author of the project, dwm is optimized for high-resolution laptops and widescreen displays.


F Virtual Window Manager (no official meaning is now attached to F) is a virtual window manager for the X system. Originally derived from twm, FVWM has evolved into a powerful and highly configurable environment for UNIX systems.

Here are some of its features:

  • Support for any number of virtual desktops, each of which can be divided into many pages.
  • Full support for EWMH, ICCCM-2 and GNOME hints.
  • Full internationalization, including multibyte character sets and bidirectional text.
  • The title bar can be disabled or placed on any edge of the window.
  • Animated window shadows in any direction.
  • Configurable desktop panels.
  • It is possible to draw shapes with the mouse and link them to commands.
  • Xinerama support for using multiple monitors.
  • Dynamically expandable custom modules.


JWM, Joe's Window Manager is a window manager written by Joe Wingbermuehle. JWM is written in C, and only the Xlib library is used for minimization. Support for the following options can be added during compilation:
  • icons in PNG and/or XPM format;
  • Xinerama;
  • FriBidi;
  • Shape extension.


wmii is a dynamic tiling window manager. It supports classic and dynamic window management with the keyboard, mouse, as well as remote control. It replaces the workspace paradigm with a new tagging approach.

The minimalist philosophy of wmii is expressed in the fact that in order to achieve simplicity and understandability, its size does not exceed 10,000 lines of code (including all utilities and libraries). Like the related dwm, wmii is initially configured to use dmenu to launch programs and supports quick access to user scripts located in a subdirectory of the user directory.

open box

Openbox is a free window manager for the X Window System, licensed under the GNU GPL. Openbox was originally derived from Blackbox version 0.65.0, but has been completely rewritten in C so that its 3.0 version does not contain any Blackbox code.

Openbox uses a dynamic menu. This is achieved by the fact that the output of the script can be used as the source code of the menu. Each time the user points the mouse at a menu or submenu, the menu is regenerated. This feature provides users and developers with O More flexibility than the standard static menus found in most other window managers.


WindowLab is based on aewm, inheriting its compactness and lightness. In many ways, WindowLab is influenced by the Amiga user interface, but is not a complete clone of it. Access to top level menu is clicked right click the mouse on it, like in the Amiga, and this provides convenience and ease of use, since once the mouse enters the menu area, its movement is limited by it in both the horizontal and vertical directions.

The menu bar is not controlled by applications; it is a start menu whose contents are written in the dot file of the user's home directory in the form of lists of headers and their corresponding commands.


ratpoison is a free minimalist window manager for the X window system, originally written by Shawn Betts. Its user interface and b O Most of the functionality comes from the GNU Screen terminal multiplexer. The name comes from the fact that this window manager allows the user to control windows without using the mouse.

The successor to ratpoison is Stumpwm; ratpoison was getting bigger, and Betts decided to re-play it functionality using Common Lisp.


Sawfish was formerly known as Sawmill; this name has been changed because it was also the name of a commercial web log analysis program. Sawfish uses a Lisp-like scripting language, making it easy to extend. For example, it is easy to include keyboard sequences for XMMS.

Sawfish has no panel and was used as GNOME's window manager until it was replaced with Metacity in version 2.2 of the latter.


IceWM is a window manager written by Marko Macek from scratch in C++. The manager is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License. IceWM provides an excellent look and feel while being lightweight and customizable.

IceWM can be customized by editing text files in the user's home directory, making it easy to configure and copy its settings. IceWM has an additional built-in taskbar with a menu, task list, network load indicators and CPU, an email check icon, and a customizable clock. Official support for GNOME and KDE menus was previously provided in a separate package.


wm2 is a minimalistic window manager written by Chris Cannam. It provides for moving, resizing, and deleting windows, but does not support icons. Instead, wm2 uses temporary hiding of windows from the desktop; hidden windows can be restored via the root window menu. This window manager does not offer any interactive configuration (some settings can be made by editing configuration file), nor virtual desktops, nor other features of modern window managers such as configurable main menus, toolbars, and so on.


StumpWM is a window manager for POSIX-compatible Unix-like operating systems that runs from the X window system. It is the successor to ratpoison. StumpWM tries to be customizable and visually minimal at the same time. There are no window decorations, icons and buttons in it. But there are various "hooks" for attaching personal changes and variables that can be changed.


Waimea is a lightweight window manager for the X system, designed in the Blackbox style. It borrows some code from Blackbox but is not a fork of it.

Waimea has a very advanced style engine with features such as support for Blackbox style, pixmap style and transparent textures. Text can be rendered in two ways, using both X core fonts and Xft fonts. Waimea also includes fast easy menu system with support for dynamic menus.


xmonad is a tile-type window manager written in the Haskell functional language. In development since March 2007, it, like dwm, larswm, StumpWM and other related managers, aims to allow the user to manage windows productively without using the mouse. xmonad is distributed with many Unix-like operating systems, including Archlinux, Debian, Ubuntu, Gentoo, FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD.

In Linux, there are a lot of Windows Managers, such as KDE, GNOME, Unity, but not all of them suit, for example - for sure, if you work with code, you want maximum comfort when working with the OS, without any graphic excesses and bells and whistles. Tiled window managers are a real savings in screen area. at least due to the absence of roundings in the corners of the screen, massive forms. In addition, the use of graphic resources, computer memory - is minimized. So let's move on to the review of the best window managers in my opinion.

How to change the graphical interface (graphical\window environment)

To change the graphical interface, at startup or login in account Ubuntu click on this button:

Then choose a pre-installed graphic design.

So, the review

1. Window manager - i3

In appearance - - just a fairy tale for those who absolutely do not need graphic drawings and who have enough small windows without frames, short description loading the machine and other things, so, a screenshot from the official site:

As you can see - everything is interesting and extremely tempting - we can easily climb in the code and watch the movie in the background and, moreover, read the news on the right) very interesting. In addition, on the site you can find hot keys for simplified control of this window manager:

Well, as usual, I am attaching a picture in order to smooth out my guilt for the hard-to-read written text (otherwise I can’t at the moment)

2. Window manager - Awersome

- as in translation from English - a wonderful tiled window manager in my opinion. Perhaps one of the most convenient from this list - there is a well-documented code, if you suddenly want to fix or add something :) and of course, a bunch of hot keys that make menu navigation simple.

Screenshot from the site:

3. Window Manager - DWM

- Dynamic window manager. At the same time, it combines not only the "tiled" style of window design, but also in various styles - selected if necessary, this is its main difference from the above described window managers. Keyboard shortcuts are just as easy to understand, remember and manage :) so, screenshot:

As we can see - more saturated with colors, interesting window frames :)

Conclusions, conclusions

Of course, these options are not suitable for everyone and are more acceptable for people working with code than for ordinary users. But also regular user, which needs windows to occupy only real space without any frames - it will also not be a bad option. Each window manager is quite functional and has hotkeys for quick control. Try it, see - installation in most cases is extremely simple and worth looking for Ubuntu applications enter a name and click on the install button.

Linux window managers manage the system windows that invoke an application. Let's clarify this with an example:

When you normally run one application, you get a manager for your window, which usually runs in background, and for the appearance and placement, they are responsible.

Don't confuse your Linux window managers with your desktop environment because the desktop manager is what basically contains the panels Windows tools, wallpapers, desktop widget, folders and icons, and they usually provide you with a set of applications and some libraries so that you can manage your computer in a related way. The desktop environment has its own manager in which the compositing window manager allows you to draw and create a window separately.

Best Linux Window Managers

Awesome WM

One of the best Linux window managers that allows you to port the asynchronous XCB library instead of XLib. Multiple tags are allowed for workspace organization with Awesome WM, and it is fully extensible with LUA. It can be customized, skinned and keyboard friendly along with a shortcut feature.

The default configuration is designed and it supports multiple workspaces. Rearranging and resizing panels is also available with the mouse. You can easily change anything during setup.

Download it from this site https://awesomewm.org/download/


It is a heavily documented Linux Window Manager that is fully customizable. This manager can be customized in any way you like, from hosting an open application to custom keyboard shortcuts. It is customizable in every way. Simple text configurations are easy to read and don't require any Haskell or LUA.

Switching and managing floating windows is also easy as they can be switched with $ mod + shift + space. The development process is normal, errors are prevented, and you can also use the terminal to be notified of the actions taken.

You can download it from the official site https://i3wm.org/downloads/

open box

It is very lightweight, one of the famous Linux Window Manager for your system. The download will use about 100 MB of RAM. It is highly customizable and easy to implement. You can easily edit several configuration files of this manager, which will also fit perfectly with traditional desktop elements such as panels, menu buttons, and more.

Try it out by downloading it from the official site http://openbox.org/wiki/Openbox:Download


It may also work for you. With it, you will not be limited to any pre-programmed actions or layout, rather, you will be allowed to program anything in the configuration. Basic settings are easy to change and codes are usually kept clean and secure. It's also lightweight and fast, and you can run it on any slow system.

With this manager, you can also manage multiple monitor settings. It's the perfect desktop window manager and you'll get everything you need.

You will receive all Additional information by installing it on the site https://xmonad.org/download.html


This Linux window manager works with the Gtk client side. Has an elegant design.

It is very easy to use for beginners Linux users. Being incredibly customizable, Gala has shortcuts for ease of use. Hot corners are useful for multitasking or any custom commands. 4 super-easy keyboard shortcuts are added to the controls.

Animations and fancy effects are also included. You will get an advantage dynamic control workspace by adding or removing anything according to your requirements. Gala is very fast and usually runs on some resource constrained devices like Chromebooks or older netbooks. The stability is great too. It is considered one of the most famous Linux window managers.

Download it https://github.com/elementary/gala


This Linux window manager is part of the suckles suite and usually it can prompt the user to customize and extend it with code changes. dwm is also very light on your system and you will get the hang of it without any problems. It is simple in design and is a low resource manager.

The dwm's simple configuration, functionality, and keybindings are incredibly well thought out, making it one of the best Linux window managers. Hotkeys such as ALT + TAB are available.

You can use paradigm design to help you group clients or applications that can be brought into the workspace. This will allow you to get multiple clients and help you assign and reassign tags. The dwm status bar is informative which shows you wifi signal, wifi strength, volume level and battery notification.

You can use it by going to the site https://dl.suckless.org/


If you are looking for the best Linux window manager that is super lightweight then Fluxbox will be one of the best. the best options for you. It will run fast on any system. It is convenient for users, and its configuration is much simpler than others.

It has its own panel and also contains a set of wallpapers, which makes it the best window manager. The menu is simple and is controlled by the mouse. Clicking the right mouse button will help you open the main menu.

With Fluxbox, you don't need to know any programming language and it makes editing and window management easy. Includes various themes and configuration options.

Download and use it at the convenience of http://fluxbox.org/download/


This highly customizable window manager can be easily tailored to your needs. The compositing manager is integrated and you can change the way it runs by doing some simple steps in settings.

People these days are moving towards touch interfaces. KWin is still the same DE that can be ideal for users desktop computers. The interface is great and includes an attractive desktop effect. KWin also offers window shadows/glow or wobbly windows.


Includes a plain text setting that can be reloaded while it's running. This will allow you to see the results of configuration editing without logging out. The defaults are the same and any user can enjoy the simplicity of this Linux window manager.
It's very simple as it includes a basic set of options and doesn't require any language during setup. Spectrwm is ideal for beginners and offers support for built-in keyboard shortcuts. It will be the best choice if you are not familiar with Haskell.

You can download it from https://github.com/conformal/spectrwm


The musca interface is intuitive. The default values ​​of this window manager are also considered simple and straightforward. It saves space as it has zero panels, as window decorations like tabs and icons can take up huge screen real estate, musca avoids this element (installing separate apps can also add them). The grouping system of this manager is close to virtual desktops.

Windows are mostly hosted in different named groups, and they can be very efficient if they are used in the same way as virtual desktops. You can add or remove groups on the fly as each group will contain a different frame layout. It supports multiple screens and can create groups automatically. It can handle floating windows and contains highlighted frames.
