The phone freezes on the samsung splash screen. Android phone stuck on logo when turned on and won't boot further

It often happens that the owner of the lg phone is not able to use the device, because he simply cannot turn it on. In this case, the phone may show signs of life, but never boot to a working state. That is, there are several options for such a malfunction:

  • The phone does not turn on at all;
  • Stuck on the loading screen;
  • Installs updates;
  • Disconnects immediately after loading;

All of the above options are quite relevant for owners of lg phones, it should also be noted that several reasons can lead to such types of malfunctions.

  • Dropping the device, impact, mechanical damage;
  • Excessive moisture on the device;
  • Loss of phone battery capacity;
  • Complete failure of the battery;
  • Insufficient battery charge;
  • Malfunction of the operating system;

It is these reasons that most often determine the cause of the breakdown, with some of them the owner can easily cope on his own, while others are best left to professional employees of the LG service center. If your lg phone won't turn on, you can take the following steps in an attempt to fix this situation:

Battery check

The first thing you should pay attention to is the battery of the device, it is quite possible that it is faulty, this happens not only with battered phones, but even with new lg smartphones. There are several ways to check the battery's performance, the most effective is to connect a 3.5 watt light bulb to it, if it is charged at least half a percent, it will function.

There is also special electronic equipment that can show the performance of the battery, but such equipment is available to repair shop masters and it does not make sense to buy it specifically to test one battery.

The problem with the battery is solved mainly by purchasing a new one, this is the most effective way.


If the malfunction concerns the operating system, then usually the lg phone does not turn on completely, that is, on home screen the company logo appears and that's it, the download does not go further, and there are no messages about possible error does not appear, usually in this case only the firmware of the device can help, that is, the installation of a new operating system.

In order to flash the phone you need Personal Computer and the file itself operating system, without certain knowledge in the field of phone maintenance, it is better not to try to flash lg yourself, since inept actions can only do harm.

After the OS is installed, all user files will be deleted, but this is perhaps the only disadvantage of this process. When you turn on your phone for the first time, the system will prompt you to standard settings, language, date and time, after which you can use the updated lg.


If lg does not turn on after a fall, the reason may be damage to the microcircuit, in which case only the intervention of the master can correct the situation. For many years, the LG service center has been helping users of the manufacturer's equipment to return devices to life, thereby saving on the purchase of new ones.

Even if you just take apart the smartphone yourself, you can damage the component parts.

If the lg phone does not turn on because it is wet, do not try again, turn it on while it is wet was a big mistake, the microcircuit will be damaged, and as a result of a short circuit, many parts of the device will have to be changed after that, but if you let it dry and process the contacts properly , then functionality will be restored.

If your Android device freezes, does not turn on or does not work, it blinks that it is charging, but the download still stands still and nothing happens, then the following tips can help you. If you need to solve the problem of incorrect loading or freezing when turning on the android, then you must clear the settings and memory of your Android device in order to boot the operating system correctly.

The first step if the android freezes when turned on is to remove the settings. To do this, hold down the power key and do not release it for 10 seconds - then the smartphone or tablet will turn off. The power button can be disabled when the screen goes blank.

Next, you need to turn on the gadget again. To do this, press the volume key (+) and then the power button. In the menu that appears, use the volume keys to select the Settings item (it is possible to write in English - Settings).

The selection button in this menu will be the power key. In the Settings menu, you need to select system formatting. With this action, absolutely all files are deleted from your device, except for system ones. There is no way to save them.

You can also remove the memory card, because it is not formatted. This operation can be done separately, if you need of course.

After formatting, select Reset Android and reboot the device. Now the android should not hang when turned on. Also, if the android freezes when turned on, then there is another way to solve the problem.

The result obtained will not differ from the first method. It will also reset all settings with the loss of all data

  1. First you need to turn off your device. The on / off key must be held until you feel a slight vibration. Now you can let go.
  2. Next, hold down both volume keys and wait for the context menu to appear.
  3. In this menu, find the item Clean boot and select it. To select between menu items, use the volume keys. To confirm the selection of the desired item, press the camera button.
  4. After resetting the settings, your device will reboot. Next, you can turn on your device and check if it works correctly.

A common cause of problems is battery failure. It is quite easy to identify a defect: if, when connected to a power adapter, a charging icon appears on the screen, increasing the charge level over time, everything is fine.

But if, when the charger is turned off, the gadget generally stops responding to button presses or refuses to charge, the problem is probably in the battery or power connector. In this case, the only correct solution is to contact service center manufacturer.

These methods are simple and accessible to all users. Therefore, if the android freezes when turned on, then now you can fix all the problems without the help of specialists and not spend a lot of money on those services that you yourself can provide to your Android device.

It happens that the user turns on his smartphone, the process reaches the splash screen (logo) and does not load further. Panic immediately sets in, because the phone turns on, but does not boot. Perhaps the reason for this was the rally of the firmware or damage to the mechanical plan. In any case, something needs to be done, let's see what.

We fix the problem of freezing the smartphone when turned on

So, the Lenovo phone turns on, but does not boot, there may be various reasons for this. Now you will learn the most common of them and understand how they are eliminated.

Method 1: Factory Reset via Recovery

Let's say you updated the firmware, then rebooted the device, and it freezes at the boot stage. 10-20 minutes have passed, but nothing has changed. Probably, there was a system failure and one of the methods to solve the problem is to reset the data. It's easy to do this:

  1. Go to Recovery Mod. To do this, hold down the volume down button and the power button.
  2. Then you need to use the volume up key to select Wipe data factory and press the mute button.

  3. Then select to restart the device.

  4. If Recovery is not installed correctly on your device or it is not there at all, you should visit the forum, find your phone model there and find out what to do.

    Method 2: Flashing

    If the previous method turned out to be useless and the system does not boot to the end again, you should reflash the smartphone. If to speak in simple terms, it means to reinstall the Android system of the device. This is done either through a modified Recovery, or through special program Flash Tool or Odin (for Samsung). Yet again, detailed instructions The firmware of your device can be found on

    Before flashing, be sure to charge the device, at least up to 50%. Install only official firmware. If during this process something goes wrong, the device may stop turning on altogether.

    Method 3: Remove the SD card

    Why does my phone turn on but won't boot up? Did the previous solution not help? Rarely, the reason for this is the incompatibility of the memory card with the device. In this case, you need to try to remove it and turn on the device without it.

    Method 4: Service Center

    If nothing helped, the phone does not boot to the end, what should I do? It's most likely a hardware failure. You need to go to the service center and hand over the smartphone for diagnostics. Specialists will identify what the problem is and fix the device.

    How to save information from the internal memory of the phone

    What to do with the device's SD card is clear, you can pull it out, connect it to a PC and extract the necessary files. And what about the memory of a smartphone? If you were not lazy and did backups, then there must be a backup file on the memory card. Still can save google sync. If it was enabled, then your photos, videos, contacts will be stored on the cloud. In other cases, alas, the data cannot be saved.


    Now you know what to do if your Android device turns on, but does not fully boot up and freezes on the splash screen. Use one of the methods we described, it should help.

In our world, people can no longer imagine life without a smartphone. It has become an extension of our hand. For most, the breakdown of your favorite gadget will cause panic and hysteria. This, of course, is not very good, but we have to put up with it. Modern mobile devices- very tricky stuff. Sometimes they behave unpredictably. In order not to be left without communication, you need to know what to do with the device if it suddenly "bucks up" and does not react to the user's actions in any way. The most common problem with gadgets is that the phone does not turn on beyond the splash screen. What to do in order to revive your "pet"? Let's try to answer this.

Possible causes of failure

There are several reasons for this behavior of the smartphone. And depending on them, the decision to repair will be made. The first (and most common) reason that the phone does not turn on beyond the Android splash screen is a failure during the installation of an operating system update. This happens, because the Android OS is not very stable. It's still half the trouble. However, the same result can be obtained after the device falls from a fair height. It's much worse.

Also common causes may be a malfunction of the battery, charger, or the connector itself for charging the gadget. Now we will analyze, further screensavers. In most cases, you can fix everything yourself. Fatal breakdowns are extremely rare. But at the initial stage, the main thing is to correctly diagnose the problem in order not to make mistakes in the future.

System failure

It's the safest thing there is. If the operating system crashes, you need to enter the recovery mode and reset the factory settings with clearing the cache. Be careful! After this procedure, there will be no third-party application installed by the user. You can enter the recovery by holding the volume up button and the power button at the same time. True, for various models devices can be different combinations. Then you need to go to Wipe data and factory reset and confirm your choice. Then you need to mark Reboot system now. after that the phone will reboot. If everything is fine, then the reason that the phone does not turn on beyond the Lenovo splash screen was precisely a system failure.

Sometimes factory reset doesn't help. Then there is another option. You just need to reflash the phone. It's not that hard to do. The web is full of instructions for each specific smartphone. And on any adequate forum you will be happy to help implement your plan. You shouldn't be discouraged.

If the cause is the battery and charging

You can check this very easily. It is enough to find somewhere a similar battery and similar Charger. If, after replacing all the components, you did not see any changes, then the reason that the HTC phone does not turn on beyond the splash screen is much deeper than you thought. There are only two options here: a breakdown of the charging socket or the board itself.

Dealing with a faulty battery or a "buggy" charger is easy. These are not particularly expensive smartphone components. They can simply be replaced with new ones. The problem with the hardware board will be much more noticeable. Here already (in most cases) you can not do without a visit to the workshop. Sometimes you have to pay a very tangible amount for repairs.

If the reason is the board and hardware

It is very difficult to do something with this on your own. You need to have certain knowledge in radio electronics and own the appropriate tool. If you have all this, then you can easily solve the problem. But if the phone does not turn on beyond the splash screen due to a faulty board, and you do not understand anything in this matter, then it is better to take the gadget to a service center. For by arranging repairs on your own, you risk turning your device into a dead brick.

You can try to find a familiar smartphone hardware repair specialist and save on repairs. Only it is unlikely that he will reanimate your device for free. Only if it's a very good friend. But, in any case, you will have to spend money on "magarych". And it is not known how much this will result in.


Now you know the main reasons behind the screen saver. There are ways to deal with this unpleasant phenomenon. Unless it's a hardware issue. But, as statistics show, in most cases, such a problem is caused precisely by the failure of the operating system. And to eliminate this annoying misunderstanding is very simple with a few buttons.

Every year electronic gadgets become more and more complex. The operating room is gradually overgrown with functionality android system, on the basis of which the vast majority of smartphones are created. Sometimes it doesn't lead to anything good. Some devices regularly issue certain errors, freeze, and sometimes they cannot be turned on at all. The last case is the most rare. Most often, an unsuccessful flashing leads to it - which is why manufacturers recommend not doing this business using standard firmware.

Android comes with millions of lines of code. Even Google itself says that there are bugs somewhere in the depths of this code. They are eliminated with each update, but at the same time new ones appear. In most cases, these errors do not affect the performance of the device. But sometimes the unfortunate piece of code is accessed by some third party application causing the smartphone to freeze. In such cases, a reboot usually saves. But there are also situations when after such a device does not want to turn on.

Do not assume that Google employs inept programmers. As such, there are no fatal errors in the "naked" operating system. But the creators of branded shells may well allow them. But in this case, we are talking about some small manufacturers who do not engage in the most meticulous verification of the created software. That is why problems most often occur on devices from, Cube and other little-known companies.

But most often, a smartphone turns into a “brick” after the actions of the user himself. In particular, such cases that occurred after the phone was flashed are widely known. More precisely, after trying to install custom firmware based on the wrong version of the operating system. This can become the most serious problem, which can often be “cured” only in an official service center with serious equipment.

Other user actions that lead to the inability to turn on the device are associated with damage. For example, a person dropped a smartphone into water and immediately took it out. It may seem that this will not lead to anything terrible. But corrosion is a terrible thing. It gradually covers the metal elements. If she gets to random access memory, processor or some other components, then you can forget about turning on the device. In this case, there is already a possibility that even the service center will not help. That is why you need to carry the device to a specialist immediately after he (the gadget, not the service center employee) has been in the water.

Trying to save a smartphone after being submerged in water

Now there are waterproof smartphones that are not afraid of even the most severe tests. But most of us own a device whose body is perfectly water-permeable. If a smartphone or tablet on Android fell into a river or a filled bath, then it will definitely not turn on after you get it. If you do not have the opportunity to immediately run to the service center, then do the following:

Step 1. Try to take out the battery. If you have a non-removable cover, then there is a high probability that nothing can be done without the use of special tools.

Step 2 Put the device in a bowl of rice. Before doing this, wrap the device with a paper or cloth napkin. This is necessary so that small grains of rice do not get inside the smartphone.

Attention! In no case do not try to warm up and dry the smartphone artificially. For example, with a hairdryer or by placing the device on the battery. So you will only make the situation worse.

Step 3 Wait a while. Rice perfectly absorbs moisture, as a result of which the smartphone itself becomes dry.

Step 4 Take out the device and clean it of rice.

Step 5 Buy new battery and insert it into your smartphone. Theoretically, you can try to turn on the device with an old battery, but this is risky - getting the battery into water could damage it.

After such a procedure, many phones returned to life. But if your device has been in the water long enough, then this may not help it. If the water has had time to damage the contacts on motherboard then you can't save him. The only working option if moisture gets inside the smartphone is to quickly disassemble the device, expel all the water and treat the parts with alcohol to avoid corrosion. However, without special tools and knowledge, this will not work. It is better to immediately take the smartphone to a service center.

Software bugs

As we said above, the smartphone does not turn on not only after physical impact, but also after interference with its firmware. If an attempt to install a different version of the operating system is not successful, then the device may refuse to boot anything. But it is possible that this problem can be solved without the involvement of specialists with their special equipment. Try to get out recovery mode. Different devices use their own methods for this. We wrote more about them in an article about. If you got into recovery menu then do full reset. It is possible that this will help the computer identify the device so that you can install the previous firmware.

How to flash Android if it does not turn on?

If the device somehow reacts after you hold down the power key, then there are chances of saving it. If there is no reaction, then first try connecting the smartphone to the computer, then hold one button Power or it together with the volume down key. If the PC gave a signal or even immediately identified the connected device, then you have every chance to flash your smartphone.

It makes no sense to talk in detail about the methods of flashing a seemingly dead device. It all depends on the manufacturer, brand of smartphone and some other parameters. It should only be noted that you will need to find and install drivers for Android devices on your computer (if you want to reflash an MTK-based smartphone), as well as a special flash driver - a special utility from the manufacturer or third-party developers. Also, don't forget to get a quality USB cable that doesn't suffer from sudden loss of contact.

note: it is worth flashing the device only as a last resort, if you do not know how to do this, then it is better to contact a specialist. If you do something wrong, then turn your smartphone into a "brick".

Other solutions to the problem

If you didn't try to change operating system, then the cause of the problem should be sought elsewhere. It is possible that you used a very, which ended up with a battery failure. The fact is that each battery is designed for a certain number of charge cycles. The closer the limit, the smaller the battery capacity. Also, at some point, the battery runs the risk of being discharged to zero, after which it cannot be charged by regular means. Or after the fall of the smartphone, the power controller was damaged, which immediately blocks the possibility of recharging. In short, there can be many reasons for the appearance of the problem ...

It will be better if you take your Android smartphone to a service center. You will spend some money on diagnostics, but you will definitely know the source of the problem. After that, it remains to replace the battery (you can do it yourself) or the power controller (here you have to rely on specialists). There are also cases when the power button breaks - it is also usually repaired without any difficulty in a service center.


Sometimes the smartphone refuses to turn on after a factory reset. In other cases, getting into the water leads to such a problem. And it also happens that even experienced specialists do not understand why the Android phone does not turn on. In a word, the reasons for this are very different. We hope that our article helped to solve your problem. If not, then you will either have to experiment with the device, resorting to the most fantastic means of resurrection, or contact a service center.
