How to disable pop-up messages in Odnoklassniki. How to remove notifications in Odnoklassniki? How to remove push notifications after receiving an alert

Progress does not stand still; social networks are gaining more and more popularity. After all, there you can make friends, communicate with them for free, share your photos, listen to music, watch movies, play games and even earn money! That's why we constantly receive automatic notifications: about the lives of our friends, games, news, and so on. Many people don’t like this, some even find it annoying, but not everyone knows how to turn off SMS notifications in Odnoklassniki.


Pay attention to the top menu in Odnoklassniki. With it you can view your viewing of guests, friends and so on. Go to the "Alerts" tab. A list of your alerts will appear in front of you. If you want to delete a notification, hover your cursor over it, a cross will appear in the upper right corner, click on it with the left mouse button.

To the left of the list there will be a small panel displaying possible alert topics. With it you can view your notifications by category.

How to turn off notifications in Odnoklassniki

In fact, turning off notifications in Odnoklassniki is very simple.
Staying on home page, pay attention to the menu under your main photo (“Find Friends”, “Close Profile”, “My Settings”, etc.). Select the “My Settings” tab. We are directed to the section with basic settings, where you can change your personal data. On the left we see another menu and select the “Notifications” section there. The same list appears in front of you with possible notifications. To disable a section you don’t need, simply uncheck it by clicking on it. After changes made Be sure to click the “Save” button.

To completely isolate yourself from annoying friends and spam inviting you to groups or games, you need to go to the “Publicity” section in the same menu on the left.
Under the “Allow” heading, find the items “Invite me to groups”, “Invite me to games” and check the desired option: “Receive notifications only from friends” or not receive them at all.

How to turn off notifications in Odnoklassniki on your phone

Odnoklassniki has a feature that allows you to receive notifications on your phone via SMS anywhere, at any time. So far, not all operator users can use this service.

To turn off notifications in Odnoklassniki via SMS, go to the “My Settings” section. On the left select “Notifications”. In the “SMS” column, uncheck the notifications you don’t need. Below you can specify the time period when you will receive notifications.

As mentioned above, if you don’t have an SMS column, it means your mobile operator does not cooperate with the social network, and you will not be able to use this function in any way.

Note: If you deleted notifications in Odnoklassniki, they will still remain in your mail.

How to turn off the message sound in Odnoklassniki

It happens when you are watching a movie or listening to music on Odnoklassniki, annoying friends bother you with messages, and the sound of an SMS distracts you from your work. To make messages silent, go to the “Messages” tab. Next, click on add-ons, these are three vertical dots in the upper left corner. In the “Notifications” section, uncheck the “ Sound signal about new messages."

We hope you found this article useful and informative. Enjoy!

A few words need to be said about how to turn off notifications in Odnoklassniki, because if you lead an active life there, messages may sound incessantly. We'll show you how to turn them off using your profile settings.

Few people like to be disturbed over trifles. It's very nerve-wracking if you're in an important business meeting or spending time with your family. And sometimes when you really wait important information, instead you receive a lot of different unnecessary news about games or classes from friends. Today we will talk about three types of alerts and ways to disable them. So they come

  • To the page
  • By mail
  • To phone

In each case, they are disabled different ways. You can read more about this in the instructions given for each option separately.

About how you can you will learn from another article on our website.

How to turn off notifications in Odnoklassniki from friends, groups and games coming to the page?

Here we will talk about the green icons that appear on your profile. By opening them, you will find out who came to visit you, what’s new in the groups and who has a birthday today. If you feel like there are too many of them, it's time to change your account settings.

Now it all depends on which messages you decide to get rid of. If you are too often invited to different communities that are not interesting to you, find the “Allow” table and in the “invite me to groups” line, move the checkbox from “Everyone” to “No one” or “Only friends”. You can also turn off game notifications.

How to turn off notifications in Odnoklassniki on your phone?

If you have once activated the “SMS notifications about events in in social networks” then on specified number You will constantly receive SMS messages about how life is going on the site. To remove SMS notification, completely or partially, do the following:

For example, if you decide to remove notifications in Odnoklassniki specifically about gifts coming to you, then uncheck the corresponding line. The same applies to all other points.

How to turn off notifications in Odnoklassniki via email?

If your profile is linked not to a phone number, but to e-mail, then perhaps it is clogged with many letters that come to you even for the most insignificant reasons. To stop this, follow the instructions given above in the section on SMS. Your actions should be similar, because instead of SMS messages you receive letters.

After all, notifications are a very necessary and important function. Sometimes this is the only opportunity to learn about something important to you, so don’t rush to get rid of them completely. Sometimes it's enough just to turn off the notification sound in OK for a while when you're especially busy.

You can read information about this in our other article, also located on this site.

How can I turn off notifications?

How to turn off notifications in Odnoklassniki? Dealing with this is quite simple. It is necessary to understand all the intricacies so that there are no problems in the future when performing the procedure.

The notifications feature was created to provide important information. You will be able to find out about something in a timely manner so that you can quickly take specific actions or respond to an incoming message.

What alert options are there?

  • Notifications from the games you use.
  • Providing data about your friends' activities.
  • Notify about messages in your browser or phone.

Why are alerts used?

  1. With the help of messages you can find out about the actions of your friends. Information is collected in a special section of the menu; the user can always look into it.
  2. This is convenient when communicating. You will be notified of the received message in a timely manner.
  3. The function will be useful on a smartphone, because the user does not spend all the time on the site, but logs into the application for a few minutes.

But sometimes it is necessary to remove a function. Reasons for disabling:

  1. You want to work fully, but notifications prevent you from getting things done.
  2. You don't have free time right now to spend on the site.
  3. The user wants to reduce the number of incoming notifications.
  4. You need to rest, but constant notifications are disturbing.

It is necessary to propose a way to solve the problem. How to disable alerts and notifications in Odnoklassniki? The task is easy to complete; you just need to follow the instructions.

Turn off notifications for games

You can turn off notifications in games. Incoming messages are usually useless and should remind the user of them. How to remove notifications?

  • You need to log into the game.
  • Below there is an item with alerts.
  • Click on it.
  • Choose to turn off.

How to reduce the number of notifications?

Another way to reduce the number of notifications is to disable the ability to send you invitations to groups and games. Necessary:

  1. Go to settings.
  2. Go to the “Publicity” tab.
  3. Find the corresponding items in the list.
  4. Prohibit sending invitations.

The number of alerts will be significantly reduced in the future. Now you will receive fewer notifications, so you can view only really important messages and receive information of interest.

Turn off notifications

You can turn off notifications on the site so that the user receives significantly fewer messages. You need:

  • Go to the settings section.
  • Go to the notifications section.
  • You will see a panel with enabled alerts. If necessary, you can rearrange individual or all checkboxes.
  • Save the new data.

You can turn off notifications about gifts and other actions. In the menu you can customize notifications to suit your wishes, and cope with the task easily and simply.

Mute the sound

To turn off notification sounds in your browser, you can:

  1. Turn it off completely on your computer. But this is not always possible; users need to watch a movie or listen to music.
  2. You can disable it on a specific page.

To turn off the sound on a tab, you will need:

  • Right-click on the page in the panel.
  • From the menu, select “Mute sound on tab.”
  • To enable it, you must follow the same steps.
  • The whole procedure will take you a minimum of time.

How to turn off notifications in Odnoklassniki on your phone

More and more people are using a phone app. Benefits of the program:

  1. Simple and convenient interface.
  2. Ability to quickly receive message alerts.
  3. Comfort of use.
  4. The main functions of the site are present.
  5. You will be able to communicate comfortably outside the home.
  6. The application is installed on various devices.
  7. It is stable and works great.
  8. Users should not have any difficulties with it.

How to start using the program?

  • Go to the official store on the platform.
  • Download it to your smartphone.
  • After installation, please log in.
  • You can start working with the application.

How to disable notifications in Odnoklassniki in the program? You can remove the indication in the menu. The user needs:

  1. Go to the settings section.
  2. Select "Notification Method".
  3. You can turn off the sound when a message arrives, light indication, and vibration.

In the notification settings there is an option to temporarily disable notifications. Click on the “Do not disturb” item and select the duration of the mode. During the specified period, you will not receive messages from the application.

Setting up alerts is easy. You will need to select the option you are interested in and disable it using one of the proposed methods. The procedure takes the user several minutes.

Active Internet users know that when visiting various web resources, you can encounter at least two problems - annoying advertising and pop-up notifications. True, advertising banners are displayed contrary to our wishes, but everyone subscribes independently to constantly receive annoying push messages. But when there are too many such notifications, it becomes necessary to disable them, and in the Google Chrome browser this can be done quite easily.

On the one hand, push notifications are a very convenient function, as they allow you to stay up to date with various news and other information of interest. On the other hand, when they come from every second web resource, and you are busy with something that requires attention and concentration, these pop-up messages can quickly get boring, and their content will still be ignored. We'll tell you how to disable them in the desktop and mobile versions of Chrome.

Google Chrome for PC

To disable notifications in the desktop version of the web browser, you will need to follow several steps: simple actions in the settings section.

For selective shutdown in part "Block" click the button "Add" and one by one enter the addresses of those web resources from which you definitely do not want to receive push notifications. But in part "Allow" On the contrary, you can specify so-called trusted websites, that is, those from which you would like to receive push messages.

Now you can exit Google settings Chrome and enjoy Internet surfing without intrusive notifications and/or receive push notifications only from the web portals of your choice. If you want to disable messages that appear when you first visit sites (invitations to sign up for a newsletter or something similar), do the following:

Once you have completed the required steps, the "Settings" can be closed. Now, if you receive push notifications in your browser, then only from those sites that are truly interesting to you.

Google Chrome for Android

You can also block the display of unwanted or intrusive push messages in mobile version browser we are considering. To do this you will need to do the following:

  1. Having launched Google Chrome on your smartphone, go to the section "Settings" in exactly the same way as it is done on a PC.
  2. In chapter "Additional" find the item "Site Settings".
  3. Then go to "Notifications".
  4. The active position of the toggle switch means that sites will ask for permission before they start sending you push messages. By deactivating it, you will disable both the request and notifications. In chapter "Allowed" Sites that can send you push notifications will be shown. Unfortunately, unlike the desktop version of the web browser, there is no customization option here.
  5. After completing the necessary manipulations, go back a step by pressing the left-facing arrow located in the left corner of the window, or the corresponding button on your smartphone. Go to section "Popup windows", which is located a little lower, and make sure that the switch opposite the item of the same name is deactivated.
  6. Go back a step again and scroll up the list of available options a little. In chapter "Basic" select item "Notifications".
  7. Here you can do fine tuning all messages sent by the browser (small pop-up windows when performing certain actions). You can enable/disable sound notification for each of these notifications or completely prohibit their display. You can do this if you wish, but we still do not recommend it. The same notifications about downloading files or switching to incognito mode appear on the screen for literally a split second and disappear without creating any discomfort.
  8. Scrolling through the section "Notifications" Below you can see a list of sites that are allowed to display them. If the list contains those web resources from which you do not want to receive push notifications, simply deactivate the toggle switch next to its name.

That's all, mobile settings section Google Chrome can be closed. As is the case with his computer version, now you will not receive notifications at all or you will only see those sent from web resources that interest you.


As you can see, there is nothing difficult about disabling push notifications in Google Chrome. The good news is that this can be done not only on a computer, but also in the mobile version of the browser. If you use an iOS device, the instructions described above for Android will also work for you.

We all have to agree that notifications are still a useful thing, but what do you do if you receive too many of them and they start to annoy you? Of course, you can turn them off, and that’s what we’ll do.

Removing notifications:

You are the owner of a smartphone based on operating system Android 5 and up? Consider yourself lucky. After all, these versions allow you to turn off the annoying “beeping” much faster and easier.

Swipe down to open the notification shade on most devices. Is there an unnecessary notification from a program from which you don’t want to receive it at all? - Great. Click on this very notification and hold until it turns dark.

Click on the "i" icon as shown in the screenshot above. The application settings will open, and this is where you can turn off notifications that you don’t want, but only for a specific application! To do this, check the box or slide the slider on the “Block” function.

Remove notifications on any device

But, oddly enough, there is another method to turn off notifications on latest versions Android. In the smartphone settings there is a section “Sounds and notifications”, this is where you can fine-tune all your notifications.

But what if the OS version on your device is lower than 5? Don't worry, you can also customize everything to suit your needs.

Go to the device settings - “applications”. Next, you need to click on the program or game that bothers you. In front of you you will see a menu in which you need to uncheck the “Output notifications” item.

Well, if you want to turn off all notifications at once, you will have to put the device in “Vibrate” or “Silent” mode. Good luck with the setup!
