Connecting computer to computer via wifi. Setting up a local network through a WiFi router

Tenth version of the operating Windows systems, like any other, has at its disposal reference materials, familiarization with which to obtain information on the use of the OS and its main functions, although not mandatory, is desirable for study. Herself reference system slightly different from what was envisaged to call it before, that is, the standard method in the form of pressing the F1 key does not give a result (or rather, a web version of the search for the answer to the last query appears in the browser, which does not always apply to the system). However, you can get help in other simple methods. Today, there are at least four of them.

How to get help in Windows 10: search engine

As is already clear, the standard technique that was present in previous versions of the system does not work in the tenth modification. Actually, the help section itself has become more interactive and does not contain help files on the hard disk (the so-called Help files were once used).

It is the lack of a help system as such for most users that causes quite serious difficulties in the question of how to get help in Windows 10.

But there are several methods. In the simplest case, you need to access the search by calling its menu by clicking on the magnifying glass icon located at the bottom left of the panel quick access, or by calling the section through the right click on the "Start" button. In the search field, you just need to enter the question of interest, and the system itself will find the most appropriate match for the query. But this is too general, since in most cases information is not shown in the form of some kind of manual, but an appeal to the corresponding settings of the system itself.

Using the preview section

In the case when you need to get help in Windows 10, so to speak, in a more complete version, where, for example, innovations or questions about the use of certain functions or parameters would be described, you should use a different technique.

The help system can be accessed via standard menu"Start", in which the so-called trusted application is selected " Windows Store titled "Get Started". You can also find it through the above search line.

This will show the main sections regarding the capabilities of the system or latest news associated with it. But if among the displayed tabs there was nothing suitable for the question of interest to the user, you can again use the search, but in the application itself. To do this, on the left of the panel there is still the same button with a magnifying glass icon, which you need to click and enter a query, after which the most suitable results will be displayed in the program window. Here, by the way, the convenience of work lies in the fact that you can refer to both the review of articles and watching the video. But, alas, in terms of processing search queries this system also turns out to be far from the best, and in most cases when creating a request like “How to do such and such?” you will not get an answer to your question.

How do I get help and support in Windows 10 from the appropriate service?

In such a situation, you will have to contact Microsoft resources directly. How to get help in Windows 10 in this version? As easy as pie.

First you need to have a permanent internet connection. Next, in the "Start" menu, use the section of the call to the service technical support Windows Feedback (or find it through a search), create a request (formulate a question), and then click on the continue button. After that, you will need to select the approximate area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe question (operating system, software products Microsoft Corporation, etc.) and the most appropriate method for obtaining a response. Upon completion of all these actions, it remains only to wait for communication with the operator. In this case, when specifying the specifics of the existing problem, you can get an objective and most full information for its solution or elimination.

Using Quick Queries

Finally, the question of how to get help in Windows 10 can also be decided at the level of the computer community. In other words, the request will be sent not to Microsoft services, but to other users of the system, in this moment located on the network.

To access the Start menu, select the quick help section or find it again through search engine, after which, in fact, what is the inconvenience of this method, you will have to enter a 6-digit security code provided by the corporation to continue. After entering it, it will be possible to generate a request. Not very convenient, but sometimes quite effective. True, the proposed solutions can be quite different from the generally accepted methods for eliminating a particular problem.

Instead of an afterword

As is already clear, the help system of the new OS in the literally became more interactive and simply migrated to the Internet. That is why the standard method does not work. By the way, the outdated Winhelp32.exe application, which could somehow be used in the eighth version, does not function either. Therefore, as they say, we have what we have. By and large, you can even just go to the Microsoft website, where there are also some materials related to Windows 10.

How to connect a computer to a computer

Hello, today I will tell you. Consider two connection options, via cable And via Wi-Fi.

Why is this needed?

If you want to play online game over the network, or you want transfer large amount of data from computer to computer, or maybe you just need to provide Internet access to one computer through another? All this can be done without problems, and now, I will tell you how.

To begin with, we will analyze both ways to connect a computer to a computer, namely using a cable and via Wi-Fi. And then we will look at how to configure the functions we need (games over the network, on the Internet, file transfer).

Connecting a computer to a computer via a cable

First, let's talk about cable, to connect a computer to a computer, you will need crossover cable- this is a cable crimped according to the computer-to-computer scheme, and not to the computer-to-switch. See, in the second column of the picture, there are diagrams for creating a cross-over cable. Most modern network cards will be able to work on a regular cable, which is designed to connect a computer to a switch, they were “taught to see the catch”. But it's better to play it safe and buy / make a cross-over cable.

We insert one end of the cable into the network card of one computer, and the other end into the network card of another (in any, if there are several).

The connection has been made, we will not configure anything yet, since different settings may be required for different purposes.

Consider connecting computers via Fi-Wi

Judging by the name, it is clear that your computers / laptops should have wifi adapter: either built-in or USB adapter- doesn't matter.

In this scheme, one computer should act as an access point, and the other will connect to it.

We create a wireless network on one computer under Windows control 7. Understanding the principle of creating a “computer-to-computer” connection, you can configure it in any operating system.

To get started, go to " Control Panel” => “Network and Sharing Management”, and then, in “ Wireless Network Management”.

Now add new network

Select a network computer-computer

Enter "Network name" and " Security Key”, set the checkbox “ Save settings for this network

Now we can observe a new network that is waiting for a connection.

But you must understand that if you use given Wi-Fi adapter for connecting to the Internet, then this connection will be inactive until you turn off the computer-to-computer network we created.

After creating this network, you can connect to it from any device with a Wi-Fi adapter. But, if a device running Windows XP acts as a client, then you will have to turn off authentication and encryption on the computer (with Windows 7) on which the network is created, since Windows XP does not support the authorization method used in Windows 7 (WPA 2) .

And so, we looked at two ways to connect one computer to another, but now they need to be configured for specific needs. In the further description of the settings, the term “ network adapter” by which I mean as usual network card, and wifi adapter, there is no difference in the settings, but what you will configure depends on how you connected the two computers.

Setting up a local network between two computers

If we connect one computer to another in order to play games over the network or transfer files, or for other purposes that do not imply access to the Internet of the second computer:

On computer No. 1 we assign network adapter IP address, subnet mask, leave other parameters empty. And to the network adapter of computer No. 2 we assign the IP address and the same mask as for the first computer. How to register an IP address.

Now you can already play network games or use any network programs for data exchange, for example, chat or 1C Accounting.

To organize file sharing, you can use the standard Windows service - “Server”, on how to set up file and folder sharing Windows. But, for more advanced users, it will be better to use FTP server, what it is and how to set it up is described, as well.

To provide a second computer with Internet access

Consider two methods: using standard Windows features and using a proxy server.

The standard method is the fastest and easiest, but has no rules. advanced settings and restrictions. About setting this method you can read. And don't forget that to work this method, must be enabled windows firewall, about how to check and manage Windows services.

A proxy server is much more convenient, a huge number of settings for rules and capabilities will allow you to manage users and their traffic in any way. How to set up a proxy server.

Well, we have considered the issue of connecting one computer to another and solved all the tasks for which we actually connected computers.

Don't forget to leave

A computer and a laptop are convenient elements for creating a full-fledged local home network. If you have WiFi, you can connect them to each other without using cables.

To connect a laptop to a computer via WiFi, you can use a WiFi router, or directly, through the built-in WiFi modules. Before starting the connection, you need to make sure that the devices for WiFi distribution configured properly, and the laptop and computer are accessing the same network.

Quick article navigation

Computer settings

Before setting up a connection "directly" (without using a router), you must enable WiFi. Next, you need to perform the following steps:

  • Press the "Start" button and select "Control Panel";
  • Go to the "Network and Internet" menu;
  • In the tab that opens, select "Network and Sharing Center";
  • In the menu that appears, click "Change adapter settings".

Then by pressing right click click on "Properties", you must enter the following network parameters:

  • Internet protocol version 4;
  • IP address (;

To save the settings, press "OK" and exit the menu.

Laptop setup

To connect a laptop to a computer using WiFi, you need to go to change the adapter settings in the same way as in the main computer. In the network settings you need to enter:

  • Internet protocol version 4;
  • IP address (;
  • Subnet mask (

The rest of the parameters do not need to be changed.

Connecting devices

To connect a laptop to a computer, you need to create a connection type "Computer-to-computer". You need to do the following:

  • In the "Control Panel" select "Network and Internet";
  • Click "View network status and tasks" and select "Set up a new connection or network";
  • In the connection settings, select the type "Computer-computer" and double-click on the "Next" button;
  • Set name local network and password to access it;
  • Check the box "Save settings on this computer" and click "Next";
  • During the setup process, check the box "Allow connection access for other devices";
  • Wait until the settings are completed and exit the menu;
  • In the "Network and Internet" control panel, select "Change Extra options Sharing" and click on "Enable Network Neighborhood".

Thus, the computer and laptop will be connected to each other via WiFi.

Connectivity Check

To make sure that the computer and laptop are properly connected to each other, you must perform the following steps on the laptop:

  • Click on the "Start" button and select "Run";
  • In the line that appears, enter the combination of letters "cmd" and press "Enter";
  • A black window will open, where you need to enter "ipconfig" and press enter;
  • Information will appear in the window where you need to find the item "Local Area Connection - Wireless Adapter";
  • Find the IP address of the laptop;
  • Do the same operations on the computer and find its IP address.

If the addresses of the laptop and computer differ by one digit with a difference of one, then the devices are connected correctly. You can also run the command: ping from a laptop (or ping from a computer) to check the connection status.

It was with the release of Windows XP that the era of the mass character of home PCs came. Its release just fell on the period of development of electronics, when components began to become cheaper due to a significant leap in evolution in this field of science, and ordinary citizens could afford to start getting acquainted with this platform. Time passed, users got used to it, the number of incomprehensible subtleties became less and less. Many began to wonder how to connect two computers via Wi-Fi. We'll talk about this today.


Some users began to figure out how to connect a laptop to a computer via Wi-Fi. While others created entire networks at home so that they could play with friends in the same room. These were mostly wired connections, as Wi-Fi devices on desktop PCs were rare.

By and large, such an action as connecting computers to a network via Wi-Fi, in principle, is not a squaring of a circle. operating system written and polished so that you just need to know how to get to the right menu. And then you only need to read, draw conclusions and make decisions.

Since the novice users of the platform did not have the skills to implement such an idea, they tried their best to look for information from the outside. And their prayers were heard. Teams or singles, but the developers knew their business, and therefore the applications were written. There were a lot of them and they were all different.

For a nominal fee, one could purchase a "program" that simply runs a series of commands that allow the tools already in the system to establish a direct point-to-point wireless connection.

It was very easy to distinguish them in this sea of ​​proposals. The only difference was the graphical shell. Sometimes it wasn't even there. The imaginary market was overflowing with the same solution to the problem, and when fundamentally new methods appeared, those who watched what was happening immediately felt the creativity and involved its owners in large and serious projects.

As unnecessary, these "applications" disappeared from sight and at some point they disappeared altogether. The last time they were mentioned was over five years ago. It was disc time. On the collections of "needed" programs there was a whole section where a number of the above-mentioned applets were collected.

Here we come to the analysis of such a moment as WiFi setup according to the scheme "computer-computer".


The algorithm will be described for Windows 7, but users from XP to 8.1, including Vista, can use the article as a guide. By and large, the architecture of the menu layout and settings differs between versions not much enough to cause misunderstanding even among the most novice users.

The whole process can be divided into two stages:

  1. Network creation:
    • Launching the "Network Setup Wizard".
    • Data input.
    • Debugging.
  2. Extension of connection functionality.

Create a network

In the lower right corner there is a notification area, also called the tray. It is located to the left of the date and time, and to the right of it - Language bar. Finding an icon available connections and click on it with the left mouse button. A small window will pop up where you need to click on the lowest inscription - "Network and Sharing Center".

A window will be displayed on the monitor screen, allowing you to perform various manipulations and fine tuning with networks in general and access to them in particular. In the main part of the window there are several different blocks, of which we are interested in "Change network settings". Right under the name of the block, the inscription “Setting up a new connection or network” will flaunt: we hover over it and click on it with the left mouse button.

Immediately after clicking, a window will appear on the screen, where options for the connection being created will be presented. Lower the scroll display checkbox to the very bottom and select the “Settings” position wireless network computer-to-computer”, and then click on the “Next” button.

Those who wish to get acquainted with the information about the feasibility and other subtleties of the selected mode can see it immediately after completing the previous paragraph. For those who find these explanations unnecessary, just click "Next" immediately.

The next screen of the window will prompt you to set the name for the network being created, the access key and the method of encrypting information moving over the channel, for something called "Security Type" here. It is recommended to leave the automatically installed encryption method - "WPA2-Personal" and check the box "Save settings for this network". After completing the settings, do not forget to click on the same "Next".

First, the process of debugging and preparing the emerging network will be displayed, after which the window will be updated to display the previously set data and an alert about successful completion network optimization with the clarification that now it remains only to connect the computer to the computer via Wi-Fi. It remains only to click "Close" and proceed to the next step.

If you have two computers, it is much more convenient to link them together than to use them separately. This will allow more rational use of their free disk space, peripherals and computing power. In addition, the presence of communication between them makes it possible to play together over the network. Connecting computers via WiFi is quite easy.

Equipment preparation

Before you start creating a network and connecting computers to it, you need to use the WiFi adapters themselves on them. At the hardware level (if laptops are used), this is done using a special switch or hotkey combination. They can be found in the instructions for the device. At the software level, you will need on each computer:

  1. select "Network and Sharing Center";
  2. click on the link "Change adapter settings" (on the left);
  3. hover your cursor over "Wireless network connection»;
  4. press the right mouse button;
  5. select the "Connect" line in the menu that appears (if disabled).

Network creation

Creating a connection is quite simple. All actions will be carried out in the Network and Sharing Center. Required:

  1. on the first computer, enter the Network and Sharing Center;
  2. select "Set up a new connection or network";
  3. in the window that opens, mark the line "Setting up a computer-to-computer wireless network" (below);
  4. click the "Next" button;
  5. click the "Next" button again;
  6. in the window that opens, in the "Network name" field, enter any convenient combination of numbers or Latin letters;
  7. select the security type "WPA2-Personal" in the drop-down list;
  8. in the "Security Key" field, enter a combination of numbers or Latin letters (at least 8 characters);
  9. check the box next to the "Save settings for this network" line and click the "Next" button.

The network has been created. If you plan to share Internet access, then in the next window you need to click on "Turn on Internet Connection Sharing".

Connecting computers

Now you can start connecting the second computer to the network that was created on the first one. For this you should:

  1. click on the "Networks" icon with a monitor image (in the system tray);
  2. select the newly created network;
  3. click the "Connect" button;
  4. enter the password set for this network.

General access

The two computers are already connected, but in order for them to share files and share peripherals over WiFi, you need to enable sharing. network access. To do this, follow the link "Change advanced sharing settings" in the Network and Sharing Center and select the items there:

After that, it remains only to click on the "Save changes" button and begin full use.
