Working with WordPress for beginners. How to work in WordPress - introductory instructions for dummies

Today we will create our own website in a few minutes on WordPress. Such actions really take a few minutes, from start to working and full-fledged website.

Material prepared with the support of:

Hosting for WordPress. Hosting cost.

In a nutshell, how the work will go. First, you will need a place to host your future website, such placement is called “Hosting”. The most convenient, cheap hosting that will help solve most issues right away is Beget.

Directly from the hosting panel, you can immediately install your future WordPress site in two clicks.

The minimum package for a blog or news site is the “Blog” tariff. Tariff cost: 135 rubles per day. You can compare, on any other hosting the price will be around 100 rubles plus or minus. Beget is convenient because it does a lot for you and is suitable for those who do not want or are not ready to understand the technical details of the installation.

Excellent and friendly technical support is ready to solve even comments on setting up the site, without any problems.

After registration, log into the control panel, go to the “Service Management” section. Choose your tariff (for example Blog), make a payment and the first step is behind us.

Website name and address for WordPress. Domain for the site.

Now we need the address at which our future website will open, for example The website address is called “Domain”.

In the Beget control panel, go to the “Domains and subdomains” section, and then select the “Register a new domain” tab.

Here you can choose the address of the future site. Think carefully and take your time, in the future it will be very difficult to change this address, the site will immediately lose all its positions and promotion will have to start again.

Fill in all required fields and register your address.

Creating a website in the control panel.

Now we have an address, almost everything is ready. Speaking in in simple language, we must indicate what should open at this address and where it is located. The same thing as giving a link to a folder on your computer.

Go to the “Site Management” section and enter the name of the folder, for example “primer” and select your address (domain) in the drop-down menu.

Click on the “Create” button. Now your domain opens this folder, you can check the work by finally going to your address. You will see a notification that the site has been successfully added, a greeting from Beget.

Important step: HTTPS – for a WordPress site. Free SSL certificate.

For those who do not understand, we simply recommend that you complete this task in advance and install the HTTPS encryption protocol for your site. In the future, you will have to do this anyway, and without doing it in advance, you will have to redo a lot of things and lose the position of your site.

In the “Domains and subdomains” tab, where you have already created your domain, opposite the domain name there is a small “SSL” icon. When you click on it, you will be asked to install a free SSL certificate for your domain. It’s really free and such a certificate is enough for any future tasks.

Confirm the installation and wait until you receive confirmation by email that “The SSL certificate has been successfully installed on your site and the site is accessible via the HTTPS protocol”

After successful installation, proceed to the next step.

We install in advance - PHP 7.1 and HTTP 2.0

Don't worry, everything is done automatically, don't be scared by these complicated names and actions.

It’s very simple, opposite your site in the “Site Management” section, click on the icons with the names “PHP and HTTP”, where we select the latest versions of these protocols. This will also be useful to us in the future.

Installing CMS WordPress on the site.

Beget – helps for free install WordPress latest version , directly from the control panel. It's very simple and can be done in two clicks.

Go to the "CMS" section. In the “CMS Installation” table - select WordPress and enter the required values ​​in the drop-down panel:

  • The installation site is the folder you created.
  • The default domain is your website address
  • Site description – you can change it later
  • Administrator login - for security, come up with your own, different from ADMIN
  • Administrator password - be sure to create one complex password, better generated
  • Email – enter the administrator’s email, which must be working.

Now click on the “Install” button.

Wait until the installation is completed and a notification will be sent to your email. You can check the successful installation of the site by visiting your site address, where you will see a successfully installed WordPress site and the message “Hello World!”

Installation completed!

Installation of WordPress site on your domain is complete, everything is very simple. It takes much longer to read these instructions; the second time, if you remember everything, you will be able to do it in 5-7 minutes.

From your control panel you can install and create as many websites as you like and even make money from it.

Access to the WordPress site control panel

Our site looks like a standard template that is automatically selected during installation. To change site settings and edit it appearance we will need access to the control panel.

Access to the control panel of any WordPress site is provided at:

At this address you will receive the following fields: administrator login and password. Enter your details and click login.

After logging into the control panel, you will be able to change the appearance and settings of your site. Install the necessary plugins and themes to design the site.

Basic WordPress site settings.

First, we need to configure the basic parameters of our site, which will be difficult to change in the future.

Click on the "Settings" section. Fill in all the fields.

  • Site name – this is what your site will be called when users see it in a search, for example in Yandex or Google.
  • Brief description – a description that will make your site easy to find.
  • WordPress Address (URL) – do not change it under any circumstances!
  • Website address (URL) – here you can specify the address that users will see, for example without www
  • Everything else is up to you

Go to the “Permanent Links” section, where select the “Post Name” option, thereby your pages and posts will automatically open via links that include the name, for example:

Installing and selecting templates for WordPress

All popular templates have long been freely available, you can download and select them. We do not support pirated distribution of templates and always buy ready-made templates from developers.

WordPress template database – Themeforest

The most important thing is that you can try it, work with it and decide whether the template is suitable for your needs.

Paid templates always have serious technical support and all future problems will be resolved within 6 months from the date of purchase, free of charge!

You can choose any WordPress site:

  • Business card website
  • Landing
  • News site
  • Online store

After choosing a suitable template, register and pay for it. In the Downloads section you will receive a link to download the archive and installation documentation.

Installing a WordPress template on your website.

You have downloaded the archive, unpack it into a folder and go into it. Most often, the folder includes other folders: Documentation, Template name.

Be sure to read the installation documentation; the attachments may even include a video on how to install the downloaded WordPress theme.

Attention! Now we will describe the standard procedure, which may differ from what your developers require, but most often the actions are very similar.

Selecting a WordPress theme and installing it.

Go to your WordPress dashboard and click on the Appearance section. Select "Themes" from the drop-down menu. Here you can install any templates you downloaded or choose the free ones that WordPress itself offers.

At the very top of the page there is a button - “Add new”, click on it and on the next page in the same place, the “Upload theme” button will appear. Now you must select the theme file you downloaded earlier and click on the “Download” button.

After downloading, the theme will appear in the list of available ones and you need to select it with the “Activate” button.

The theme has been successfully installed and the template is ready to use.

Installing Demo Content for the selected template.

In order for the template to look exactly the same as it looked when you selected it on the developer’s website, you will need to download Demo Content, which is also usually located in the folder you downloaded.

It happens that Demo Content is downloaded automatically; this will be indicated in your documentation.

You may need the “Export - Import” function if the developers simply saved their version of the site and sent it to you.

During installation of Demo Content, make sure that your Internet access is of high quality and is not interrupted. Also, be sure to check the “Download related content” checkbox, this way you will download all the demo images and pages.

After installing Demo Content, the site should already look 80% the way you chose it.

Selecting the look and feel of your WordPress site and home page.

Most likely, now you need to choose home page from those provided by the developer. There are usually a lot of options.

Some nuances need to be configured in the control panel and individual settings of your theme; all these nuances are described in the documentation.

The site is ready for work and content!

We can congratulate you, your website has been successfully installed and is ready to go. Remember that WordPress is convenient because any improvements and functions can be connected automatically using plugins. Everything you want to add is in the “Plugins” section.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the most popular plugins, read about them and install the ones you need. Be especially careful about the security of your site. Review of plugins on our website.

Enjoy it for your health. Successful promotion to you and speedy appearance in the search!

Where to start working in Vodpress? When I first started communicating with this system, I didn’t want to read any manuals or listen to advice. After all, WordPress developers position it as extremely simple and easy to use, even for beginners. For me personally, I needed help after I had mastered basic skills on my own.

And now I can say with confidence that it is better to first learn the basics of WordPress, and only after that start creating a viable website with its help.

Study Questions for Beginners

Key points you need to know to get started with WordPress:

  • how to log into the admin console;
  • select a theme for the site interface;
  • create pages and posts;
  • install suitable widgets;
  • select and install plugins for easier work.

To make posts more informative and interesting for future site users, add images and upload videos to its pages. To do this, click on “add media file” and in the tab that opens select:

  • insert a media file (upload a new picture from your computer);
  • create a gallery, add a post thumbnail;
  • paste from the site (a link to the source will be required).

The post thumbnail is the image that will be visible to visitors browsing the site pages in search of relevant information. It may not be too large, but it must necessarily reflect the essence of this entry.

Choosing the right theme

Starting from scratch in WordPress also means helping you go through the registration process in the system. To enter your Personal Area site administrator, you must enter your username and password on the page that opens at http://site address/wp-admin/.

Working with WordPress for me began with choosing a theme. For beginners, a good option would be to go through several dozen different options and choose the one you like. Then some beginners will face the problem of setting them up and managing them, but that will come later.

WordPress has over a hundred different themes to get you started. They are grouped into several categories, depending on what picture is on their main page. But since working from scratch involves changing all template data, you can choose any of these themes - all their graphic data will subsequently be changed.

Creating Pages and Posts

Where to start filling the site with information? Working from scratch with WordPress is not only about registering and choosing a beautiful theme, but also about writing interesting information, which will be properly structured. This is important for proper site indexing. Help in such a difficult matter can be obtained from copyright exchanges. Or, if your site is planned to be small, it is better to install a couple of useful SEO plugins that will tell you where the article should start and where to get the keywords by which it will subsequently be indexed by search engines. Help with this can be found on wordstat.

A page differs from a post in that pages are displayed in the site menu, and posts are their components. There is an indefinite number of posts that can be posted on the site, but the number of pages should still not be large so as not to confuse the user.

Features that WordPress provides for working with posts:

  • editing;
  • viewing (including preview);
  • deletion;
  • change of heading;
  • grouping and sorting by date, category;
  • record label management.

For help on how to create and manage a post, check out our guide to starting WordPress from scratch. Working with records begins with creating a title and ends with the last letter in keyword articles.

Working with widgets

Beginners will also need help with widgets. Working with them requires their correct placement and filling with information. Widgets even include a calendar and meta.

With their help, excellent news lines can be easily created, interesting links on the side columns of the site page, and also creates a footer, which will serve as a good frame home page. Widget settings are available in the theme management section.

Basic site settings

In conclusion, I would like to talk about the site settings. Their changes can be made in the section “ General settings" Here the admin edits:

  • user registration procedure;
  • posting for commenting on posts by other users;
  • basic setup general view website;
  • separate parameters for pages, reading, discussion and plugin settings;
  • record output format;
  • comment notifications;
  • accessibility of the site and its individual pages for search engines.

This will get you started with your WordPress content management system. This is a short introduction to WordPress and how to handle the very first steps towards a successful website.

We decided to study CMS WordPress from A to Z, an excellent WordPress Tutorial by Brian WilliamsWordPress for professionals. The book describes in detail the CMS system, its main functional elements, the inner workings of code and data structures. It talks about developing your own design themes, using plugins and writing extensions, setting up and optimizing large resources running on this system. The publication contains a large number of examples and ready-made code that you can use in your projects.
The book is addressed to a wide range of developers: from those who strive to implement fine tuning WordPress themes, to more experienced developers familiar with plugin development.

Tris Hussey: WordPress. Website creation for beginners

For those who want to study on their own this system I recommend this site section for creating websites. Here you will learn about all the secrets of this engine for creating websites. Plugins, templates and widgets, useful tips, WordPress improvements and hacks, you will learn about all this from the articles below. WordPress is the world's most popular free CMS, but most developers only use the basic features of WordPress without delving into professional web development based on it. At the same time, if you use WordPress to the maximum, you can use it to create projects of any level of complexity and design.

List of WordPress Articles

In addition, I suggest you download free lessons on WordPress best in Runet! This collection contains lessons on creating a template for the CMS WordPress and discusses in detail all three steps: design, workbench, programming.

WordPress is very easy to use, its interface is intuitive even for new users. But practice shows that people are far from information technologies, who recently sat down at the computer, but due to duty or the will of fate are forced to work with WordPress, are faced with a number of problems.

The problems are largely related to the lack of theoretical knowledge and practical experience in working with a computer, with web applications, in particular with WordPress.

I have already said more than once that the high popularity of the platform has formed an army of users. Among whom there are many beginners, quite advanced ones, and, as they say, real WordPress gurus. There are a lot of resources on the Internet dedicated to both the development of WordPress sites and its operation. For developers, all the most comprehensive information is located in the WordPress Codex, and for beginners and ordinary users There are a lot of lessons, articles, video tutorials, blogs, by studying which you can understand all the basics of the platform. But today we are not talking about them.

I am often asked the question: is there any technical literature on WordPress and where can it be purchased?

There are a lot of books, but it’s possible to find something useful and relevant in Russian simply unrealistic. There are many different reference books on the Internet, online courses By learning WordPress, you can find free e-books.

Today I will present several books on WordPress in Russian, which can be purchased on Ozone.

1. Creating websites based on WordPress. Tutorial

Alexey Sergeev

The tutorial discusses the issues of creating websites based on the CMS WordPress. The structure of the manual is designed for the consistent development of this content management system - the basic concepts of WordPress, issues of posting information, setting up and designing a site, creating a server and developing your own components.

Tutorial is intended for students studying the development of their own websites based on freely distributed content management systems. Such training is carried out in the areas of “Applied Informatics”, “Pedagogical Education” (profile “Informatics”), “ Information Systems and technology”, etc. The textbook can be used in courses “ Computer networks", "Development of Internet resources", "Multimedia systems and web design", etc. when conducting workshops, laboratory and independent work.


2. Create your website on WordPress. Fast, easy and free

Andrey Grachev

With the help of this book, you can independently create your own website based on the popular WordPress systems 3. Using CMS WordPress will not require you to know programming languages ​​or internet development skills, which makes web construction accessible to all Internet users. The book covers issues such as registering a domain name and purchasing hosting, installing and initially setting up WordPress, selecting design and its improvement, functional setup of the site and installation of additional modules, publication of new materials and site content management. In addition, it highlights basic principles“promotion” of your site and its promotion in search engines, as well as some of the most common ways to make money on Internet projects. There is a book support site, where you will find all the files necessary for work, as well as Additional information, which will help improve your WordPress site.


Daryl Bartlett

What are the benefits of this book? It is written in accessible language. Clear step-by-step instructions make the learning process easy. Sequential illustrations. With this book, you will learn how the WordPress platform works. The book contains all the necessary basics that will help you create your own website, blog or online store. In addition, the book helps you take the most important step in designing any website: calculating deadlines, brainstorming ideas, creating a page structure, and deciding on domain name and hosting provider. The WordPress platform allows anyone to create stunning websites without having to learn any programming languages. The book “Creating WordPress Websites for Beginners” is ideal for anyone who wants to create a modern and functional business website, blog or online store.


4. WordPress for professionals. Website development and design

B. Williams, D. Deemstra, H. Stern

Now in its second edition, this book will help you become an expert in developing websites using the WordPress platform. WordPress is the world's most popular free CMS, but most developers only use the basic features of WordPress without delving into professional web development based on it. At the same time, if you use WordPress to the maximum, you can use it to create projects of any level of complexity and design. The book describes in detail the CMS system, its main functional elements, the internal workings of the code and data structures. It talks about developing your own design themes, using plugins and writing extensions, setting up and optimizing large resources running on this system. The publication contains a large number of examples and ready-made code that you can use in your projects.

The book is aimed at a wide range of developers, from those looking to fine-tune a WordPress theme to more experienced developers familiar with plugin development.


5. WordPress for professionals

Tris Hussey

Currently, WordPress is one of the most popular platforms for creating blogs and websites. Version 3.0 presents a lot of opportunities that you just need to be able to take advantage of. The book pays attention to all issues related to working in WordPress, from simple ones, such as installing and configuring the platform, to the most complex ones - optimization for search engines and restoring system functionality. Thanks to the large volume useful information The book will also be useful as a reference book.


As you can see, there is no professional, high-quality literature on WordPress in Russian.

Therefore, I will mention here a few more interesting books in English. Perhaps it will be useful to someone.

Don’t delay your purchases; books are not always in stock.

Despite all the simplicity and efficiency of WordPress, some users experience a little discomfort when trying to support the site. The inconveniences are associated not so much with the complexity of the information that every second online textbook, online book and other tutorials are filled with, but with the method of presenting training material on creating and maintaining a website on the WordPress CMS.

A separate textbook or book is mainly aimed at completing a training course using an online method, i.e. the user must use a detailed list of recommendations as a self-instruction manual in order to bring his website to fruition through his own trial and error. In principle, the benefits of such courses can be noticeable in the presence of certain accompanying conditions:

  1. the presence of video courses that allow you to see in practice the sequence of implementation of materials from books;
  2. building a clear structure for presenting information necessary for quick creation and effective support of a WordPress site.

We will leave the development and publication of video tutorials to specialized specialists in this topic. Moreover, there are many video courses available online on the topic of developing and promoting a blog on WP.

We offer step by step instructions, consisting of points (like a real textbook) necessary at the very initial stage of mastering the system.

All information presented is taken from books and courses that help you master the main principles of maintaining a website on WP. The only difference is that, unlike numerous instructions for dummies (for example, a tutorial on WordPress), the material is presented in a clear sequence, allowing you to gradually develop and fill the structure of the future site.

Plan for developing your own project on WordPress

The starting conditions are the same for everyone

The number of websites, blogs, forums and other online projects is growing every day. Most users, inspired by the prospect of making quick money, are trying to join the ranks of successful Internet entrepreneurs as soon as possible. But about 90% of them give up after studying one “Wordpress for Dummies” course or reading a couple of books. It should be noted that the main incentive for the vast majority of website builders is to support one idea in their minds - creating their own online platform to implement conditions that provide stable and long-term passive income.

Choosing a theme

One of the main points that affects the effectiveness of all your efforts. The popularity of the topic of your future project largely contributes (or vice versa) to the demand for the resource.

Choosing a hosting

When choosing a hosting, in addition to its stability and reliability, you need to pay attention to the provider’s support for several conditions:

  • ability to create databases MySQL data latest version;
  • support for the latest PHP version;
  • support for other scripts of current versions.

To develop a blog on WordPress best option– this is the use of hosting with integrated support for a number of CMS (including WP).

Choosing a CMS

Quite naturally, our choice is associated with all the advantages and advantages of WordPress.

Purchasing a domain name

When purchasing a domain, you should take into account the future prospects of your work on the Internet. Certain domains indicate belonging to a particular field of activity. Also, it is necessary to take into account the relevance of choosing any domain name zone, for example: ru, com, net, org, biz, рф and others.

Installing a local server Denver

Used as a training base to prepare for real work on the server.

Installing WordPress on a local server

Step-by-step instructions can be found on the pages of many free books and textbooks.

Creating a MySQL Database

DBs serve as a place where all blog data (articles, posts, comments, etc.) are stored.

Transferring WordPress to Hosting

Setting up the system, finalizing the theme, installing plugins

By following all the above steps, the user will be able to study each individual item as efficiently as possible in order to qualitatively implement his plan for the development and maintenance of an Internet resource.
