Instructions on how to flash an android if it does not turn on. The phone does not turn on after the firmware, what should I do? Flew the firmware on the Samsung does not turn on

There are many reasons why an Android device may stop turning on:

1. Incorrect flashing of the system.

2. Failed attempt getting ROOT ownership.

3. Unauthorized actions to change the system data of the operating system and many others.

It is worth noting that most of these cases can be solved by ordinary flashing, especially when your Android does not turn on at all, which, exactly, will be discussed in today's article.

Let's start solving the problem

This problem is absolutely solvable, but only if the bootloader is not touched. In order to make sure that it works, you need to press the power key - the device display should show at least some reaction. It can be a robot, and sometimes just Exclamation point. The appearance of such icons indicates that the whole problem is in the operating system, which means that, in 95% of cases, there is nothing critical in this.

Such cases were noticed when the screen of the device did not react at all to an attempt to turn it on. Then you just need to connect the gadget to the computer and try to press the "Power" key or press the combination of the "Power" and "Vol-" buttons. If the PC sees the connection of a new device, then there are still good chances to flash Android.

Android firmware using manufacturer's software

One of the most elementary methods is to restore the functionality of a smartphone or tablet through programs from the manufacturer. But it is worth noting that not all brands have such functionality. For example, LG has provided such a method.

Recovery requires:

  1. Install the program from the manufacturer on your computer. For LG devices, it is referred to as "Mobile Support Tool".
  2. Using this software you need to download the driver for your gadget. To do this, the program has a special tab "Installing USB driver". The user only needs to select his model from the proposed list and press the confirmation button.
  3. Next, you need to connect your smartphone (tablet) to the computer using a standard cord and press the "Power" button or the "Power" + "Vol-" combination. The connected device should appear in the window that appears.
  4. In the program itself, you need to go to the "Additional Features" tab, which is located on the upper right side, and click on the "Restore after an update failure" item. Next, follow the instructions that appear.

Firmware using the installed custom Recovery

This method allows you to flash your Android if you have access to the Recovery function. To get to the menu of this function, you need to hold down the combination of the "Power" and "Vol-" keys.

If this mode is turned on, and you see approximately the same menu items as in the picture above, then you need to do the following:

  1. Download the required firmware file for a specific model in ZIP resolution. Finding it is easy - many manufacturers provide users with such files on their official websites. There are also many third-party sites with such files, you just need to enter a query in the search bar.
  2. Drop the downloaded software from the computer to the Android memory card and insert it into the slot. If the device does not have such a slot, then this method The firmware is not suitable for the user.
  3. Next, go to recovery mode by holding down the combination of the "Power" and "Vol-" keys.
  4. Go to the "wipe data" tab, to the "factory reset" directory to clean up memory from damaged files.
  5. Then you need to click on the "Install zip from card" item, select the previously downloaded file on the gadget's memory card and confirm by clicking on the "Yes" button.
  6. Wait for the operation to complete and reboot the device by clicking on the “Reboot system” item.

Firmware through custom software for Windows

If the device does not turn on after the firmware, then it can also be reflashed using one of the unofficial programs for the computer. For each brand, the software is separate and some steps of the procedure may differ, but most of them are very similar:

Firmware execution process:

  1. You need to install the required flash driver on your computer. As you understand, depending on the manufacturer of your gadget.
  2. Next, you need to download the firmware for a specific device model.
  3. Launch the installed program.
  4. Connect the device to the PC through a standard cord and press the combination of the "Power" and "Vol-" buttons.
  5. Through the program, select the file with the firmware and click the "Start" button.
  6. Wait for the end of the process.
  7. Restart gadget.

Read in this article how to flash Android through a computer. How to flash a smartphone, what is Android phone firmware, why is it needed - common questions from novice users who first encountered problems on a device controlled by a "green man".

As a rule, flashing comes to the aid of users whose gadgets refuse to work or are unstable. With the widespread use of Android devices from China that cannot boast long-term support from the manufacturer, third-party firmware has become popular, allowing you to upgrade to latest version OS. So that you do not get confused, let's go in order.

What is Android flashing, why is it needed

The term "flashing" itself has become widely used with the filling of the market with smartphones running the Android OS. The new system opened up a bunch of possibilities for the user, including openness, which allowed everyone to change Android as they wish.

You can reflash not only a smartphone, but also a regular one mobile phone- they also work on the OS, albeit a simpler one.

What does the term “flash Android” hide behind? Any modern smartphone, as we have already indicated, runs on an operating system (a set of software tools that ensure the correct operation of the hardware), which is characterized by errors, glitches and other problems. The OS of the phone can also crash, just like Windows on your computer. And in this case, the way out is to reinstall the system or flash it.

However, flashing can not only fix errors. Installing a new firmware brings updates that ensure the stable operation of the smartphone, and often make the process of interaction between a person and a device more understandable and enjoyable.

Firmware can be divided into two classes:
  • Official (stock). Firmware released by the manufacturer of the Android device. Since they are developed specifically for a specific model, the likelihood of errors during flashing or during operation is minimized.
  • Third party (custom, unofficial). Firmware developed by ordinary users or small groups. Android is taken as the basis (the OS is open, so everyone can work with it program code), which will be revised later. Third-party firmware does not guarantee perfect performance on your device, may contain various errors unnoticed by the developer.

Unofficial firmware, as a rule, is developed for those that have not acquired system localization into other languages ​​or do not receive updates. Developers are especially interested in inexpensive devices with good hardware, which are popular among users.

How to flash a smartphone on Android?

There are some pretty simple ways.

  • OTA-update. In fact, this is not firmware. You simply update the OS version using the device's regular means. The process is very simple, besides, we have already talked about it in detail,. The only thing worth noting is that not every smartphone receives updates “over the air”, and owners of models from little-known companies may never see them at all.
  • Flashing with a smartphone. Using only a smartphone and a couple of applications, you can easily install new firmware, which was downloaded from an official or unofficial resource. The method is quite simple, but you should first familiarize yourself with what we also wrote about.
  • flashingAndroidthrough a computer. A way to flash Android, which we will talk about today. It is, let's say right away, somewhat more complicated than those presented above. But it offers much more options.

Before flashing

Let's not rush. To begin with, you should warn against possible undesirable consequences and some of the nuances that may arise when flashing Android through a computer.

Data backup

The very first thing you should do is back up your important data. Necessarily! During the flashing process, absolutely all files from the device memory will be deleted. Therefore, save the necessary information in advance on Personal Computer or to cloud storage so that you can quickly restore everything afterwards.

Backup copy of the installed firmware

It will not be superfluous to make a backup of the system itself, so that in case of problems during the flashing, there is something to recover from. To create a backup copy of the OS, the simplest tool is, which we have already written about.

Quality wire, fully charged battery

Quite often the cause of errors in the process of android firmware a low-quality USB cable, bought for a few cents, protrudes through the computer. Often, a smartphone is not detected by a PC at all due to a bad wire. Therefore, we recommend to buy in the store quality cable, but more expensive.

Be sure to charge your smartphone battery to 100%. Firmware can take a long time, and power from the USB port is intermittent.

Possible problems

Remember! You do flashing at your own peril and risk. This process, although not so complicated, is often accompanied by errors that can lead to the inoperability of individual smartphone functions or to corruption (complete failure). Although most of the problems that arise can be corrected, some cannot be treated even in service centers.

Be careful when flashing. It will be very useful to first familiarize yourself with the forums where users share what can destroy your particular device. Feel free to clarify the nuances that you do not understand.

The market is just filled with a wide variety of Android devices, so it is difficult to predict what errors may occur in your particular case. The reasons may be incorrect user actions, "clumsy" third-party firmware, problems with the cable, drivers, and so on.

By flashing your device, you lose the manufacturer's warranty.

If you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to contact service center. Specialists with a guarantee will reflash your device, and you do not have to read the article further.

How to flash an Android device through a computer

So, the readers who got scared possible problems, and we are moving from theory to practice.

USB debugging mode and required drivers

To get started, pick up a smartphone or other Android device to activate the USB Debugging mode. This is done so that the computer can make changes to the device connected via USB. So the instruction:

  1. first of all, we will acquire developer rights so that a special menu in the settings becomes available to us;

To gain access to the developer menu, you need to make multiple clicks on the "OS version" item. It is located in the “About phone” section (the very last item in the device settings).

  1. after the rights are obtained, go to the "Developer Menu", which will appear in the settings;
  2. here we find the item "Debugging via USB", make the switch opposite it active.

The smartphone can be put aside. Let's move on to the drivers that are useful for flashing Android through a computer.

Drivers for each device are different. You can download them on the official website of the manufacturer or on one of the forums.

To install drivers:
  1. connect the device to the computer;
  2. go to the "Device Manager" (use the search or find the section in the "Control Panel";
  3. find the item with the name of your device (the smartphone or tablet may not be detected by the system, in this case a line with an unknown device will appear, next to which is a yellow triangle);
  4. right click call context menu for this device;
  5. select "Update driver" from the list;
  6. click on the item "Search for drivers on this computer";
  7. then click "Select a driver from the list of already installed";
  8. by clicking on the "Install from disk" button, specify the path to the downloaded drivers;
  9. restart your PC and smartphone for the changes to take effect.

Often, a smartphone driver alone is not enough. For some devices, you have to install additional USB port drivers so that the PC can detect them. In addition, numerous devices require the installation of the ADB tool.

Android Debug Bridge (Android debug bridge) is a console application that is used to manage Android devices through a personal computer.

Returning to the fact that Android devices are countless, for individual devices you have to download a whole bunch of special software. The list of software can be found on the official websites of manufacturers or on thematic forums dedicated to flashing your particular gadget.

Programs for flashing Android through a computer

We are approaching the choice of software, which we will use directly to install the firmware on a smartphone or tablet. For these purposes, a whole bunch of programs are presented, but all of them can be divided into two broad groups:

  • Firmware for specific models. Proprietary programs produced by companies exclusively for their devices. Almost every major manufacturer offers to download free version. Programs for flashing certain models provide quick and error-free installation of new firmware, and also have additional tools, which will allow you to backup the system and rollback in case critical errors. Similar software presented by the following companies: Samsung (Odin); Lenovo (Flash Tool); HTC (Fastboot); LG (KDZ Updater); Sony (Flashboot); Nexus (Fastboot).
  • Universal software for firmware. Programs that can be used to flash any android devices. There are also a lot of them, but the possibilities are about the same. The most popular tools are QFIL and SP Flash Tool: the first is for flashing devices with Qualcomm Snapdragon processors, the second is Mediatek.
Unlock Bootloader

So many smartphones, so that the user cannot freely make changes to the system, are presented with a locked Bootloader (bootloader). Bootloader is a special program that is responsible for accessing the kernel. From which we conclude that while it is blocked, we will not be able to flash anything.

Bootloader is unlocked using special software provided by the manufacturer with the necessary instructions. As a rule, it all comes down to installing a special program (for example, HTC has Bootloader Unlock), activating USB debugging mode on the smartphone (how to do this is described a little higher) and pressing just one button - “Unlock” (Unlock).

Choosing the firmware

When all the drivers are installed, the bootloader is unlocked and the program for flashing Android via a computer is downloaded, you can proceed to select the firmware. Here it all depends on your device: there may be darkness or no firmware at all. There are several types of firmware:

  • Official. Presented by the manufacturer without any changes.
  • Unofficial on the basis of the official. Firmware that has been finalized by third-party developers, but with a minimum of changes (language support added, bugs fixed, and so on).
  • Unofficial. There are also redesigned firmware, which are simply crammed with a variety of features. They are developed based on Android, ready to offer a bunch of new features, but often contain bugs. The most famous of them: CyanogenMod, Lineage OS, OxygenOS and others.

You can download firmware on official websites, forums and other resources.

As we have already noted, the principle of operation of all programs for flashing is approximately the same. We will talk in more detail about the firmware using the SP Flash Tool.

We remind you once again that the SP Flash Tool is a tool for flashing only devices with processors from Mediatek. You can find out which chip your smartphone has on the official website of the manufacturer or using special applications (AIDA64 and similar).

So, smartphone is not connected yet, we work only with the program on the PC:

  1. unpack the firmware if it is in the archive (it is better to do this in the root of drive C);
  2. run the SP Flash Tool program (recommended on behalf of the administrator);
  3. specify the path to the scatter file by clicking on the "Scatter Loading" button, which is located in the right part of the window (the file is located in the folder with the firmware, the name ends like this - emmc.txt);
  4. necessarily uncheck the Preloader item (if your device runs on an MT6575 or MT6577 processor, then uncheck the dsp_bl item as well);
  5. select Download Only from the list;
  6. press the Download button, next to which there is a blue or green arrow icon (depending on the version of the program);
  7. just now we connect the Android device to the computer without using any adapters - only one wire;

The device must be turned off.

  1. the program will start searching for a smartphone (if it does not find it, remove and insert the battery; if the device has a non-removable battery, then disconnect and reconnect the cable);
  2. after the device is detected, the flashing process will begin, which may take a long time;

Do not disconnect the device from the computer!

  1. we are waiting for the appearance of a window with a green circle;
  2. only now we disconnect the device from the computer and try to turn it on.

The first launch process can take quite a long time (about 10 minutes), just wait.

Approximately according to the same scheme, devices are flashed with other programs. However, do not neglect the instructions for use. Study them thoroughly, only then proceed to the firmware.


Flashing an Android device through a personal computer is a rather complicated task, with a lot of nuances, but even beginners can do it. The main thing in this matter is not to lose sight of every moment, so that later you don’t look on the Web for how to reanimate a brick. Take your time, carefully study the instructions specifically for your smartphone, since there are a lot of them on the Internet, and figure out the sequence of actions. Well, we can only wish you good luck with the flashing!

Let's figure out how to flash Android through a computer / laptop if it does not want to turn on. In this case, we mean a phone and a tablet running the Android OS.

This article is suitable for all brands that produce phones on Android 10/9/8/7: Samsung, HTC, Lenovo, LG, Sony, ZTE, Huawei, Meizu, Fly, Alcatel, Xiaomi, Nokia and others. We are not responsible for your actions.

Attention! You can ask your question to a specialist at the end of the article.

System malfunctions can be so severe that a factory reset or reset won't fix them. If you are faced with such a situation, then it will be useful to know how to reflash Android in order to return the phone to working condition.

Checking the bootloader

The first thing to do before flashing Android is to make sure that the problem is software in nature. Press the Power button: if the phone shows at least some signs of life (clicks, the logo is on, the robot freezes, an exclamation mark), then the bootloader is working. So, you can flash your smartphone, and it will continue to work.

Even if nothing happens when you press the power button, it's too early to panic. Connect your device to your computer via USB and press the power button or a combination of "Power" and volume down keys.

If the computer sees the connected phone, then it can be flashed - the main thing is to know how to do it yourself. If the smartphone does not show any signs of life, take it to a service center. It is likely that the device does not turn on due to hardware problems, the elimination of which requires the intervention of a competent specialist.

Android firmware via computer

Since the system is so damaged that it does not turn on, you will have to reinstall it - in other words, flash the phone through a computer. If the manufacturer has provided for this possibility and developed special software, then there will be no problems.

For example, the owners of LG smartphones are lucky: the LG Mobile Support Tool program, which can be downloaded from the website of the equipment manufacturer, will do everything for them.

  1. Install and run LG Mobile Support Tool.
  2. Install the phone drivers in the "Install USB Driver" section.
  3. Connect your smartphone via USB. Press the power button or the combination "Power + Vol-". The device should appear in the program window.


Open the " Additional features” and click “Recover from update error”. The application will do the rest of the work on its own, fixing the problems that prevent Android from working. There is a similar program for Sony Xperia— PC companion.


If there is no official application for flashing or system recovery, you can use software from third-party developers. Each brand has its own program:

  • LG - KDZ Updater.
  • Samsung-Odin.
  • HTC - Android SDK Platform Tools.
  • Lenovo - SP Flash Tool.

All of these programs work on the same principle. You connect your phone via USB, download the firmware file for a specific smartphone model and install it through the application. After a successful installation, Android starts again and works without errors.

Android firmware via Recovery Menu

If a custom Recovery (for example, TWRP or Clockwork Mod) was installed on the phone before problems with the system appeared, then you can flash the device without programs on the computer. However, the computer itself will be needed to download the firmware and transfer it to a memory card.

  1. Find the firmware for your phone model and download it to your computer.
  2. Throw the file on a memory card and install it in your smartphone. If the smartphone does not support microSD, this method will not work.
  3. Launch Recovery Menu. The combination "Power" + "Vol +" is usually used.
  4. Clean your phone of corrupted files by selecting "wipe data/factory reset".
  5. Click "install zip from sdcard".
  6. Select the firmware file uploaded to the memory card and confirm the installation.


After the installation is complete, click "Reboot system now" to complete the installation and apply the configuration. After rebooting, Android should start without problems.

For each smartphone or tablet, there are both official and custom firmware. Their installation is carried out in different ways: OTA updates come over the air, firmware in ZIP archives are installed manually via CWM, TWRP Recovery or the ROM Manager application, using a computer, you can flash Android using the Fastboot utilities and SP Flash Tool.

After flashing Android, all data from the internal memory will be erased, so in order to save contacts, settings and applications, first.

Android firmware through Recovery

Unofficial firmware in ZIP format, such as CyanogenMod, can be installed through custom Recovery: CWM or TWRP, as well as applications using Recovery, such as ROM Manager. Kernels and patches are sewn in the same way. To download the official "", the capabilities of the standard recovery mode are enough, more details in the article at the link above.

Install ZIP file in CWM

On all devices out of the box there is a stock Recovery from the manufacturer, instead you need to install CWM by . Then find and download the ZIP archive with the firmware. Please note that firmware of other formats is not installed via CWM.

1. Now go to Recovery. To do this, turn off the device and press a certain combination of buttons. Depending on the manufacturer, the key combination is different, below are all the possible options (the new one says how to enter Recovery on specific models):

  • Volume up + power button
  • Volume down + power button
  • Volume up / down + power button + "Home"
  • Volume up + volume down + power button

Great, you are in Recovery. The movement is carried out using the volume buttons, and confirmation of the selection with the power button.

2. Before installing the firmware, you must first reset the settings: select "wipe data / factory reset".

4. Great! Return to the main menu and select "install zip".

5. After that "Choose zip from / sdcard".

6. Navigate to the folder where you saved the firmware and select it.

7. You will be prompted to confirm the action. Click "Yes - Install ...".

8. The firmware installation process will go through and at the end, the inscription “Install from sdcard complete” will appear on the screen below.

Great, Android was flashed. We return to the main menu of CWM Recovery and reboot the system. To do this, select "reboot system now".

How to install firmware via TWRP Recovery

If you prefer not CWM, but TWRP Recovery, flash it, guided by. Through it, you can also install firmware from a ZIP archive:

1. Download the firmware and place it in any convenient place in the smartphone's memory.

2. Go to TWRP. This is done in the same way as CWM.

3. Now you need to reset the system. To do this, select "Wipe" from the main menu.

4. To initiate a factory reset, drag the slider to the right.

5. Upon completion of cleaning the smartphone, tablet, press the "Back" button.

6. You will return to the main menu of TWRP Recovery. Now let's go directly to the firmware itself. To do this, select "Install".

7. Navigate to the location in memory where the firmware is stored. Click on it.

8. Drag the slider to the right to begin installing the firmware.

9. The process will start. It usually lasts 2-3 minutes.

10. At the end, a message will appear about the successful completion of the firmware. Click on "Reboot System" to boot Android.

Considered another way how to flash Android using a ZIP update. You can also use a special application. More on that below.

Using ROM Manager

The ROM Manager application allows . By the way, I advise you to make a backup of the internal memory before the firmware, in order to restore the data later. Now we will use another function of the program: to flash the phone using the ROM Manager.

For the utility to work, you need root rights- they are obtained using exploits: , or .

A custom Recovery must be installed (in fact, using the ROM Manager, you flash the device through it, but at the same time you work with a simple and clear interface applications, not Recovery). Links to instructions are in the previous paragraphs.

So, install ROM Manager, find and download the right firmware for your device. Open the app and follow the instructions:

1. Place the zip archive of the firmware in the memory of your Android phone or tablet.

2. In the ROM Manager menu, open the item "Install ROM from SD card".

3. Find the archive and click on it.

4. In the menu that opens, select "Reboot and Install". I advise you to check the box next to "Keep current ROM" in order to be able to restore the system if necessary.

5. In the next window, click "OK", after which the device will boot into Recovery mode and the firmware process will begin.

Also in ROM Manager there is a ROM search function for the device. In the main menu of the program, select "Download Firmware". Some of them are available only in the premium version of the program.

Above, I talked about three ways to install firmware from ZIP archives on the device itself. Next will be information about Android firmware using a PC.

How to flash Android through a computer

Many mobile devices are flashed using special utilities for PC: below are instructions for working with Fastboot and SP Flash Tool. Through the second program, various manipulations are performed with Chinese phones based on Mediatek processors.

Fastboot: phone firmware instructions

Many firmware must be installed from a computer using the Fastboot utility by rebooting the mobile device into the same mode. The program is included in the Android SDK Platform Tools, the installation of which is described in . In addition, you will need drivers (all information is at the link).

Also, on devices from some manufacturers, you first need to unlock the Bootloader:

  • How to do on HTC: ,

Next, download the archive with the required firmware and unzip it in the "platform-tools" folder, which contains "ADB" and "fastboot". It should turn out something like this (I have the necessary components in a separate “adb” folder).

Then we connect Android to the computer via USB and transfer the smartphone or tablet to fastboot mode. The easiest way to do this is as follows:

  1. Turn on
  2. On the computer, go to the command line
  3. Enter the commands in sequence and after each press "Enter":

cd path to adb file

For example, it is located in "C:\ Program Files(x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools". Then the path will look like this:

cd Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools

Then the Android gadget will reboot into fastboot mode.

Before flashing any of the partitions of the system, you must first format it so that there are no problems in operation. To do this, use the commands (after entering each press "Enter"):

fastboot erase boot

fastboot erase userdata

fastboot erase system

fastboot erase recovery

fastboot erase cache

After cleaning the partitions, they can be flashed. Enter commands (their number may be more - it all depends on the presence of certain files in a particular firmware, below is a set of basic ones):

fastboot flash boot imya-fayla.img

fastboot flash userdata imya-fayla.img

fastboot flash system imya-fayla.img

fastboot flash recovery imya-fayla.img

fastboot flash cache imya-fayla.img

"Imya-fayla.img" is the name of the corresponding firmware file. For example, since in my case Recovery is being sewn and its image is called “recovery.img”, I enter:

fastboot flash recovery recovery.img

Usually the firmware can be installed entirely, that is, flash all the files at once. To do this, “flash-all.bat” must be located in the folder with the firmware files. If it is, then just enter this command and the firmware installation process will begin:

As a result, a message will appear at the end successful completion firmware.

You can boot the system. To do this, you need to exit fastboot mode on the device itself or using a computer. In the second case, you need to enter another command:

Installing ZIP updates in Fastboot

Using Fastboot you can install ZIP firmware. To do this, download and place the firmware in the folder where "ADB" is located. Put your smartphone or tablet in fastboot mode and enter the command:

fastboot flash zip

"" is the name of your firmware, replace it with your own.

Wait for the Android installation to finish and restart your device.

SP Flash Tool: flashing Chinese Android smartphones on MTK

Chinese smart phones, Lenovo, Xiaomi, Meizu, ZTE, Doogee, Bluboo, UMI, Elephone, Oukitel, Blackview and others based on MTK processors are flashed with a special SP Flash Tool utility. She knows how to sew separate sections, format the system and create backups. Supported models are MT6572, MT6577, MT6580, MT6582, MT6589, MT6592, MT6750, MT6737, Helio P10, Helio P20, Helio X10, Helio X20 and other less popular chips.

The current version of the program is available on the website: Before starting the process, install the USB drivers for the MTK processor (the link to the FAQ is in the "Fastboot" section of this manual).

1. Unzip the SP Flash Tool folder on the C:\ drive, put the firmware next to it. The path to the files must not contain Cyrillic characters.

2. The folder contains the file "flash_tool". Run it.

3. In the "Download-agent" field, the path to "MTK_AllInOne_DA.bin" will already be indicated. Next, you need to click "Scatter-loading" and select the scatter file in the folder with the firmware.

4. Leave the switch on "Download Only" and mark which partitions you need to flash (by default, all are selected).

5. Click "Download". Then we turn off the phone, remove the battery for a few seconds, insert it back and connect the switched off Android smartphone to the computer via USB.

6. The red bar "Download DA 100%" will appear first.

7. Then yellow with the firmware process. Percentages show how close the end of the installation is.

8. SP Flash Tool will inform you about the completion of the firmware of the mobile device - the “Download Ok” window will open with a checkmark.

Turn on your phone. The first start usually takes a long time.

Flashers for Samsung and LG

Devices from some manufacturers need to be flashed through special proprietary utilities (flashers). Our website has instructions on this topic:

  • Samsung-

There are several reasons why a device on Andorid OS may stop turning on: incorrect flashing, an unsuccessful attempt to acquire ROOT rights, as well as any actions aimed at changing the OS system data. But all this in most cases is solved by a regular flashing, so I’ll tell you how to flash Android if it doesn’t turn on.


The problem is solvable, unless the bootloader is touched. You can make sure that it is working by pressing the "Power" button: the display should somehow react. It can be a lying robot, Android, or just an exclamation point; all this will show that the problem is in the system, which means - in 90% of cases - there is nothing to worry about.

Note: there were cases when the display did not react at all to turning on. Then you should connect the device to the PC and try to press the “Power” or “Power” + “Vol–” button: if the computer sees a connected new device, then there are also chances to flash a dead Android.

Recovery using the manufacturer's program

One of the simple options is to return the gadget to working capacity through software from the manufacturer. Not everyone has this functionality, but the LG campaign has provided such an option. For this you need:

How to flash Android: Video

If custom Recovery CWM is installed

I will also show you how to flash an Android brick if you have access to . Let me remind you: to get into it, you need to hold down "Power" + "Volume -".

If this mode starts, then you should:

Via a custom Windows application for firmware

Also, if Android does not turn on after flashing, it can be flashed using one of the unofficial flash drivers for PC. Each firm has its own program and may have its own implementation steps, but they are all very similar.

  • For LG use KDZ Updater.
  • For Samsung - Odin.
  • For HTC - Android SDK Platform Tools.

Execution steps

  1. Install the necessary flash driver on the PC.
  2. Download the firmware for the required model.
  3. Run the program.
  4. Connect the gadget to the PC with a cord and press "Power" + "Vol -", a new device will be found in the window.
  5. Through the utility, select the file from Android and click "Start".
  6. Wait until the end of the procedure.

How to install custom firmware on Android: Video

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    Sergey 09.01.2016 04:09

    DNS MW7851 with a slot for an sd card, but when entering the recovery there is no item in the install zip from sd card menu ... .. I select apply update from internal sdcard, I get into the internal memory menu. How to be? The tablet starts up and the DNS inscription hangs with a stake. Already with the help of the recovery, everything was cleared and reloaded a thousand times.
    Thanks in advance

    Hello. And you can start the firmware mode? That is, you need to start the firmware mode (Download), connect the device to the computer and flash it using a program, for example, ODIN. The firmware must be installed with the official service, without root. You tried to root your device and got hemorrhoids, these consequences must be taken into account before proceeding to any risky actions. I hope for the future you have taken this into account and will no longer experiment. Regarding the firmware - you need to look for them on the forum. There are also instructions, and drivers and programs for flashing and user reviews. In general, look for the desired firmware, put the device into firmware mode and sew. If you can't do it yourself, take it in for repair. You simply have no other options.

    Team V-ANDROIDE 13.01.2016 20:34

    Hello. Upload the firmware to the internal memory of the device (if possible). If not, then only firmware using a computer. In this case, you will need to download the official service firmware on a PC, drivers for your device (install on the same PC) and a flashing program. Firmwares are single-file and multi-file. It is best to install a multi-file one, but if there are none, then you can also use a single-file one (in principle, they do not differ in anything, only in a multi-file one it is possible to select the firmware of individual components, such as a modem, and so on). As a rule, devices are sewn with the ODIN program. To do this, you need to enter the “Download” mode (firmware mode) on the device being flashed, connect the device to the PC in this mode. The ODIN program should detect your phone as COM1 or COM2 ... Now you drive the firmware into the program (the path to the firmware should be as simple as possible). When doing this, remember that the ODIN program must be run with administrator rights. More detailed instructions, drivers and firmware are on the forum. Search specifically for your device model. There will be all the necessary information, files, instructions and so on.

    Egor 01/18/2016 18:54

    Hello! I have a prestigio brand phone. When you turn it on, a black screen appears and the phone immediately turns off. I have already sent it in for repair several times.

    Team V-ANDROIDE 09.02.2016 12:09

    Hello. Buy new phone some other brand, such as Samsung or LG. With these brands, there are practically no such problems. In your case, most likely, the matter is in the firmware. I would advise you to return to the service center where your phone was repaired and report that 2 weeks have passed and the phone has broken again, what kind of repair is this. Or try to reflash the device yourself. I won’t tell you where to find the firmware, just write your phone model in the search engine and ask a query, for example, “Download firmware for Prestigio **** smartphone” (instead of asterisks, specify the model). Everything, read further what you find.

    Team V-ANDROIDE 09.02.2016 12:12

    Hello. It looks like the firmware has crashed or the bootloader is damaged. This is solved by flashing the device. Charge your phone up to 100%. Find the official service firmware, download drivers and firmware, as well as the firmware itself.

    Team V-ANDROIDE 09.02.2016 12:52

    Here is a quick guide on how to flash your phone:
    1. Download firmware, firmware and phone driver.
    2. Install LGUnitedMobileDriver (driver)
    3. Install msxml.msi
    4. Charge the phone to a full charge (well, or almost to full)
    5. We connect the phone and wait until the drivers are installed (if you connected it for the first time)
    6. Run the flasher KDZ_FW_UPD.exe (firmware program)
    7. In the Type field, select 3GQCT (3G Qualcomm CDMA Technologies)
    8. Specify the path to the firmware file in .kdz format by clicking on the button to the right of the KDZ file field
    9. Click the Start software update button
    10. The firmware process has begun! Don't disconnect your phone!!!

    Team V-ANDROIDE 11.03.2016 10:26

    Hello. Firmware using a computer will help you. In this case, you will need to download the official service firmware on a PC, drivers for your device (install on the same PC) and a flashing program. Firmwares are single-file and multi-file. It is best to install a multi-file one, but if there are none, then you can also use a single-file one (in principle, they do not differ in anything, only in a multi-file one it is possible to select the firmware of individual components, such as a modem, and so on). As a rule, devices are sewn with the ODIN program. To do this, you need to enter the “Download” mode (firmware mode) on the device being flashed, connect the device to the PC in this mode. The ODIN program should detect your phone as COM1 or COM2 ... Now you drive the firmware into the program (the path to the firmware should be as simple as possible). When doing this, remember that the ODIN program must be run with administrator rights. More detailed instructions, drivers and firmware are on the forum. Search specifically for your device model. There will be all the necessary information, files, instructions and so on.

    Jokha87 31.03.2016 05:48

    Hey fellow saviors! Please, help! There is a phone LG L Fino D295. The firmware crashed a few months ago. Reflashed. Worked great. BUT two months later it flew off again, again I asked for it. And today, a perfectly working phone itself suddenly turned off and no longer turns on. No response to button. Even to connect to a charger or to a computer. The battery works (tested on the same phone). Cleaned the contacts. I put in a working battery, it does not work. An acquaintance (who keeps his own small service center for the repair of such devices) said that it is necessary to flash. But how to flash even if the computer does not see it. That is, the firmware mode does not start on the phone. While holding the volume up button, I connect to the computer via a USB cable. Zero reaction. In the Windows device manager there was a new device without drivers. I had the following data USB\VID_05C6&PID_9008. Googled it and downloaded the driver. (It is called ALKATEL). But still no reaction. Please help what to do!
    P.s: When connecting to another computer in the task manager, in the “Other devices” section, there is a new device with the name “QHSUSB_BULK”. Has ID USB\VID_05C6&PID_9008

    Team V-ANDROIDE 13.04.2016 08:49

    Hello. On the computer, you need to install drivers specifically for your phone. What you downloaded may not be the drivers for your phone. As a rule, such drivers in the name have the designations “USBdriversLG” or something like that. Try removing everything related to your phone from your computer (drivers, programs, connections, and so on). And then connect your phone and try to find the right drivers. If you have a friend who does repairs, why can't you turn to him? It is difficult to say something remotely and decide. You need to look at the device itself, try different options. It is possible that your phone is no longer repairable. According to the symptoms you describe, he is “Dead” and there is nothing to be done. It is necessary to disassemble, ring the tracks and circuits, look, maybe the button is moving away somewhere, or maybe motherboard“dead” or something else (maybe the CPU). So you can guess for a very long time. It is best to contact the service center.

    Team V-ANDROIDE 13.04.2016 08:52

    Kulibin 14.05.2016 19:27

    Hello! Such a problem, viruses appeared on the tablet, installed as system ones, having received root rights, deleted them, accidentally deleted something else mb launcher or something else, the tablet hung, turned off, turned on endless loading. Tablet Onda V819. There is no official firmware anywhere, even on the site it disappeared. What to do?

    Team V-ANDROIDE 25.05.2016 12:52

    Hello. How did you diagnose that the phone has a broken preloader? In general, most likely, you will have to reflash the phone. If you don’t know how to “sew” yourself, then bring it in for repair. I have no other advice for you.

    Hello. In general, devices from Smsung are flashed using Samsung Kies. This does not require drivers. But, Kies will only miss the official firmware. I will add on my own that Samsung provides quite strong support and you should understand that the original official firmware is much more stable and reliable than third-party firmware from left-wing developers, especially you should not install Cyanogen firmware. Believe my experience, native official firmware for Samsung work most stably, I have personally checked this more than once. Well, namely with the search for drivers, I will not help you, sorry. look for yourself.

    Team V-ANDROIDE 06/01/2016 20:53

    Hello. If you cannot find the firmware you need, then take it to repair, because in your case, as far as I understood from your description of the problem, there is only one thing left - to reflash. But, since you can’t find the firmware, then bring it in for repair. Sorry, but there are no other options. I won’t help you find the firmware, but I don’t have such software available.

    Team V-ANDROIDE 01.06.2016 20:56

    Since you cannot find required software(firmware), then contact the service center for help. Other ways to solve your problem, except for the firmware, I do not see. Therefore, you simply have no other options. I will not be able to help you in finding the right firmware, because I need other data (except for the name of the gadget), also, not all firmware work normally. All this needs to be checked, and for this you need your tablet so that I can personally work with it. I can't help you with your problem remotely. Therefore, the conclusion is to carry it in for repair.

    Boris 17.06.2016 11:49

    Hello. I have such a problem, I have umi zero, after replacing the SIM card, I turn on the phone and there please enter the privacy protection password to unlock, I can’t log in. The phone did Recovery is still blocked. I wanted to flash it through the computer. The computer can't see my phone. Help than nibut.

    Sergey 11.07.2016 05:53

    my prestigio tablet started to freeze when the tablet was loading, I decided to reset it to the factory settings through recovery and hung on the fact that it started to reset, I rebooted it and when it turns on, an android appears with a load above it and with a circle from a triangle in the stomach, and so it spins endlessly, if you press to reduce the volume will be inscribed Formatting / data ... and hangs. What to do? (does not connect to PC)

    Anastasia 12.07.2016 04:19

    Hello, I have a Lenovo A319, it turned off and does not turn on, it connects to the computer, but there is no reaction from the phone. I know that the matter is in the firmware, but what exactly to do I do not know already. when you press "Power" + "Vol -" there is no reaction either.

    Team V-ANDROIDE 13.07.2016 20:04

    Team V-ANDROIDE 13.07.2016 20:20

    Hello. Maybe a password is needed for the SIM card? So, some kind of PIN? Or is it just the phone that is blocked? I do not know the password, but the reset should have helped. If the requirement to enter a password remains, then most likely this is the password from the SIM card. Try to pull out the SIM card and turn on the phone, will it require a password? If so, I don't even know what to advise you. If you can not flash it through a PC, then bring it to repair. Read this article -. Perhaps you will find the answer in it.

    Oleg 07/23/2016 10:59

    hello, when trying to redistribute memory on a Chinese tablet, something went wrong and as a result, when turned on, the logo of the colorfly company logo appears and then a white screen, but after a while it blocks itself, when you press the unlock button and on the screen, it unlocks but the screen is black , but you can see that it is on and when you click on the screen (I have a screenshot icon at the bottom), I get to take a screenshot of the screen (I determine it by the sound that the photo was taken), I tried to reset the settings and the rights flew off along the way, what should I do?

    Hello. This means that the firmware (or the firmware loader) has crashed. In any case, you need to reflash your tablet. If you can’t reflash the tablet yourself at home, then take it to repair. There are no other solutions to this problem.

    Team V-ANDROIDE 28.07.2016 10:43

    Hello. This means that the firmware (or the firmware loader) has crashed. In any case, you need to reflash your smartphone. If you can’t reflash your smartphone at home, then take it to repair. There are no other solutions to this problem.

    Damir 29.07.2016 06:26

    hello) such a problem on the lg d325 the firmware has flown, it’s impossible to call the bios and the phone does not start, only the samsung icon is on and does not load further, and the battery has stopped charging, tell me how to be

    Sasha 07/31/2016 08:42

    I have fly phone evo tech 4, after frequent use of charging, the battery swelled up, noticed this, after it immediately started to discharge, it probably took another 2 weeks, and then it turned off and did not charge, then I pulled out the battery and ordered a new one, it went for a month, and the phone was lying intact. After I inserted a new battery and put it on charge, it turns on until the charging icon and goes out and continues until I turn it off, while the phone does not charge, I tried to leave it for the night. Charged with a frog, did not turn on. I turned on the charger, and clamped the power on, after the brand logo appeared and passed out again, when connected to a computer, he either sees or does not see, in the interval of about 2 seconds. Is it possible to do something yourself? Or just for repairs?

    Philip 04.08.2016 06:40

    Good afternoon. Faced such a problem, when trying to install a custom menu recovery, the phone turned off tightly, there is no way to enter the recovery or download menu. Before this, there was a similar problem, but I could enter the download mod and restore the phone with the official firmware. Model Samsung Galaxy s3 I9300I. If you can help I will be grateful.

    Alexander 08/04/2016 21:47

    hello. tell me where you can find the EMMC compatibility summary table? I have been repairing phones relatively recently. I have practical and theoretical skills. that the people who are sitting there repaired phones long before they appeared. Can you tell me a forum with a good information base and so that the Almighty “GURU” do not kick? I will be very grateful!)))

    Alexander 04.08.2016 21:55

    Philip, I won’t tell you (I just don’t remember), but I somehow accidentally downloaded the “SuperFlash” program. It’s in Chinese, but it’s possible to change the language to English. then the model works online. It finds the driver itself (and for any mode.) The main thing is that the computer somehow picks up the body. Even usb bulk 9008.

    Hello. Did you install drivers? In order for the computer to be able to properly determine the connected device, drivers must be installed for that very connected device. Without them, the computer will not be able to properly identify the phone (tablet).

    Team V-ANDROIDE 10.08.2016 21:30

    Hello. If the device does not take charge, then this may mean several problems. First, you need to check the battery. The battery controller may have burned out or the battery itself may have expired. In this case, the device will not charge and, accordingly, will not turn on. Secondly, you need to check the connector into which you connect the charger. Perhaps the connector cable is frayed or the connector itself is loose and charging simply does not go corny due to lack of contact. Need to spend visual inspection, try to move the memory connector in the phone connector. You may also need to disassemble the phone and visually inspect the cables. Thirdly, the problem may be in the tablet itself. Although, this is unlikely, since, even with the flashing of the firmware, the phone should be charging when it is turned off. It is also worth checking the charger itself (try charging another device with it), and try charging your phone with another charger.

    Team V-ANDROIDE 10.08.2016 21:30

    Hello. Here is a great article that explains everything -. Most likely, the bootloader or the firmware itself has flown. Treated - stitching. If you yourself are afraid or doubt your abilities, then it is better to immediately bring it to repair.

    Team V-ANDROIDE 10.08.2016 21:30

    Hello. And you can connect the tablet to the PC and see if the screenshots are made normal or not? That is, we made a screen (as you described), connected a tablet to the PC and see if the screen is normal (you can see the screen and all the icons and everything is as it should be), then most likely the cable from the screen is damaged. The second option is that the firmware itself is probably buggy. did you do a factory reset or did you just try it? If you haven't, then do it. If you did but did not help, then you will have to reflash - (). If you can’t flash it yourself, then bring it to repair.

    Abdulla 15.08.2016 10:41

    Hello LG G3s D722 after root settings AutoRec the phone does not turn on the display, but when I connect it to the laptop it sees it and the disk comes out with a volume of 60 mb. I want to restore via LG Mobile Support Tool, writes that the battery charge is low, but the battery is 100% charged. Through the LG Flash Tool 2014, the firmware will reach 4% and writes that the phone is disconnected !? I do not know what to do? please help(((Thank you so much for your help in advance))

    Oksana 19.08.2016 09:32

    Hello!! Tell me how to flash the phone Alcatel One Touch 4030D (s'POP). ? It turns on and stops at the Alcatel inscription when loading and that's it .... And the computer does not find the phone in any way, I can’t install the driver in order to flash it ... I reset the settings through Recovery. and useless .. Tell me what to do?

    Maxim 08/21/2016 07:44

    Hello! Asus Zenfone 5 A500KL started shutting down apps after normal use and throwing an android.process.acore error. After that I did full reset factory settings, but I started “cyclic loading”. I went into “Recovery mod”, but when resetting to factory settings or when clearing the cache, it says to me that it can’t find files, and if you just look at the internal memory folders, then they don’t exist at all! The computer also cannot see the internal memory of the phone. What to do? in S.Ts. carry?

    Maria 08/22/2016 14:15

    Good afternoon, I have lg E455. got a warning for a couple of days. google app gaps stopped, I rebooted it and everything was fine until I rebooted it and it didn’t turn on anymore. Tried to make a hard reset showed me a dead android. I tried to reflash, but every time I downloaded the firmware to the phone, the computer stopped seeing it (the phone) and gave an error. I think that maybe it's not the firmware at all, but what do you think?

    Hello. I think that in your case, it is better to immediately repair. The fact is that you can try to flash it. But, I will not give you exact instructions, you need to look for it on the Internet. Yes, and it will be difficult for you to understand. Therefore, it is better to immediately take it to the repair.

    Team V-ANDROIDE 25.08.2016 11:15

    Hello. The point may be that the phone needs to be put into flashing mode. In addition, you need to install drivers for the tablet you want to flash on your computer. How to switch to firmware mode - you need to read instructions on the Internet (or read the instructions (manual) for the tablet). As a rule, the Power + Volume up buttons are simultaneously clamped and hold until the device reboots. Sometimes you still need the “Add Home” button (but this is different for different devices). This scheme does not work for all tablets in the same way. That is, you try to do this, if it doesn’t work out, then you need to look for instructions on the Internet. I will not help you remotely in this matter, since I just need to pick up a tablet and try different options. You can also download drivers on the Internet.

    Team V-ANDROIDE 25.08.2016 11:15

    Hello. Sorry, but I can't advise. On the forums, like this, bit by bit, you're going to necessary information. Communicate with people, create topics and discuss issues that interest you. There are many different forums. But, most often, I personally sit on

    Ivan 25.08.2016 12:00

    good afternoon, but how to flash samsung galazy note 2 if it hangs on the inscription of the phone model and doesn’t go further, and also when charging, the battery freezes with loading and that’s it! But the main problem is that the power button does not work for me, can I somehow flash it without it?

    Kirill 08/28/2016 16:51

    Good afternoon, I have a Lenovo P780, when I tried to install a new firmware, the phone stopped starting. When connected to a computer, the indicator on the phone lights up (as when charging) and immediately goes out. In the device manager, there is not a single hint of connecting a phone.

    Sergey 06.09.2016 10:33

    Hello. I flashed the LGE730 on CM9, everything seemed to be fine, but after installing the firmware I turn on the phone and the firmware is constantly downloading. Now I can’t go into recovery. loading. What can I do? I have already tried everything.

    Team V-ANDROIDE 09/08/2016 11:17

    Hello. Do a factory reset -. And you should no longer do root rights, as this greatly affects the stability of the work. Keep in mind that you open access to system files not only for yourself, but also for applications that can change system configurations, which causes various failures, conflicts between software, and so on. All this inactively affects the stability of the system. It can reach the rally of the firmware and the failure of the phone. The result is costly repairs.

    Team V-ANDROIDE 09/08/2016 11:18

    Hello. I will not be able to tell and show you everything remotely. Here it is necessary to demonstrate clearly in order to teach. Therefore, either try to look for video tutorials yourself (maybe articles specifically for your phone), chat on forums, and so on. But, I do not recommend that you try to flash it yourself, as there is a rather high risk of completely damaging the phone. I recommend that you contact those who have experience in flashing phones and who can flash your phone. If there are no such acquaintances, then carry it in for repair. It will be easier, faster and more profitable, since independent attempts to repair, as a rule, lead to even more expensive repairs.

    Hello. The firmware has gone. If you yourself know how to flash, then flash it. You need to flash using a computer and the appropriate software. Firmware to install only the official service. If you don’t know how to flash it yourself or if it’s not possible, then bring it to a service center.

    Team V-ANDROIDE 08.09.2016 11:19

    Hello. The firmware has gone. You did the right thing by trying to flash. But, specify how exactly did you try to download the firmware? You need to flash only through a PC. You can, of course, install custom firmware (flash through recovery), but I highly do not recommend doing this. It is best to install the official firmware. If you yourself know how to flash, then flash it. You need to flash using a computer and the appropriate software. Firmware to install only the official service. If you don’t know how to flash it yourself or if it’s not possible, then bring it to a service center.

    Team V-ANDROIDE 08.09.2016 11:19

    Hello. No. You need to activate the flashing mode. And this is done by pressing and holding the Power button + Volume up (+). If the button does not work, then you need to disassemble and clean the contacts or change the button. Maybe the cable just came off there, maybe the contacts were oxidized (or dusty). In general, it is necessary to disassemble the device and repair the button. Only after that already try to flash. In your case, I recommend taking it in for repair. You are unlikely to be able to repair something at home. And trying on your own can lead to even more problems.

    Alexey 09.09.2016 22:24

    Hello, I have a philips xenium v387
    I did a factory reset on the phone, an android image appeared with the inscription ERASE. But then it disappeared, the phone turned off, turned on again, the image appeared again, and so on in a circle. Cyclic reboot. I can enter the recovery, but only for a couple of seconds, after that the phone reboots. What should I do, tell me please?

    Stanislav 13.09.2016 08:54

    Good afternoon. Tried to reflash HTC desire hd. Something went wrong, the firmware was not installed. I accidentally hit reload. Now just a dark screen. I made a backup, but the fact is that, as an evil, the Volume + - buttons do not work to call the recovery. How to restore now? Thanks in advance.

    Alisher 15.09.2016 18:28

    Hello. I have a beeline smart phone 5 I wanted to reflash the phone through the sp flash tool from the first I made the format through the same program auto format flash and format whole flash except bootloader after the format the phone does not turn on at all I connect it to the computer it also does not find what to do please help ... thanks for previously

    Team V-ANDROIDE 21.09.2016 19:43

    hello. Which connector is not working? I think that even if the service centers do not want to take it, then you are unlikely to be able to do anything on your own. In your case, it is better to buy a new gadget (and do not take cheap Chinese devices). It is better to pay once, but you will get a great gadget that will serve you for a long time and without problems. Believe my experience, brands are not just more expensive than others, there is something to pay for. As a last resort, I can recommend Xiaomi or Meizu from Chinese manufacturers. These are two fairly high-quality manufacturers who have not yet had time to raise prices - this is if you want to save money and at the same time buy a quality gadget.

    Team V-ANDROIDE 21.09.2016 19:43

    Hello. Try to contact the service center (give it in for repair). Since you are unlikely to do anything on your own. If an error pops up. The thing is, you can guess for a long time. Maybe you are trying to install the wrong firmware, maybe the firmware itself is buggy, maybe something is wrong at the hardware level. There are a lot of options here. It is better to contact the service center.

    Team V-ANDROIDE 21.09.2016 19:43

    Hello. I strongly do not recommend installing custom firmware, especially on branded devices (LG, Samsung, and so on). These models have a very strong support and official firmware work the most stable and high quality. Therefore, there is only one way out for you - to reflash your LG to the official service firmware, which will work perfectly. And in the future, never even try to install firmware from Cyanogen or from other supporters of firmware business - you won’t get into trouble. Regarding the firmware, here is the article -. If you can't do it yourself, it's better to take it to the repair shop.

    Danil 24.09.2016 21:50

    Hello! The people I have such a problem! The firmware on Fly IQ 4414 glitched, resetting to factory settings did not help, Android was constantly loading, waited about an hour and did not start. I tried to reflash through Recovery, an error constantly popped up. I tried it through the Flash Tool, the firmware is successful, the phone did not stop responding at all, it does not turn on at all even when the memory is connected. The device seems to be dead, BUT! When you try to connect to a computer, it is connected in VCOM mode. It is flashed through the USB flash drive without errors, I tried only the official firmware SW 17 and SW18, but the end result is the same (Who faced it? What could it be connected with?

    Dark Folab 04.10.2016 15:29

    Good afternoon, I have an LG-E730 phone after manual firmware (there is a little experience in flashing and repairing phones) I did everything according to the instructions and everything went smoothly, then when I started to turn it on and it starts to load endlessly in a circle, only the LG brand logo, and then what did not try, reinstalled newer versions of the firmware, or somehow fix something that was already installed, nothing helps, please help !!

    Team V-ANDROIDE 06.10.2016 21:53

    Hello. You did something wrong, which caused the firmware loader to crash (or the firmware itself was deleted). In your case, you will have to flash the phone. Firmware must be installed official service. If you yourself can’t find the firmware or are afraid to flash it, then it’s better to immediately take it to repair.

    Team V-ANDROIDE 06.10.2016 21:57

    Hello. No. Just save the photo to your computer or flash drive. Flash the phone, and then upload the photos (from a PC or flash drive) back to the phone's memory. Everything is obvious and quite simple. And about your question - at the time of the firmware, all the internal memory of the device is formatted and overwritten right up to the file system. Therefore, absolutely all information is deleted.

    Hello. In any case, you need to enter the menu for the firmware or the recovery menu (if you are flashing files in the root of the memory). So you first have to repair the volume buttons, and only then try to flash. If you can’t do it yourself, then there is only one way out - carry it in for repair. I don't see any other options.

    Team V-ANDROIDE 06.10.2016 21:58

    Hello. Of course the phone won't turn on. After all, you completely formatted the memory, while deleting absolutely everything, including the firmware. Your task is to put the phone into the mode for flashing through a computer or enter the recovery. To get started, check out this article -. Here general information about stitching options. If it is not possible to transfer the phone to the desired mode (into recovery or “Dowload” mode), then bring it in for repair, since it will not be possible to flash the phone otherwise.

    Team V-ANDROIDE 06.10.2016 21:58

    "Hello. Where and how do you go? Refine your question. How to enter recovery mode on your tablet? Try doing this. 1. Turn off your tablet. At the same time, make sure that the battery is fully charged or connect the tablet to the network.
    2. Switch to Recovery mode by pressing a combination of certain buttons. Insofar as different manufacturers tablets offer different combinations"hot keys" I will give some of the most common key combinations for entering the recovery menu:
    Simultaneously holding down both the "volume" keys and the "power" key;
    simultaneously pressing one of the "volume" keys and the "power" key;
    simultaneously hold down one of the volume buttons, the Home button and the Power button (the button to turn on the device).
    The buttons are held until the recovery mode appears on the display. If everything is done correctly, then go into recovery mode. I repeat once again - see that the battery is charged at least 75%.

    Hello. I don't even know how to help. I can't tell for sure from afar. Even if the firmware does not become. I don't think it's worth wasting any more time and energy. Moreover, an independent attempt to flash the device led to even greater problems. It is better to immediately carry it in for repair, if it is still to be repaired. Perhaps you first need to flash the recovery menu. If you flashed through the recovery, then specify, did you flash the recovery menu itself (it changed - that is, after the firmware the menu itself changed its design)? If yes, then first, you need to return the recovery to its original state, and then try to install the firmware itself.

    Team V-ANDROIDE 19.10.2016 20:09

    Hello. Did you install native firmware or custom? The fact is that custom firmware, as a rule, is flashed along with the recovery menu. In this case, there may be different failures. Try to find the official service firmware and install it. Moreover, it is necessary to flash through a PC and preferably with a multi-file firmware (if there is none, then a single-file one, but still through a PC). Even if the official service firmware does not work, then bring it in for repair. I don't have any other advice. Perhaps the problem is at the hardware level. It might be worth trying to format the internal memory. But, you have to be extremely careful with this.

    Newichok 27.10.2016 10:26

    I flashed the phone on 5.0, everything was completed successfully. After an unsuccessful attempt to reset the settings (in the army), the system does not boot, but the backlight just lights up when turned on. When I go to twrp to reset the settings, it says failed.
    I downloaded the official firmware to the Sd-card in zip, but I don’t remember how to reinstall (
    And the computer does not see the phone, even in the workshop, everything is in order with the entrance.
    Prestigio 4044
    twrp version

    Igor 01.11.2016 13:03

    Hello. Recently they brought a copy of iphone 6 mtk 6572 to be flashed. Downloaded drivers and installed. After that I was going to flash it. turned off the phone and connected to the computer. And in the end writes that the device is not recognized. As a result, the phone stopped turning on and responding to anything. Can you recommend anything?

    Dmitry 03.11.2016 17:54

    Hello!) After an unsuccessful firmware of my smartphone (meizu m3s mini), it stopped showing signs of life, I connect the sound to the computer, but after three seconds there is another sound (shutdown) and everything repeats again. How can I bring him back to life? (I wore it in the SC, but there, probably, the man does not understand phones well, he told me that he did not find anything on the Internet)
    I will be very grateful for your help))

    Anton 04.11.2016 17:45

    hello, after getting root rights on my android 4.4, the Prestigio Multipad wize 3008 tablet after each reboot began to delete all data, and today it completely hung and turned off, after trying to turn it on, the screen with the name of the tablet lit up, started the recovery, clicked on Wipe data / factory reset after what the deletion began, but even there it hung, what should I do?

    Ofka 11/13/2016 09:48

    hello! i have samsung galaxy note 2 gt-n7100, I did a restore and reset through the settings, the phone turned off and now it doesn’t turn on, it only shows the teamwin splash screen, blinks blinks, and everything is endless. I'm trying to reflash through Odin, but something doesn't work. Help!!!

    Hello. These are Chinese characteristics. You can try using the Flash Tool to try to reflash the preloader. And you can take it from another device with the same chip (CPU). Here you already read the forums. Better yet, take it to a service center.

    Team V-ANDROIDE 17.11.2016 10:52

    Hello. It is possible that you just need to put the phone into firmware mode (Download). At the same time, you need to install the appropriate driver on the computer so that the system can recognize the phone. If the computer still refuses to see the phone after that, then it is possible that the problem is more serious. In this case, you need to flash the recovery menu, and it is possible to change the preloader. Preloader is a firmware that launches the “Download” system (I don’t know how to explain it to make it clear). In general, you need a really experienced master who can reanimate your phone. Try contacting another service center or climb the forums. The Internet is full of information.

    Team V-ANDROIDE 17.11.2016 10:53

    Hello. The bootloader file was damaged and, most likely, the firmware itself. Therefore, you will have to reflash your tablet. If you decide to try to flash it yourself, then first read this article -. If I'm not mistaken, then your tablet is flashed through the Flash Tool program. If you can’t flash it yourself or are afraid, then bring it to a service center.

    Elisha 11/20/2016 17:18

    Hello, I flashed my phone on the root more than once and everything is fine, recently the phone switched to the official firmware with an updated android and everything is fine, the cable was not damaged even then, I want to flash it again on the root, I found all the drivers and firmware, but as you understand the cable is damaged.
    Attention, the question is whether something will happen to the phone when flashing with a damaged cable, and the charging goes on without interruption and it charges as before, the phone is Samsung Galaxy Note 3 NEO (SM-N7505), the cable is original, it is 3 years old (as well as telephone)
    Thanks in advance)))

  1. Vlad 14.12.2016 18:50

    Thank you very much, I brought the body back to life (Lg L65 \ d285 dual, Android 4.4.2) using the LG Mobile Support Tool. After a random removal system file the body refused to start anything, the reboot aggravated the situation to endless run bricks. Hard reset did not help (including the body clamped vol - and power, after the logo appeared, released power for one second and again clamped the standard reseta menu appeared. After two multiple YES, he deleted something there and refused to put it and again infinity “Lg, life is Good” Panic!! There was no desire to reflash. After installing the LG Mobile Support Tool application, I followed the instructions. But there is a slight deviation Connecting the brick to the computer charging in progress I run it as it was said through power + Vol -, the program does not see the body, I launched it in the usual way, thereby launching the “endless download” the program saw it and started downloading the software on the body and installing it, ignoring the eternal reboot, everything went well ). Thanks again for the post helped a lot, otherwise only the firmware ((

    Oleg 02.01.2017 15:52

    Help me please!
    After installing the rashr flesh tool, I pressed the reboot recovery button and got a brick.
    When loading, it shows only a green man in a blue circle. Is it being treated, or is it over? Chinese tablet.

  2. Christina 01/03/2017 01:35

    Hello. Help me understand what happened to the Lenovo a328 phone? During normal operation of the phone, errors of absolutely all applications appeared with inscriptions like “an error occurred in the Mail application”, and so with all applications. While I close the errors by clicking on OK, they pop up again, and so on in a circle. Resetting to factory settings does not help. Resetting with and without archiving does not help. Applications are not deleted! A hard reset does not help either, everything is in place, everything has errors that can be closed forever. The husband tried to reflash, now it does not turn on at all. They did not transfer to the flashing mode, they installed the firmware when connected via usb. What will we do? Where did the errors of absolutely all applications come from? Thanks for the answer.

    Igor 01/09/2017 01:29

    Hello! Can you please tell me if it is still possible to repair the Doogee X6 Pro after an incomplete firmware (brick)? It doesn’t turn on at all, it doesn’t vibrate, there is silence on the screen, I’m not talking about recovery, it’s a complete zero. When connected to a PC, when trying to flash it again in the sp flash tool, the following operations occur:
    1.Download DA 100%
    2.Format 100%
    3.Boot Load 100%
    4.Download flash 0%
    When I select Download Only, then Download DA 100% and Download Flash 0%
    Doesn't want to load Flash

  3. Anton 01/26/2017 18:14

    Hello. I have such a problem, I put the phone on charge and pulled out the battery and turned it on and after that the logo started on the screen when loading and loading does not occur and the same garbage at (dowland) Does it need to be reflashed? And How? samsung gt-s7390

    Valentine 31.01.2017 21:27

    Hello. Please tell me, Alcatel onetouch idol3 6045y phone. the battery ran out, the phone turned off, connected it for charging and began to connect it, the vibration signal worked, the charging indicator lights up, but the phone does not turn on any further. I took it to a service center, and they told me that the memory in the phone had died, they couldn’t do it. (And 4 months before that, I updated the software and after that my PC stopped seeing the phone via USB.) I would be grateful if you will answer my mail.

  4. Alexander 04.02.2017 02:28

    hello, the smartphone does not load beyond the splash screen, in the recovery it writes an error loading the system, cache, data and memory (emmc) deхp ml5 phone with custom firmware and recovery. it happened on its own while playing music from ok., suddenly errors rained down and after a reboot and an attempt to reinstall the firmware through the recovery.

  5. Borka 15.02.2017 19:40

    Such a problem. Samsung phone Galaxy 4s. When turned on, the Samsung inscription lights up, animation and a black screen are played. Seems like an Android problem. Will it be possible to fix this by flashing and what is the best way to do this? (Through off, custom ilm neof program?)

    Ivan 04/09/2017 17:04

    Hello. My LG L70D325 does not turn on when connected to a computer in the device manager, it is defined as Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008 in the com-port properties, it says that the device is working fine. As a separate device or drive, the computer does not detect it, it is visible only in the device manager. LGMobile Support Tool does not see the phone either. Can it be revived. Thank you.

  6. Svetlana 17.04.2017 01:32

    Hello. Is it worth it to buy a tablet without firmware, does it happen, is it a tablet of the year without an operating system, and where did it go? Maybe the seller is not telling me something. The tablet is good, the price is right, but then what should I do with it.
    Tell. The tablet samsung galaxy note sm-p901 without a computer, it is possible to install the firmware or the best and easiest way to do it. Stanislav 16.06.2017 18:34

    Hello, I flashed the phone through a flash tool, the firmware went through without errors, but after the firmware the phone does not turn on, does not enter the recovery menu, does not respond to charging. The computer is detected for a second and disappears, then after a second it is detected again and disappears, what could it be? jinga basco s2 phone

  7. Olga 06/24/2017 23:07

    Hello everyone, my husband ran into a problem: the megaphone login + took a long time to load (about 3 minutes), after loading not a single application worked, errors popped up. Tried to reset to factory settings - gave an error E: Unable mount '/cache' After that, it stopped loading altogether. I tried to reflash through FT, supposedly sewn but the effect is zero. It turned out that when connected via usb to a computer, the connection is periodically (approximately 2 seconds) lost and reappeared. It doesn't matter if you connect it with or without a battery. (The smartphone appears and disappears in the device manager, and so on in a circle.) Accordingly, it is not possible to flash. What can be done about it?

  8. Yuri 17.07.2017 10:52

    Hello, friends!! the phone with the problem does not turn on, does not charge. I checked the battery is discharged, I charged the frog up to 3.7, there was no reaction. I try to sew with the official firmware, sewed with all the jackdaws, the phone was determined by the flash tool as a preloader, the firmware went fine after the jackdaw in a circle, I turn off, I distort the battery, the phone turns on but stops at the logo, when the LBP is connected, the consumption is 300 mAp. . but the phone stopped showing signs of life.

  9. Alexey 10/25/2017 23:22

    Hello. samsung galaxy s 4 mini. During the day, the OK application hung a little. In the evening, when I tried to open the vk application, the error “the application is stopped, send a report” popped up. I rebooted the phone and when I opened the application again, I got a similar error. I reboot again, and a window opens almost full screen "Google services are stopped, send a report" I press cancel, the window disappears and appears again. And so on ad infinitum. I reboot again, the "android update" window appears, although I did not allow or run any updates. After that, it freezes, the screen goes blank and it will not turn on again. When you press the power, there is a vibration and nothing more. When you press power + home + volume key - opens downloading. When you try to reflash the system, the following happens: one sees the phone, but when you press start, initalzation is displayed ... and that's it! what I just didn’t try, I had ports, the cord is original and not original, I tried it on another computer, changed versions one, tried to install recovery, the result is the same initalzation ... Also, when you try to enter the recovery menu, when you press three buttons, there is a vibration and on that's all too! black screen. What happened to the phone...

    auto test; manual test; item test; test report; debug test; clear eMMC; version; Reboot. If you press Reboot, then everything repeats, endless loading. The computer does not see the phone.
