How to change the volume of an image. Reducing a photo in Photoshop

Good day to all!

Today I will continue the topic of working with images, and from this article you will learn how to reduce the weight of a picture (image, photo) without losing quality.

There are a huge variety of ways to compress an image and make its weight as suitable as possible for your needs, which makes the task easier active users this direction.

How to reduce the weight of a picture without losing quality

They are mainly used to compress images. special programs and various online services. In this article we will talk about one of these methods, namely, reducing the weight of a picture using the program Adobe Photoshop. I won’t tell anything new for advanced users, but for beginners the article will be very useful.

Why reduce image weight?

First of all, the topic will be relevant for most sites and blogs whose authors insert images into their posts. This is especially true for pictures taken with a camera. Modern cameras are capable of taking high-quality and bright photographs, the weight of which is very large.

And if you run a photo blog or a blog on a culinary topic, where in addition to recipes you share with your visitors detailed photos reports on the preparation of various delicacies, then just for pictures you need a lot of virtual space. Guys who run their own blogs should understand that the more an image weighs, the longer it will take to load (open) and take up the space allocated by the hoster.

How to reduce the weight of a picture without losing quality

Let's look at 3 ways to reduce the weight of our pictures. These methods are suitable for both a simple user who needs to reduce the weight of his images or their size in order to upload them to a flash drive with a small amount of memory, and for the site owner, so as not to take up all the space on the hosting with just images.

But the focus in this article is more on the owners of their blogs, but it’s also suitable for everyone else.

The large weight of the image significantly reduces the loading speed of website pages. This especially plays a big role if the design of your site itself is very heavy.

If the design is professional, then the header alone can weigh between 2-3 megabytes. What if the visitor’s Internet speed is 100 kb/sec?

There are many ways to reduce the weight of a picture, and all of them have been known for a long time. I only use one and only when the image really weighs a lot.

But I'll show you everything. Let's test 3 methods, which will be enough to reduce the weight of a picture from several megabytes to several kilobytes without any significant loss of quality:

WITH using Adobe Photoshop
Using screenshot programs
Image optimization services

How to reduce the weight of a picture as efficiently as possible?

1. Using Adobe Photoshop

One way to reduce the weight of a picture is to change its format. Most images and high-quality graphics are in the .png format, which itself weighs a lot.

We can change it, for example, to .jpg, thereby reducing the weight several times and the changes in quality are not particularly visible to the eye. The only “but” is that the transparency of the picture changes due to the presence of background. This means that if you have a picture you need to have it transparent, then this approach will not work.

Initially my image weighs 113 kb

Open this image in Photoshop.

Save it in .jpg format. It's easy to do. In Photoshop itself, click on “File” and “Save As”

Then in the window there will be a drop-down list with the presence of various formats, where we select the one we need.jpg

After this, another window will pop up where you need to select the quality of the saved image. I choose high or value 8.

With this quality, the changes are invisible. After all this, the image’s weight decreased significantly and began to weigh 65.6 kb

This is the first moment of changing weight using Photoshop, but I prefer the proven way to reduce weight - saving the image for WEB. This function is also located in the “file” item:

In the next window, select the quality of our image (set it to 70) and check the “Progressive” checkbox, then save:

After using this function, the image size became 46.3kb, which is almost 20kb less than in the previous case.

Therefore, we use this method. Moreover, the loss of quality is even less than in the previous one.

It’s also worth mentioning the image size here. We usually resize an image as soon as we add it to a post, but we don't think about the fact that we can resize it immediately after reducing the weight or before that, in order to further reduce the weight of the image in this way.

In Photoshop this function located in the “Image” - “Image Size” item.

In it we select the size we need in height or width, but at the same time check the “Maintain proportions” checkbox so that the program automatically adjusts the image to the size, depending on changes in width or height.

Thus, it was also possible to reduce the weight of the image by 6 kilobytes. Now it weighs 40.2 kb. For a small image the changes will be minor, but if you do these operations on a large scale, the changes will be large.

That's all. Let's move on to the second point.

2. Using screenshot programs

To reduce the weight of an image using this method, you just need to open it and take a screenshot of the image itself.

This method further reduced the weight of the image to 22.9 kilobytes, which is much less compared to the original image.

And another way.

3. Image optimization services

You can search for such services on the Internet. And I give you this service - (if it doesn’t follow the link, then copy it and paste it into the address bar of your browser)

Click on the “Try Free Web Interface” button

As soon as you select our file, it is immediately optimized, and below on the same page you will be able to get a ready-made optimized image. Click on the “Download this file” button, we will be transferred to a new tab, from where we save our picture.

Thus, the image is reduced by another 2 kilobytes.

In the end, what did we get?

Initial weight 113 kb. The final weight is 20.4 kb.

Not bad. Of course, if you use these 3 methods on one image at once, the loss of quality can be significant. Here, use what is more convenient for you. But personally, I prefer the first method using Adobe Photoshop.

Hello friends!

This is another material on working with images.

In it you will learn how to reduce the size of an image without losing quality using Paint, Photoshop and an online service.

Moreover, you will learn how to do this in two aspects. After all, image size has 2 meanings:

  • Size in pixels, that is, the height and width of the image;
  • Size in kilobytes, that is, the weight of the image on a computer or other media.

This material is suitable for anyone who is interested in reducing the size of their images, photographs, and so on. And it will be very useful for website owners, since it is strictly not recommended to place large-sized and weighty pictures in your materials.

Let's start with a little consideration of the need for all the actions discussed below.

Regarding changing the height and width of the image, there are many options: you need the required size for printing, for posting on the site, to reduce the same weight of the image, since it decreases when the size is reduced.

Weight reduction may be necessary to save weight on the media ( HDD, flash drive and so on), for fast loading images on the site and so on

There are actually a huge number of options. In order not to languish, we begin to practice.

By tradition, I give a detailed video lesson in which I showed everything clearly.

Now for lovers of text instructions.

Resizing in Paint

To change the height and width dimensions, I do not recommend using any online services, since this can be done using a standard set of programs and even the standard editor of the Windows operating system - Paint.

Open the image in Paint and on the "Home" tab there is a "Resize" item.

By clicking on it, we can change the size without losing quality (if we reduce it) and without losing proportions. To do this, be sure to activate the setting to maintain proportions.

By changing the horizontal and vertical size parameters, you adjust the width and height of the image accordingly. Select the necessary parameters, click on the “Ok” button, and then save the final file to your computer.

We're done resizing the image in Paint.

By the way, changing the width and height parameters also affects the weight of the image. Therefore, take note of this.

Now let's look at the option using Photoshop.

Resizing in Photoshop

Open our image in the program and move to the “Image - Image Size” item.

In the next window, the change occurs in the same way as in Paint. Make sure the checkbox is checked to maintain proportions and set the required height or width parameters.

After clicking the "Ok" button, the size parameters will be applied and you can save the file.

These methods are quite sufficient to resize the height and width of images.

Now we will look at 2 ways to reduce the weight of images.

But before that, I want to note that you already know one way. If you do not need images of extremely large sizes, then you can reduce their height and width, thereby reducing the weight by several, or even tens of times.

Reducing Weight in Photoshop

This method will be very useful for website owners, since the smaller the page weighs, the faster it loads. And this is very important. The method is also suitable for any needs.

After opening an image in Photoshop, you need to immediately save it, but not usually, but for the web and devices.

In the next window you need to set image quality parameters:

  • Quality - high (60-70). Adjust the value to suit your needs;
  • Format - jpeg. If you need to save transparent areas in the image, then you need the png format;
  • We also set the "Progressive" setting.

You can also change the sizes directly in this window, and not separately through the “Image - image size” item, as I showed in the paragraph earlier. It is very comfortable.

After setting the parameters, save the settings (see screenshot above).

This is the only way I was able to reduce the weight of the image from 116 kb to 75 kb without changing the dimensions (the height and width remained the same).

IN this method you can play with the quality value. It all depends on why you need to reduce the weight of the image. It is quite possible that you can set the parameter lower, making the weight even less.

Now let's look at how to reduce weight using an online service.

Online service for optimization

This method is very useful for reduced images. For example, if I have already reduced the image earlier in Photoshop, then using the service we can finalize the size.

The service has a name Let's move on to it. I provided a link directly to the image selection page.

On this page, you first need to decide on the degree of image compression. There are 2 parameters responsible for this:

  • Lossy - strong compression (set by default);
  • Lossless - less compression.

You can determine this parameter only by testing them. Therefore, try to compress the image this way and that, and then select the desired option.

The image is immediately optimized and we will see a report on the work done under the area for selecting a file.

It can be seen that the original file size was 77 kb, and after optimization it became 59 kb. It also shows how much was compressed in kilobytes (18 kb) and as a percentage (23.8%).

To save the compressed image, you must click on the "Download this file" button in the last "Status" column. We will be transferred to a new tab where the final image will open so that we can evaluate it. To save you need to click right button mouse on the image and select "Save image as".

If you watched the video at the beginning of the article, where I clearly showed the process and all the nuances of this article, then you know that only these methods can reduce an image from 360 kb to 40 kb. And this is not the limit.

This material has come to an end. All the methods described in the article, how to the average user Internet, you will be in over your head.

In the comments below, I would be interested to know some of your ways to reduce the weight of pictures. Maybe there is something simpler but more effective. Therefore, I’m waiting for you below near the comment form.

Best regards, Konstantin Khmelev!

Very often there is a need to reduce the size of a JPG file - photos, scanned documents, other images.

Why do you need to reduce file size?

This allows you to significantly save disk space when storing archives, speed up the process of transferring image files via e-mail. Often it is necessary to bring a photograph to the minimum volume required by some programs, above which photographs and drawings are simply not accepted. The first way to reduce the memory footprint of an image is to convert it to JPG format, which itself is already a compressed image. But this is not enough. Let's figure out how to reduce the size JPG file.

Reducing File Size in Paint.NET

Paint.NET software product (not to be confused with the standard graphic editor Paint operating systems Windows) is freely available on the Internet. It “weighs” a hundred times less than the widely used Photoshop, downloads quickly and takes up almost no disk space. Availability clear interface in Russian, the ability to quickly change volume, format and resolution graphic files gives it the right to take its rightful place among your constantly used tools.

How to reduce JPG file size using this program? It’s very simple - launch the program, drag the file you are editing onto its workspace with the mouse. In the main menu of the application, select "Image" - "Resize". In the window that appears, adjust the resolution according to your preferences. Make sure that the “Maintain proportions” option is checked. Click "OK".

To change the format and quality level of the picture, select “File” - “Save As” in the main menu, set a new name, select and click “OK”. Please indicate the picture quality level. When the level changes in the range of 95 - 100%, the visual perception of the image remains almost unchanged. This can be seen in the preview window to the right of the menu, where the final file size is also displayed. After selecting the required image quality (and volume) value, click “Save”. Job is done.

How to reduce the size of a JPG file in Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop application different versions allows you to reduce the size of images without losing their quality. This is especially important when saving photos for publication online. After loading the photo file into the program, make corrections to its color rendering, contrast and saturation, if you consider it necessary. Then proceed to resizing: select the menu item Image -> Image Size. The current image dimensions will appear in the window. To change them, enter new values ​​in the Width and Height fields, you can only in one of them - the second value will change proportionally. Then select the "Save for Web" option from the File menu.

In this case, the application will independently optimize the photo for publication on the network, reducing its disk space at the dimensions you specify.

When saving a photo, select JPEG High. If you are satisfied with the resulting volume, save; if not, change the image quality settings with the slider at your discretion. After all the manipulations, save the photo under a different name - it is ready for publication.

Working with the PicPick editor

You can change or reduce the size of a JPG file with PicPick image capture. It is also freely available on the Internet. The capabilities of this application are wide. It allows you to capture the entire screen or part of it, add inscriptions and drawings to the image, combine different fragments of images, convert the image format and many other functions.

Resizing images is achieved as follows: upload a picture, for example, by selecting the Open menu item. In the Image menu, select Resize and in the drop-down menu, select Image Resize/Zoom. There are two options here: change the size by percentage (both larger and smaller) or change the number of pixels along the width or length of the image.

In the latter case, if the “Keep aspect ratio” item is checked, it is enough to change only one of the sizes, the other will change automatically. It is also possible to resize the image to one of the most common sizes by selecting the required one in the lower form window. Click OK. Save the result in the desired location, in the required format and under the name you need.

We hope that after reading this article, the question of how to reduce the size of a JPG file will forever be resolved and you will be confident that you will be able to perform this simple task with respect to your graphic files at any time.

Every network user faces this problem. Lightweight photos load faster on websites, are easier to send by mail, and it’s not possible to attach an image everywhere. high quality- restrictions interfere.

Firstly, to reduce weight, you can cut off the unnecessary part. This, of course, is not a way out of any situation, but you should not forget about the possibility. Especially when you need to meet very limited limits in terms of weight and quality. Something else has to be sacrificed.

You can reduce the weight of a photo in almost any editor, including Paint. But if you want to achieve good quality(don’t lose what you have), it’s better to use more advanced software.

Some images have to be processed only with specialized programs or editors. This applies to high-resolution photographs and images where a gradient background and contrasting objects meet at the border. If you don't use it good algorithms compression, when the weight is reduced, artifacts appear in such images. (The most famous JPEG artifact is blur.)

The most popular programs used to make an image smaller without losing quality include Photoshop, ACDSee, and the free Gimp and Inkscape (the latter mentioned is the best alternative to Photoshop). In the corresponding dialog, you will be asked to choose what compression to apply - maximum or maintaining quality. Using rulers you can choose the best option.

There are special programs that can do nothing more than reduce the weight of a photo. But with the help of image preview you can choose the most optimal settings process. An example of such a program is Caesium.

Unfortunately, most of these services often do not live up to all the hopes placed on them. For example, not all uploaded photos will be returned to the user in a reduced form. Therefore, it doesn’t hurt to know how to reduce the weight of a photo using standard Windows tools.

The package must be installed on any computer office programs from Microsoft, and in it, in addition to Word and Excel, there is Picture Manager. In the “All programs” list it is hidden under the “ Microsoft Tools Office", and in some versions is translated as "Picture Manager". Launch the program, add a shortcut to the desired photo through the “File” menu, and in the “Drawing” menu find the “Compress Drawings” item. There are 4 compression modes to choose from: for sending by mail, publishing on the web, posting in documents, and for exiting the program without compressing the image.

PictureManager allows you to reduce the weight of an image by tens of times, while leaving its quality acceptable. The program, of course, cannot be compared with professional image processing packages, but its capabilities are sufficient for everyday needs.
