Download a program for partitioning a hard drive. Six Best Hard Drive Partitioning Software

Multilingual registered version!

Aomei Partition Assistantpowerful program to work with a hard disk, administer partitions for PCs and workstations. The program will answer questions such as: “How to resize a partition or merge partitions without losing data? How to increase computer performance? In addition, PA includes AOMEI Dynamic Disk Manager Pro (DDM), which means it has the ability to manage a dynamic disk volume.

System requirements:
Windows 10 | 8.1 | 8 | 7 | vista | XP
· Windows SBS 2003 | 2008 | 2011
Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2 | Server 2008 and 2008 R2 | Server 2003 and 2003 R2

Torrent Breakdown hard drive- AOMEI Partition Assistant Technician Edition 6.6 RePack by KpoJIuK in detail:
Key features:
Possibility to expand system partition NTFS without restarting the computer to maximize computer performance and minimize downtime;
· Merging adjacent partitions into one big one without losing data, or combining unallocated space into a partition;
Splitting one large partition into two or more partitions;
Create as many partitions as you need without using free space on disk;
Copy partitions for migration Windows systems or when backing up important data;
· Cloning the hard drive helps with its upgrade;
· Quick distribution of free space from one partition to another for full use of disk space.

New opportunities:
OS Migration to SSD/HDD: For many SSD users, this simple technology can help you migrate your OS to SSD and keep the original system.
Partition recovery: recover lost or deleted partitions in a few steps.
Partition Alignment: speeding up disks when reading and writing data, especially SSD disks.
Creation of bootable CDs: performs secure disk partition management in WinPE mode and boot from CD/DVD, USB flash memory.
MBR Overwrite: overwrite from master boot disk to spoiled HDD MBR for easy recovery.
·Conversion between GPT and MBR: conversion from GPT disk to MBR without data loss and vice versa.
Linux Partition Management: creation, deletion, formatting, copying, destruction, restoration of Ext2/Ext3 partitions.
Changing partition type (ID) and changing serial number.

Changes in version 6.6:
Fully support exFAT file system, including create, delete, format, move, and copy exFAT partition.
The Windows PE bootable media created on 64-bit system support both UEFI and Legacy BIOS boot modes.
Remove the limitation to resize/move system boot partition in Windows 10, version 1703 and later.

Version features:
·Type: installation [official installer]
·Languages: multi, there is Russian
·Treatment: carried out

Keys command line:
Silent Install: /S /Q
Select installation location: /D=PATH

The /D=PATH option is specified last

The reasons for dividing a hard disk into several partitions are different for everyone. For some, this is an opportunity to systematize the necessary information and store it competently; someone using multiple partitions uses multiple operating systems to work on their computer or laptop. Finally, if the hard drive is divided into several parts, then it is easier to defragment them separately.

Standard PC equipment: the simpler the better

This program is rightfully considered one of the best or even the best hard drive partitioner.

This is the most simple program, which will help you effectively manage multiple systems and different programs.

Its main advantages are the elimination of errors in partitions, the conversion of file systems and data protection. Another advantage is that this utility is very popular, because there are many background information online.

2. Disk Management in Windows

Any version of Windows has a Disk Management feature: this is the simplest, most affordable and quite effective tool that allows you to change partitions.

Each version of Windows OS has its own differences, but in the most popular ones (Windows Vista, Windows 7 and 8) there are no fundamental differences. Let's take a closer look at how to break a hard Windows disk using this utility.

The program opens through the Start menu, and in the "Disk Management" item, even novice users using the three main items (Expand, Shrink and Delete Volume) perform all the necessary actions in real time. Special knowledge is not required for this - it is enough to give affirmative or negative answers and press the necessary menu items.

There is only one drawback of the regular program - there are risks of failures that lead to the loss of certain sections. The risk exists if there is a disc or mass unnecessary programs, or when trying to split the partition of the hard drive in which Windows is running: the processor does not always unequivocally respond to an attempt to "experiment" on the system partition.

Free software for everyone

Two programs that can be downloaded absolutely freely from the net - EaseUS Partition Master Home Edition and Paragon Partition Manager 11 Free are also easy to learn and use, but require some knowledge.

1. EaseUS Partition Master Home Edition

The program helps not only to partition the hard disk, but also to create, copy, resize or completely delete partitions; as well as restore deleted partitions.

The disadvantage that affects the popularity of the program is the only English version. But if you know English, you can appreciate the excellent functionality and predictability of the program, stability of work and the ability to carry out all procedures in virtual mode - at any time you can correct a settings error, cancel the disk partition procedure and restore the original data.

2. Paragon Partition Manager 11 Free

The program is again with an English-language interface, but for a beginner it is more interesting than the previous one - the main windows are quite visual and simplify orientation in the functions. The disadvantages of the program include low speed and unpredictability.

If funds allow, you can buy a Russian-language version of this program for money, but it still retains the main shortcomings of the English-language product.

Programs for advanced users

These programs have advanced functionality - support for various disks and flash drives, the ability to convert file systems, create bootable media, and much more. The fundamental differences are in speed, functionality and accessibility.

5. [email protected] Partition manager

This program is a free manager that simplifies work with logical disks: a system reboot is not required when creating, formatting or deleting disk partitions.

Even if you accidentally delete important partition data, the program will help you restore them!

But the lack of the ability to change the size of disks (the partition must first be deleted, and then another one must be created in the same place) leaves no chance of recovering the lost information.

6. MiniTool Partition Wizard Home Edition

Users with experience can use no less simple and accessible manager MiniTool Partition Wizard Home Edition. The main advantage of the program is the ability to work as a separate hard drive, and RAID arrays created on the basis of two or more disks.

To work with hard disk partitions (dividing into partitions or combining them into one) in the Windows 10 operating system, there is a built-in utility " Disk Management". Its use, in my opinion, is preferable to installing any third-party tools. How to divide a hard disk with your own means of "dozens" or, conversely, combine its sections, you can read in separate articles on this site: divide And unite. But sometimes there are situations when it is quite difficult to do without third-party tools.

This article was written in response to questions from readers of the site who had problems dividing a hard drive or combining its volumes. The Disk Management utility built into Windows 10, despite all its advantages, has its drawbacks: sometimes it does not allow you to create a partition of the desired size, from time to time it does not allow you to split the hard disk at all, sometimes it is not possible to combine the necessary volumes into one. In these problematic situations (and only in them!) I recommend using a third-party, albeit free program for managing hard disk partitions in the "top ten". It is worth remembering that using any third-party tool to manage the operating system can be potentially dangerous. I am not inclined to dramatize the situation, but I believe that it is my duty to warn about it, even if the likelihood possible problems is one chance in ten thousand. Therefore, when possible, it is still better to use the built-in Disk Management utility developed by Microsoft in Windows 10.

When I was preparing this article, I spent several hours of time to find a truly completely free, reliable and reputable hard drive partitioning software(or their combinations). There are a lot of outright lies and dubious programs of unknown origin in this area. A separate item in my search was the question that the found software was not only free, but also had a Russian-language interface and also turned out to be completely compatible with Windows 10. The last question is far from idle - the fact is that on the Internet you can find information about how some disk partitioning programs created for Windows 7 or 8 ruined hard drives Windows users 10.

So, as a result of a long and careful search, I finally found and tried the program myself AOMEI Partition Assistant. In general, its full version of the Professional Edition costs from $ 59 and much more. But don't let that scare you, because the functionality of its free Standard Edition branch is quite enough to:

  • Divide hard drive into partitions
  • Merge hard drive volumes into one partition

In general, the presence paid version speaks only in favor of this software. After all, this testifies to the seriousness of the intentions of its authors. Those who create programs for money certainly make worthy solutions for free, albeit with somewhat limited functionality (all the more so, it will be enough for us). Another proof of the authority of AOMEI Partition Assistant, in my opinion, is the presence of an article about it in Wikipedia. By the way, if you doubt the reliability and safety of a program, always check through a search engine to see if Wikipedia writes about it. This, of course, is not a 100% guarantee, but still, since this electronic encyclopedia strives for maximum objectivity, in articles about software there you can find information about possible "pitfalls" of a particular program. It is in the same place, on Wikipedia, that it is better to take a link to the official website of the program. The fact is that in search engines, the first places are often occupied by no means official sites of certain programs.

On the official site AOMEI Technology I immediately found section on Partition program Assistant. We go down on this page a little down to the second screen. There for download free version the program we need to manage the hard disk, we find the item Partition Assistant Standard Edition and (of course) click "Download". Don't be scared that the site is on English language, the program itself has an official Russian localization. Please note that there are several options for downloading this program for different needs on the page - for home free use choose the right version Standard edition.

The process of installing the program is not complicated at all. First, it is proposed to select a language, then traditionally accept the usage agreement, if necessary, select the folder where the program will be stored - that, in general, is all. After installation, the program will automatically start if at the last step you leave a check mark on the “Run this program” item.

I will not consider all options for using AOMEI Partition Assistant to manage a hard drive. I will analyze in detail only the question of how this free program partition hard drive into multiple partitions in windows 10. Everything else (including merging volumes) is done by analogy.

Partitioning a hard drive with the free AOMEI Partition Assistant in Windows 10

When the program starts, all the physical hard drives installed on your computer or laptop, as well as the partitions that exist on them, will be displayed at the bottom of it. In order to divide a disk into several volumes, you first need to “pin off” a piece of space from an existing partition. To do this, stand on the donor volume and right-click on it, select " Resize Partition».

A new window will appear in which you need to specify what size you want to leave the existing volume. The rest of the space will be freed up for the new partition. I left the C drive 150 GB. We press OK.

Now we see that we have free space labeled " Unoccupied". We need to create a new partition (volume) on it. To do this, click again with the right mouse button on it and select the item " Section creation».

The pop-up window appears again. In it, we leave everything by default and click OK.

After that, a new section will already appear on the program screen. It would seem that you can rejoice. But it was not there. Turns out, no changes have been made to the hard drive itself yet! To complete the operation, you must press the button at the top Apply».

As a rule, a computer restart is required to complete the operation. This is what the new window in the AOMEI Partition Assistant tells us about. Click "Go" on it. It is better to leave a tick in front of the “Check partitions before execution” item. It will allow the program to check sections for errors before dividing.

After that, a new window will appear again with a warning about restarting the computer. We agree and click "Yes".

After the reboot, the actual physical division of the hard disk into two partitions begins. It occurs before the Windows 10 operating system boots in PreOS mode.

Personally, this process took me a couple of minutes. Most likely, the fact is that on the shared hard disk I had nothing but myself cleanly installed Windows 10 and several programs. Therefore, it did not take much time to move the files. If the computer is weak, and there is a lot of information on the disk, then the division process can take much longer. My computer rebooted twice and then started in normal mode. After that, a new section appeared in the explorer, and the existing one became smaller.

Let me remind you that by analogy with this instruction in Windows 10 Freeware AOMEI Partition Assistant Can Merge Hard Disk Partitions.

I foresee a question from some caustic readers of my site, why I reviewed only one free program for managing hard drive partitions on the "top ten". Will explain. The fact is that the rest of the programs I studied did not suit me for various reasons: some of them did not have the Russian language (and for many this is important), for others the functionality in the free version turned out to be too much curtailed, and still others raised doubts in terms of security for the operating system and compatibility with Windows 10. In addition, I absolutely see no reason to look for something else to solve fairly rare tasks. I think that the reviewed software copes with the tasks with a bang and has undoubted advantages over all other free programs that I have studied. So why fill your head with unnecessary information then?)

Good afternoon

For some reason, many users believe that the processor is the heart of the computer. (for some game lovers - video card 👌). But purely in my opinion - the most important piece of hardware in a computer / laptop is a disk (HDD / SSD).

Whatever the breakdown of the hardware (if it is not related to the disk) - by replacing and repairing it, you will restore your work and continue it as if nothing had happened. But if the hard drive "flies", then data recovery is far from always Just...

Okay lyrics, on this page I want to collect the most necessary and useful programs to work with the hard drive. I cite only the most popular and relevant programs that I myself have used more than once or twice.

HDDlife / SSDLife

I really like this utility for its clarity and focus on novice users. All you have to do is install the program, after a while you will know:

  • status of the "health" of your disk in percentage terms;
  • state of his performance;
  • temperature;
  • how much actual time he worked (not to be confused with age and date of manufacture).

The utility works continuously (minimized in tray, next to the clock), and when alarms appear, it will notify you in time. What else is needed for diagnostics for inexperienced users ?!

Note. : not only work on PC is supported, but also on laptops, netbooks, etc. SSD drives are also supported.


One of the most famous utilities for testing and diagnosing disks. The program allows testing: HDD, FDD, CD/DVD, USB/Flash/SCSI.

Main functions:

In general, I must admit that the program is not very friendly and easy for novice users. It must be used with caution - here, more than ever, it is correct: "if you don't know, don't press!".


Very popular free diagnostic software hard drives. Allows for a fairly accurate diagnosis of fur. parts of drives, view SMART attributes, scan for bad sectors (note: ), it contains various tests, and other useful functions.


Excellent program for testing disks. Its main advantage over MHDD and Victoria (discussed above) is support for all drives with a wide variety of interfaces: ATA/ATAPI/SATA, SSD, SCSI and USB.

By the way, the program does not work under Windows, to run it you need to burn bootable media (flash drive or CD/DVD), and after booting from it, run the utility.


Very high quality utility HDD checks and SSD to bad sectors, view S.M.A.R.T., to configure special. settings (power management, acoustic mode adjustment, etc.).

Hard disk temperature can be displayed on the taskbar (to keep abreast of how things are going 👌).

Supported drives:

  • HDD with ATA/SATA, SCSI, USB, FireWire or IEEE 1394 interface;
  • SSD with ATA/SATA interface;
  • RAID arrays with ATA/SATA/SCSI interface;
  • Flash drives with USB interface.


A decent program for monitoring the status of hard drives that support S.M.A.R.T.

The program displays detailed information about your drives: interface, total operating time, firmware, serial number, standard, allows you to manage AAM/APM settings, (useful when your drive is noisy), displays the S.M.A.R.T. (read errors, track search time, number of on-off cycles, performance, spindle starts/stops, sector errors, etc.).

Disk Cleanup

Advanced System Care

One of the best programs to clean up the computer from garbage, fix errors, edit the registry, remove invalid shortcuts, etc. Allows you to tidy up your Windows in a few minutes and make it work much faster.

Using the program is very simple: just install and run. In my example below, I did just that - it turned out that there were enough problems (although I regularly use Windows cleaning wizards...).

Found problems after scanning in System Care

Also note that after installing Advanced System Care- a special manager appears in the upper right corner of the screen: it shows the current CPU and RAM usage (in percent).

Thanks to this manager, you can take screenshots, watch disk, memory, processor loading, perform quick cleaning, diagnostics. In general, it replaces the task manager ...


A free comprehensive cleaning utility for your Windows. Cleans various debris: temporary junk files, "leftovers" from remote programs, browsing history in browsers (all popular ones are supported: Firefox, Opera, Chrome, etc.).

Eat portable version: which does not need to be installed. The program works in all popular Windows versions: XP, 7, 8, 10.

Wise Disk Cleaner

This program allows you to deep clean your Windows system and hard drive from a variety of garbage. As much garbage as Wise Disk Cleaner finds - no other utility will find it!

In addition to its main purpose, the program has a built-in defragmenter. The defragmentation carried out after cleaning has a very good effect on the responsiveness and performance of the hard disk.

Wise Disk Cleaner has a convenient and pleasant interface: all the main tabs are located on top, by clicking on one of them you can quickly complete the current task. In general, some positive emotions from such software 👌!

Formatting, splitting: working with sections

Very comfortable and multifunctional program to work with hard drives. Its capabilities are more than enough for ordinary user, here you are: resizing a partition (no formatting), moving a disk partition, joining (merging) partitions (no loss of information), delete partition, format, master Reserve copy, HDD to SSD Migration Wizard, and much more.

What especially deserves attention: all operations with disks are performed using a step-by-step wizard, which at each stage will tell you what is used and what for. Also, most operations with disks occur without data loss. (unless the program warned otherwise).

Aomei Partition Assistant - what can be done with the HDD partition

Acronis Disk Manager

A very powerful and reliable tool for managing disks and volumes on a computer.

Main functions: split and merge disk volumes, disk formatting (all popular file systems are supported: FAT16, FAT32, NTFS, Exts, Ext3, Reiser3, Linux or SWAP), recovery of accidentally deleted volumes, the ability to boot the program offline (without Windows usage- for this you need to prepare in advance bootable flash drive) and etc.

MiniTool Partition Wizard

A very convenient combine for working with a hard drive: it allows you to perform the entire list of operations that an ordinary PC user may need.

Main functions:

  • Windows Migration to Another Disk/Partition Wizard (useful, for example, when Windows migration from HDD to SSD);
  • partition copy wizard;
  • recovery wizard;
  • merging, formatting, splitting, deleting sections;
  • Russian language support;
  • works in all popular Windows: 7, 8, 10.

EASEUS Partition Master Free

The best free solution for Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP that will help you create, delete, resize, move, expand, split, format, clone partitions of any disks: HDD, SSD, USB drives (flash drives, disks, etc.), memory cards, and other storage media.

The program allows you to change the file system (from FAT32 to NTFS) without losing data, change the disk layout from MBR to GPT or reverse operation- GPT disk partitioning on MBR (also without data loss).

In general, a convenient and indispensable manager for working with disks (certainly more convenient than the wizard built into Windows...).

Defragmentation (for HDD)

If, when opening any files from a disk, your PC began to think, does it slowly and not immediately, then in the most harmless case, this is to blame fragmentation.

To fix this disgrace, you need to reverse the operation - defragmentation(such a tautology ✌).

defragmentation- the process of optimizing the storage of information on the disk to ensure a continuous sequence of clusters.

In general, if you deviate from incomprehensible terms, then after defragmentation your disk starts to work faster: reading and writing files is accelerated. Thanks to this, your programs become more responsive, it becomes more pleasant to work on such a PC!

By the way, Windows also has its own defragmentation wizard, but in my opinion it does not work perfectly ... Therefore, I will give a couple of necessary utilities.

Auslogics Disk Defrag

Despite its compact size - this utility will give odds to many competitors! The program works very fast, optimizes the file system, thereby accelerating your work. Needless to say, the program is used by more than 11 million users around the world!

Main functions:

  • defragment files and occupied place on HDD;
  • Particular attention is paid to defragmentation system files (which affects performance);
  • you can defragment specific files (not many programs where there is a data chip);
  • the ability to work in the background (i.e. imperceptibly for you);
  • free for home use!


A free and small utility for defragmenting HDDs, USB drives, memory cards, floppy disks. By the way, the launch time setting is very convenient in the program - you can set the work schedule so that the disk is analyzed and defragmented when you are not working on your PC.

Main functions of MyDefrag:

  • there is a version that works from the command line (does not need to be installed);
  • 2 algorithms for defragmentation;
  • there is a scheduler (schedule) of tasks;
  • the standard version of the program is automated and will not take you a minute to set up.


Free defragmenter from the manufacturer CCleaner utilities(company Piriform Ltd). The program allows you to work with both the entire disk partition and separate files and folders.

After analysis desired section hard disk: the program will display a list of fragmented files. You can select the ones you need and Defraggler will quickly optimize their placement. As a result, you do not waste time on defragmenting the entire disk. (in general, in some cases it is very convenient!).

The page will be updated with new software as you work with the site.

The hard drive is the most important element of the system. It stores all the available information - photos, videos, user files. Very often the operating system of the computer can not cope with challenges- test performance, check clusters, merge partitions or restore a hard drive. This requires separate software. Below are the best programs for hard drives.

The most popular Runet program, since it is considered multifunctional, simple and convenient. Compatible with all operating systems(OS).

The application has both a basic purpose (copying, moving, resizing, merging, splitting, deleting, restoring, etc.) and specific features (converting FAT to NTFS, OS cloning, MBR recovery, full cleaning, changing ID and serial number, view data about bad sectors etc.).

Installation requires minimum conditions - at least 380 MB of RAM, X86 architecture processor.


  • Russian interface;
  • a wide range of operations and functions;
  • intuitive navigation;
  • does not require a long study, many operations are carried out in two clicks;
  • the presence of hints;
  • regularly updated ( latest version- November 2018).


  • Some features are only available with paid subscription(PRO);
  • there is no Portable option (i.e., the program requires installation, you won’t be able to run the application from a USB flash drive).

One of the best software to diagnose the hard drive and monitor its condition. Many specialized publications include this utility in their collections.

It has rich functionality - monitors HDD performance, reads S.M.A.R.T. (more than 50 attributes), controls errors as well as temperature, regulates the noise level, supports external media.

Installation requires two conditions - Internet Explorer version 8.0 and above, NET platform. Framework version 2.0 and newer. Compatible with all OS.

  • Russian interface;
  • there is a color indicator (shows the status and t of the hard drive);
  • it is possible to manage energy consumption;
  • available Portable version(which can be run from a USB flash drive without installation);
  • updated regularly.
  • does not support all SSDs;
  • no explanations for S.M.A.R.T;
  • difficult navigation;
  • Availability additional software during installation (if you do not remove the “checkmarks”, the “left” program will be loaded on the computer).

The application is more suitable for a PC, in the work of the admin this tool will not work. It has little functionality - split disks, create new ones, resize them, copy, defragment, optimize clusters, convert HFS + to NTFS (and vice versa), find bad sectors.

Special requirements include Microsoft's Visual C++ 10.0 Runtime. The program is compatible with all operating systems.


  • clear interface, the utility is easy to learn;
  • performs operations qualitatively (there are no “glitches”);
  • step-by-step wizard with graphic hints;
  • support for all media.


  • no Russian version;
  • some functions are available only after a paid subscription;
  • infrequently updated (most recently in 2017).

The main purpose of the software is operation with hard disk partitions. The main functions include formatting, editing, merging, deleting, creating new ones, cleaning and checking, converting NTFS to FAT32 (and vice versa), changing the disk type, testing for performance, copying and transferring to new media.

The app is compatible with all operating systems.

  • multifunctionality (within the main task);
  • visualization of the master;
  • regularly updated (last time - June 2018);
  • very powerful product (works with volumes up to 2 TB).
  • no Russian.

There are Free and Pro options (with paid subscriptions).

Utility for low-level HDD formatting. The functionality is small, but powerful - hiding "broken" sectors for writing data, permanently deleting information from the media, deleting the MBR.

The application has two levels of formatting - normal and low. It is able to clean "to zero" not only files, but the entire partition table.

The program supports hard drives from most manufacturers. Compatible with all OS.


  • when formatting, it brings the HDD state to the factory one (used for “broken” media);
  • simple interface;
  • work speed;
  • works with all media;
  • there is a version in Russian.


  • the free version is limited in speed (50 Mb/s);
  • there is a paid option;
  • on many devices, S.M.A.R.T. not available.

Another tool for exploiting hard drive partitions. The main features of the program - consciousness, editing, merging, deleting, moving sections. And also - resizing, checking and copying. There is a function to recover data from a damaged sector.

The utility supports all file systems(ext, FAT, HFS, etc.). Works with any drive. Compatible with all OS.

  • does not require installation;
  • wide and powerful functionality for managing hard drive partitions.
  • in English;
  • a little difficult to work with (takes time to master);
  • access is possible with a Live CD.

A solid, time-tested tool. The utility is designed to check the performance of the HDD, as well as to find errors. There are many options - viewing S.M.A.R.T parameters, detailed information about the hard drive (model, volume, properties, etc.), testing the surface for "broken" areas.

There are functions for advanced users - measuring settings and passport options, adjusting the length of the timeout for various elements. This product works with all drives. Compatible with Windows only.


  • simple and intuitive interface;
  • it is enough to have the skills of a confident PC user;
  • does not require installation on a computer;

low level formatting.


  • there is no Russian version;
  • no hints;
  • the speed in the 64-bit version is low.

The average price is 1700 rubles.

One of the most powerful tools for working with a hard drive with a full range of various operations. The only program that allows, both manually and automatically, to use all the functionality without losing data.

The product consists of 4 modules:

  • partition manager (designed for creating, converting, changing volumes, deleting, and other operations);
  • boot manager (allows you to install several operating systems on your computer);
  • disk editor (capable of changing the contents of the HDD directly);
  • recovery utility.

To install the application, certain conditions are required - the presence of RAM 512 MB or more, the screen resolution is at least 1024 × 768, the processor frequency is 1 GHz.

  • ease of use, intuitive interface;
  • powerful functionality (in the paid version);
  • there is a version in Russian;
  • regular update.
  • free demo version only.

The software is designed to diagnose the hard drive. The program tests the HDD for the presence of errors and "broken" sections, reflects S.M.A.R.T-indicators. The software tells you which area is in danger and requires reservation. Able to isolate it.

Available various settings for regulation - reduce noise, reduce energy consumption, control rotation at idle.


  • attractive interface;
  • high testing speed;
  • detailed description of S.M.A.R.T. parameters;
  • it is possible to synchronize with most information transfer protocols;
  • software operation reports are visualized in detail;
  • regularly updated (last time - July 2018).


  • in English;
  • specific knowledge and skills are required (intended for professionals);
  • does not interact with all drives;
  • sometimes isolates the working sector along with the damaged area.


A powerful time-tested veteran utility that is used not only to test the HDD, but also to “treat” damaged areas.

Principle of use - the tool monitors the surface of each sector, measuring the access time. In the event of a failure (time out, unable to read information) marks the area as “damaged”. After it enters it in a special journal. "Bad block" sector can be replaced with a reserve one.

The key functionality of the application is scanning and identifying damaged areas, remapping (replacing / reassigning) bad sectors, low-level formatting and deleting data, obtaining S.M.A.R.T. parameters, independent health analysis.

Uses low-level access. Has hot keys. The utility is available in three versions - an ISO image, an image for burning a boot disk, an executable file.

  • powerful tools for the treatment of "broken" areas;
  • a detailed log about the operation of the utility and user actions;
  • with high accuracy defines "problem" zones.
  • the utility is complex, requires special knowledge and skills (for example, working in DOS);
  • slow scanning;
  • missing S.M.A.R.T. editing;
  • it is not always possible to recover information from "broken" areas;
  • there is no Russian version.

How to choose

Which one and how to choose the best program for managing and hard recovery disk, each user decides for himself. It is important to understand here that all such products are divided into two unequal groups:

  • universal utilities;
  • highly specialized software.

There are very few of the first ones, these are Acronis Disk Director, Partition Manager. With the help of these products, you can perform a whole range of tasks for maintaining and managing a hard drive.

The second group is represented by a large number of programs. Their functionality is limited, but benefits from the power and variety of operations of one function.

Depending on what kind of main task the utility will perform, you can choose the appropriate software.
