How to remove google search on android. Removing the Google search bar on Android

Google is committed to making it as convenient as possible for users to enjoy all the benefits of its products. To do this, all kinds of services, applications and widgets are created. But for some users, this may seem superfluous, many of them are wondering how to remove Google from the Android screen. In this article, you will find the answer to this question, and also learn how you can remove the search bar, and how to return it later if necessary.

How to hide the search bar

To hide it, hold your finger on it until your device vibrates. The search widget will then unpin from where it was, and a trash can icon will appear at the top of the screen. Just drag the widget there without lifting your hand. As soon as you bring it to the right place, release your finger.

After that, the search bar disappears from the desktop, but remains in the widget menu. The search application will also remain in place, in the main menu.

On some phone models, for example, Sony, the search bar is hidden a little differently. You will need to hold your finger on it until the inscription "Hide" appears.

Click on the button circled in the screenshot and the panel will hide. It will be located, as in the previous case, in the widgets menu.

We remove the search through the settings

There are times when the search bar is not made as a separate widget, but as part of the launcher. They don't do that very often.

In such cases, remove the line Google search will be a little more difficult. You will need:

Now the search app shouldn't bother you, even if it's built into the launcher. In the same way, you can also remove Google Play from the main screen of your phone, but this is up to you.

Applying Root Rights to Disable Search

In especially severe cases, when the above methods do not help, but you still want to get rid of the ugly border on the main screen, you will need to delete the search. Since it system application, you won't be able to do it from the menu or settings. For this you will need to download special program to uninstall system applications, such as Root uninstaller. It requires superuser rights.

We will not focus on the topic of obtaining root rights, we will give only a brief instruction:

  1. Install on your smartphone Kingo program root. Do not under any circumstances install it from Play market, most likely there will be a fake. It is best to use official website.
  2. In the smartphone settings, allow installation from third-party sources.
  3. Charge your smartphone to a level above 50%.
  4. Launch the program and follow the instructions.

After obtaining superuser rights, download and install the Root uninstaller program. Go to the system applications tab and find the one you want to get rid of there. Be careful not to delete anything you see for the first time. Absolutely all system applications and processes will be listed in this menu, so by deleting something, you risk seriously undermining the functionality of the device.

This method of removal is the most difficult, but universal. You will be able to use it on any Android version and phone model.

And you can also delete not only the search bar, but also any system application that you do not want to use. For example, you can remove voice search google s android screen 5.1. Just be careful what you want to uninstall. And if you want to experiment or delete something at random to free up memory, it's better to make a backup.

Using third party launchers

If you don't want to bother with extended permissions, and you can't hide or stop the Google search process, then this method is for you. It provides for the installation of third-party launchers that will simply hide your main desktop. In addition, using third-party launchers, you can add a lot to the functionality of the device, decorate appearance and visualization.

In the app store, you can find many solutions to help you customize your workspace. Among the best: Nova Launcher, GO Launcher EX, CM Launcher. You can search and find the best option for myself. Of the minuses of such programs, one can single out only small slowdowns on weak devices, and even then infrequently.

In any case, by trying the launcher, you have nothing to lose. So don't be afraid to experiment. You can always remove it and return the Google search bar to the screen.

By default, on the desktop of most Android smartphones, you will find a Google search bar. It is convenient to use it if you are constantly looking for something on the web, although now voice search on smartphones is becoming more and more popular. If the search string takes up too much space and you want to remove it, we'll show you how to do it. Note that the process of deleting a line from the desktop depends on your smartphone and the version of the installed software, so we will consider several options.

First way

The most simple. An example on a Samsung smartphone.

See the search box.

Press and hold it for about a second, then transfer it to the basket that appeared at the top of the screen.

The search window has been removed from the desktop.

Second way

The first method does not work in all cases. On modern versions of Android, you can do otherwise.

The search string in our example. A long press does nothing, and a single press opens Google search.

How to be? Tap your finger on an empty space on the desktop, hold for about a second.

In some cases, you need to make a movement with two fingers, as if you are reducing the picture on the display of your touch device.

An additional menu will open, select "Settings".

Toggle the "Search Bar" switch in the "Home Screen" section to the "Off" position.

Check - there is no search string.

Third way

On older versions of Android, including some custom firmware, as far as we know, it is impossible to delete the search bar at all without superuser rights. How to be? Install, in the menu of which you can delete the search bar.

Some Android users for various reasons, their smartphones or tablets do not need built-in Google Search and services. In addition, by disabling these services, you can save battery power and increase devices accordingly.

If you belong to the category of those users who are annoyed by the search bar on the smartphone screen, and also you do not need tips from Google Now then this guide is for you.

How to disable Google Search on an Android device

Due to the fact that the Google search bar is a service deeply integrated into the operating system, removing it without receiving it will not work on all devices.

Disabling Google Search as root requires a highly skilled user to know how system files operate. Therefore, let's consider how to remove the Google search bar using regular means using the example of the TouchWiz proprietary shell for Samsung smartphones. So, we remove Google Search:

After these manipulations, the search line on the screen of the smartphone (tablet) will be absent. True, as mentioned above, in some devices without root rights, it will not work to remove Google Search using the described method, they have buttons " Disable" And " Stop' will not be active.

How to Remove Google Now Suggestions on Android

Google Now is an intelligent service from the search giant that also understands requests by voice (the same “Ok Google!”). The service is highly customizable to the habits and needs of the owner of the Android OS device.

The main direction of Google Now is to give hints to the user even before he wants to enter the desired query. And to make the tips as accurate as possible, the service collects all the information about the user of the device: determines where he is, remembers him search terms, knows his daily route, looks through, etc. With the help of such total control, the service will tell you the time spent on the way to work and home, remind you of the birthdays of friends and relatives, tell you about traffic jams on your route, and much more.

On the other hand, such control over the daily behavior of the user looks creepy, and besides, it is also at his expense, or rather, at the expense of the battery of his smartphone, because. Google service Now consumes electricity quite actively. Let's see how to turn off Google Now.

Disable Google Now

After all these manipulations google hints Now you will no longer be disturbed.

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Despite its usefulness and ease of use, the Google search bar has one significant drawback - it takes away on the screen mobile device free space that could be used for more popular applications or widgets. Therefore, many Android OS users prefer to get rid of this service. Let's see how to remove the Google search bar on Android.

Removing the search bar through the smartphone settings

You can remove the search engine from Google using the built-in capabilities of your device. This is done as follows:

At first glance, everything looks very simple and clear. However, there is one caveat - in the new versions of Android (versions 5 and 6), the ability to erase standard applications absent. The only thing that can be done is to stop their work. The same applies to the Google search engine.

These actions have a temporary effect. So, by stopping the Google Search program, you will make the search bar disappear from the desktop. However, after restarting the system, it will reappear.

With mobile devices on pure Android 6, working with the Google launcher, things are even worse. Their search bar is not a separate application, so it is not only impossible to remove it, but also to stop it.

Removing the Google search bar by installing a new launcher

On phones and tablets running Android 6, search service Google is removed by installing another launcher. For this you need:

After following these steps, the Google search bar will no longer appear on the desktop.

Removing the search bar from the desktop using third-party software

On Android 6, as well as earlier versions of this OS, you can remove the standard software from the device using Root programs Uninstaller or other similar utility. For normal operation This application on the phone must be activated Superuser rights. This is done as follows:

After the Superuser rights are unlocked, you can proceed directly to deleting the search string:

Virtually all mobile phones from the operating room Android system installed a large number various services from Google. They are installed by the company at the production stage of the smartphone and most of them can be disabled or removed if desired. For example, as a rule, when buying a new Android device, you can see the standard Google search widget on the main screen. In this regard, many are interested in how to remove the Google search bar.

The main problem is that practically no one uses this Google search in Android. Most users simply open a browser and perform all the necessary actions there. Many believe that the corporation adds this widget to the home screen to raise the popularity and brand image. There are several main ways to get rid of this program.

Removing a widget from the home screen

Let's start with the simplest and most obvious method, since it requires a minimum of costs and should work in most cases. This method is a simple drag and drop that allows you to customize widgets on Android phones. On different devices the procedure can be slightly different, but everywhere it has a general principle.

You need to press and hold your finger on the search line itself for a few seconds. After that, you can move this widget around the home screen or to neighboring screens. Also, a trash icon will appear at the top of the display, allowing you to remove this widget altogether. Depending on the firmware, this icon may not appear at the top, but directly next to the widget, as shown in the image.

If you have an Android tablet, then the steps to remove the widget are no different, since it is the same operating system with the same features and functions, although it is installed on a tablet, and not on a smartphone. This method only allows you to remove the widget. If desired, it can be returned at any time if desired.

Via smartphone settings

If for some reason the previous method did not work or you want to not only remove the widget from the home screen, but completely remove it from the device, then you can use three other methods. The first of them involves deleting the utility in the phone settings, as well as stopping the Google application. To do this, the first step is to go to the settings of the smartphone. You can do this from the application menu or by lowering the Android top curtain.

In the settings, find the "Applications" section. There you can find all the programs installed on the smartphone, up to the system android tools. This list requires the Google Search app. On some devices, you can use the search. By opening the options desired application, click the Stop button. The system will ask you to confirm this action, and then turn off the program.

In newer versions of android, you need to search for "Google". However, it should be understood that stopping this program will turn off not only the search widget on the main screen, but also other services from this company.

In addition, it is important to note that this is only a temporary measure and after rebooting the phone, the search bar will reappear. If you have an old phone with Android version below 5.0, then this program can not only be stopped, but also deleted.

Using superuser rights

The last method, which will be discussed in this article, involves complete removal this service from the device. However, it is important to note that this method may not work on phones with Android versions higher than 6.0. However, you can still try doing it. This method implies obtaining superuser rights and their further use to remove the utility.

The first step is to root your phone. The procedure for obtaining them is different for each individual device model. Therefore, it is recommended to visit the well-known forum, find the section of your phone there and use the individual instructions. However, it is not recommended to do this if you are not well versed with such technology, since incorrect actions can lead to phone breakdown in some cases.

When the superuser rights are obtained, you need to download an application called Root Uninstaller. It is free and downloaded from the official site. Google Play. After installing the program, it is recommended to follow the following algorithm.
