Mining farm options. How to build a mining farm: step by step instructions

Every crypto enthusiast thinks about creating their own farm. Without a doubt, this is expensive and not always effective if you approach this matter without enthusiasm and without considering all the nuances of the mining process through the farm. A cryptocurrency mining farm is the only way to earn bitcoins, and one of the most effective means of accumulating other cryptocurrencies, which may well repeat the fate of the pioneer.

How to build a mining farm

As already mentioned, building a farm is expensive. Despite the fact that it is not known when the investments will pay off, no one stops mining. However, there is one significant nuance, which is that the requirements for equipment are constantly growing. Therefore, even if a person has already equipped a small farm, this does not mean that the matter will end there.

The equipment will have to be regularly updated, buying more modern and technically advanced models. For example, consider mining on video cards and ASICs. Previously, a video card was enough for a farm, but now you have to buy several ASICs, which are very expensive, but, admittedly, more economical. What will happen in a couple of years? Throw away a few thousand dollars to upgrade equipment again? And so it will be.

But such expenses are not so terrible, if we talk about the fact that the earnings for solving one crypto problem is 12.5 bitcoins, each of which costs $ 2,700. At this pace, everything will pay off in record time. The main thing is that in the hands of the user there are tools that work at the modern level.

Assembling a farm with your own hands - everyone can!

In this article, we will build a mining farm. There is nothing complicated about this, it is very similar to assembling a regular personal computer, but there are a few nuances. It will be easier for beginners to assemble, having clear step-by-step instructions before their eyes. I took some of the pictures from open sources on the Internet, so do not be surprised that they have different farms.

Truss Assembly Accessories

So, as a very peculiar video blogger would say: “Hey, goldfinches! Today we will assemble a mining farm with our own hands. We will need:

  1. Motherboard.
  2. CPU.
  3. Cooler (+ thermal paste).
  4. RAM.
  5. HDD.
  6. Video cards.
  7. Raisers.
  8. Power supply with a set of cables.
  9. Power Synchronizer.
  10. Frame (+ power button).
  11. Cable ties, self-tapping screws, metal corners.

More about farm components, why they are needed and how to choose them, I told in a separate article:

Building a farm for mining, step by step instructions

We begin to assemble a farm for mining, that is, we proceed directly to the process of installing components in the frame of your future farm.

Framework for mining farm

The classic frame (often called a case) is a metal or wooden frame, the mutual arrangement of the parts of which allows you to install the components of the mining farm and connect them. Usually these are several parts that form the outer edges of the frame, one or more support bars for video cards and a lower part (platform) for placing motherboard, power supply, hard drive.

Mining farm frame

The finished frame can be bought for 20-25 dollars, it will turn out to be cheaper. I like to do it myself, buying the necessary parts for 10-15 dollars and spending about half an hour to assemble. If you are interested, I will write a separate article about this, with photographs and drawings. It's easier to buy ready-made.

A moment of humor, a well-known joke in miner circles. The picture below is not a truss frame!

Motherboard and processor

We insert the processor into the motherboard, apply thermal paste to it, attach the cooler. Everything is the same as in personal computers. Then install RAM and place the motherboard at the bottom of the truss frame. In this case, the following conditions must be met:

  1. It is desirable to place PCI-Express connectors for connecting video cards in the center of the frame.
  2. Connectors for connecting a monitor, keyboard, mouse should be directed outward.
  3. The motherboard should not protrude beyond the edges of the frame.
  4. After installing the motherboard, there should be room next to the power supply (or two) and the hard drive.

In practice, the easiest way is to press the motherboard to the corner of the bottom platform of the frame, turning it in such a way that the first two conditions are met. It should look like the picture below.

An example of a mining farm assembly

After placing the motherboard, we fix it with a few self-tapping screws, screwing them through the motherboard mounting holes. If the bottom platform is wooden, then you can not be afraid of the motherboard coming into contact with it. If the platform is conductive, then such contact must be prevented. This can be done using dielectric spacers or special legs that will raise the motherboard above the platform.

power unit

Near motherboard place one or more power supplies.

We have a separate material about farm food:.

The cooling power supply fan needs to be facing out or up. It is desirable that the cable from the mains also looks to the side and does not take up space inside the case. The power supply has no mounting holes inside the truss frame. In order not to spoil its presentation, I usually pull the power supply with several cable ties to the corner of the frame. And so that it does not move during transportation, I limit it with the help of metal corners screwed to the lower platform with screws.


The hard drive is also placed on the bottom platform. It can be pressed against the corner of the frame, next to the power supply, and fixed with several bent metal corners. In the photo below, you can see the power supply fixed with a cable tie and a metal bracket, as well as a fixed hard drive.

Mining farm, mount hard drive and power supply

Power connection

In the next step of assembling the farm, you need to connect the following power lines:

  1. Motherboard power connector (ATX connector) to the motherboard. When using several power supplies, these connectors should be combined with a special synchronizer and already connected to the motherboard.
  2. Power connector CPU to the motherboard.
  3. SATA or Molex connector to the hard drive.

I strongly recommend that you read the very important pro instructions before performing this step, this will help you avoid serious problems. In the figure below, video cards are installed, but the power connection has not yet been completed, do not do this. It will be uncomfortable.

Video cards are not powered


It's time to connect the risers. Typical kit includes:

  • board for connecting a video card;
  • board for connecting to the motherboard;
  • USB cable 3.0 to connect them;
  • power adapter (used only when necessary).

We connect these parts as shown in the figure below.

Connecting the riser

We insert the board for connecting to the motherboard into the PCI-Express connector on it, and place the board for connecting the video card on the support bar of the truss frame. We connect the connector of the same name from the power supply (SATA, Molex or PCI-E) to the power connector on the riser. This can be done directly or using the adapter included with the riser.

Video cards

The next step is to connect the additional power connectors to the video card connectors. After that, when all connections are made, you can try to clean up the inside of the farm by fixing the wires with cable ties.

Complete mining farm

The mining farm is assembled. It remains to connect the power button and the power indicator light to the motherboard.

The final touch is connecting the keyboard, mouse, monitor and network cable. After that, you can proceed to the installation operating system, software and their settings. More on this in one of the following articles, stay tuned!

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We will collect a farm for 8 cards, it does not matter NVIDIA or AMD. 8 cards is the optimal amount, Windows works with 8 cards without problems, and motherboards for 8 cards are relatively cheap. You can buy motherboards for 13 cards, but then you have to install Linux, and the price of such motherboards is higher. Our choice is 8 cards.

Cards need to be chosen according to the price-quality ratio, you can always get advice in chat 2 Bitcoin. No time to think and search? NVIDIA GTX 1060/1070 is a good option to start with, cards with these chips are produced by a large number of manufacturers, the cards are universal (suitable for Ethash and Equihash algorithms). We strongly do not recommend mixing AMD and NVIDIA cards in the same rig. If you chose AMD, buy all 8 AMD cards; if NVIDIA, buy all 8 NVIDIA cards.

By the way, for the safe sale and purchase of the mined cryptocurrency, we recommend the Telegram bot. Read the overview and details of the work in.

What to buy? Don't forget anything. How to assemble? Tips


for 8 cards: 1,500 rubles. in St. Petersburg they are made according to our requirements (password: “2 Bitcoins”). It turns out awesome, you can put on top of each other. Contact . Do not waste your time on making the frame yourself, do not want to use our contact - open Avito and buy any other ready-made solution, this will save a lot of time and money. If you put it in a server rack, we recommend cases from rigbox.


Installing video cards

It happens that some cards do not install normally and hang in undefined video adapters. In this case, you need to install the driver manually, specifying the path to it.

With AMD cards, the situation is more complicated: the cards are installed, but each has a Exclamation point. AMD atikmdag Patcher will come to the rescue. Click "Yes" and after the reboot the problem is solved!


You need to properly connect the WatchDog pins to the Reset and Power pins on the motherboard so that the timer can reboot or turn off / turn on the farm. 2 photos of the connection, they are exactly the same, just wires of different colors.

Install the driver and watchdog program from the official site: driver, program. The program must be set to autoload, and set up monitoring in it, we always set up Internet monitoring on the site or, and process monitoring on cmd.exe.


A few things to remember to do:

Disable "sleep" the system in the power settings. This setting is best done after everything, because when you install video card drivers, it can be reset. Getting into this menu is simple: Win -> Gear -> The first menu item (system settings).

If you are going to take more from your cards than they can from the factory, we recommend installing Afterburner. We are using MSI Afterburner. AMD cards need the latest Beta version. Do all card settings at your own peril and risk, you can contact Chat 2 Bitcoin for advice.

Mining software

If you plan to use multiple farms, read the post "", there is detailed instructions how to do it. If you do not need it, you can simply install Claymore according to points 1.4, 2, 4.

In a situation where the word "Bitcoin" now and then flashes on the pages of Internet publications and is increasingly heard from the TV screen, even small children know what it means. This is a cryptocurrency that requires a mining farm to earn money - an open frame on which computer hardware is installed. Very often, the main part of such a miner is a block of several video cards, with the help of which mining is performed.

What is a mining farm

Structurally, a mining farm is a computer designed to solve certain computing tasks. It does not require a powerful processor and a roomy HDD, the emphasis is on a large number of powerful video cards (there can be up to 6 of them) and several power supplies that provide the system with the necessary energy. Good computing power of a home farm allows you to start mining cryptocurrency, and in essence represent an alternative (or even main) form of income with a quick payback period.

How does it work

From a software point of view, a mining farm is nothing more than a computing device in a distributed database using algorithms and programs. The essence of the mining process is to track and process new blocks of transactions in a specialized blockchain network - this is exactly what is called “mining”. Each discovered block will be profitable, eventually giving the opportunity to earn bitcoins or other cryptocurrency. The search for one block takes different times - from several minutes to several days, and this is influenced by two main factors:

  • Equipment performance. The more powerful your mining farm, the faster your cryptocurrency mining speed will be.
  • Network complexity. The more miners ensure the activity of the blockchain, the lower the cost of the found block will be and the more difficult it is to search for it. Having gone through an extraordinary boom in popularity at the turn of the 2010s, the mining industry has attracted many ordinary users, who were attracted by the simplicity of earning, began to purchase equipment in huge quantities.


In the generation of cryptocurrency, the leading role is given to the power of the computer, therefore, to obtain good earnings only owners of very productive equipment, for which you need to pay with real money, will be able to use digital currencies. Computer firms produce ready-made versions, but it is not necessary to pay a high price: with a minimum of knowledge and skills, you can assemble equipment for bitcoin mining with your own hands.

However, the main obstacle to profitability is not the expensive components for mining cryptocurrency, but the high costs of operating the equipment. The graphics card unit of a mining farm consumes a lot of energy, so electricity bills will be astronomically large, and with these costs, projects pay off much more slowly.

Types of mining farms for cryptocurrency mining

Currently existing mining farms for the extraction of cryptocurrency can be divided into three types:

  1. Based GPUs(GPU). At the first steps of the formation of the Bitcoin system, AMD video cards combined into blocks of several pieces, made it possible to achieve an excellent mining result. Today, large GPU farms are no longer as efficient due to high energy costs and fast depreciation, but they may well be suitable for a beginner.
  2. Using FPGA modules. Such logic arrays are not inferior to GPUs in mining performance, but they do not require a powerful cooling system, which makes them more reliable and compact.
  3. Based on ASIC processors, which are designed specifically for bitcoin mining. To date, such computer systems considered best devices, making it possible to achieve an increase in speed by 25 times, but at the same time, such equipment will cost much more.

Bitcoin farm

The ability to profitably mine bitcoins led to a rapid increase in the number of mining farms and an unprecedented expansion of the blockchain network, so the emergence of the second generation of cryptocurrencies was a predictable process. Today, there are many options available to miners for mining - from the increasingly popular Ethereum cryptocurrency to Ark and Xaurum, which are not known to many.

The equipment used also imposes its own restrictions on production. If a mining farm based on a block of video cards can easily switch to mining another cryptocurrency, then FPGA modules will already require manual reprogramming, and ASIC chips are initially configured for only one option. Under such conditions, calculating the optimal configuration of farms for mining becomes a difficult task for the owner, who seeks to make a profitable investment in mining.

Ethereum mining

Although in half a year since the beginning of 2019, the bitcoin rate has grown by 160% and reached $ 3,000 in June, there are other examples in the cryptocurrency market that show steady growth. Ethereum can be attributed to their number - since the beginning of the year, the ether exchange rate has increased by 4485%, amounting to $ 375.5. The advantage of the new cryptocurrency was appreciated not only by miners, but also by large companies with a worldwide reputation. In February 2019, the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance was created, a non-profit block that includes such monsters as Microsoft and Intel, which makes the position of this cryptocurrency even more stable.

Cryptocurrency farm for mining altcoins

Given the great popularity of bitcoin and the increasing complexity of mining, in recent years, alternative cryptocurrencies (they are also called altcoins) are increasingly being created, and their mining is recommended to novice miners. In the first steps, you need to get a small farm based on GPU or FPGA modules in order to independently try out how Litecoin or Monero is mined and understand how to make a profit in this business.

Buy a farm for mining

If you decide to stay on ready-made equipment, then the Internet will offer you many options for assembling farms for mining cryptocurrencies. The price range is in the range of 96,000 - 240,000 rubles, depending on the type of construction and power (prices here and below are as of July 2017). At the same time, assembly according to individual parameters is possible, which can reduce the price of the finished block for sale.

Equipment power

The more powerful block will be with you, the higher the performance of the mining farm. There are a few simple rules, which must be taken into account if you liked the mining farm in the store:

  1. The advantage of a ready-made farm is that all the work of selecting the necessary components for the block has already been done for you - you get a turnkey solution that just needs to be plugged into the outlet and start mining.
  2. Be sure to include in your budget the cost of bitcoin mining, and electricity fees. Even not the most powerful farm on ASIC-panels consumes more than 20 kilowatt-hours per day. There are devices with much higher consumption, the seller will tell you the exact figure for the purchased unit.
  3. You should not get hung up only on indicators of computing power (hash rate), but evaluate the system comprehensively. The high performance of the block implies an increased price and greater risks that the owner bears with such an investment in cryptocurrency mining.

The complexity of the blockchain network

Given the rapidly increasing complexity of the blockchain network, here are some tips for the novice user:

  1. Choose only modern equipment. No second-hand special devices, even at a very attractive price - at the current pace of work, wear rates will be very high.
  2. Opt for more functionality. For example, by switching a video card, you can mine another cryptocurrency (or even find a use for the card that is not related to crypto mining), this is impossible for ASIC processors.
  3. Never take out a loan to buy equipment, given the high risks of mining. The situation may change, and if today the generation of cryptocurrency provides a stable income, then tomorrow this money can hardly be enough to pay for electricity.

What determines the hashrate of a mining farm

One of the basic characteristics that determine the power of your mining farm is hashrate - the number of calculations performed per second. The higher this indicator, the more productive your mining farm will be. As of mid-2019, 600 kH/s is considered good for video cards, while there are the latest AMD 7990 series models using two cores, with speeds up to 1,500 kH/s.

Although the miner on ASIC processors significantly outperforms GPU models in terms of hashrate, having indicators of 14,000 kH / s, the high cost (from $ 2,500) can stretch the payback period of such a block for mining. In the face of sharp fluctuations in cryptocurrency rates and the rapidly increasing complexity of the blockchain network, this option is not suitable for all users.

How to build a mining farm

In many cases, building your own mining block will take precedence over buying a ready-made mining farm. Benefits include:

  • lower costs, especially if you already have some of the parts;
  • the possibility of more flexible selection of components;
  • enjoyment of the assembly process.

Among the disadvantages:

  • the time spent on searching for the necessary components and the lack of individual components (due to the great popularity of cryptomining, it can be difficult to buy powerful video cards);
  • the need for at least minimal knowledge about the operation of the equipment, but this gap is easily filled with information on the Internet, which provides assembly diagrams and photos of crypto farms;
  • no warranty or service.

Mining farm framework

If an ordinary home PC has a closed case to protect the “stuffing” from dust, then a mining farm has an open frame for easy cooling of the block. In fact, this is a rack of metal corners, adjusted to the dimensions of video cards or other mining farm equipment. It is not difficult to find such a frame for sale - they are made according to standard sizes (600x400x300 mm, 600x400x400 mm, 700x400x400 mm, etc.), which makes it possible to reliably install blocks on top of each other.

Video card selection

A maximum of 6 video cards can be connected to the motherboard, this indicator should be used when calculating how much computing power your farm has for mining. picking up required model, compare the ratio of power and energy consumption with each other - this will allow you to save both when buying and when operating a mining farm:

Power, kH/s

Power consumption, W

price, rub.

Even without a calculator, you can see that at the same price, the 6990 video cards differ significantly from other cards in the 6900 series in terms of higher power with an insignificant difference in power consumption. Similarly, by analyzing these three indicators, one can find best option to buy video cards for the mining farm.

Power supply for installation

Choosing a farm power supply is not as simple a process as it might seem at first glance. For a normal power supply for a mining farm for six video cards, even 1000 watts may not be enough. Additional power is required for other coin generation equipment, which is why you should always choose power with a margin of 150-200 watts. Equally important will be the presence on the farm block of the required number of PCI-E slots in order to be able to directly connect all video cards for mining.

Cooling and air circulation systems

Given the large heat generation, mining farms need additional cooling. This should be taken into account when installing video cards, between which there should be 8-10 cm of space for air circulation. The easiest option is to use floor fans and a special room with an extractor fan, especially if you have more than one mining farm.

Mining farm assembly

The configuration of the rest of the components of the mining farm will not be difficult: everything is the same as for a regular computer. You will need a hard drive, a motherboard with the ability to connect six video cards (for example, Biostar H81S2) and a RAM slot. The general assembly of your mining farm involves the installation of all components, and the connection of individual components into a single unit using cables and extension cords.

Launch of cryptocurrency mining

Setting up a farm involves installing special software with which you can interact with the crypto mining industry. The choice of a program depends not only on which cryptocurrency you are interested in, but also on the mining method, because it can be:

  • Single (solo) - when the development of the block is carried out alone, and all the income goes to the owner of the mining farm, but this type of mining requires powerful equipment.
  • Through special pools in the network, where many miners are engaged in mining and the income is divided in proportion to the contribution of each.

Is it profitable to mine cryptocurrency using farms

Before you buy or start collecting your first farm, rarely does anyone not wonder how this project provides a stable income. Progress in the field of mining solutions does not stand still, and if back in 2013-14. 6 months were enough to “go to zero” and start making profit, today such a period can be considered very lucky even for a large company with several dozen crypto farms.

Equipment and maintenance costs

If we summarize all of the above, we can come to the following approximate cost estimate for an entry-level crypto farm, where the payback period will directly depend on the chosen cryptocurrency and exchange rate fluctuations:

  • the cost of equipment is 150,000 rubles.
  • power - 600 kH / s.
  • electricity - 2,100 rubles.

Profitability of leading cryptocurrencies

If you make up the top 5 most profitable cryptocurrencies at the end of June 2019, then it will look like this.

Many miners who have literally plunged into the world of mining cryptocurrencies, including bitcoins, decide to make a mining farm with their own hands. Most of them see the assembly of a mining farm as something of an entertaining puzzle. But is it really so? Is it easy to set up the equipment and “force” it to mine cryptocurrency, including bitcoins? Another issue that deserves close attention is the profitability of such a process. However, it is worth sorting everything out in order in order to assemble a mining farm with high quality or decide to abandon this idea.

Required accessories

So, if you decide to independently assemble a farm for mining, then it is very important to correctly select all the components of the system. In order for a do-it-yourself mining farm to be done correctly and to be able to mine successfully, you need to take care of acquiring the following structural elements:

  1. Motherboard. At its core, this is the "heart" of the farm. The number of modules, video cards and ASIC controllers possible for installation depends on its power. This, in turn, determines the likelihood of successful mining. That's why the motherboard must be 100% reliable.
  2. Farm building. Such a frame can be made with your own hands from improvised materials. It is better not to order it from various companies, since the standard options are not focused on the installation of several powerful modules, video cards and controllers. It is optimal to use steel or aluminum corners or wooden blocks to assemble the frame.
  3. RAM, which is responsible for the functioning of the operating system and its launch.
  4. CPU. When choosing it, it is very important to consider that it fits the motherboard and can smoothly ensure the functioning of the OS.
  5. Power unit. It is important to pay close attention to power here. It must be maximum. It is equally important to pay attention to the power margin within 20%. In addition, the power supply must match the parameters of the system in terms of power consumption.
  6. HDD. It should be of high volume and be very reliable.
  7. Devices that are focused on the process of mining cryptocurrency. These are ASIC controllers, several powerful video cards or FPGA modules. It is optimal to use versions from Radeon. As a rule, they are connected through the PCI-E ports of the motherboard. So this also needs to be foreseen in advance.

At least 4-6 video cards with maximum cooling are selected especially carefully. They will be connected to the power supply via PCI ports. If the user is familiar with the principle of assembling a conventional computer, then assembling a farm is also not difficult.

Then you need to choose a high-quality power supply with high power. You can use 2 conventional power supplies, which are synchronized with each other with a special cable (these are PCI ports on the blocks), or server equipment.

Special attention deserves the purchase of coolers for cooling the system and ventilation units. They also need to be purchased in advance. Otherwise, mining will be in jeopardy, because the computer, like the entire farm, will constantly overheat, hang and break one day completely. This is especially dangerous for video cards that are connected to the power supply via standard PCI ports.

Building a farm for mining

As a rule, assembling a farm for mining cryptocurrencies does not cause any particular difficulties. Simple step-by-step instruction will help miners create a mining farm from scratch.

Now you can proceed directly to the process of assembling a block for mining with video cards and other equipment:

  1. To do this, you need to make a kind of frame. This design resembles a server rack. A farm for mining digital money will already be mounted on it.

  2. Further, the equipment is assembled and connected, as the most common Personal Computer. That is, after creating (or installing) the frame, you need to fix the motherboard. It must be placed in the center of the lower shelf of the structure. In this case, it is recommended to make a slight elevation so that the motherboard does not come into contact with the surface. To do this, you can take small plastic pieces.

  3. The processor with a cooler is attached to the motherboard.

  4. The next step in self-assembly of a farm for mining is the installation of a power supply. It is recommended to fasten it to a metal corner with self-tapping screws or screws. Reliable fixation is the basis of security. Otherwise, there is a high risk of spark formation in the contact.

  5. Next, indicator elements and a power button are installed.

  6. Then you need to install the hard drive using the stand. It should be connected with special cables to the power supply and the motherboard.

  7. A video card is connected through the elements of additional power and risers. If you decide to use several of them, then you need to do the same with each of them.

  8. That's all! It remains to connect the farm to the power supply system and the Internet.

Note! Connecting video cards to blocks for mining is carried out through special risers. For video cards, it is optimal to use 6pin or Molex.

What remains to be done by the miner? You will need to install Windows. In this case, it is recommended to use version 10. Next, the selected program is configured. It can be an overclocking utility or a special miner software. That's all! It remains only to start the process of earning bitcoins or other cryptocurrencies.


Software deserves special attention. When creating a mining farm on your own, it is very important to use high-quality and functional programs. However, it should be borne in mind that the specific list of software that a miner will need depends primarily on which video cards are used and what digital money he decided to mine. As an option - for the extraction and earnings of such a type of cryptocurrency as Ethereum, it is optimal to stop at the programs:

  • ccminer-1-8-3-git-tpruvot;
  • Ethminer;
  • sgminer-gm-windows.

The beauty of this software lies in its simplicity. Installing the software is as easy as shelling pears, as well as adjusting the necessary program parameters. Each of these options is a great solution for mining Ethereum.

If the miner has not yet decided on a specific cryptocurrency and plans to mine different kinds electronic coins, it is worth choosing other programs. For example, you can use Claymore’s Dual to mine Sia and Ethereum. The attraction of this program is simple interface, intuitive installation and the ability to quickly set all the necessary parameters for the extraction of digital coins.

Parts and service costs

The most difficult and sensitive issue is the costs that are needed to assemble the farm. Usually the most expensive are video cards, and the cheapest item of expenditure is the purchase of bars or corners to create a rack. If you do not hire a locksmith, but do everything yourself, then you can put in about 800 rubles.

However, all the fun begins at the time of purchasing components. So, the most inexpensive motherboard (for example, ASRock FM2A88M Extreme4+R2.0) will cost 3700 rubles. It is only worth remembering that professional mining on it is unlikely to succeed. Here you need a more powerful option, for example - AsRock H81 PRO BTC R2.0. It costs more than 6.5 thousand rubles. This solution allows you to install 6 video cards or more, which is exactly what you need.

The next important expense item is the purchase of a processor. It must match the power and parameters of the motherboard. At the same time, even the economy option from category A-4 costs about 2,800 rubles.

It is equally important to take care of spending on RAM. To mine cryptocurrency, including bitcoins, you need a device of 4 GB or more. It is expensive. You can buy 2 boards of 2 GB each, as this is considered more budget option. Then it should be borne in mind that the cost of each board is about 1 thousand rubles.

Still need to think about upgrading the hard drive. It must be of high quality and powerful, since it is on it that the miner will store the wallet and all important programs. That is why its volume should not be less than 1 TB. With minimal investment, this is about 2500 rubles.

This does not take into account the payment of the Internet and electricity. Do not forget that periodically you will have to change certain spare parts of the farm, because with permanent job some parts break down quickly.

Profitability of major cryptocurrencies

The main issue that worries real miners and beginners in the field of cryptocurrency mining is the profitability of the main types of digital money. It is worth mentioning right away that the most expensive of them (bitcoins) are too late to mine today. That's what most experts think. The whole point is that the system has gained an excessively large number of participants. To find a hash and get a reward for it, you need surprisingly large capacities, expensive equipment, and not a farm based on a couple of video cards.

Bitcoin mining today requires an initial investment of more than just a few thousand. It will take hundreds of thousands. But the result can be disastrous. That is why today only very large companies located in countries with low electricity tariffs can afford to earn bitcoins.

It is optimal to start mining altcoins now, these are digital money alternatives to bitcoins. Among them are:

  • Ripple
  • Ethereum;
  • dash;
  • Litecoin.

Ethereum has the highest yield. The cost of 1 coin of the so-called ether is $339.

Profitability mining farm (mining farm)

Most miners who decide to start mining bitcoins or other cryptocurrencies on their own are afraid to miscalculate. And this is absolutely fair! To begin with, it is worth calculating the profitability of a mining farm. Here are a few key factors to consider:

  • hash rate;
  • cost of equipment;
  • the current value of bitcoin or other cryptocurrency that is planned to be mined;
  • power consumption and cost of 1 W.

Taking into account at least these criteria will allow you to find out the approximate time for which the initial investment will pay off. Unfortunately, as practice shows, with the increased complexity of hash calculation and the high cost of equipment, the creation of a mining farm today is an unprofitable project. Moreover, it is more likely to bring losses to its owner. If the investment to create a viable farm varies within a few thousand dollars, then you can get about a hundred.

Possible risks

The purchase of all components and self-assembly of a mining farm does not at all guarantee profitable earnings. There are certain risks here. So, before you start diving into mining, you should get acquainted with the opinions of analysts.

Morgan Stanley bank experts say that soon the growth of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies will stop. The thing is that so far in most countries digital money is considered illegal. Accordingly, they are not taxed. As soon as the authorities of the leading states deal with this issue, there will be a powerful collapse of the cryptocurrency exchange rate.

Other experts, such as CERIC Capital Management, assure that in the near future only the growth of bitcoins and other digital coins will be observed. However, this cannot happen indefinitely. That is why the main risk of arranging and creating a farm for mining is the instability of the btc exchange rate and its analogues.

Another risk, as shown above, is the lack of profitability. The thing is that assembling a farm and acquiring all the components for it is a very costly business in terms of finances. Recently, however, the level of complexity of the mining process itself has increased. That is why experts consider such investments unreasonable, which then will not be able to recoup even the cost of electricity.

Video: how to build a mining farm from scratch

If you still have not lost faith in the prospects of bitcoins and other digital money, dream of earning cryptocurrency at home and want to make a mining farm from scratch with your own hands, then you should watch a few thematic videos:

Does cryptocurrency have a future?
