Download a program to control work on a computer. Spyware rating

Many PC users running one of Windows often need programs that monitor your computer.

Such people most often become bosses of various levels, who have from several people to several tens and even hundreds of employees working mainly in offices and shops, jealous husbands or wives (girls or boys), parents of children.

In the modern world, it is quite difficult to track what a person does on the Internet on a smartphone, but it is much easier to set up surveillance of a user's actions on a PC that several people have access to.

Consider seven applications that will help collect data about user activity on a computer running.

We do not compile a top, do not rate applications and choose the best, but we only invite you to familiarize yourself with the latest spyware, which are regularly updated and support .

Note! Spying on the actions of someone on a computer is an interference with a person’s personal life, so you should not do this without extreme need, and if you decide to take such a step, be sure to notify everyone you will be following about it.


The application is developed by one person and is updated regularly. Great for home use.

By home, we mean spying on the activity of family members or acquaintances who can come to visit in order to do something from your computer. do on the internet.

LightLogger features include all the classic spy features. It allows you to monitor keyboard button presses and display data for each program, which will show which messages a person entered in which application, display all his passwords and logins.

Web page monitoring records the history of visiting sites with the time spent on the page.


An important advantage of an elite spy is absolute secrecy. It not only does not create shortcuts and is not displayed in the taskbar and tray, but also hides its process from the Task Manager and does not even place the shortcut in the list of frequently launched ones.

Due to the daily update of the core of the program, it is invisible to all antiviruses and anti-keyloggers.

Keystroke Recording

Keylogger keeps track of every keystroke on the keyboard and click of any mouse button.

With these functions, while remaining in the shadows, the utility will intercept all typed messages, texts of letters, electronic documents, will collect all search terms and login data accounts various web pages.

The program code is based on the use of written in Low-level driver assembler, which starts before the Windows graphical shell, which makes it possible to find out the password from the account.

Getting browser history

Not a single popular Internet browser will hide the navigation history from the eye. Tracking the Internet activity of children and employees with a time stamp (when he visited the site, how much time he spent) is simple.

Recording chats

As for messengers, Elite Keylogger records messages from each of the programs (ICQ clients, ) and mail agents in order to provide you with information about with whom and through what they are chatting on your computer.

Remote monitoring

After collecting data, reports can be sent to the specified email or an FTP server, making it possible to get acquainted with the actions of subordinates, a wife or a child, being far from the computer where the keylogger is running. In this way, relatives will be more careful, and employees will spend less time in or playing games.

How to get reports

The information received can be stored on the computer's hard drive, sent by e-mail or FTP, sent via, and even secretly copied to a connected or. The size of logs is not limited.

Other features

The developers did not refuse screenshots, records of all running applications with the time of their activity and work in background. The Elite Keylogger's clipboard is also monitored.

Among the considered and similar programs, it is difficult to choose a clear leader. The functionality of most tracking utilities is similar, only a few developers try to bribe the client with unique features, increased program secrecy, design and work with reports.

How to control employees, control children or monitor a person at a computer?

It is difficult to imagine the everyday life of a modern person without using a computer or mobile devices connected to the global network and used daily to receive and process information for personal and business purposes. Computers have become a part of life not only for adults, but also for teenagers and children, who spend several hours daily on the Internet.

Modern schoolchildren from the first grades are trained to use computer technologies and actively use them for educational and entertainment purposes. Unfortunately, the Internet is flooded not only with workshops on solving problems in physics or mathematics, which do not pose a threat to the fragile child's psyche. Global network contains countless unsafe websites, including extremist, sectarian and "adult" websites, which can seriously harm a child's normal development as an individual and lead to problems in the future. Agree, you would not want your child to study occult rituals or look through pages of dubious content instead of doing homework after school.

In view of the foregoing, many parents may have a completely reasonable question: How to protect a child from harmful influence Internet?, “How to find out what a child does in his free time at the computer?”, “Who does your beloved child communicate with?”, “ How to organize control over children?».

There are many programs for monitoring computer activities and spyware, but, as a rule, all of them are paid, slow down the computer's performance and are easily detected even by inexperienced users. In reality, you can only view the contents of the log files with the entered data on the keyboard and in some cases screenshots. In addition, you can view these log files only on the computer where these files were created. Those. if you are in a remote location, you will not be able to view these files. Of course you can customize automatic sending these logs to the mail or server, but this is fraught with additional difficulties and a waste of time. Plus, it's just inconvenient.

For full control over children, it can be very convenient to use programs remote access to a computer via the Internet. Some of these programs are very easy to set up, and to be more precise, they practically do not require it and are able to instantly establish a connection with any computer connected to the Internet.

One of these programs is Ammyy Admin. And despite the fact that the main application area of ​​the program is the provision of remote technical support, features and versatility of Ammyy Admin make it easy to use it as a tool remote control for the children. When it comes to business, monitoring and control of employees is also one of the areas of application of the program.

Why should I use Ammyy Admin to control my children remotely?

  1. You can connect to any PC in a few seconds.
  2. You can view the image of a remote computer from any other computer connected to the Internet. No tedious settings, registrations and installations!
  3. Ammyy Admin bypasses all known firewalls and antiviruses (which cannot be said about programs keyloggers) and does not require installation. At correct settings it will be almost impossible to find Ammyy Admin.
  4. Your child will never realize that someone is watching him in real time.
  5. You can interactively enable voice chat and listen to what is happening on the remote PC side.
  6. Ammyy Admin is completely free for home use, provided that you have not exceeded the free version usage limit.

How to set up child control using Ammyy Admin?

So, the procedure for setting up the program is extremely simple and will not take more than a minute.

What to do on remote computer, which we will monitor:

What you need to do on the computer from which we monitor:

If you want to organize employee control by monitoring their work computers, then under the laws of some countries you need to warn them about this. In any case, it will be useful to do this, because. knowing that the computer is under surveillance, the employee will not engage in extraneous activities on the work computer, which will reduce the risk of computer infection with viruses and leaks confidential information, as well as increase the useful working time.

AeroAdmin – is a small application working without installation or configuration. It is launched on local admin and remote client computer and is ready to work, out of the box.

(!) AeroAdmin - remote desktop software that allows you to connect to computers over the Internet or in a LAN from any place and see who is doing what at any moment.

Aside from employee monitoring, the software provides full control to remote computers, including mouse and keyboard control, file transfer etc. You can work with a distant computer as if you were sitting in front of it.

Why AeroAdmin?

FREE for home and business use zero-configuration application

You can be in touch with your employees at any time

Your staff become more responsible at work, as they know they are monitored

You can collaborate interactively

How to configure AeroAdmin for remote employee monitoring?

On employee computer (client):

1.and run AeroAdmin

2. Choose Connection ⇒ Access rights in main menu

3. - Click add in access rights window

4. Type in "ANY" into "ID" and "Name or description" fields. Setup password (you will use it to connect this employee computer). click ok.

5. Run AeroAdmin as Windows Service in main menu Connection ⇒ Service.

Configuration of employee computer is finished. You can close AeroAdmin.

On your (operator) computer:

1.and run AeroAdmin

2. Input ID of the computer you want to monitor, as shown on the picture below

3. Choose necessary connection mode, ex "View only"

Personal Monitor
for parental controls

Best Program computer tracking

The Mipko Personal Monitor program monitors (possibly also covert monitoring) the computer in 14 positions. Options for monitoring and covert surveillance of employees' computers can be configured both for each of the positions, and for several at once. The program interface is simple and easy to use, anyone can manage it.

I purchased your program when it became necessary to control the child. He spent a lot of time in in social networks, then disappeared somewhere on the street. In order to somehow know what to expect, I was looking for a program for tracking visited pages on social networks, intercepting clicks. Your program has these functions in full.

Sergei Fedorov

Protection for your child

personal monitor for windows

Free version
for 3 days

Very convenient and clear interface

In order for the program to be used by anyone, its creators gave each action of the interface a simple name. Here you will not find complex technical terms, and the display of settings, the process of work and monitoring the results of monitoring a computer will be understandable even to those who have just begun to get acquainted with a PC.

Recording information entered from the keyboard

A rare computer at home or in the office does without a keyboard. The surveillance program records words and phrases in any language, as well as symbols, into its database.

Keeping track of the contents of the clipboard

A great advantage of the program is the ability to covertly monitor even seemingly insignificant operations. So you will always know the contents of the clipboard, without which ordinary user in the course of working on a computer, it simply cannot be dispensed with.

Screenshots (screenshots) after a specified period of time

Monitoring the intermediate stages of work on a PC also includes screenshots (screenshots). Together with the text "intelligence" they help to get a complete picture of what is happening on the computer on which the program is installed. Depending on the settings, screenshots can display what is happening on the PC, both at regular intervals and with each mouse click.

Monitoring of visited sites

Are you wondering where your traffic is going? Watching the computer will help you answer this question. You will receive a detailed report on all sites visited by the user. In addition, a list of addresses that your child used to access the Internet will easily explain why you are called to school again. covert surveillance By visiting websites, the Internet will also make it clear why an employee of your enterprise did not have time to prepare a monthly report on time.

Visible/invisible operation mode

Depending on the tasks you set, the monitoring program can work both in visible and invisible mode. In invisible mode, keylogger is not noticed not only by the users themselves, but also by those installed on computers antivirus programs(for this you must add Mipko Personal Monitor to the exceptions).

Monitoring the launch and closing of programs

An essential addition to the picture of what is happening on a particular computer is monitoring the launch and closing of programs. This function can be useful both for finding out the causes of any technical problems, and for determining the timeliness or untimeliness of using one or another software application.

Monitoring computer on/off/restart

Another function of the monitoring program, designed to unravel the mysteries of PC behavior. Tracking the on / off / reboot of the computer allows you not to miss a single detail from the chain of events occurring with the machine / machines.

Full multi-user support

The computer tracking program that I will discuss in this article is unique in its kind, as it has many advantages that competitors do not have. It is called Expert Home 4. Here is what this tool is remarkable for:

  • The program is completely free and works without any restrictions.
  • Interface, help and support in Russian.
  • Combines many tracking functions.
  • Works in invisible mode, starts with a password and a secret key combination.
  • Allows you to encrypt received reports and send them over the Internet.
  • The antivirus will not swear.

This computer tracking program is really very interesting and worthy of attention. So less words, let's get down to business!

Expert Home 4 - computer monitoring software

After downloading the installation file, run it. In the first window, you need to select the language and click "Next".

Then agree to the license and click Next.

Now the most interesting. The computer tracking program will be opened by a secret key combination consisting of four keys. The first three are Ctrl + Shift + Alt, and the fourth is up to you. It can be any letter that can be selected from the list.

In the same window there is a field in which you need to enter a password, which will be requested after entering a secret key combination.

After selecting a letter and entering a password, click Next.

Check the correctness of all the data and click "Install".

Wait for the installation of the Expert Home 4 program to complete, and in the last window, click the "Close" button. Everything! The program has already started its work and monitors all user actions. As you will notice, there are no traces of the program running.

To launch a computer tracking program and view its report, you need to enter a secret key combination. After that, a window will appear in which you should write down the password you created during installation. And then you will see the program interface - the Expert Home 4 control center. It consists of two sections - "Reports" and "Advanced".

Let's take a look at the "Reports" section first:

Keyboard. This is a keylogger, that is, here is a report on pressing each key on the keyboard. You can see what and in what program was written by the user. It is possible to choose the date of the report.

Screenshots. The computer tracking program periodically takes hidden screenshots of the screen and you can see them here. It is also possible to select the archive date. In addition, you can manage screenshots using the buttons below.

Programs. Displays which programs were running and when. You can see the title of the programs, the name of the executable file and other data useful for analysis.

Food. Here you can analyze when the computer was turned on and off.

Activity. Displays the activity of computer users.

Now I will consider the "Additional" block, which also consists of several important sections.

Internet monitoring. The program for tracking a computer allows you to transfer report files over the Internet in encrypted form. They can be viewed in the file storage of Softex (program developer). That is, reports can be viewed remotely. To get started, click the "Allow Remote Tracking" button.
