How to get back all deleted files on the computer. How to recover deleted files? Five Proven Ways! Ways to recover a deleted file or folder

Read how to restore deleted files using built-in Windows tools or programs for recovering deleted data.

There is probably no such person who has not heard of them or has not used, at least once, such devices. In the modern, rapidly developing world, computer devices are used everywhere.

For example, many users of such devices use them to carry out their business and professional activities, use them in various production processes, buy, sell and provide various services through such devices. A separate line is the use of computer devices for organizing the leisure of users, as well as creating, testing, distributing and using games, and holding relevant tournaments.

Additionally, a separate class of devices such as mobile smartphones and communicators are used for direct communication between users through various ways: normal connection; text messages; applications for the transmission of visual and sound signal, as well as any data and text packages; social media and much more.

Naturally, the unusually wide use of computer devices entails the development of a separate area directly related to computers - this is the creation and development of modern software. The operating system is the main software that is fully responsible for the full functioning of computer devices.

The main requirements for the operating system are high processing speed of any data array, multitasking, high degree system reliability from hacking, lack of vulnerabilities and internal malfunctions, convenient user interface, high unification and compatibility with different types applications.

Without exaggeration, the most popular operating system in the world can be called the system Windows. Developed in 1985 by the corporation Microsoft the system has achieved extraordinary popularity, fully meeting all the requirements for systems of this kind. A new version operating system Windows 10 concentrated in itself all that have passed the test of time, internal functionality from earlier versions of the system, and supplemented with the latest developments available only in the voiced version of the system Windows 10.

With its high popularity and the ability to install software from various third-party manufacturers, the operating system has to be responsible for storing both system and user files, as well as performing actions for their processing and movement.

With the development of computer devices, almost all information began to be used and stored in a digital format, and the importance of ensuring its safety has increased tremendously. Erroneous deletion, unexpected system failure, action malware, random formatting, etc. - that's far from full list possible causes which may result in the loss of important information. Therefore, the question of possible ways to recover deleted files on a user's personal computer has essential. But before we continue, it is important to emphasize that recovering deleted files from hard drive, any memory card, USB flash drive or other storage device is possible and not an impossible task.

Of course, we cannot guarantee that accidentally deleted files can be 100% recovered. However, there is a very good chance that you can get your files back, especially if it hasn't been too long since they were deleted. For further actions, we need to dwell on the explanation of the concepts of storing and deleting a file.

The general meaning of the concept of storage process

To better understand the process of deleting a file, first you need to familiarize yourself with the method of storing a file on computer device data storage. All data on a computer hard drive is stored in files and folders and has a strictly structured form. HDD personal computer has an initial layout into tracks, which in turn are divided into sectors (a numbered area of ​​​​a hard disk intended for storing data). Each sector has a certain size, which can be changed within certain limits when hard formatting disk and selection file system. Minimum sector size "512 bytes".

Every file that you write to your computer HDD, also has a certain size, much larger than the sector size, and occupies a certain number of track sectors. Such sectors may not be located next to each other, but scattered across different tracks of the disc. At the time a file is written, the system creates file tags in which it stores information about the file's location, size, and other important data. When a user accesses a file, based on the label, the system collects the information of the sectors of the file together and gives the user the necessary file.

The general meaning of the concept of the removal process

When a user deletes a file, in any convenient way (normal or permanent deletion), the system only removes the file label and marks it as an empty disk space suitable for writing new data. In fact, all user information stored in the file remains intact and is still on disk.

When the system needs to write new file, then it checks the disk space for free cells. These now include those cells that store information from the deleted file. Following its logic, the system overwrites free cells with new data. And the cells with information from the deleted file can also be used to overwrite the data of the new file. Until the cell is overwritten, all information stored in it, even marked as deleted, is available for full recovery with special programs for recovering deleted data.

Now, with some knowledge, it will be easier for you to understand the recovery process. Follow the instructions below to maximize your chances of recovering deleted files from your storage device.

How to recover deleted files

The process of recovering deleted files involves performing certain sequential actions, one after the other, until the user recovers the required files. We will focus on the main actions that you will need to perform in order to achieve the desired result. After each action, you need to check if your files have been recovered. Otherwise, continue with the described steps.

Expected recovery time: Depending on how long ago the file was deleted, how often you free "Basket" Depending on the deleted files, the location of the deleted files, the storage capacity of the storage device and some other factors, file recovery can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours or even more.

1. Stop using your computer!

Aside from the specific steps we'll cover in the rest of this guide, the first thing you should do is stop using the drive containing the deleted file to prevent it from being overwritten.

  • As we mentioned above, deleted files are actually just hidden from the user, but still accessible. The only way the file you want to restore will completely disappear is by overwriting the physical space it occupies on the disk. Therefore, try to refrain from or minimize the number of write operations that could lead to such consequences.
  • Refuse to perform bulky tasks such as installing software, downloading or streaming music or video, etc. Performing these steps will not necessarily overwrite your file, but the chances of losing it permanently increase significantly.
  • If possible, reduce the time (number of accesses to the storage device and the operations performed on it) from the moment the file is deleted to the beginning of the recovery process. For example, after deleting a file, you did not use the storage device for a long time, but after connecting it, you started the recovery process. The chance to completely restore such a file is almost one hundred percent, because the system did not use the device and could not permanently erase the file. This condition is especially true for large files. Indeed, during storage, the system could arrange file fragments in different sectors over the entire surface of the physical disk, significantly increasing the likelihood of their overwriting during subsequent use.

2. Recover deleted files from "Baskets".

This is the first place you should give your attention to. IN default settings operating system Windows delete file function "Basket" preset by default. And if you have not additionally changed the settings for deleting files, then with a high degree of probability, you will be able to find your deleted file in perfect working condition in "Basket". But if you have set "Destroy files immediately after deletion without putting them in the trash", or you have already cleared the contents "Baskets" earlier, then immediately proceed to the next paragraphs of our guide.

open "Basket" in any way convenient for you, and find your deleted file. Click on it right click mouse and, in the pop-up context menu, select the section "Restore". From "Baskets" the specified file will be transferred to the last storage location in which it was before deletion. If you found your deleted file and were able to recover it, then your actions are over. If your file is not among the deleted files in the Recycle Bin, then follow the instructions in our guide below.

Reminder: Files you delete from memory cards USB flash drives, external hard drives of any type and network resources, are not stored in "Basket" and are always deleted directly. This condition, in full, also applies to devices such as smartphones and communicators. Again, very large files from any source are often deleted immediately directly, without placing them in "Basket".

Learn more about properties "Baskets" and features of working with it you can read in our article.

3. Use a free program to recover deleted files.

At this stage, you will need to use third-party software. In the world computer network "Internet" using search you can find several free programs to recover deleted files. Almost all free programs have similar features, so you can choose any of them.

Download the free program you like and use it to find and recover deleted files. If the files you are looking for have already been removed from "Baskets", then such a file recovery tool can help you.

If, when searching for deleted files, you could not find the file you need, then do not despair and try using another free program. However, do not forget that any action that you perform with your hard drive, will reduce your chances of successfully recovering the deleted files you are looking for. Such actions, for example, include installing several different free file recovery programs.

Important advice: We highly recommend that you download "portable" version of the file recovery program you have chosen directly on USB flash drive or to another drive other than the one where the deleted files are located. The regular version of the program resides on your hard drive, placing its files all over your computer during its installation - like most standard programs that you download and install. Unlike the regular version of the program, portable version installs files offline in the folder you downloaded it to. It can be installed on another drive, for example, USB flash drive or second hard disk, and launched directly from there. This method will allow you to avoid possible overwriting of your deleted files and increase the chances of recovering them.

A big disadvantage of free programs is the low percentage of recovering deleted files, among which the required file may not be. Additionally, such programs often have a finite limit on the total amount of data you can recover. For a small single file, such a program may suffice. But if the file has a significant amount, or you need to restore a group of files, then such programs will not work for you.

If you have not found your deleted file or its size does not allow you to restore it with a free program, then proceed to the next step of our guide.

4. Use a paid program to recover deleted files.

The paid version of the program implies providing the user with a full set of available tools for recovering deleted files. The capabilities of this type of program exceed similar free versions and, with a high degree of probability, will help the user get their deleted files back.

As with the previous type of programs, paid programs for recovering deleted files are widely represented on the net. "Internet". The range of possibilities of each program differs significantly from other samples. However, almost every program offers users to try it out in order to find the desired deleted files immediately before purchase. And in case of successful detection and recovery of the required file, the user can purchase a key to complete the recovery process.

The criteria that influence the final choice of a program can be different: price, ease of use, range of features, etc. However, the main requirement that the user should pay attention to is the presence of your deleted file in the list of recoverable files after the scanning process of your device is completed. Based on this condition, we recommend using a program to recover deleted files.

The program has a wide range of capabilities and will be able to recover any kind of files, regardless of what caused the deletion of files. It is indispensable for working with deleted, inaccessible or damaged partitions and disks; recovers deleted, lost and corrupted files; returns files after cleaning "Baskets" or deleted permanently using a key combination "Shift + Delete"; restores files after errors and system failure, as well as after a virus attack.

Download and install and then follow the simple instructions step by step instructions installation wizard.

After starting the program, it will appear "File Recovery Wizard", in which, following its prompts, select the required partition where the deleted files were stored, and start the scanning process. The entire process can take anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes or longer, depending on how large the drive is or which scan method you choose.

After the scan of the selected partition is completed, find the deleted file you are looking for in the list of recoverable files, mark it, and click "Restore" located below the main menu ribbon.

An important function in the program is "Preview of recoverable files", which allows you to display the contents of each file before it is restored. And after viewing all available versions of files, the user will be able to choose the most suitable one.

5. Use the services of a specialized workshop to recover deleted files.

We hope that you were able to find the file you need to restore in the program's list of recovered files. But there is a small chance that your deleted file was not found, incompletely restored, or partially corrupted. There can be various reasons for this, one of which is the possible overwriting of your entire file or a separate part of it with another file. In this case, you will have to create your file again or try contacting a specialized workshop for recovering deleted files.

However, this option does not give a 100% guarantee that your deleted files will be returned, and will require significant financial costs from you. Therefore, you will have to decide how important the deleted file is commensurate with the cost of its possible recovery. After all, even in the event of an unsuccessful attempt, you still have to pay for the services of the workshop and incur certain costs.

Additional help with recovering deleted files

    Should always be the first place you should look for your deleted file when you need to recover it. If you missed "Basket" as a possible location of the deleted file, because you think that it cannot be there, then do not be lazy and be sure to check "Basket". You never know, maybe you will be lucky and the issue of recovering a deleted file will be resolved instantly.

    As we mentioned earlier in the article several times, recovering files from devices such as smartphones, music players, USB flash drives and network drives - possible, but may require you to use third-party software.

    The great news is that there is no need for a data recovery program to be installed before you delete a file in order to use it. You can always install the program after deleting a file and have high chances of its full recovery.

    A hard drive that is not working or a computer that won't start is an additional layer of problems that makes it difficult to recover deleted files, but doesn't make it impossible.

    If the problem implies a physical problem with the disk, then the file recovery program will not always be able to help. The best solution to recover data from a physically damaged hard drive is to use specialized workshops. They have necessary equipment and expertise to repair and recover data from damaged hard drives.

    However, if it occurs system error preventing the operating system from starting Windows, this does not necessarily mean that your hard drive has a physical or fatal problem. You need to try to start the computer, or remove the hard drive with important data and connect it to another computer in order to access its contents.

    Make sure the file you are looking for has indeed been deleted. You may have moved it to another folder you forgot about, or you may have copied it to a flash drive or other storage device that is no longer connected to your computer.

    If you need advice on recovering deleted files or you have specific questions, then write to us in the comments, and we will definitely answer them.

Storing information in digital form has many advantages, among which the most significant is the amount of data that can be stored in the minimum unit of digital device memory. But this method of storage also has its drawbacks. If the storage device fails, the operating system crashes, or user errors occur, data can be lost. Fortunately, in most cases, unintentional deletion of files is not permanent and, with the right and timely approach, they can be recovered.

Recovery of deleted files is possible due to the very algorithm of writing information to the hard disk. New files are not written to empty sectors or cells, but over previously deleted ones, physically stored on the disk until they are completely overwritten. That is, when deleting files are not destroyed immediately. Instead, the system erases the first character of the filename and marks the space it occupies as free, while the file itself remains on disk. The exception is SSD drives with the TRIM function enabled, the cells of such media are completely cleared, so recovering accidentally deleted files becomes an almost impossible task.

So, is it possible to recover files deleted from a computer? Yes, quite, unless they were overwritten by other data. For these purposes, it is best to use special programs, since Windows itself does not have any intelligible means. Restore files with regular tools is possible only if they have been moved to the Trash, and also if the system has enabled the function shadow copy and/or file history. First, let's look at an example of recovering files deleted from a hard drive without using third-party programs.

Recovering deleted files using Windows

In Windows 7 and 10, if you open the properties of any folder or file, you can see the "Previous versions" tab, and in it - a list of object backups. Even if the files were deleted past the Recycle Bin, it is enough to select desired version backup and click the "Restore" or "Open" button.

But not everything is so simple. The fact is that the “Previous Versions” tab will most likely be empty for you, at least in the properties of directories on the user's disk. In order for copies to be created, protection must be enabled in the system properties for the corresponding partition, that is, .

Note: you can recover deleted files using the "Previous Versions" function only if they were located in folders, and not in the root of the disk.

It is highly desirable that the "File History" function is also enabled in the system, which provides periodic backups of the contents of user libraries and the desktop.

This primarily concerns Windows systems 8 and 8.1, in which the tab "Previous versions" in the properties of objects is missing. It is difficult to say for sure what prompted the Microsoft developers to remove it from the eighth version, and then return it in the tenth, however, the shadow copy technology itself was untouched.

How to recover files deleted from a computer by gaining direct access to shadow copies will be discussed below, but for now let's say a few words about File History. This option appeared in Windows 8 as an alternative to the "Previous Versions" feature that was tied to the creation system points recovery. The File History feature is independent, but in order to use it, an additional physical disk or flash drive must be connected to the computer, or, alternatively, a network drive.

It is very easy to recover deleted data with it. To do this, click on the "Restore personal files" link, select a folder or a file located in it in the window that opens, and click the button with a rounded arrow.

Now, regarding the recovery of files from shadow copies in Windows 8 and 8.1. As already mentioned, the "Previous Versions" tab is missing in these versions of the system. So what if you need to restore a specific file, do you really need to roll back to a previous restore point? Not at all necessary.

Open as administrator command line and run the command in it vssadmin list shadows.

As a result, you will get a list of all restore points. Pay attention to the "Source volume" parameter, it will indicate the letter of the drive from which you are going to recover data. Then, having determined the number of the backup copy (it is indicated at the end of the value of the "Volume shadow copy"), run the following command:

mklink /d %SystemDrive%/shadow //?/GLOBALROOT/Device/HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy7/

In this example, the recovery point is number 7, your value will be different. As a result of executing the command, a symbolic link will appear in the root of drive C shadow.

By clicking on it, you will be taken exactly to the shadow copy!

This method works equally well in Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10, but again, you need to remember that it makes sense to resort to it only if the system restore point creation function is enabled on the system.

File recovery using special programs

Above, we examined in detail how to recover files deleted from the Recycle Bin during its cleaning or lost for other reasons, using the system itself. As shown above, all these methods have significant limitations. To be able to recover data directly from a disk, and not from backups, you should use special programs, among which there are both paid and free ones.


R-studio- powerful professional program to recover deleted files from various digital devices starting from hard drives and ending with CD/DVDs and memory cards. The application supports all popular file systems, RAID arrays, can create images of physical disks and individual volumes. Despite the fact that R-Studio is aimed at advanced users, the data recovery procedure in it is not difficult.

After running the program, select in the left column target drive or partition and click the "Show Disk Contents" icon on the toolbar.

In this case, a list of remote directories will be displayed on the left, and their contents, marked with red crosses, will be displayed on the right.

Check the checkboxes of the objects that you would like to restore and select the "Restore checked" option from the main menu. Next, in the window that opens, you will need to specify the folder for saving files, set, if necessary, Extra options restore and click OK.

If the files were lost due to file system damage or formatting, it is advisable to scan the disk by selecting the appropriate option in the main menu.

Pre-scanning the media allows you to perform a more holistic and in-depth analysis, which means increasing the chance of recovering lost data.

Upon completion of the procedure, a new element "Found by signatures" will appear in the list of disks.

Select it with the mouse, click in the right column on the link "Files found by information about the typical features of their data structure", mark the necessary elements in the next window and restore them.

Ontrack EasyRecovery

Another professional commercial product that allows you to quickly and efficiently recover deleted files. Ontrack EasyRecovery It has user-friendly interface in the form of a step-by-step wizard, which greatly facilitates the work with the program. The application supports data recovery from hard drives, ZIP and CD/DVD drives, flash drives, memory cards, RAID arrays, as well as various devices with flash memory.

The recovery procedure in Ontrack EasyRecovery consists of several steps. At the first stage, you will be asked to select the type of media, at the second you need to specify a specific disk or partition, at the third you will need to select an operation (in this example, this is recovery).

To do this, select the directory with deleted files in the tree view (it will be marked in green), right-click on it and select the "Save As" option from the menu.

You can also restore individual files by doing the same in the right column of the program window. If you switch to the "Previews" tab, you can view thumbnails of the recovered files, however, such viewing is available only for images.


Of the free programs for recovering deleted files, you can recommend Recuva. This simple yet effective tool allows you to recover any type of data from different digital media, supports viewing previews of images and hexadecimal code of files of different formats.

Recuva is very easy to use. After starting the program, select the volume in the drop-down list and click the "Analyze" button. The program will scan the media and display a list of deleted files.

Mark the items you need with checkboxes, click the "Restore" button and specify the directory to save them.

You can also use the context menu by selecting the "Restore Selected" option in it.

The program has a simple search by file name and format, it is possible to view basic information - status, date of creation and modification, size and full path.

Need to know about it

So, we examined in detail what to do if you deleted the desired file. Usage third party programs in this case, it has its advantages, as it allows you to recover files even if the partition is deleted and the file system is damaged, but there is something to keep in mind. If you accidentally delete or lose files, do not write any data to the partition in which they were located, as there is a risk of overwriting the sectors containing them.

For this reason, the recovery program should be installed on a "free" partition other than the one from which you are going to restore. Ideally, you need to remove the hard drive, connect it to another computer and start scanning from it. You also cannot save recovered files to the same partition, in which case you risk losing them completely. That is, if you are recovering files from drive D, you should save them to drive C or a USB flash drive.

"I deleted an important file!" Stories with such a beginning happen to users quite often. It is possible that some of our readers have already met with a similar problem. These stories always start the same way, but end differently. In this article I will tell you how to make the end of this story happy. Or at least do everything so that the probability of a happy outcome is higher.

1. What should I do if an important file or folder is deleted?

Well, first of all, don't panic. When you throw away garbage, you do not immediately send it to the landfill. First a trash can, then a container, and only then a landfill. This happens on Windows as well. With the Del key, you first send the file to the Trash. Then, after emptying the recycle bin, the file can be found on the disk for some time in unused clusters (this is an analogue of our container from the example). And only after the area on the disk, in which there were still traces of the file, is occupied by other data, then the file is hopelessly lost (this is already a dump).

1.1 Looking in the Cart

It sounds trite, but the Recycle Bin is the first means of protecting data from accidental deletion. At the same time, many Windows users automatically clear it immediately after placing files in it. Although, by and large, the Recycle Bin does not need to be emptied at all, because it does this automatically.

Searching for files in it is not at all difficult. Find the icon with her image on the desktop and open it. If the file name is known, then just write it in the search box. You can also sort the files in the Recycle Bin by date of deletion and immediately find the desired file that was just deleted.

The next time you think about using a utility that background cleans the Recycle Bin to free up disk space, think carefully about whether to trust this responsible process to the machine. It may be easier to do it yourself and at the moment when you are sure that there is nothing of value in it.

1.2 Searching among shadow copies

It is not necessary to use any paid programs for this purpose. Regular tool Reserve copy in Windows 7 it is quite suitable and this system is turned on automatically when the operating system is installed.

If "System Protection" is not disabled manually (which would-be optimizers often recommend doing), then restoring a deleted file from a shadow copy in Windows 7 is quite simple.

  1. In Explorer, find the folder where the deleted file was (not the Recycle Bin).
  2. Click on the name of this folder right mouse button and select " Properties»
  3. Go to the " Previous Versions» (see picture below).

It contains information about all versions of files that were in this folder at different times.

We select the closest by date and try to search for our file in it. If it is not there, we turn to an earlier version. And so on until you find the desired file.

Thus, you can not only recover an accidentally deleted file, but also return to one of the previous versions document that was modified and saved to disk, and then needed a previous version.

Shadow copies of user files are created automatically by the operating system during reboots and installations various programs at system restore points. Therefore, you do not need to do something separately to create them. The main thing is not to turn off "System Protection", as some "experts" recommend turning it off to save resources, silent about the fact that the security of the system as a whole will decrease.

2. If regular funds did not help

2.1 Use a third-party file recovery utility

You can use a specialized data recovery utility that, after analyzing the disk, will display a list of files and folders that you can try to recover. One of these programs can be kept on disk in case of a fire.

The chances that the file will be restored without loss are not so great, but there are also good luck. Here, a very important point that affects the "success of the concession" is the minimum number of disk operations since the file was deleted. Some sources even tell us to urgently turn off the computer and boot from a flash drive or disk. To me, this is pure paranoia. Much easier to follow simple rules, which I will give below, and not risk unnecessary nerves.

I’ll upset the happy owners of SSD drives right away - they don’t have this chance of salvation! The fact is that the system regularly performs the TRIM function for such disks, which resets sectors with deleted files.

2.2 Don't forget the professionals

There are people who can help with recovering deleted files on a drive. There is a chance to run into a charlatan or an inexperienced specialist, as in any other type of service. But if the file is really valuable, then it may make sense to pay professionals.

3. What can be done to prevent files from disappearing without a trace?

3.1 Do not turn off regular protective equipment - they are very effective

The developers of the operating system have come up with a multi-level system of protection against problems associated with accidental deletion of data. Do not neglect them and turn them off, as well as empty the Recycle Bin every time immediately after deleting a document. Check that you have "System Protection" activated and that the Recycle Bin is working properly. With these system components, you can irretrievably lose a file unless on purpose. To prevent data loss due to disk failure, use the recommendations in the following paragraphs.

3.2 Use cloud storage

Despite the chance of information disclosure, sync your folder of important documents to the cloud storage. I have not seen a user whose documents would take up 10 GB, which is exactly how much they are willing to offer cloud drives for free. They also offer their own applications that will synchronize your document folder with the cloud. For example, I use . But there are other products such as Google Drive, Yandex.Disk, and of course the famous .

Yes, it is very important that cloud storage also has its own basket! Don't forget to look into it if the local copy of the file is irretrievably lost.

3.3 Make regular backups

If you have an operating system installed other than Windows 7, 8 or 10, we advise you to do backups(backup) with a special utility.

Windows 7

Windows 7 has its own "Backup or Restore" utility for backing up versions of important files, which is located in the "Control Panel".

To create backups, you need a separate hard drive (external or internal) that has enough free space to place an image of everything system disk, as well as to create backup copies of user files.

Windows 8/10

This version of the operating system has a more advanced feature called "File History" that is turned off by default. If you have really important documents, take the trouble to enable version control for them. Just type "cut" in the search box of the control panel, as shown in the figure.

Then, in the File History window, make the necessary settings. By default, the system offers to store versions of all documents and drawings. If you have large folders with home photos in your documents, then it's better to backup them yourself, as I described in . And in the "File History" these folders are best placed in the "excluded" folders.

Now you will have a copy of the document for each version of the changes. your dissertation or graduate work will be safe. Even if you mistakenly deleted an entire chapter and wrote down the document.

"File History" requires the use of removable storage. This is in case the main hard drive fails. So do not spare money and buy a flash drive for a hundred or two rubles (for example, 8 GB), so that later you do not have to pay a thousand or two for restoring files bit by bit from the body of a dead hard drive.

Often, many users have a question about how to recover files deleted from a hard drive on their computer. It happens that some important information is deleted accidentally, or the user changed his mind about deleting it. There are also emergencies, after which various data disappear from the disk. This article describes how you can find and recover information after deletion.

Possible causes of data loss

There are several common reasons why files disappear from the hard drive:


When you manually delete an object with context menu or the Delete key, it is not erased from the hard disk, but is placed in a special directory called the Recycle Bin.

As a rule, a shortcut to this directory has been present on your desktop by default since Windows was installed.

If you go to the trash, you can see all the deleted files placed in it. If you change your mind about deleting something and want to return the data back, right-click on the desired object and select "Restore" from the drop-down list. You can also select multiple items and click the Restore Selected Items button at the top of the program window.

If you are sure that you will never need the files present in the recycle bin, you can permanently erase them from your computer using the "Empty Recycle Bin" button.

Recuva program

If necessary information was in the trash when you emptied it, or disappeared due to crashes and viruses - you should be prepared for the fact that it will not be possible to restore it. However, you can try to save some of the data with the help of specialized programs. One of the simplest applications for unprepared users is the Recuva utility. Its main advantages are complete free of charge and a clear graphical interface.

Important! If you are going to recover any files, try to make as few changes as possible on your hard drive. Do not copy, delete or create new folders or documents, do not install programs (except Recuva, of course). The fewer actions you have taken after the loss of information, the greater the chance of success.

Download this application you can on the official website of the developer - . Available for download as free version, and paid, with a large set of functions.

Have you permanently deleted files from your computer or removable media? Do not despair, there is still a chance to recover data that has been deleted from the drive, for this you should resort to the help of specialized software. That is why we will take a closer look at the file recovery procedure using the popular Recuva program.

The Recuva program is a proven product from the developers of the CCleaner program that allows you to recover deleted files from a flash drive and other media. The program has two versions: paid and free. For normal use, it is quite possible to get by with a free one, which will allow you not only to perform recovery, for example, after formatting a flash drive or after an attack by the Vault virus.

How to recover files on a computer?

Please note that the use of the disk from which the recovery will be performed must be reduced to a minimum. If you are using a flash drive, then you should not write information to it yet in order to increase the chances of correct recovery of all contents.

1. If files are recovered from removable media (flash drives, SD cards, etc.), then connect it to the computer, and then launch the Recuva program window.

2. After starting the program, you will be prompted to choose which type of files will be restored. In our case, this is MP3, so we check the box "Music" and move on.

3. Note the location where the files were deleted from. In our case, this is a flash drive, so we select the item "On the memory card" .

4. The new window has an item "Enable Deep Analysis" . During the first analysis, you can not turn it on, but if the program could not detect files with a simple scan, then this item must be activated.

5. When the scan is completed, a window with detected files will automatically appear on the screen. Near each item you will see circles of three colors: green, yellow and red.

A green circle means that everything is in order with the file and it can be restored, yellow means that the file can be damaged and, finally, the third circle means that the file has been overwritten, its integrity has been lost, therefore it is almost pointless to restore such data.

6. Check the boxes for the items that will be restored by the program. When the selection is complete, click the button "Restore" .

7. A window will appear on the screen. "Browse folders" , in which it is necessary to indicate the terminal disk, with which the recovery procedure was not carried out. Because Since we recovered files from a USB flash drive, we freely specify any folder on the computer.

Done, data restored. You will find them in the folder indicated in the previous paragraph.
