Ok google what is karma. How to use and what commands Google Now understands in Russian

The OK Google system is available in almost all modern smartphones on the operating system. Android system. It greatly facilitates the management of the device, while saving you time. In this article, we will tell you more about this feature, how to activate and use it. We will also look at how to put OK "Google" on your computer and what to do if Google is not working.

What it is

This function is voice search. Initially, users had to write on the keyboard search query. It was not always convenient and practical. Computer giant engineers have developed free program, which is able to generate a request automatically based on the spoken phrase.

To use it, you need to download the google-app for Android. On all models recent years The program is already preinstalled, so you do not need to download anything extra. It is enough to launch OK Google and say the necessary phrase.

Prerequisites for an Android device

In order to use Google OK smoothly, you need to consider several requirements, namely:

  • have installed application Google on tablet/mobile version 3.5 or higher. You can view the version of the program in the application manager on your mobile gadget.
  • OS android version 4.4 or higher (on Android versions below 4.4, it may already be pre-installed and will work correctly).

Application Features

  • enable maps and navigation;
  • calculator activation and voice command control;
  • sending text messages via standard application and programs Viber, VK and others;
  • dialing subscriber numbers by their name;
  • activation of reminders and alarms, adding events to the calendar;
  • the ability to recognize melodies;
  • inclusion of a video or music track by its name;
  • turn on the camera in the selected mode;
  • settings management: W-Fi, Bluetooth, flashlight and more;
  • find out the weather anywhere in the world;
  • creating notes.

On the Internet, you can find a huge number of commands for the service. Below we will look at a few common examples on the phone.

Turn on voice search on your phone

Despite the presence of OK Google, it can be deactivated. You can set up voice search on the Google app. Let's find out how to enable voice search on Android smartphones:

Installation on a PC or laptop

To use "OK Google" on laptops and personal computers you do not have to install any additional applications or programs. Voice search is implemented in the search engine interface Google systems. You will also need a working microphone. Users just need to follow a few simple steps:

  1. Launch a browser from a computer or laptop (it is recommended to install Google Chrome).
  2. Go to the Google search page.
  3. Click the microphone icon on the right side of the search bar, and then say your request.


In chapter google settings OK, you can change a number of parameters to your liking. Let's learn how to customize "OK" to your needs. The user can change the following parameters:

  • Search languages ​​(select primary and secondary).
  • Scoring the results (the phone will pronounce the answers and solutions found).
  • Ability to recognize speech offline using voice packages.
  • Activation of censorship.
  • Enable voice recognition via Bluetooth headset.

How to work with an assistant

If you need a voice search engine OK Google, you should say the appropriate phrase, and then say the necessary request. If recognition only works in the app Google Now, you must log in first. You can do this by holding the Home button.

Try to pronounce the phrase clearly. To launch an application, say its name. If you are wondering how to disable voice assistant, deactivate it in the settings of the Google app.

Command examples

The assistant allows you to find out the current time in your city or anywhere else on the planet. This is true for people who travel regularly. The system also allows you to set a timer.

A whole section of commands for clarifying the weather is highlighted. You can find out both the temperature and other parameters for almost any date for each city.

Convenient is the function of converting values. You can transfer both money and physical measures, for example, meters to centimeters and so on. There is a built-in calculator. Say an example with your voice and Google will calculate the answer.

The hardworking developers of the Android operating system are constantly introducing a variety of innovations and steadily keeping up with the times. And now, all owners of smartphones and tablets have access to an interesting and convenient voice function "Ok Google, find ...".

All in all, OK Google, search is a new voice search that, with the right commands and without using on-screen keyboard able to find all the necessary information. And after some modifications, perform others useful features in your phone, which makes it very similar to analogue of Siri from Apple.

But first things first. For the function to work correctly, it must be installed and configured. This is not difficult at all, but you need to follow the instructions exactly and complete all the steps to the end.

What does that require

The very name of the function leads to the fact that Google plays an important role here. And it is true. At the very beginning, it is necessary Play market install the original application Google from Google Inc (Download). It's free and installs quickly and easily. Then we activate it. To do this, you need to enter your account, that is, Google mail (ends with [email protected]) and a password for it.

Very often when buying an Android gadget Google already installed. Check for correctness and relevance account, as well as update the app version. Enter the Play Market, in the search find desired application, go into it and press the REFRESH button. Without this minor little thing, the whole installation of Ok Google, find ... may not take place.

Another important fact should also be taken into account. This voice search is available on smartphones with new version Android. Version 4.4 is indicated on the official Google website, on many sites with useful tips repelled from 4.1 and above. So it's worth a try anyway. To open SETTINGS on your phone, find ABOUT PHONE (usually at the very end of the list). Here will be all the information about the device, including the version.

Photo: Find out the version of android

Correct setting

Now you can proceed directly to setting up voice search on Android.

Open the SETTINGS menu on the phone, find the item ACCOUNTS or ACCOUNTS. We select Google in them, and then we find a line called SEARCH. After clicking on it, it will open new page, which will list the Ok Google settings. In this menu item, select VOICE SEARCH, and in it RECOGNITION OKAY GOOGLE. Now the last setting item will open in front of you, in which you need to check or check the box next to FROM THE GOOGLE APP.

Photo: Setting up OK Google

Voice search is actually ready to use, however, you need to go through the voice recognition procedure. It is standard on both Android and other devices. operating systems. Sometimes not everyone gets it right the first time. Do not despair, the second or third attempt will definitely be successful.

Photo: Setting up OK Google

Now it's almost all. True, with such default settings the voice function Ok google, find... will only search the internet. Also, must be enabled and active Google search. In principle, voice search for various information is already convenient and practical. But you need to know that voice control capabilities can be significantly expanded at the level of the entire phone. In this case, it will be very similar to the analogue of Siri, in no way inferior to her.

There are two ways to do this:

1. In many smartphones, during setup, not only the line “From the Google application” appears, but also “From all applications”. By activating it too, voice search gets access to all phone applications.

Photo: Setting up OK Google

2. If there was no additional line, Google developed additional applicationGoogle Start (Download). After downloading and activating it, Ok Google, Find will be able to work with all the applications of the device. And you, in turn, only control them with your voice.

Photo: Google Start
Photo: Setting up OK Google

Unable to set up

Such an annoying problem is not rare. Basically, the reason for everything is inattention and haste. If the Android version is correct, then you missed one of the important details in the installation.

First, make sure Google versions, it must be updated. This nuance is as significant as the Android version (it was already explained how to do this earlier).

Then step by step, according to the instructions, check each step of the setup. Perhaps you missed one of them or forgot to tick somewhere. In this case, everything can be fixed by manually adjusting the settings.

If you did not notice any errors, it is worth installing and configuring from the very beginning. This helps a lot. Just be careful this time.
In the vast majority of installation problems, one of these tips always works.

How to use

Now a real personal assistant lives in the phone. Without your unnecessary movements, it will fulfill every request.

To begin with, it is worth testing the basic commands. Say the phrase "Ok Google", a microphone icon should appear in the search bar, click on it. Now speak full request“Ok Google, New York weather” or “Ok Google, find the exchange rate.” A pleasant voice will answer questions and display information on the display of the device for clarity. By the way, in the most latest smartphones on android voice the function is set by default. That is, you do not need to say the first phrase to activate it first, just voice your question right away.

If you acted competently and wisely by connecting voice control immediately to the entire phone, there will be much more examples of its use.

  1. Set an alarm;
  2. Mark events and events in the calendar;
  3. Make a to-do list;
  4. Send messages and make calls (in this case, you must pronounce the contact's name exactly as it is written in the phone book);
  5. Open applications and programs;
  6. Use the search for any queries via the Internet, etc.

Examples of useful commands

At full access There are a lot of command options. You can change the order of words, but pronounce the phrase clearly and understandably in meaning.

Personal organizer. Setting reminders, alarms, information about upcoming meetings, trips, events, tracking your parcels, activating photos and videos. To recognize tasks, Google now must be enabled (for reminders and notifications) and gmail (it receives information about parcels, booking tickets, tables, etc.)

Ok google remind me to call my mom at 3:30
…. where is my parcel?
….set the alarm for 7.00
….when will the meeting with the sister take place?
….what is planned for Monday May 1st?
…..go to Google.com
…..open the app…
.... take a photo / video (you need to open the camera), etc.

Calls and messages. It is possible to make calls, send SMS, listen to voice mail, open the necessary contact information, send emails and post on social media.

Okay Google, dial Alexander Petrovich or .... call dad / dad
….SMS Favorite: buy milk
…. phone number Igor
....e-mail, to whom Alexander Petrovich, subject Birthday, message text Congratulations on your birthday, exclamation point.

According to a similar algorithm, you can make any other voice commands. The main thing is that they are made through applications from the Play Market, Google mail or Google search engine.

It will be very convenient to search through google maps and its navigation system. The more sources connected, the more voice searches will be able to perform.
Okay Google, listen to Viktor Tsoi / what is this song? / watch the movie The Silence of the Lambs.
Ok Google, when was Angelina Jolie born?/where is the Statue of Liberty?
….what films are shown at the Svoboda cinema / where is the nearest restaurant?

Experiment with new commands and queries, make your life modern and easy.

Dear readers! If you have any questions or comments on the topic of the article, please leave them below.

In the article, we will consider in detail what Okay Google is, whether there is any real benefit from the assistant. In addition, we will tell you how to install and use the Ok Google function on a computer.

About Ok, Google

The Okay Google feature helps the smartphone owner manage the gadget hands-free. Saying the right voice command, for example, “Ok Google, how is the weather today?”, you will quickly get a response. To do this, you do not need to write a search query in the browser yourself - the assistant will find the information for you. To search for information, the assistant analyzes the user's location, frequent Internet requests and visited pages.

What is Ok Google? The company's latest product is electronic google Assistant, introduces advanced voice search. At the time of its introduction, this option was called “Google Now”. The assistant's responses were only in text format. Now you get a voice response.

Which system requirements must be done for the helper to work correctly:

  • Android version not lower than 5.0;
  • RAM memory not less than 1.5 GB;
  • version of the “Google” app is 6.13 or later.

Setting the parameters

How to find OK Google? In new OS builds android browser with a built-in voice assistant is preinstalled on devices out of the box. If your phone does not have this browser, then you will need it from the Play Market service.

After installing the browser, we proceed directly to setting the parameters of the assistant. For example, we use the Motorola G5 Plus phone model:

  1. In the “Settings” menu, in the “General” section, activate the “Text-to-speech” option.
  2. In the "Speech synthesizer" item, select the Russian language.
  3. Put the switches Ok Google voice search and "Speech recognition" in the active position.
  4. In the “Search on phone” field, check the boxes next to “Browser”, “Contacts”, “Applications” so that the search works with all services.
  5. Check the option "Search from lock screen".
  6. Click OK.

Functions of Ok Google on Android

By interacting with the system, Ok Google search performs many functions. Below is a list of the assistant's features:

  1. Get directions using google navigator Maps.
  2. Calculate any amount or percentage.
  3. Send a message or call both in the messenger and from the number of the mobile operator.
  4. Set a reminder by specifying the time and date of the notification.
  5. Opens apps when prompted, finds a YouTube video or a song on Play Music. All you have to do is say “Ok Google, turn on the title as well” to open the file.
  6. Tell the weather, time.

The assistant ends the conversation with the word “Please”, even if you did not say “Thank you”.

Ok Google Options

Now let's talk about how to manage the virtual assistant options.

  1. Viewing and deleting search history
    To view and clear history, follow these steps:
  • go to "Settings", select "Google Account";
  • select "Data and personalization";
  • in the “Actions and chronology” section, click “My actions” and “Select a deletion option”;
  • in the “Delete by date” item, set the time period or select “All time” and click “Delete”.
  1. Team Disable
    To turn off voice activation:
  1. Enter the “Settings” of the utility.
  2. Uncheck "Ok Google recognition".
  1. Troubleshooting
    An outdated version of Android or lack of updates for the application does not allow the assistant to work in normal mode. Download the updated software package and install the assistant again.
  2. Restrict utility actions
    To make tooltips appear only when requested in a browser window or in an open application:
  • in the “Settings” of the program, select the item “Voice search”;
  • go to “Ok Google Recognition”, uncheck “Always on” and “On any screen”.

Where to download the Google Assistant app

The application is downloaded from the Play Market platform:

  1. In the search bar, write the name of the utility.
  2. Select the program and click "Install".

Another way to add an assistant to your smartphone is to update the Android OS to revision 5.0 and higher. After the update, the assistant will appear in the system automatically.

How to use the Google Assistant

To get started with the assistant, you first need to activate voice activation - “Voice Match”.

  1. Open the installed application and click the “More” button (three horizontal bars) at the bottom of the page.
  2. Go to the "Settings" section and select "Voice input".
  3. In the “Voice Match” parameter block, set all the sliders to the active position (highlighted in blue).

What should I do to enable the assistant? You need to say the starting command “Ok Google”.

Basic Commands for “Google Assistant”

In this section of the article, we have prepared a selection of popular queries for a personal assistant in thematic blocks:

  1. Local news.
    “Will it rain today”, “Where to drink coffee”, “Which bus goes to school”.
  2. Communicate with relatives.
    “Call your sister”, “Write a message to your mother: How are you? I will come soon".
  3. Surf the Internet.
    “Open my VKontakte page”, “Tell me last news”, “Find a song”.

Installing the Assistant on a PC or laptop

In the first method, we use the Play Market emulator. The program is called "BlueStacks 3":

  1. Download the emulator and install the program.
  2. On home page select the “My Applications” tab at the top, then the “System” folder.
  3. Open the "Play Market" and in the search bar write the name of the browser "Chrome";
  4. Next to the program, click “Install” and complete the settings as described above.
  • double click on exe file run the installation;
  • click "Start installation";
  • click “Next”, then check the box “Add Python to environment variables”;
  • click "Install".
  • after that, go to the "Projects" page in the "Google Cloud Platform" console;
  • click "Create Project" at the top;
  • Name the project "My Google Assistant" and click OK.

Advantages and disadvantages of the program

But it happens that the assistant incorrectly recognizes the voice and gives incorrect information. Therefore, you need to correctly create a request.

Analogues Ok Google

At the end of the article, here is a list of programs with functions similar to the virtual assistant "Google ok":

  1. "Yandex.Alice".
  2. Apple developers' Siri.
  3. Cortana by Microsoft.
  4. Amazon Alexa.

Translation of Dave Lee's article

During last month the word "Google" I turn off the alarm. This is how I wake up. With the words "Ok, Google." Not content with controlling our lives both online and offline, Google wants to make us yell the name of their corporation all over the house.

The first morning I felt stupid, but I told myself to wait before jumping to conclusions. A month later, my patience ran out. I'm going to explain in detail what exactly the problem is.

I often tease my predecessor, Richard Taylor, for being the only person I know who uses Apple's Siri personal assistant to its fullest.

You'll be standing there minding your own business while Richard pulls out his phone and starts dictating text messages. Right in front of you. In front of strangers. I find it inconvenient, he thinks the opposite.

It's understandable why he likes it so much - he uses this feature quite often, so voice recognition is perfectly tuned to his speech style. But what I can't understand is how he can calmly talk to a piece of metal when there are so many people around.

As for me, I need to cut off all my fingers in order for me to consider doing this in front of people. Home is the only place where I can overcome myself in this regard.

So, in the corner of my kitchen is an Amazon Echo, a stylish little black cylinder that glows blue when it listens to me.

And in the corner of my bedroom is the same stylish Google Home with its little lights.

Both devices are very accurate. The voice recognition is very accurate, the speaker quality is amazing, and the processing power of these devices is enough to decipher my tricky requests.

I talk to them in a whisper, barely audible, so that the neighbors don't think I'm a super nerd.

Something wrong

But here's the difference. To access Amazon, you call your assistant by name.

"Hey Alexa, what's new?"

The same goes for other assistants: Siri from Apple or from Microsoft. You don't necessarily have to call them by their first names when they work, but it still creates a pleasant impression of interacting with a person.

For the same reason, we love movie characters endowed with artificial intelligence. This makes us feel warm towards them.

In my heart, I understand that there is no difference in "Ok Google" or "Hey Alexa." It adds neither privacy nor practical value. Both devices do exactly the same thing - they use my data to help me (and then sell me something).

But I'm talking about a certain "awkward" factor that I feel for myself. He cannot be underestimated. When I use Amazon Echo, I am talking to Alexa. When I use Google Home, I am forced to contact a corporation. Or, as Buzzfeed's Mat Henani puts it, "I hate to keep saying 'OK Google' just because it makes me feel like I'm talking to a brand."

Achilles' heel

Back in October, when Google held intriguing events around the world in order to launch Google Home, I got to have a little chat about it all with Michael Sandermeyer. He leads the product design team this device.

Initially, everything was going to give the system a friendly name, but the reason why they changed their mind is quite understandable: they wanted to give the impression that you are interacting with Google directly. To get not an assistant, but an omnipotent, omniscient Google.

“This assistant is Google,” Michael comments. “This is something that Google has been working on for 18 years.”

friendly face

It's a huge step towards what we really want to have one of these personal home assistants join our family life and become indispensable.

If we have the feeling that we are talking to a real person, then this can be considered a huge step in the right direction.

Talk to the owners of the Amazon Echo and they will immediately begin to tell you about how they developed a fondness for Alexa. I'm not the only person who often adds "please" and "thank you" when talking to her.

But as long as Google forces you to bark "Ok Google," Google Home is certainly not capable of becoming a full-fledged personal assistant. He will be helpful and very good. But not personal.

It's worth considering that the Google Home Assistant has the full power of the Google ecosystem. It provides a better service than Alexa, Siri or Cortana. But it would be foolish of me to stop halfway, so I will try to use the influence of this blog in order to change Google for the better. I have an alternative.

A friend of mine noted that all assistants (with the exception of Siri) still have female voices, thus perhaps slightly supporting the idea that the assistant is still exclusively the work of a woman.

So let's go in the other direction: pay homage to one of the company's founders, Larry Page. I would love to yell, “LARRY! Turn up the volume!".

This means that I would start my morning by saying hello to Larry from bed, but what's there. Neighbors look at me like that.

Contrary to the opinion that Okay Google is not installed on a computer, it is quite possible to install it on your home PC or laptop.

Moreover, this service can be used from a regular tablet, and from any other device where you can install the Google Chrome browser.

How to make it so that you can use OK Google on a PC, we will consider further.

Installing OK Google

If everything is extremely simple with installation on a phone with the Android platform - in Google Play you need to press the appropriate button - it's even easier on a computer!

True, again, this requires a browser Google Chrome.

If you don't have Google Chrome browser, you need to download it. You can do this for free on the page google.ru/chrome/browser/desktop/ .

There is only one button that you need to click on - "Download Chrome". We press.

After that, open the downloaded file.

IN Opera browser, for example, the easiest way to do this is to click on the downloads icon (highlighted in green in the figure), find the file associated with Chrome (highlighted in red) and double-click on it.

You can also do this by simply opening the downloads folder.

A small note: After you click on the "Download Chrome" button, a window will appear as shown in the figure below.

There you can check or uncheck the box highlighted in red.

The item “Set Google Chrome as the default browser” will mean that this browser will become the main one, that is, all links will be opened through it and all accounts will be recorded there.

If you mainly use another Internet surfing program, it is better to uncheck this item.

The second paragraph "Allow automatic sending statistics…” means that all your data (and sometimes passwords) will be sent to Google specialists.

If you do not want personal information to be available to Google employees, it is better not to check this box.

This is interesting: VWindows10 uses technology that allows employeesMicrosoft know everything about a particular user - his passwords, personal data, notes, browser history and much more. This was one of the reasons for the low popularityWindows10 on the market. As you can see, in almost all modern popular services, the user can enable administrators to freely use his personal data, and sometimes without knowing it, as is the case withWindows10. But when installingGoogle Chromethis can be avoided.

After that, the browser will be installed.

How to turn on OK Google

In the Google Chrome browser, voice search should be set by default, right on start page. It can be seen in the figure shown by the arrows.

So, to use this service, you just need to click on this same icon.

But there are times when something goes wrong and there is no such icon. Then you need to enable voice search in the settings. The sequence of actions for this is as follows:

  • Step 1. We go to the settings. To do this, click on the add-ons icon (highlighted in green in the figure) select the “Settings” item (highlighted in red frame).

  • Step 2 In the search bar (in the figure it is highlighted with a red frame), you can enter the phrase "voice search" and press the Enter button on the keyboard, then the user is automatically redirected to the "Personal data" section.
    You can also find this item yourself by scrolling down the settings page.

  • Step 3 You must check the box next to the item "Enable voice search by command ...".

After that, all that remains is to go to the Google search engine page, where you can see the inscription "Say" Ok Google ". You can safely speak into your microphone any phrase that interests you.


As for how to set up the OK Google service, there is practically nothing to set up in it. To use the search, you need to click on the above icon and start talking.

Many search the Internet for information on how to make it so that you do not have to click on the corresponding icon, and the search began immediately after the person said “Ok Google”.

To do this, you just need to go to the settings and in the "Personal data" section, check the box next to the "Enable voice search ..." item. Everything is extremely simple.

To change the language you speak, you need to change the language of the entire Google, that is, go to the foreign address of this search engine.

The easiest way to do this is by simply querying the search bar like "google in [desired language]", for example, "google in Chinese".

In general, you can also speak Russian Google directly in a foreign language - this service will sort everything out and find what you need.

Below is a visual demonstration of how to start using the OK Google service. There you can just see how to download Google Chrome and where to find voice search there.

Ok Google on the computer: User manual
