Android lies with an exclamation mark. What to do if the tablet on android does not turn on on android

It happens that when you turn on your smartphone or tablet, a sad picture appears: green android with an exclamation point that comes straight out of his belly.

What is the problem?

If this happens, then it is definitely software problem. Normal failure of the operating system. Of course, in most cases, it was you who had a hand in this.
But this is a fairly popular and common problem, you should not worry, now we will try to solve everything on our own without any workshops and certified service centers.

How to fix

In fact, there are already two simple ways solutions to this problem.
The first way is that you need to go into Recovery (a special mode for entering the bootloader, analogous to BIOS). To do this, turn off the device, and then hold down the Vol (-) and Power (power button) keys. In some cases, the combination may be different, for example, Vol(+)+Power, Vol(-)+Home+Power, Vol(+)+Home+Power and so on.

As soon as you enter recovery mode(recovery), then you need to select the Wipe data / factory reset item, but you need exactly factory reset, that is, reset to factory settings. If you do specifically wipe data, then everything will be deleted.

The second way is to flash a smartphone or tablet. It is more difficult, because here you will have to look for both the firmware and the flashing utility, unless, of course, you flash it through Recovery. You can even use the stock (standard) Recovery for the firmware, if you have official firmware for sd card.

Nothing works

If you are unable to cope with the problem of displaying an exclamation mark when you turn it on, then you can ask for free help on the RuleSmart forum, in the Android first aid section. They will help you there, specialists answer every day and everyone, but describe the problem in detail, as well as in a respectful tone, we hope you don’t need to explain here?

In this case, put on charge for a couple of hours. Then, hold the button off for 15 seconds (or press reset). Wait about 15 minutes for the tablet body to cool down (the back cover may get warm when charging). Now try to turn on (3-5 sec button on) and wait 2 minutes.

Please accept my condolences, because if you are reading this article, then your Android tablet has stopped turning on. The reasons can be "iron" and "software". The first reason is the physical inability to turn on due to damage to the battery, board, cables. The second is that someone screwed up the OS on the tablet, and due to the fact that it got crooked after, or some freshly installed program turned out to be extremely incompetent, the device cannot “start up”.

Tablet won't turn on at all

1. Remember the last time you charged your electronic friend. One of the most common reasons is a tablet fully discharged. In this case, even if you put it on charge, it should take some time (sometimes up to 10 minutes) when the tablet has enough power to turn it on. Sit next to the patient, and with a break of one minute, hold down the power button for a long time until the screen lights up. And yes, you must be sure that the charger is working. If there are no changes, check on another device if the charger works, or change it. If you are interested, then you need another article.

2. Remember, maybe you gave a tablet to a child? Perhaps the baby slammed the screen against the corner of the crib with all his might, and damaged the display. In this case, the tablet itself can work, but the screen will have to be replaced. The situation is the same if the tablet s landed from a height of one and a half meters on asphalt or a tiled floor. On your own, you can do little to help him - you can only sympathize with the poor fellow. Usually, a damaged screen is indicated by visible mechanical defects, or the absence of an image when turned on (only the backlight can be seen instead, and even then not always).

3. The tablet did not fall, did not hit, but there is no image? Unlikely, but still: perhaps the video adapter has come kaput.

If your tablet still has a warranty, then it's stupid to fix it yourself. Take it to the service center and don't worry. Of course, you can download schemes on the Internet and try to fix it yourself or give it to a friend, but it’s better not to do this.

Tablet turns on only halfway

Blame it all software failure and only him. In such cases, we observe the display backlight turned on, and then endless loading(the inscription ANDROID constantly shimmers), or we see an image with a broken green robot.

This may be due to:

1. Incorrectly installed or crookedly working games, programs, launchers.

2. Forcibly terminated system processes that ensure the stability of the operating system. This can easily happen if you “killed” the system process through some kind of task manager (or manager), or third party program"battery saver" Trust me, this happened to me once.

What can be done in such a situation?

There is a chance to "revive" the tablet by resetting its settings to factory settings. It is done with the help of Hard Reset, and it is better to google how it is done specifically for your model. Especially if you have a tablet from a Chinese manufacturer. I highly recommend reading the instructions for hard reset'y on various devices. Briefly describe general principle, most likely you will need to do the same:

  1. Turn off the tablet
  2. We take out the memory card and SIM card (just in case)
  3. Hold down the volume up key ( and for some it is a decrease!) and the power button for about 10 seconds, the time is also not the same for all tablets.
  4. The tablet should vibrate
  5. A menu appears. Select the item with the volume and power keys Settings. Further - format system
  6. Choose reset android , the tablet will reboot
  7. All data and settings that were in the device’s memory will be erased and returned to the factory settings.
  8. Don't be scared if you don't succeed the first time, it mostly works out the second :)

If this instruction did not help, try using the hard reset advice from the commentator Dima in the article, you can not look for the advice itself in the comments, I added it to the article. It also helps to bring the device back to life. And how to restore the tablet after an unsuccessful firmware is written.

Just in case, an English-language video instruction on a hard reset for a tablet Acer Iconia Tab A500:

If a lying Android with a red exclamation mark appears

In many, I noticed in the comments, everything ends up like in the picture, or something like that:

This is the stock recovery mode (if you are wondering what it is), and there is nothing wrong with it and you should not be afraid of it. Moreover, you can - ClockWorkMod Recovery. If you see it, it means it works, which is good. You got into it because you entered the wrong combination for a hard reset, and I warned that it is not the same for all tablets. In this situation, you can press and hold the power button until the tablet turns off and try again, or just wait 5 minutes until it turns itself off and repeat the process. Try again, in extreme cases, you can just reflash.

fastboot mode

Sometimes, when trying to find the right combination, users end up in Fastboot mode. In such a situation, we observe the lying “Android” with an open belly / belly, but without an exclamation mark. An example of such a menu for Nexus 7 (2013) in the photo:

If you got here, then use the volume buttons to select the item Restart bootloader and press the power button to confirm your selection. Perhaps this will help you load a tablet that has not been turned on before.

In general, it is useless to advise something specific here, since each model has its own pens. For some tablet models, you just need to press the Home button if a lying Android with an open belly appears - and a menu will appear in which you can choose to reset the settings. And for some - simultaneously press the increase and decrease the volume. And wait.

    If the phone does not turn on, for example, after flashing, you can try the following steps:

    • Turn off the device by pressing the power button for a little over 10 seconds
    • Press Volume Down + Power, we get into Fastboot mode
    • Select the Recovery mode option with the volume control buttons, confirm the selection with the power button
    • Android will appear with an exclamation point. Then press power button, and then click on Volume Up
    • Select wipe data/factory reset option
    • Select reboot system now

    If the Android robot lies with an exclamation mark, it means that most likely you have conducted an unsuccessful experiment with software device. Perhaps you installed some broken program, which led to the fall of the android))

    Do hard reset by selecting Wipe data / factory reset in the engineering menu. Depending on the model of your smartphone, go to engineering menu can be done as follows:

    • try a combination of home, power and volume down key.
    • if the home button is touch sensitive, most likely a combination of power and volume down buttons.

    The combination should be pinched with your fingers and held until the screen displays service menu. Then select the corresponding menu item by moving in nm by pressing the volume buttons.

    After you select the Wipe data / factory reset item, several lines will appear on the screen and the question Delete all data from your device? Click yes. Now the device's memory is being cleared. After that, the device will reboot. If this does not happen automatically, you need to select the rebootsystemnow menu item. After the reboot, the device, in theory, should work normally again.

    But the price for this is the loss of all data, and ALL of them - including all contacts, photos, sms and all applications ever downloaded.

    For this reason, you should always regularly synchronize your smartphone with Google through your account, since almost all data can be restored in this way.

    If rebooting through the engineering menu did not help, only a complete software replacement will help. It can be done by flashing by connecting a smartphone via USB to a computer or using a flash card through the engineering menu. Remember that flashing is a risky business. It is imperative to follow all the instructions exactly, otherwise your device may die permanently. In any case, be sure to raise all the information on the firmware on the Internet so as not to make mistakes. Good luck to you!

    Make a flashing, it only helped me

    It is possible that the tablet spontaneously entered the Recovery mode or the engineering menu. If God has mercy and after rebooting, a normal download will take place, then some application can cause such an incident (sometimes it occurs when receiving root rights) If, again, there is interference, then it’s bad business with the firmware, only in the service for flashing.

    You may have done something with the software on your tablet before. Most likely, they installed some kind of buggy program and this led to such unpleasant results. The first thing you can try to do yourself is to reset the tablet to factory settings. If this does not help, then reflash it. If you cannot do it yourself, then take it to service center. They will definitely help you there.

    This happens not only with tablets, but also with smartphones.

    Something happened to your software.

    Try to reset all settings on the tablet to factory settings (Hard reset).

    You can read more about hard reset here.

    In most cases, this will help you.

    But like everything else, AT YOUR OWN RISK!>

    After an unsuccessful attempt to android backup a built-in robot application on its side, with an exclamation point and a ripped belly! On the Internet, only one thing, they say, play with the volume rocker and the power button to enter the menu. Well, it doesn’t react at all !!!

    The solution was to remove the battery for a couple of minutes, and put it back in. It's just a normal RELOAD. And everything WORKS!!! The system check did not find any failures. All settings, except for the clock, profiles and files, are in place!

    But like everything else, AT YOUR OWN RISK!>

    The recumbent anroid blinks, under the inscription of the command there is no one for one so-called reset by commands POWER HOME +, - there is no response, it just turns off, the screen lights up, as when loading and again the return to the dead is turned off

    Before that, did you simultaneously press the three Home keys, the Volume - and the off button? It looks like you have entered the Recovery Menu of the tablet. There should be an item Reboot or Rebooting-tap on it. Or you can do a hard reset in the same place, while all the settings will return to the factory settings. And for the future, I recommend that you go to this forum, where you can find information on the tablet.

    You have a crash, an error in the program. To get started, click the Search button, then Reboot, reboot. Usually in such cases a reboot helps. If this does not help, you need to contact the experts. Might need a flashing.

Mobile operating systems are not as reliable as it might seem. The “No command” error in Android is a clear example of this. A fallen brand with a red triangle completely paralyzes the smartphone and nothing can be done with it.

Causes of the bug

The causes of the bug are quite critical damage to the OS or internal modules. Only something very serious can cause the operating system to crash. Sometimes users themselves are to blame, as they tried to reinstall the OS using files with dubious firmware. It may be due to a marriage or a normal technical breakdown during the operation of the device.

"No command" error in Android

How to Fix No Command Error

Before doing the following, you should apply all the most simple steps- reboot with removing the battery, memory cards and SIM cards.

Method number 1 - reset to factory settings

When turning the phone into a "brick", you can try to restore the manufacturer's settings. There are many options for these actions, but we need an option with a dead smartphone. There is a special command designed to remove such bugs.

Method number 2 - Flashing

Although this is an extreme, but effective solution, when you see that your Android is lying with an exclamation mark, and Hard Reset does not help. If you have not done such OS changes before, then entrust the flashing of the phone to someone more experienced. You can try to install the latest release OS or vice versa to roll back. If something went wrong after reinstallation, change the version and source of your software. There is really a lot of low-quality content right now.

  • IN dead phones the firmware file is uploaded to the phone's memory using USB cable via a computer, with subsequent activation of the installation. There is enough information on the web about this.


All devices are broken. In such cases, you need to either try to identify the cause yourself or contact the service center. What can be checked: removable memory cards, closed contacts on connectors, battery, correct assembly of all parts, moisture. If you suspect serious defects, you should seek the advice of specialists.

As for the battery, it is worth mentioning that sometimes it is enough just to pull it out and insert it. There are references to solutions through its complete replacement, when the old one has already exhausted its working resources. If the device gets wet, it is better to buy a new battery immediately.

More Solutions

  • Checking the device for viruses. Modern smartphones are very susceptible to them, so antiviruses are becoming more relevant than ever, after a reset, you should immediately check.
  • Try restarting the device later. Let's say put it on charge and turn it on after a couple of hours;
  • Dry or clean your smartphone. Various third-party elements in the case easily lead to short circuits.


From the above, one conclusion should be drawn - the “No command” error on Android is written only during serious problems, so formatting the phone, flashing and repairing are the main methods of recovery. I hope you understand what to do with the “No Command” problem in smartphones and tablets. A huge request - if you have another solution, describe it in the comments.

What if the tablet does not turn on

It happens that in the process of playing games or working on the tablet, it stops working and does not turn on. The main reasons can be conditionally divided into two categories: problems with the hardware of the device - these are malfunctions of the battery, connecting cables, boards or some kind of problems with the software - incompatibility of programs, operating system crashed or installed incorrectly after the update process.

Let's take a closer look at individual cases of tablet malfunctions.

Absolutely no signs of life
1. The simplest and most banal reason is a completely discharged tablet battery. To check this version, turn it on and wait at least 10-15 minutes. Only after that the tablet will be able to accumulate the minimum amount of energy to turn on. Hold down the power button on the device, wait for the screen to light up. If the screen turns on, check if the charger- take another and do the above steps. The tablet turned on, but the charging process is not going on, you need to find out Why is my tablet not charging? .

2. If a child has played with the tablet, they may have damaged it by hitting it on the floor or corner of furniture. Most likely, part of the display was damaged, in which case it can be replaced. The tablet itself is in working order. Screen damage is usually visible to the naked eye.

3. If there was no mechanical damage to the device, in a rare case - the video adapter failed.

If you find such signs and there is a valid warranty for the device, run to the salon and wait for repairs, doing repairs yourself is simply unreasonable.

The patient is neither alive nor dead

When the tablet turns on, but not completely, but freezes during the boot process (only a splash screen on the screen), we are dealing with a software failure.

The reasons may be the following:

1. Some programs or games are not installed correctly.
2. You forcibly ended the work of system processes, possibly through third-party software or the task manager.


You can try to save the tablet by resetting the system to factory settings. It is best to find reports about this on the Internet, because each device model has its own nuances. Or use the hard reset program. Using these instructions, you can reduce the procedure to the following:

1. Turn off the device.

2. Remove the SIM card and memory card.

3. Hold down the volume up key (on some models - down) and the button to turn on the tablet. Hold for about 10-12 seconds

4. If the tablet vibrates and a menu appears on the screen, you are on the right track. Select Settings, then Format Systems.

5. Reset the system - Reset Android.

6. The tablet will reboot with factory settings.

7. Try this scheme several times, it should work.

In case of failure, read the information on the topic “ How to unlock tablet” . Besides, great option resuscitation device is tablet flashing. In case of unsuccessful device firmware, good practical advice is given here.

Exclamation mark on a lying android

If an image of a lying green android appears on the device screen, and an image of a red exclamation mark appears on it, you are in the stock Recovery mode. There is nothing terrible in it. Need to install modified recovery ClockWorkMod Recovery. You got into it because you made a mistake when entering the combination to reset the settings, because each tablet model has its own combination. Press the power button and hold for a while until the device turns off, you can just wait 3-5 minutes until the device shuts down on its own. In the most extreme case, you can do a flashing again.

What is fastboot

The user can enter the fastboot mode, in this case, the android is also on the screen, but there is no exclamation mark. It is necessary, using the volume buttons, to get to the menu item Restart bootloader, with the power button we make a choice, sometimes it helps to reanimate the tablet.

Remember that each device model has its own "chips". Some tablets easily reset the settings after pressing the home button while the android is lying, others only respond to the simultaneous pressing of the plus and minus buttons in the volume control for a long time.
