mobile os. What is the best operating system for a smartphone? Other mobile OS

1. What advantages and disadvantages do you see in currently popular operating systems from a technical point of view (memory allocation, application security)?

Maxim Desytykh, Redmadrobot
Undoubtedly, the "devil" is in the details, but over the past couple of years, popular mobile operating systems have become more and more similar to each other. For this reason, it is difficult to single out significant advantages.

Among the shortcomings - it is necessary to continue work on improving the security of the system and the opportunities it provides. Jailbreaks for iOS, released almost daily with the next platform update, and the relative ease of getting root access in Android are still major problems for both platform owners and developers of applications for them.

For Android, the main drawback is the fragmentation of OS and device versions, or rather the long process of OS updates being released by vendors. In this regard, it is necessary to support obsolete OS versions for a long time and often do not use innovations immediately.

With iOS, everything is much better in this regard, but due to the closed nature of the platform in general and development tools in particular, sometimes you have to “fight” with the IDE instead of writing code. And the development tools themselves are inferior to their Android counterparts.

Alexander Shibaev, e-Legion
The advantage of iOS is in a well-developed ecosystem that is highly addictive. Android is just on its way to this. IN favor Android plays the openness of the system and the ability to build it even in a teapot. The main problem is the speed of updating the OS on devices. With the latest app security update, Android should finally be doing just fine.

Vadim Mityakin, Design Bureau Eleven
Limited the lineup enables Apple to perfectly optimize its operating system, including memory management algorithms. Therefore, Apple only needs to equip its iPhones with just one gigabyte of RAM to get the same level of performance as Android with 3 gigabytes. On the other hand, Google is constantly improving its work with the Java Virtual Machine and with "garbage collectors".

IOS was originally positioned as a secure operating system with an emphasis on protecting user data, although it was regularly compromised (there were backdoors, flaws, errors). Android, however, has patched security holes only in the latest versions.

Vladimir Barakovsky, Artic
The most obvious problem is the problem of malware on Android platform. The iOS operating system is better protected in this regard: to catch a virus, you need a clear user error, and this is already a human factor.

Denis Tsarev, Morizo
The main drawback of current operating systems is the fragmentation of platforms. Vendors are releasing more and more new devices, but they are trying to maintain support for old ones and compatibility. This imposes great demands on developers, who are forced to support not only a myriad of screen resolutions, but also several types of processor architectures, a “zoo” of devices, as well as 4-5 versions of the platform that are present on the market. The situation is reminiscent of the era of web development 5 years ago, when IE6 support was a mandatory requirement, and there were several browser engines on the market.

2. What trends could you note in the development of mobile operating systems in recent years? How will mobile development evolve?

Maxim Desytykh, Redmadrobot
Last year Apple and Google are fighting to speed up the OS and applications and, as one of the consequences, for battery life. This is great news for users, but creates some difficulties for developers. However, given the trend towards mobile development tools catching up with their "big brothers" and providing ever more convenient tools, this time complexity can be called an evolutionary threshold rather than an obstacle.

Despite the development of cross-platform development tools, only small companies that cannot afford to keep teams of programmers for each platform will use them. The reason is that everyone who has been involved in mobile development for a long time is well aware that the fastest and highest quality code is obtained when it is written for the target platform.

In addition, every year mobile operating systems strive to penetrate more and more into the personal lives of users, to participate in it as much as possible, and work in this direction will only intensify.

In general, mobile development will continue to mature. It is quite possible that this year in Android development can be called the year of testing.

Alexander Shibaev, e-Legion
Obvious trends are wearable devices, augmented and virtual reality. And mobile development will gradually develop in the direction of complication, since the flow of traffic from desktop to mobile is very active.

Vladimir Barakovsky, Artic
There is a clear trend towards synchronization of mobile and desktop platforms. This is especially evident in the interaction between iOS and OS X from Apple. The latter managed to build a single ecosystem in which laptops, tablets, smartphones and even watches coexist: you can start an action on one platform, continue it on another, and finish it on a third. Google, realizing this, will also come to this, although there are some difficulties due to the fragmentation of the market and the many players in it.

3. What are the prospects for the development of wear platforms?

Alexander Shibaev, e-Legion
Lovely. The only problem is the battery. I am waiting for a revolution in this matter.

Vadim Mityakin, Design Bureau Eleven
It is absolutely certain that there are prospects and, most likely, wear platforms will take their place, it will just happen not revolutionary, but evolutionary. There are two tasks: we need an analogue of cheap devices, the same as simple Android phones, and really useful user scenarios.

Of course, we would like the wear platform market to develop quickly, but, unfortunately, this will not happen.

Sergey Denisyuk, MobileUp
Now the prospects in health tracking are obvious. Apple frameworks (ResearchKit, CareKit, Health Kit) can play a big role in the development of the medical industry.

Vladimir Barakovsky, Artic
Wearable electronics appeared relatively recently and is currently developing at a rapid pace. So far, it is represented on the market mainly by smart watches and fitness bracelets, but this also includes virtual and augmented reality helmets and another very promising area - smart fabric. Such clothes are able to analyze a person’s condition, for example, give advice to athletes, monitor loads, and can even call an ambulance. There are a lot of scenarios, I'm sure the developers will come up with even more, but so far everything depends on technology and readiness for the mass market, although the first signs have already flown out of the nest.

Denis Tsarev, Morizo
Wearable devices are the main trend of the future, but so far they are at the very beginning of the journey. And many attempts to develop such devices still look ridiculous, like those smart socks or the toilet that tweets every time the water is flushed.

4. What factors play a major role in choosing the mobile platform for which the application will be developed?

Maxim Desytykh, Redmadrobot
If we talk about b2b applications, then the choice most often completely depends on unified devices that are available or available in large quantities on the market, and, accordingly, which mobile OS is preinstalled on these devices.

If we are talking about b2c applications, then traditional indicators are included, the importance of which for each project may be unique: the target audience, number of users, available resources, method of monetization, expected payback period and possible limitations of the platform.

Alexander Shibaev, e-Legion
Target audience, cost of development and support, app update rate in stores (for example, for A/B testing).

Vsevolod Ivanov, Touch Instinct
The audience of iOS device owners is more solvent, the conversion of purchases is higher. Android users do not like to pay, but they take it in quantity. You also need to take into account geography: in the far regions of Russia, you should not count on an abundance of iOS phones. It makes sense to think about the Android version if the application needs to use a lot of sensors, run in the background, or collect information about users. In iOS, there are fewer such opportunities.

Vadim Mityakin, Design Bureau Eleven
First of all, the target audience and its preferences.

Sergey Denisyuk, MobileUp
There is almost no choice. There are only two main platforms, and you need to work on both. The exceptions are projects where there is a clear division: if the application is for the poor masses (for example, regional taxi drivers), then Android is chosen; if some fashionable service - start with iOS, Android - after.

Denis Tsarev, Morizo
The main factor will not be the choice of platform, but the choice of technologies that tend to be cross-platform.

5. Did cloud technologies for development mobile development and if so, how?

Maxim Desytykh, Redmadrobot
Yes, they did. Both in the form of new tools and third-party solutions that allow you to quickly solve technically complex business problems, and in the form of a new look at applications that can be created and offered to the user. For example, storing music on devices is becoming less popular after the emergence of a large number of players in the music streaming market.

Alexander Shibaev, e-Legion
It is not particularly noticeable yet, but the trend is gaining popularity, including cloud testing of applications, for which it is not physically necessary to have a huge fleet of devices (for example, Cloud Test Lab). This allows small developers to release better products. But cloud technologies already influence the backend for applications (both cloud hosting and SaaS solutions for integration with various systems).

Sergey Denisyuk, MobileUp
This lowered the threshold for entering the development of client-server applications. But for those who use own servers, it didn't change anything.

6. Recently, the Internet of things is gaining popularity. How do you rate its development? How does this affect mobile development technologies and the development of operating systems?

Sergey Denisyuk, MobileUp
This direction has great prospects, and now everything is just beginning. According to McKinsey, by 2025 the contribution of this industry to the economy will be from 3.9 to 11.1 trillion dollars. Now it is actively used in the transport industry, for the analysis of medical indicators, in industrial safety systems, etc. Applications are becoming the central interface for human interaction with IoT, and machine learning, DSP, and computer vision are developing in parallel. Quite a lot of successful projects have already been created in IoT, and we are trying to contribute to this.

7. What factors may affect the change in positions in the market of mobile operating systems?

Maxim Desytykh, Redmadrobot
It is difficult to name at least one mobile OS, whether local or global, that has been able to successfully compete with the two headliners. The conclusions can be very diverse, but most likely, this suggests that at the moment the market is formed, and users need strong advantages to choose other platforms that no one can offer yet.

In addition, the choice of a mobile OS should not be considered separately from the devices on which they are delivered - after all, in fact, the user chooses not only a mobile OS, but also specific technical and other characteristics of the device. The main selection factors are specifications, price, design, UI of the mobile OS or additional shell provided by the vendor, device lifetime, integration with third-party services and devices.

Sergey Denisyuk, MobileUp
In my opinion, significant changes can be associated with the release and mass distribution of fundamentally new interfaces. For example, for virtual reality, new operating systems may appear that will become leaders. About how iOS appeared in 2008, then Android. They appeared and became popular in connection with the release of a fundamentally new class of devices.

Denis Tsarev, Morizo
Market mobile systems already formed. Three eras can be distinguished personal computers:
1. A big corporation was selling big computers to big companies (IBM mainframes);
2. The average company sold computers to families with average and high incomes;
3. Small companies sell personal mobile devices to everyone. The entry threshold for the cheapest Android smartphones starts at $40.

Therefore, the market will have a mass audience on Android and an audience with a medium-high income on iOS. It is possible that soon we will see Windows 10 in the corporate segment.

Probably everyone knows that Android is the most popular operating system for mobile phones in the world. Over 90% of all devices are running Android. The other most popular system is iOS. But what if you're fed up with Android and want to try something new, stop being part of a proprietary ecosystem, and get maximum privacy and security for your data?

There is a solution for this problem. You can install a mobile operating system based on Linux on your smartphone. You get not only a system with an open source code but also improved security and privacy of your data. In this article, we have collected operating systems for smartphones. Some of them are based on Linux, some are not. Android is also based on the Linux kernel. But so many changes have been made to it, so it cannot be considered a full-fledged Linux.

1. Ubuntu Touch by UBports

Even though Canonical has discontinued support for Ubuntu Touch, the system is still supported by the community and developers from the UBports project. This means that the Ubuntu mobile operating system is still alive, as is Unity. Ubuntu Touch has a very interesting approach to work. Although there aren't many apps here, many of the functions that Android apps perform are built into the operating system natively. Another interesting point is the lenses - separate pages of the home screen, which display news, weather, applications and social networks. The system works quite well on supported devices.

But the main advantage of Ubuntu Touch is convergence. This feature is similar to Microsoft Continuum. As soon as the device is connected to a computer via HDMI, as well as a mouse and keyboard, you have a full Linux desktop that runs on an ARM processor.

There aren't many devices currently supported by Ubuntu Touch, these are the ones it came pre-installed on, the OnePlus One, Fairphone 2 and Nexus 5. Many others are currently being actively ported, including the OnePlus 2 and OnePlus 3/3T. It is the best operating system for a smartphone after Android.

2.Sailfish OS

This operating system is being developed jointly by several companies Jolla, Mer (middleware developer), the Sailfish Allliance group, and the Sailfish OS community. It is a continuation of the already closed project MeeGo, based on Maemo and Mobilin.

Officially, Sailfish OS only ships on the 2013 Jolla smartphone, but community developers have added support for many more devices. These are Google Nexus 5 and 7, HP Touchpad, OnePlus One and OnePlus X, as well as samsung galaxy S3. You can also install Sailfish OS on your Raspberry Pi 2 or 3 and some older Nokia devices.

A huge advantage of SailfishOS is that the operating system is compatible with a huge number of android applications. So if you don't like Android, then you should definitely try this system.

3. Plasma Mobile

This is a new operating system for smartphones, which appeared at the end of 2016. The most interesting option can be considered the Plasma Mobile operating system. It is a KDE Plasma implementation targeted at smartphones and mobile devices. There was a lot of noise around it in 2017, one of the reasons for this could be Canonical's refusal to develop Ubuntu Touch. Plasma Mobile is now positioning itself as a complete and open platform for mobile devices.

The operating system is now compatible with Nexus 5 and Nexus 5X. Plasma Mobile is based on Kubuntu and is also available on Intel-based computers and tablets. There is also a version based on ArchLinux. On Nexus 5, the system supports multiple firmware installations. You can install Plasma Mobile as well as any version of Android.

The advantage of the system is that you can run Plasma desktop applications and widgets, just like Ubuntu Touch programs. This gives a freer choice of applications compared to Ubuntu Touch.

4. Halium

This system positions itself as the future of Linux mobile operating systems. Halium's goal is to unify the hardware abstraction layers and programming interfaces for GNU Linux software on devices preloaded with Android. This is a great attempt to standardize software and improve Linux access to audio, camera, GPS, and other smartphone hardware. The project is under development and if the guys succeed, it will make it very easy to install Linux on any android smartphone.

5.Pure OS

PureOS developers are trying to create a complete mobile platform Linux, which will focus on privacy and maximum security. On this moment the operating system is not yet ready to be downloaded and installed. Recently, they just launched a fundraising campaign to create their own rugged and secure Librem 5 smartphone.


This development can hardly be called a full-fledged operating system, and yet it will be of interest to many users who have old phones on MediaTek processors. One of the owners of such smartphones has compiled a Debian ARM version that can run on MT6589 and MT6592 processors. Two devices currently supported are UMI-X2 and iOcean X8. But on these processors, just a huge number of budget smartphones which are still in use today. Theoretically, the system can be assembled with a minimum of problems for each of them.

MediaDeb is not just a layer for Android, but a pure operating system. Yes, while many things do not work, for example, the camera, but at the same time, basic functions work, such as the screen, wifi, usb, and so on.


In this article, we have reviewed the best operating systems for smartphones based on Linux. Some of them you can install on your smartphone, while others are still in development. It is a pity that you cannot install the system you like on any smartphone, as we are used to doing this with a computer. But this is a long-standing driver compatibility problem and many are trying to solve it, for example, the Halium project or the Google Project Treble project. Let's hope the situation improves in the future. And what operating system is better for your smartphone in your opinion besides Android? What are you using? Write in the comments.

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More and more companies are entering the mobile device market in the hope of taking their place. Trying to buy a smartphone, we see many brands, models, we are immersed in an ocean of various characteristics: processors, RAM, diagonal, megapixels and much more. One way or another, all these characteristics are no longer as important as before. Comparing both flagship and simple models, you increasingly come to the conclusion that they differ little from each other in their “stuffing”. The operating system comes first. It is she who determines how well your device will work, how convenient it will be to use it, and this is where the main differences between products on mobile market. What operating systems exist, how are they different and which system is better? All this will be discussed later in the article.

Few users pay attention to the OS when choosing a gadget.

There are not so many operating systems for smartphones, there are only three of them:

  • android;
  • Windows phone.

Of course, they differ in many ways: they have their own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, each has its own market share.


Let's start with it - with the most popular and widespread mobile operating system. The brainchild of one of the largest and most influential companies in the world - Google, which since its inception in 2008 began to rapidly conquer the market. According to statistics for 2014, Android OS was installed on 86% of mobile devices. The prevalence of this system is associated primarily with its flexibility and openness. Developers from Google allowed any manufacturer to install it on their products. Why is Android so good? Let's figure it out:

  • Almost complete freedom of action in the system. You can change its appearance as you like. And getting root-rights gives you completely unlimited possibilities when working with it.

  • Huge number of applications. No other operating system writes as many applications as Android. You can find literally anything: any games, text editors, file managers, means of working with video - you can enumerate endlessly. Know one thing - if you use the OS from Google, you will never experience a lack of programs and content.

  • Regular updates. Some will consider this a disadvantage, but when developers work so hard to fix bugs (even if there are enough of them, no matter how much they fix), it's good. Applications are also very quickly adjusted to new OS versions, which practically eliminates all compatibility problems.

Where without flaws. The product from Google has something to scold and scold:

  • The openness of Android is its main plus and at the same time the main scourge. Indeed, you can install this OS on any device, but another thing is that the interaction between the physical and hardware components of the smartphone is not established, which leads to constant brakes, glitches and other unpleasant things.
  • Application selection. Yes, this item was also recorded as a plus, but there are so many applications that they are not checked in google store play. Anyone can write them, there is no verification - all this leads to the fact that the Google store has a lot of unreliable and, to be honest, frankly viral content.

  • Settings. Another controversial point. In many ways, Android has so many adherents around the world precisely because of the ability to customize and to the maximum. But what emerges from this is that it can be very difficult to understand the system itself. There are too many buttons, sliders, parameters and other similar things that sometimes you don’t want to fool around with.

What can be said about Android in the end? And the fact that this operating system is very controversial is perhaps the most controversial of all. Almost all the advantages of this system are also disadvantages at the same time. You can't judge objectively. It's a matter of taste, that's all.


This operating system is installed exclusively on Apple devices. iOS, like Android, raises many questions for itself. These two operating systems are constantly trying to push the foreheads of adherents of both one system and the other. Let's talk about all the advantages and disadvantages of the system from developers from Cupertino:

  • Optimization. iOS is ideally tailored for Apple smartphones on which it is installed. This fully justifies the decision of the Cupertino developers to make the system closed and operate exclusively on their devices. Stability and speed are clearly the main advantages of this system.

  • Design. No matter what anyone says, but iOS has an incredibly nice design. The interface is user-friendly, clear and concise. Everything is simple and tasteful, just like Johnny Ive.
  • Autonomy. It's no secret that time battery life Apple devices are significantly higher than those of competitors. In the modern intensive rhythm of life, when there is not enough time for anything, including charging the phone, this feature is very useful.

  • Simplicity. iOS interface simple and intuitive. There are no problems understanding any of the settings.

With all the advantages, it was not without its drawbacks:

  • Closed system. As in the case of Android, this is both a plus and a minus at the same time. The system turned out to be secure, reliable, almost without lags, but at the same time it must be loved just the way the developers made it. You will not be able to change, correct the system interface.

  • Applications. Their choice is much smaller than in Google Market. AppStore offers everything desired programs, however, many of them are paid. True, all content is of high quality and is tested before it gets into the AppStore, which will protect your iPhone from malware.

  • Choice of gadgets. If you like iOS, please buy an iPhone, and you have no other choice.

As a result, the following can be said about Apple's operating system: it has no objective shortcomings, but there are many subjective ones. It all ultimately comes down to your taste and what you like best.

Windows phone

Such a third force, which is somehow not customary to be taken with great seriousness. While iOS and Android are fighting for the title of the best operating system, and Apple and Google are making them more and more similar with each new version of their OS, the linkers from Microsoft are going their own way, not trying to be like someone else. Some of the consumers support this decision, some do not understand. Next, consider the advantages of this OS:

  • It's not iOS or Android. This is a completely different system, not like the others. It has an interesting, original, memorable interface. Quite a lot of people liked Windows tiles.

  • This is Windows. Microsoft is gradually implementing a very interesting idea, it consists in a single OS for mobile and desktop devices. If you operate an electronic computer under Windows control 10, then you can connect your smartphone and computer closely enough, which is very convenient when working, exchanging data, organizing events.
  • Low requirements. The system from Microsoft turned out to be very “easy”. This is good in terms of not requiring a large amount of RAM. The system works smoothly and stably even on older devices.
  • Safety. It is the Windows Phone OS that has been empirically recognized as the most secure system.

And now for the disadvantages:

  • Interface. Many people do not like the “tiled” design at all, even though it cannot be called uncomfortable.
  • Small selection of applications. This shortcoming can be called really catastrophic. IN Windows Store frankly, little choice. Many programs are simply not enough.

  • Support. Absolutely clueless. Updates are rare, but they are of little use. In addition, Microsoft is generally going to refuse to update older smartphone models.

From all of the above about Windows Phone, you can conclude that a lot of things are done right, and there are very few shortcomings, but these flaws are so significant that it is almost impossible not to accept or ignore them.

It is objectively impossible to choose the best operating system for the device. Each offers something different, has its own shortcomings, with which some are ready to put up with, while others are not. Verdict: The best mobile OS for everyone.

Be interested in smartphones and technologies, write in the comments about which operating system you personally consider the best and what exactly each of the considered systems lacks in order to become “ideal”.

Many people have sufficient knowledge about various mobile phones and their companies, but very few of them know something about operating systems.It is important to know about differentmobile OS which manufacturers use, and what is hidden behind the colorful sensor of your smartphone.

In the figure above, the graph of popularity over the past 12 months.Obviously, Android beats all other operating systems in popularity, even IOS andSymbian, which were once leaders in the industry. We observe thatiOS may continue to compete with Android. With the release of Windows Phone 8, we may see some healthy competition going forward.

Comparison Top Mobile OS

OS Symbian is officially . This means that any other company will need to get permission from Nokia before using this operating system.Nokia is still a giant in the low-end mobile phone market, which is why Java Symbian was the most commonly used mobile phone a couple of years ago.However, Symbian is widely used inbudget devices, but the demand for them is constantly decreasing.The Symbian mobile OS update has made it able to run efficiently on smartphones.

Symbian Anna and BELLEthe two latest updates that are currently used in Nokia smartphones.Overall, Symbian OS is well designed and very user friendly.

Unfortunately, Symbian OS is becoming unclaimed at present due to the huge popularity of Android and IOS.

Some phones currently running Symbian OS are Nokia C6-01, Nokia 603, Nokia 700, Nokia 808, Nokia E6 (ANNA) and Nokia 701 (Belle). Also Symbian is a popular choice among Nokia Dual SIM mobile phones.


September 20 I 2008 this is the date when Google released the first Android OS called " Astro". After some time, the following updated versions of "Bender" and "Cupcake" were released. Google then followed the trend of naming Android versions. Other releases include Donut, Ekler, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich and Jelly Bean. Jelly Bean is the last one android version from Google. The OS platform is not closed, just like IOS, so many Android applications have been made by developers.

After entering the smartphone market and android tablets They have gained immense popularity due to their beautiful appearance and efficient performance.Many new features have been introduced which have played a significant role in the success of Android. is an official app market that contains millions of different apps for android devices.

HTC, Motorola and many other leading manufacturers use Android in their devices.Android is currently one of the best operating systems and is considered a major threat to the iPhone.

Some of the Android smartphones are HTC Desire, Samsung Galaxy Gio, Motorola Droid Razr, Samsung Galaxy S3 and HTC Wilfire.

Apple iOS

iOS has been introduced 29 June 2007 when the first iPhone was developed.Since then, IOS has been updated many times and currently the latest one is IOS 6.Apple still does not allow other manufacturers to use its operating system.Unlike Android, Apple focuses more on performance rather than looks.Overall, it is very user-friendly and one of the best operating systems in the world.

Until now, iOS has been used in iPhone, iPhone 2G, iPhone 3G, iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S, not to mention tablet PCs such as iPad 3, iPad 2 and iPad.

Blackberry OS

Blackberry OS is the property of the company (Research In Motion) and was first released in 1999.RIM developed this operating system for its Blackberry line of smartphones.Blackberry is very different from other operating systems. Stylish andinterface, as well as the original design of the phone and the QWERTY keyboard.

Like Apple, Blackberry OS is not available to any other manufacturers.Currently the latest version of this operating system which was introduced in May 2011 and is used inBlackberry Bold 9930 . It is a very reliable OS and is immune to almost all viruses.

Some of the smartphones running Blackberry OS are Blackberry Bold, BlackBerry Curve, Blackberry Torch and Blackberry 8520.

Windows OS

All of you are familiar with the Windows OS because it is used in computers all over the world.Windows OS is also used in mobile phones and has been very popular among people.

The latest Windows release from Microsoft is known as Windows 7 which has gained immense popularity among all kinds of users.With its colorful and user-friendly interface she gave the OS Windows new life and is currently in demand all over the world.Another reason for its success is that this latest OS is used in very powerful devices manufactured by Nokia.Samsung and HTC have also released a few Windows-based phones, but they don't take up much space in the market.

The Nokia Lumia series is fully on Windows based. Some of latest phones Windows based: Nokia Lumia 800, Nokia Lumia 900, Samsung Focus and HTC Titan 2.


Like others Samsung also owns an operating system which is known as . Bada is a user friendly and efficient operating system, just like Android, but unfortunately Samsung doesn't use Bada OS on a large scale for unknown reasons.

The latest version of Bada 2.0.5 was released on March 152012. There are only 3 phones that work on Bada.It's three Samsung smartphone Wave, Samsung Wave 2 and Samsung Wave 3.I believe that OS Bada would have been more successful if Samsung had contributed to its development.

Palm OS (GarnetOS)

Palm OS was developed by Palm Inc in 1996 specifically for handheld computers (Personal Digital).Palm OS was mainly designed to run on a touch interface.A few years later, it was used in some smartphones.Unfortunately, it failed to gain a foothold in the market and is not currently in use.

Five and a half years ago we saw Last update Palm OS in 2007.Palm OS has been used by many companies including Lenovo, Legend Group, Janam, Kyocera and IBM.


WebOS is also known as WebOS Hp or simply WebOS which was mainly developed by Palm Inc, but after a few years it became the property of Hewlett Packard.webOS was launched in 2009 and has been used in several smartphones and tablets.

Hp has contributed to the development of webOS at a high level, using it in smartphones and tablets.The last device to run on webOS was the Hp Touch Pad.With the advent of Android on the market, HP's webOS sales have drastically declined.HP has finally announced that it will no longer manufacture webOS-based devices, but users are confident that they will receive regular updates to the operating system.


Nokia and the Maemo Community have teamed up to produce an operating system for smartphones and internet tablets known as Maemo.

Like Android, today's desktop is divided into several sections that show Internet Bar Search, various shortcuts, RSS Feed, and other such things.Later, in 2010 at MWC (Mobile World Congress) it was announced that the Maemo project would now be merged with Mobilin to create a new operating system known as MeeGo.

MeeGo was primarily designed for a mobile platform, but was actually used to run many electronic devices, including PDAs, automotive devices, TVs and netbooks. In 2010, the Moorestown Tablet PC presented on Nokia N9.


At the moment, Android is the clear winner, however, when looking at earnings, Apple is leading and catching up. Firefox, which once dominated the Internet browser market, is in the process of building its OS for mobile phones, so the mobile OS market may get another competitor in the future.


Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher professional education

Samara State Aerospace University named after Academician S.P. Queen

(National Research University)" (SSAU)

Department of Informatics and Computational Mathematics

OS for mobile devices

Student group 02401.50

Larkova E.S.

Samara 2016

1. Introduction

1 Overview of modern mobile operating systems

2.5 Windows phone

2.6 Blackberry OS

2.9 Ubuntu Phone OS


List of sources used

List of electronic catalog sources

1. Introduction

Mobile operating system(mobile OS) - an operating system for smartphones, tablets, PDAs or other mobile devices. Mobile operating systems combine the functionality of a PC OS with features for mobile and handheld devices: touch screen, cellular, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPS navigation, camera, camcorder, speech recognition, voice recorder, music player, NFC and infrared remote control.

Modern mobile phones are becoming more and more "smart", not without reason they are called smartphones (translated from English smart phone - smart phone). A smartphone is a mobile phone equipped with a powerful operating system, which in turn allows you to work with many applications at the same time. In other words, a smartphone is an analogue of a computer. It can perform almost all the activities that we perform while working on a computer, but on a much smaller scale.

It is the operating system that is the hallmark of all devices. Operating systems for mobile devices are diverse, but only a few of them occupy more than 95% of the market, namely Android from Google and iOS - Apple's operating system. All the others combined account for less than 5% of the market, including Windows Phone and Blackberry OS.

Producers popular in the past cell phones have been replaced in the market by younger, up-and-coming firms in Southeast Asia, most of which use the Android operating system, introduced in 2006, as the operating system for their devices. Although it is possible that a breakthrough in their development occurred thanks to this operating system.

The share of Android at the end of 2014 was 84.7%, iOS 11.7%, Windows Phone - 2.5%, Blackberry - 0.5%, others - 0.6%. At the same time, the share of Android in the market of mobile operating systems continues to increase.

aimThis work is the study of modern mobile operating systems, an overview of their advantages and disadvantages.


1.List modern mobile operating systems;

.Identify the advantages and disadvantages of each system;

.Track the history of development and releases of each system.

2. Overview of modern mobile operating systems

.1 Symbian OS

The operating system used in smartphones and communicators. Symbian OS is the successor to the EPOC32 operating system developed by Psion for their handheld computers. In 1998-2000 a significant part of the system was rewritten in order to optimize the code for work on devices with limited resources. Symbian OS is developed and promoted by the Symbian Consortium. The Symbian Consortium was founded in June 1998 by Nokia (47.9%), Psion, Ericsson (15.6%), Motorola. A little later, such companies as smartphone manufacturers joined this consortium: Sony Ericsson(13.1%), Siemens, Panasonic, Fujitsu, Samsung, Sony, Sanyo.OS is written almost entirely in C++, but there is Java support.

The advantages of this system:

· The main advantage: it was intended specifically for mobile devices and their not very high technical capacities;

· The system does not use much memory and CPU;

· Convenient file management;

· Implemented such useful feature, like freeing memory if the program is no longer in use;

· High stability of the operating system.


· To communicate with a PC, you need to install drivers;

· Very often, after the release of a new version of Symbian OS, the smartphone is not always compatible with old programs;

· A phone with such an operating system often slows down due to the installation of a large number of programs.

On January 2013, an official Nokia statement was released: "The device that showed our visualization capabilities and entered the market in mid-2012 was the last Nokia device on Symbian." The Symbian operating system has been put into support mode.


operating smartphone mobile tablet

Android is the most widely used mobile operating system today. The first version of the operating system was released in 2008, after which there were several updates to the system, which is used by most manufacturers of smartphones and tablets. The Android OS is based on the Linux kernel. In addition to smartphones and tablets running the Android operating system, other devices work: e-books, netbooks, wrist watch and even TVs and glasses (Google glass).


· Thanks to open source, anyone can create their own application, so if you decide to choose for your tablet special programs or download games for Android, then finding them will not be difficult. There are special sites for this, and for registration it is enough to have a Google account;

· A feature of this system is the absolute equality of all applications - both built-in and user-installed. And the choice of the default program is carried out by simply pressing the settings button. Such flexibility is almost unavailable to other operating systems;

· The OS is multitasking, high-speed and easy to integrate with Google services;

· The ability to install applications without an Internet connection;

· Available voice control Google Now;

· Special attention focused on the security of personal information. To do this, all applications run in a separate area of ​​​​memory and on their own virtual machine.

· There is a Google Drive cloud application, 15 GB of cloud space is provided.


· Many up-to-date versions - for many devices a new version enters too late or does not appear at all, so developers have to develop applications, focusing on older versions;

· High predisposition to hacker attacks due to the openness of the code;

· High battery consumption;

· Almost always needs improvement.

Android OS versions:

1.Android 1.0 - Apple Pie - September 23, 2008

.Android 1.1 - Banana bread (Bender) - February 9, 2009

.Android 1.6 - Donut - September 15, 2009

.Android 2.0\2.1 - Eclair - October 26, 2009 \ January 12, 2010

.Android 2.2 - Froyo - 20 May 2010

7.Android 2.3.x - Gingerbread - December 6, 2010

.Android 3.0\3.1 - Honeycomb - February 2011

.Android 4.0 - Ice Cream Sandwich - October 19, 2011

.Android 4.1\4.2\4.3 - Jelly Bean - June 27, 2012\October 29, 2012\July 24, 2013

11.Android 4.4 - KitKat - October 31, 2013

.Android 5.0\5.1 - Lollipop - November 3, 2014\December 3, 2014

.Android 6.0 - Marshmallow - May 28, 2015

2.3 iOS

The iOS operating system (iPhone OS) is a mobile operating system developed by Apple only for its devices (iPhone, iPad, Apple TV). First introduced in 2007 with the iPhone mobile phone, this presentation showed the direction of development for all smartphone manufacturers. Since then, the standard for smartphones has become big screen, lack of buttons, convenient operating system. There is a store for downloading applications for iOS Apps store.


· Security - gadget on iOS platform it is difficult to infect with a virus or disable it unknowingly;

· Cloud storage, automatic backups - the first option allows sharing files on all Apple devices, the second will protect against the loss of all user data in the event of a breakdown or theft of the gadget;

· Thrift - Apple guarantees a long battery life even with a high level of workload of the device;

· Absence of software failures - no freezes and oddities in behavior;

· High speed of work;

· High quality software and thoughtfulness. In addition, Apple updates the hardware in its devices every 1-1.5 years;

· Quality work in wireless networks- the device automatically switches from mobile data to Wi-Fi, and vice versa;

· Lack of user settings;

· Cannot be replaced or removed standard applications;

· Closed file system - the impossibility of direct transfer of files to the Apple iPhone, iPod and iPad, the lack of opportunities for complete review device content;

· Limited use of software - the formula "one mail client- one browser - one application store "not all users like it;

· Prices - the fact that all iOS applications are paid is not news to anyone, just not everyone is ready to pay for quality.

iOS 7 has an active anti-theft feature that allows you to securely protect and make your iPhone much less attractive to thieves. Using Activation Lock in conjunction with the Find My iPhone service, you can easily locate the missing gadget and block access to it remotely. Moreover, this lock cannot be removed during flashing until you enter your Apple ID and password.

Separately, it should be said about viruses on iOS. Viruses for mobile devices from Apple exist, and although they appear quite rarely, almost every one of them poses a fairly serious threat to tablets and smartphones. The task of more than half of the viruses written for iOS, as well as malware for other operating systems, is the financial gain of their developers, that is, the misappropriation of funds from users of iPads and other mobile devices from Apple. The fact that viruses for iOS exist in small quantities is explained by several factors:

· the lack of interest of hackers in users of Apple devices due to their relatively small number compared to the owners of gadgets on Android;

· a small number of vulnerabilities in the operating system itself;

· strict professional policy of the company regarding what is allowed to be published in App Store mobile content.

Protecting your iPad or smartphone from viruses is quite simple. To do this, you just need to follow a few simple rules: regularly update your antivirus, download programs only from the official store, do not click on links located in letters coming from unknown senders.

Release of system versions:

.iOS 1 - June 29, 2007;

.iOS 2 - July 11, 2008;

.iOS 3 - June 17, 2009;

.iOS 4 - June 21, 2010;

.iOS 5 - October 12, 2011;

.iOS 6 - September 19, 2013;

.iOS 7 - September 18, 2013;

.iOS 8 - June 2, 2014;

.iOS 9 - September 16, 2015;

.iOS 10 - estimated release date - June 13, 2016.

.4 Windows Phone

The mobile operating system developed by Microsoft is the successor to Windows Mobile, although incompatible with it, with a completely new interface and integration Microsoft services: Xbox Live gaming and Zune media player. Unlike its predecessor, Windows Phone is more focused on the consumer market than the corporate one.


· The speed and smoothness of the interface. The system does not slow down, it is extremely responsive and very pleasant to use;

· Battery life. With an active load, "windophones" calmly live until the evening of the second day;

· Convenience and ease of use;

· Built-in and easy-to-use package office applications;

· There is no problem of lack of RAM. Even with a small amount of RAM, the system can be comfortably used. Unless, of course, you do not install "heavy" games and applications;

· Due to the closeness of the system - a small number of viruses;

· The list of available formats is quite limited;

· Poor selection of apps

· Absolutely closed OS, applications only from MS Marketplace;

· Slow platform development;

· No real multitasking, apps are "frozen" in the background;

· Not all OS versions support Bluetooth file transfer;

· No microSD support;

· There is no file manager. File system absolutely opaque;

· Contact data is automatically transferred to the cloud, whether you like it or not;

· It is not possible to set a static IP on a connection, and therefore connect to an ad-hoc network;

· Unable to change font size;

· Severely limited customization options

Work on a massive update to Windows Mobile could have started as early as 2004 under the working title "Photon", but progress was slow and the project was canceled as a result. In 2008, Microsoft reorganized the Windows Mobile team and began developing a new mobile operating system. A product called Windows Phone was announced for 2009, but due to several delays, Microsoft decided to develop Windows Mobile 6.5 as an interim version. The reason for this was the incompatibility of the new operating system with Windows Mobile applications.

.Windows Phone 7. On February 15, 2010, the release of a new mobile operating system, Windows Phone 7, was first announced in Barcelona. Windows Phone 7 was available in five languages.

.Windows Phone 7.5. In February 2011 at Mobile World Congress 2011, Microsoft announced the following for the first time: windows update Phone, and already in April at the MIX conference 2011 in Las Vegas talked about the details of this update, which was called Mango. Later, the company officially announced that this update of the operating system will receive serial number 7.5.

.Windows Phone 8. On June 20, 2012, at a Microsoft-sponsored conference called the Windows Phone Summit, Windows Phone 8 was announced.

.Windows Phone 8.1. The presentation of the new update took place on April 2, 2014 at Microsoft's annual event - Build 2014.

.Windows Phone 10. On official page Facebook representatives of the company reported that the first devices to upgrade to Windows 10 Mobile will be available in December 2015. Official sources have not yet announced the exact date. When Windows 10 for smartphones is released, in order to upgrade your device to it, you need to meet only two parameters: at least 8 GB of internal memory and the installed OS - Windows Phone 8.1 Lumia Denim.

The platform may be of interest primarily to the following categories of users: those who need constant use of Microsoft office and corporate products; those who want to buy an inexpensive or mid-range smartphone and get good functionality and autonomy, albeit to the detriment of the choice of programs.

2.5 Blackberry OS

An operating system with a core set of applications for smartphones and communicators produced by Research In Motion Limited (RIM).


· Flexibility of the settings menu;

· When you turn on any device for the first time, you will be asked to view small tips that will teach you how to manage your smartphone;

· Convenient application management, including inactive ones;

· In addition to the standard lock methods, the device can be secured using "Picture Password". This is a unique, safe and at the same time ingenious way. A picture with a lot of numbers will appear on the screen, and you need to move one pre-selected number to the place you specified on the screen. The location of the numbers on the screen is different every time - it is virtually impossible to calculate this figure. If you make a mistake 10 times, you will need to enter a password (create in advance);

· Possibility and ease of connection to various data storages;

· Support for a large number of codecs and formats (almost all);

· With an incoming call, in addition to the basic information, you can set up additional information about the caller;

· Ability to synchronize with a printer for printing;

· Built-in office suite;

· Separately, it is worth mentioning the Password Manager. Previously, it was built into the firmware of all Blackberries, which made it possible after flashing to recover from backup without any extra problems. Now it is a separate application with the same functionality: storing passwords under a password;

· Convenient application store;

· Supports Android applications. Apps that are not found in the BlackBerry app store can be installed using .apk files from third party stores;

· There is a Blend function to work with phones from a PC or tablet;

· Excellent mail implementation;

· In the BlackBerry 10 version, the system analyzes the user's typing style and adapts to it, this happens very quickly;

· There are no connections with popular messengers, which means that you cannot send a message from the contact menu, you need to run a separate application;

· Lack of synchronization with desktop browser;

· Absence automatic updates applications;

· The quality of the implementation of individual applications and system functions leaves much to be desired;

.BlackBerry OS 5.0 - released by RIM at the end of 2009;

.BlackBerry OS 6.0 - August 2010;

.BlackBerry OS 7.0 - summer 2011;

.BlackBerry OS 10 - January 30, 2013.OS is considered a system with high functionality and stability. Those users who are looking for a system for mail and actively correspond - you should think about this operating system. At the moment, the system is not used as actively as Android, iOS and Windows Phone due to illiterate marketing policies, but BlackBerry CEO John Chen said that an update is planned for 2016 for latest version OS, “…to be certified by NIAP, which means that the system has passed the strictest government security test, allowing us to continue to support government and regulatory customers who use BlackBerry and require high level security and privacy."


It is an open source operating system based on the Linux kernel. Tizen is supported by the Linux Foudation, a non-profit development consortium, and a number of large companies that are part of the Tizen Association consortium: these are OEM manufacturers (such as Intel, Samsung, Panasonic, NEC, Huawei) and operators cellular communication(Orange, Vodafone, SK Telecom, Telef onica, NTT DoCoMo). The steering committee (Technical Steering Group) is formed by Intel and Samsung. Initially, Tizen was conceived as an operating system, development for which was to be entirely Web-based. The OS is the successor of such operating systems as MeeGo, LiMo and bada. Tizen has its own application store - Tizen Store, which is developed by Samsung. The corresponding program will be pre-installed on each device. All drivers for this platform were written from scratch. Perhaps that is why the first builds of Tizen are much faster and more stable than Android in the latest versions.


· Instant system response, OS does not slow down;

· The battery charge on version 2.4 is enough for almost three days;

· The ability to connect to a computer in MassStorage mode;

· Wide development possibilities. According to some experts, the advantage of Tizen is that it does not support the [bored] java machine for everyone. Development of applications for Tizen can be carried out in full, using only a bunch of HTML5/JavaScript/CSS.

· The rapid development of the operating system.


· When moving from one program to another, delays are noticed;

· Lack of connection of sports accessories. As a result - the lack of programs.

Version history:

· On April 30, 2012, the final version of Tizen 1.0 was released, codenamed Larkspur;
