Restricting access to a computer. Sterile Entry: How to restrict access to your computer

Restricting access to a computer can help solve several problems at once. For example, protection confidential information, limiting a child's access to a computer, protection from overly curious colleagues.


  • Set the password to boot the computer in the BIOS. To do this, on most computers, you need to hold down the "Delete" key when turning it on. The BIOS shell will load. Go to the "Advanced Bios Features" menu and change the "Psssword check" parameter from "Bios" to "System". Exit to the main menu with the "Esc" key. In the “Set user password” item, set the password twice that the computer will require when the system boots. Select "Save and exit setup". The computer will restart and the next time you boot it will require you to enter the password you set.
  • Disable unused accounts. Click right click mouse on the My Computer icon. Select "Manage" from the drop-down menu. Expand the directory " Local Users and groups." Open the Users folder. Disable all accounts except for the "Administrator" account and the one you are using. Set passwords for the remaining accounts.
  • To protect a computer that is left on for a short time while you are away, use password protection on the desktop screen saver. Right-click anywhere on the desktop (not occupied by shortcuts) and select "Properties". On the Screen Saver tab, reduce the screen saver interval to three to five minutes and check the Password Protect box. Now, if the computer has been idle for longer than the time you specified, a splash screen will appear, from which you can only exit by typing the password.
  • In this article, I will show you how to limit the time of the computer, that is, make it turn off after a certain time. This usurping method will be useful for those who have naughty children who can not be torn off the computer, as well as adults who are sucked into social networks or games.

    How to limit computer time

    In order to limit the computer time, we will use the PClimiter program. It is free, Russified and works on all versions of Windows.

    Of the advantages of the PClimiter program, it is necessary to highlight its reliability. And this is how it shows up:

    • The program prohibits changing the time on the computer so that it cannot be deceived.
    • It cannot be deleted without a password.
    • It will work even if its operation is canceled in the task manager.
    • It will work even if you remove it from Windows startup.

    If you want to limit computer time for your child or yourself, then this The best way. Neither you nor your child will be able to bypass the barrier.

    There will be one feature during the installation process. At the very beginning, you must enter the parent's password and confirm it. The rest of the setup is normal.

    There is no way to recover the parent's password, don't forget it! Without a password, it will not be possible to uninstall the program and change its settings.

    After launch installed program it will minimize to the system tray in about an hour. Expand it with the left mouse click. Now we will set it up.

    At the very beginning, you need to click on the green lock at the top right to go to the controls. You will need to enter the parent password that you have created.

    Then, in the list at the top left, select the user to whom this program will be applied. This means that if you need to limit the computer time for a child, then he must have own profile on this computer.

    After that, go to the restrictions settings. First, pay attention to the days of the week. You can limit the computer time separately for each day of the week.

    A little lower, in the table, indicate what time it is allowed to use the computer. If you want the computer to be turned on at any time, then specify the range from 00:00 to 24:00.

    Please note that you can select 4 periods of time when the computer can be turned on.

    For example, I indicated that the computer can be turned on in two periods during the day - from 08-00 to 09-00 and from 16-00 to 18-00.

    Next, set up the "Balance" field. This setting determines how much time you can work at the computer on the current day. I indicated there two hours. Now the user can use the computer for no more than two hours and only during the hours specified above.

    A little lower there is a "Bonus" field. You can allow some more Extra time per day to work at the computer, for example, to finish all the things when the time limit comes to an end. I wrote there 15 minutes. This means that the user has 15 extra minutes.

    The limit field shows how much time the user has, that is, this is the "Balance" field plus the "Bonus" field. I have 2 hours and 15 minutes written there. As much as I allowed.

    The last thing to do to limit computer time is to click on the user icon at the top right, and select "Turn on time limits". If necessary, they can also be turned off, but only with the knowledge of the parental password.

    Is it necessary? Surely there is some data on your computer that you do not want to lose. Important documents, records for unfinished games, gigabytes of music, distributions useful programs, addresses of friends - all this should be stored in a safe



    Is it necessary

    Surely there is some data on your computer that you do not want to lose. Important documents, records for unfinished games, gigabytes of music, distributions of useful programs, addresses of friends - all this should be kept safe. But the reality is that all this archival information can be lost in a matter of seconds, especially if you are not the only one using the computer. Mom / girlfriend / younger brother may also need your “machine” - for example, for typing in Word. Overly curious guests may also become interested in your computer, and the worst thing is if a “specialist” (in his opinion) comes up to the car and starts proving and showing something to someone. In your absence, almost anyone can use a computer, the consequences of which are often very sad. Viruses, trojans, "accidentally" launched format c: and much more falls like snow on your head at the most inopportune moment.

    In order to avoid all sorts of troubles, it would be useful to cover access to the computer (or some settings) to overly curious people. How this can be done will be discussed in this article.

    If you forgot your BIOS password

    There are several ways to solve this problem. The easiest is to use standard passwords made by developers for their own needs. Here are some of them (which one is right for you depends on the manufacturer of the BIOS, the name of which can be viewed at the time of download):

    AWARD BIOS: lkwpeter, AWARD_SW, TIPHA, wodj, aPAf, j262, Syxz, HLT, 01322222, KDD, ZBAAACA, ZAAADA, ZJAAADC, ?award.


    Other: SKY_FOX or 9 spaces.

    If this does not help, you can use special utilities, which you can take from our disk. True, in order to run them, you still need to somehow turn on the computer. But if you forgot the password to change the BIOS - this is what the doctor ordered.

    Finally, I will mention the ability to reset the BIOS by removing the battery (it does not always work) or using a special jumper on motherboard. I will not explain in more detail - whoever understands what I mean will guess what to do. For those who do not understand my idea, it is better not to touch anything. It will be better ;-).

    Password to turn on the computer

    The simplest and most reliable “talisman” will completely exclude the possibility of turning on your computer by an outsider. To do this, you need to go to BIOS(click Delete shortly after turning on the power, when the memory test numbers run) and in the menu Bios Features Setup select an option User Password. Enter the correct password and no problem. In the same menu there is a setting Supervisor Password(password for making changes to the BIOS). If you want others to be able to use the computer, but not have access to the bios settings, choose this password. Attention! Forgetting your password is a matter of two minutes. Necessarily write the characters you entered into reliable place, because if the password is forgotten, you will no longer turn on your car. If you still lost your “password” - pay attention to the sidebar.

    Other Access Restrictions

    In some cases, it is not advisable to prohibit others from turning on the computer; it will be much more convenient to simply restrict their rights at work. So that they, as they say, do not climb where they should not. Unfortunately, in operating Windows systems 95/98/ME there is no way to configure everything accordingly, so you will either have to install Windows 2000/NT or use a special software. Windows NT is a topic for another conversation, so we'll go the other way - we'll look at a number of programs designed to share access to a machine.

    Homesoft KEY 1.0 b.7

    Developer: home soft

    License: shareware

    Interface language: Russian English

    It combines a lot of useful functions, allowing you to fully control the rights of all computer users. Firstly, there are settings that determine access to system resources (control panel, remote access, recycle bin, registry editor, etc.). Secondly, you can disable the launch of any program (of your choice). Thirdly, here it is possible to completely block the computer, prevent it from restarting, and also restrict work with the machine in certain time(for example, set a computer usage limit for each day of the week). You can also lock the desktop (say, if you go somewhere), control the automatic on/off of the system, and do many other things. With all the richness of possibilities, the program interface is very simple and it will not be difficult to deal with it.

    NVD Monitor 3.0

    Developer: Nikolai V. Dudkin

    License: Freeware

    Interface language: Russian

    The utility is a resident monitor that allows you to track and disable certain file operations (rename, delete). The ability to monitor files located in various directories of your computer (for example, in the Windows system directory) should be called very convenient. The only thing that is required of you is to properly configure the application. By default, the program monitors the \Windows\Temp\ directory (temporary operating system), which is not very convenient - after all, all active software places its temporary files there. But on the other hand, approaching the setting of the program wisely, you will receive excellent protection against inept users, viruses, trojans and other misfortunes.

    Outpost 2.2D


    Size: 3826 Kb

    License: shareware

    Interface language: Russian

    Forpost is without a doubt the most sophisticated program of all presented in this review. According to the developers, this product will completely protect your computer/network from any troubles - viruses, malicious users, etc. After assurances of such coolness, there is a desire to immediately try out the program in action, which I did. The only thing I didn't like was that the distribution was split into floppy disks. It is unlikely that now you can find at least one organization in which there is not a single CD-ROM drive (I generally keep quiet about home computers) - after all, we do not live in the Stone Age. After copying the data (during installation), the program rebooted my computer without any questions, while destroying all unsaved files. Then, instead of the usual boot screen saver, the developers' logo appeared, which also “pleased” the order (after all, changing such things without the user's consent is not very good). But then the most interesting thing began ... The system completely refused to boot, except in safe mode. Here it is necessary to mention one interesting “trick” - only the network administrator can boot into Safe Mode after installing the described software, whose password the developers did not bother to disclose. The situation was almost hopeless... However, booting under DOS and fiddling with system files, I was able to “nail” this “masterpiece” and restore almost everything that was damaged. It is only interesting what a not very advanced user will do in such a situation? So I do not recommend using this program - after all, you may have the same problems. Nerve cells are not known to regenerate; better look for something else.

    Desktop-Lok 6.0.0

    Developer: Coqui SoftDev Vic Vega

    License: shareware

    Interface language: English

    With this program, you can protect your computer from unwanted intrusions. When launched, the program displays a desktop picture, but to access any functions, the user must enter his name and password. A pretty good utility that reliably saves your system from raids of “dummies”.

    Limited Access 2.0

    Developer: Rutstein Alexander Vadimovich

    License: shareware

    Interface language: Russian English

    This product resembles the previous one in its capabilities, differing from it in that here you can make not just a desktop picture, but a full-fledged desktop with active shortcuts for “allowed” programs. This application best suited for the case when other users of your computer only need a couple of programs, but they better not touch the rest.

    DeviceLock ME 1.0 Beta 2

    Developer: smartline inc.

    License: shareware

    Interface language: Russian

    This utility is used to restrict access to various disks (both hard drives and cd-, zip- and floppy drives). The main purpose of the program is to protect important data, such as software distributions, documents, etc. In addition, the ability to disable the standard drive can be extremely useful. After all, viruses and trojans in most cases enter the system from infected floppy disks brought by “caring” comrades. Overly gullible and inexperienced people are unlikely to think of checking the floppy disk with an antivirus, which can result in a pristine clean screw or a stolen password for accessing the Internet.

    * * *

    In addition to those considered, there are many different utilities that protect your system from extraneous intrusions (however, the programs mentioned in the article are, in our opinion, the best), many of which are very useful. The only thing to be warned about is possible problems with incorrect work of applications. Therefore, do not abuse such things - remember that this is a double-edged sword. What will you do if you fall into your own trap? Be careful and try not to use especially “cool” protections, it is better to limit yourself to simpler programs.

    Problem safe internet for children is very relevant today. The child returns home after school and is completely left to himself. While his parents are at work, he can freely play on the computer and use the Internet. The games that a child plays can be controlled, the Internet is another matter - in two clicks a child can be on the "18+" site and see scenes that go beyond the understanding of even an adult, or worse, find pictures on the network with scenes of violence, beatings, etc. d. Which negatively affects the child's psyche, which has not yet had time to fully form.

    An older child can be attracted by bright advertisements of various sweepstakes, online casinos, fortune-telling and horoscopes that trick them into sending SMS and much more. We cannot forbid a child to use the Internet all the time, but try to protect him from negative influence world wide web. It only takes a little time to do this.

    1. Standard Tools Windows 7 to install parental controls.

    The first step is to go to the control panel and select "Parental Control".

    The second step - if we do not have account for the child, create it (regular user). The administrator (you) must have a password set, otherwise the child will quickly bypass the restrictions.

    Login to your account and enter the required settings.

    Options available: time limit, launch games, launch programs.

    The third step is to set up the time for working at the computer for each day of the week.

    The fourth step is to set a limit for games. It is possible to block the launch of all games or select a category of games that matches the age of the child. The classification is carried out according to the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB). For children of primary school age, games of class "E" correspond, scenes of mischief are acceptable, and for teenagers "T", with moderate scenes of violence and swearing.

    If the classification does not suit you, you can manually adjust the settings for games.

    The fifth step is to specify the programs that the child can run.

    Browser add-ons are used to hide potentially harmful content from children while surfing the Internet. With their help, you can both block access to certain sites and hide ads that are not intended for children's eyes.

    The Opera browser has a site blocking mechanism, but you will have to manually configure it and add unwanted websites. Over time, the procedure will have to be repeated as new ads appear, which is not very convenient. To do this, there are complex automated solutions with ready-made databases of advertising links and ads. By installing such a plug-in for your browser, there will be no trace of advertising, and if something remains, you can always blacklist such advertising.

    List of plugins for the most popular browsers.

    Opera AdBlock- the plugin is on the site

    Adblock Plus - For Mozilla Firefox download on site

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    Google Chrome- you can choose AdBlock or Adblock Plus in the app store

    Attention! You do not have permission to view hidden text.

    Simple Adblock For Internet Explorer you will need to download from the official site.

    Attention! You do not have permission to view hidden text.

    3. Blocking unwanted sites.

    The above plugins allow you to get rid of ads on pages, but they cannot block unwanted content on pages or prevent a child from visiting a particular site. To filter out unwanted sites by their content, you will need additional tools for browsers.

    Firefox - Plugin FoxFilter, download it from

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    Google Chrome plugin WebFilter Pro

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    WebFilter Pro has a large database of sites with questionable content, which has a very positive effect on screening out and blocking sites with unflattering images and texts.

    In the plugin settings, you need to select the categories (adult sites, gambling, weapons and bad habits) for which sites will be blocked. If you see fit, you can additionally block social networks and browser games.

    If a child visits a site on the Internet that falls under the selected categories, they will only see the following message.

    And so that the child could not unblock the site and make changes to the filter settings, access to it can be password protected. Moreover, in the settings you can specify the email address. To which notifications will be sent when a child tries to access a particular site from the black list.

    In conclusion, I would like to say that, unfortunately, WebFilter Pro, no matter how well it works, still sometimes skips sites. So let's move on to the next steps.

    4. Setting up parental control in antiviruses.

    The parental control feature in antiviruses is available only for paid versions. Consider setting up parental control using an example Kaspersky Internet Security

    We launch the antivirus by double-clicking on the icon and in the window that appears, select "Parental Control" and set a password to prevent the child from changing the program settings without the knowledge of the parents. Select the account that belongs to the child. Click the enable button and configure the settings.

    The following options are available:

    Account settings - configurable appearance(avatar) and you can assign a nickname. You also need to make sure that the checkbox (enable user control) is checked.

    Computer use - the time spent at the computer is configured, it is possible to specify strictly the days and periods of time. In this case, the child is allowed to use the computer only from 12:00 to 14:00 and from 18:00 to 20:00. And on weekends it is allowed from 11 am to 9 pm.

    Additional parameter "limit use during the day" - allows you to set the time that the child can spend at the computer during the day. For example, you have set a possible working time from 11-00 to 18-00, but it is additionally possible to limit the duration by setting the working time, for example - 5 or 7 hours. And although the time range is 9 hours, the child will be able to spend no more than the specified time.
    You can see the time spent by the child at the computer in the reports.

    Launching programs - allows you to create a list of programs that will be blocked from starting. You can also block the program by time, for example, allow you to use Skype or some kind of toy only from 17-00 to 20-00

    Click on the "Add" button and in the window that appears, select the program we need from the list or specify the path of its location on the hard drive.

    Using the Internet - the function is similar to "Using a computer", we set the time according to which the child can turn on the Internet. You can limit the time, for example, spend no more than 3 hours a day.

    Website visits - limit visits to websites that fall under the selected categories. With the help of these settings, the child can be protected from a number of negative information on the Internet.

    This menu item also allows you to "Prohibit access to all websites except those allowed in the list of exceptions." In other words, the child can open only those sites that you have specified in the list, others will not be available to him. These sites need to be added to the list by clicking on the "Exclusions" button.

    Downloading files - you can disable the downloading of certain types of files. For virus protection and Trojans, it is recommended to ban (programs and archives). Video and music at the discretion, if the Internet is unlimited.

    IM-correspondence - blocking unwanted contacts in popular chat programs (ICQ, QIP, Mail.Ru, Skype and others).

    Social media- permission to correspond with certain contacts. You can add a contact only after the child is active in a particular social network. In the reports, you can view the correspondence with the selected contact. Social networks contain a lot of information that is not intended for children.

    Personal data - a child may, due to inexperience, send personal information to other people: home address, phone numbers, credit card and much more. By entering into the register necessary information, you will be able to prevent its transfer to third parties.
    To do this, first form them and by clicking the "Add" button add them to the list.

    Keywords - by making a list of words, such as vodka, gambling, etc. You will be able to track what their child was looking for and on what sites.

    Set up in the same way parental control and other antiviruses.

    5. Gogul - children's web browser.

    For elementary school students, I would like to highlight the wonderful federal program for safe children's Internet - Gogul. (

    Attention! You do not have permission to view hidden text.

    ). Downloading and installing the component for Mozilla Firefox? You will turn your usual browser into a cute children's Internet browser. But main feature this project allows the child to use useful resources Internet for learning and development. To do this, set as home page website

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    . "Internet and Kids" is a directory of sites dedicated to children, which are carefully selected and grouped by topic.

    First of all, we go to the Gogul website. ( and register to create a personal account. IN personal account you can set up schedules for using the Internet, setting up a list of allowed sites, viewing statistics on visited websites, etc.

    The second step is to add child accounts and set up internet usage.

    Installing the add-on "Gogul" - download the add-on to Mozilla browser Firefox. (Download and install this browser first if you don't have it). During the download, you will be asked for permission to install the add-on - we agree.

    After the installation process of "Gogul" is completed, a shortcut to launch the program will appear on your desktop. When you first start you will need to enter the address Email and password specified during registration, and then click the "Activate" button

    During the launch of the Goguly children's web browser, a list of children's accounts will be clearly indicated and how much time is left for anyone to use the Internet today.

    We also recommend downloading from this site small program, which excludes the launch of other web browsers, except Gogul, and also has other useful features(limiting access to folders, files and removable media) to restrict a child's access to a computer.

    Let's summarize.

    1. To introduce restrictions for a child to work on a computer, you should create a separate account.
    2. Use browser add-ons if you don't have paid version antivirus.
    3. Use a comprehensive solution by setting up your antivirus.
    4. For children of primary school age, set up children's Internet Gogul.

    All this will take you a little time, but you will be able to protect your child from the negativity of the Internet to some extent, as well as control the time spent at the computer while you are at work.

    Unfortunately, sooner or later the child will still face this problem - with friends on the computer, children at school can "enlighten" using a tablet or smartphone. It all depends on the approach of parents to this issue and methods of education. You need to have time to instill the correct moral principles in a child before the "street" teaches him to perceive everything completely differently.

    Often ordinary users, large companies and small offices concentrate all their attention on ensuring the security of the office computer science using virtual security measures. And this is despite the fact that, according to statistics, cases of physical impact very often occur when equipment is completely stolen or some of its components (data carriers) disappear. Today there are several ways physical protection office computer, which may depend on your personal preferences or specific office conditions. This list includes the conclusion of a computer with important data in a special room with limited access, or in the simplest case, placing it in a safe under lock and key. If you continue reading this article, you will learn a lot more about how to physically secure an office computer.


    Physical restriction of access to the computer

    1. We restrict physical access to all office computers. With the help of special locks, you can protect your laptop and even your desktop computer. Speak with department representatives information technologies your company on the subject of whether such computers with physical access restrictions are available and whether the acquisition of such equipment is within their competence. If these computers are not available, purchase them from a retailer or online store. Today there are quite a lot of offers for the sale of computer equipment with special locks that restrict access to data.

    2. We restrict access to the computer using a case lock. Today, most, if not all, computers have special slots on the case, with which they can be securely attached to the desktop in a matter of seconds. Carefully read the instructions provided by the manufacturer of the laptop or desktop computer for physically locking it in the workplace. As a rule, a special lock called Kensington is used for this purpose.

    Portable Public Address Systems

    1. On office computers, you can organize a portable notification system. Such an alarm will be able to warn you that the equipment has gone beyond the controlled perimeter. Check that the sensitivity is set correctly on the portable sensor, according to the area of ​​the monitored area. This will help avoid false positives when company employees simply move around the office premises with a laptop for work purposes.

    2. Install the alarm receivers in the center of the office building. The location must be chosen so that it is possible to fully control the crossing of the perimeter of the controlled zone by computers. Try to leave the control of this equipment in the hands of your company's security staff, as they are responsible for investigating cases of computer theft.

    office building protection

    1. Position office computers in areas with limited access. This will prevent unauthorized employees and office visitors from interfering with the operation of office equipment, and will also make it impossible to steal it. At the end of the working day, place computers in a securely locked room equipped with an alarm, or store them only in areas where authorized employees of the company work.

    2. Install security systems to control access to the office building. This will further protect you from unauthorized access to computer technology. Establish strict rules for visitors to move around the office with escort or under video surveillance.

    3. Check that windows and doors are securely closed outside business hours. This will prevent theft of office equipment. Conclude an agreement with a security company to install an alarm system or special means of restricting access to premises. With their help, when a thief crosses a protected perimeter, an alarm will go off and competent law enforcement officers will be automatically called.

    4. Provide adequate lighting for all entry points to the office building. Windows and doors that are brightly lit at night deter intruders from entering the building.


    In some cases, it may be appropriate to give permission for company employees to carry laptops home (after work). Today laptops are much smaller and lighter. desktop computers which allows them to be comfortably transported over long distances. But keep in mind that this decision carries certain risks for the property of the company - in case the staff has criminal intent.

    If your laptop or computer is not equipped with a special security lock on the case, then be aware that special kits are being sold today that allow you to restrict the physical movement of office equipment to the same extent. These are special mounts for a laptop or expansion card that are installed inside the desktop system case.

    Use special electronic passes or biometric sensors to allow company personnel access to premises where office equipment with important information is installed.
