How to work with posts on Instagram from a computer: post, edit, delete. How to post on instagram

How to add multiple posts to Instagram from computer and phone? How to add photos and other publications in the history of the network? Read the instructions in this article.

The creators of the most visual social network Instagram five years ago made a long-awaited gift to fans of computers and laptops: the website appeared. But the present turned out to be a trick. In the web version, you can register an account, close it from strangers, you can delete the profile (we wrote about these operations in detail). However, the most important action - how to add publications to Instagram from a computer - remained only in the phone application.

Users did not put up with such a deplorable state of affairs. Several options are already known on how to add a publication to Instagram from a computer. For this you can apply additional programs or browser extensions, use cloud storage. There is also an incredibly simple, but not the most beautiful way: connect your computer and phone with a wire, upload pictures and videos to your mobile phone, and only then post them through the application on your page.

Now we will tell you how to add publications to Instagram from a computer, without additional installations, without wires and clouds. But we will have to make a semblance of a phone screen on the PC monitor. And for this you need to look into the developer panel. Do not be afraid in advance, there is nothing complicated in the instructions. The procedure is as follows:

    In the search bar of the browser, enter the site address;

    The next action is the transition to the developer panel, you can perform it in different ways: simultaneously press three keys Ctrl + Shift + I; click right click mouse, and in the menu select the option "View code" or simply go through the F12 key;

    In the panel that opens on the right, pay attention to the two rectangles in the top ruler, they should be highlighted in blue;

    After that, a similar screen with the Instagram application will appear on the monitor, among other things, there will be a “+” sign below for posting publications;

    By touching the “plus”, you can see the photos / videos that your computer stores, choose what you will publish, make a description, do not forget about hashtags (the most popular tags and the rules for selecting them are in another article), determine geolocation;

Sometimes users who first applied this method complain that the magical transformation of a computer into a phone does not always work. If unsuccessful, try reloading the page again. You can also change the navigation option to the developer panel. Or go to the site through a different browser. By trial and error, you will definitely find what will work flawlessly.

Have you thought about buying followers for your Instagram page? You can refer to our website and we will help you solve this issue at an extremely minimal price. In addition, the service has constant discounts and promotions.

To complete the picture, we will tell you about other ways to add a post to Instagram. Among the lungs can also be attributed work through the official application, specially created for the computer. Now there is this. It has full functionality. But there is a significant drawback - you can install the application only if your computer has an operating system. Windows system 10.

A more complicated way is to use emulator programs (or simulators). On the Internet you can find a lot of offers. But Russian instagrammers especially fell in love with BlueStacks. The program has a version in Russian. It works with any Windows or MacOS. And most importantly, completely free.

Another selfless program is Gramblr. Through this service, you can not only publish photos and videos on Instagram, but also make delayed posting. That is, prepare several publications, draw up a schedule according to which they should appear in the feed. The program will do the rest by itself. This is very tempting, but Gramblr has one drawback - there is no interface in Russian.

In addition, it is worth considering that any additional installation poses a potential threat to the health of your computer. Unfortunately, along with programs, you can download malicious viruses or software you don't need. In addition, emulators slow down all work processes very much. So do not be surprised that after installing them, the computer freezes or thinks for a long time.

You will not get the disadvantages listed above if you add publications to Instagram using cloud technologies. You will need Internet storage as an intermediary through which files from your computer will get to your phone, and only then to Instagram. Experienced users assure that this is the best way. To check their opinion, use this instruction:

    Upload photos or videos from your computer to any cloud storage that is familiar to you, for example, Yandex.Disk;

    Go to the "cloud" through your phone;

    Open photo/video, click command to select app, check Instagram;

    Process the future publication and publish it on a social network;

    Or do it the other way: on your phone, go to your Instagram account, then post the photo / video downloaded from the "cloud" as usual.

As you have seen, publishing on the Instagram feed via the web version is not such a difficult task. She has several options at once. Choose the one you like.

We have covered in detail how to add a photo to an Instagram post, but you should also learn how to download something from Instagram and how to delete files from the feed and stories on this social network. You will find even more useful, curious and important about communication, promotion and earnings in 8 social networks on the website Be sure to check out this platform to become an efficient user.

The Stories section (in Russian history) appeared on Instagram not so long ago. The peculiarity of this option is the fleeting life of the publication. From the appearance of a story in the account to its disappearance, only 24 hours pass. And she disappears on her own. True, you can save your photo or video story in the "Actual" section. Then it will decorate your profile as much as you want.

Let's figure out how to add a post to the Instagram story in the mobile app:

    Open Instagram, click on the “camera” symbol, which is located in the upper left part of the screen, or swipe right anywhere on the feed;

    We touch the white round button at the bottom to take a photo, and to shoot a video, hold it down;

    Or we get a photo from the phone’s memory, for this we swipe up on any part of the screen;

    Then we create a story using new options: click on special icons; "pencil" makes a drawing, "Aa" - for overlaying text, "square smiley" adds stickers;

    If you need to remove something, drag the object to the "basket", the icon is located at the bottom of the screen;

    After we complete the design of the story, touch the words "Your story", they are on the left and bottom of the screen.

If your story is long, you can post a number of photos. Pictures will be displayed in sequence during playback.

A very profitable and effective purchase of likes on Instagram is waiting for you right now! It is enough to make one click on the link, and you will receive any number of positive ratings for mere pennies with the ability to choose a personal offer that will allow you to make the most optimal purchase.

Let's find out how to add a post to an Instagram story using the capabilities of a computer. As you can see, there is no "camera" icon for this feature in the web version. But for storytelling, you can use almost all of the methods discussed in the first chapter. Perhaps the most convenient way to do this is through the official web app. It will be more difficult with a method that uses the developer panel. This method is applicable only for a laptop, and it will not work on a stationary PC. And emulator programs will cope with the task effortlessly. Let's see how to use BlueStacks:

    We download BlueStacks from the official site to the computer and run it;

    We enter the section "My applications", in the search we insert "Instagram";

    Installing a simulation on a computer mobile application;

    Login to your account;

    At the top and right, we click on the “camera” to create a story, then we do everything, as in a mobile application.

You learned about different ways to post on Instagram, including Stories. As you understand, it is not at all necessary to do this from the phone, a computer will do.

Instagram network activists love to share their impressions. Therefore, during the day they post dozens of posts to their account. Especially for such reporters, we will tell you how to add several posts to Instagram. It has a tool that allows you to post up to 10 photos or videos in the feed.

To do this, follow our instructions:

    Log in to your account in the Instagram mobile app;

    Tap "+" to start posting;

    Then select "Gallery";

    Then click on the "squares" next to the "Select multiple" option;

    Select a number of photos or videos (but not more than 10);

    If desired, each can be processed individually, but you will have to maintain the overall orientation;

    When finished editing, click on the word "Next" on the screen at the top and right;

    Use a general filter or a separate one for each picture;

    When required, change the order of laying out photos by dragging them, again - to "Next";

    Give a description, as well as geolocation, to the entire publication as a whole;

The initial photo will be displayed on the page, and dots below it. Swipe to see the entire post. Please note that uploading several photos/videos takes a lot of time. The duration of the process depends on the speed of the Internet.

Another way to add multiple posts to Instagram is to combine them into a single collage. To do this, you will have to download the Layout application, developed for Instagram, there are versions for iPhones and Android devices. Let's take a closer look at using Layout:

    Download and open Layout on your phone, tap "All" to complete overview photo galleries; the option "Faces" will show only images of people, and "Recent" - the last 30;

    Choose up to 9 photos for the collage, after clicking on them, a “tick” mark will appear;

    At the top of the screen, mark the collage template that you like;

    Process the pictures, change the scale;

    To post the collage to Instagram, tap the network symbol.

Using Layout, you can quickly take a series of photos on your iPhone and immediately assemble a collage from them. To do this, use the "Photo booth" option, which is hidden behind the "lens" icon. This is an imitation of a "snapshot". Let's see how it works:

    Click on the "lens" icon to launch "Photo Booth";

    Touch the blue circle with a dot inside, so you will take 4 pictures in a row front camera iPhone;

    From the options that are located at the top of the screen, check the acceptable collage shape;

    Process the photo by opening all individually;

    Save the collage by clicking on the corresponding button, and send your creation to the Instagram feed by clicking on the network icon.

And finally, how to add several posts to Instagram using the Gramblr program you already know. It works with the web version of the network and provides the ability to post pictures not all at once, but gradually, according to a schedule. This option is very convenient for those who promote their account and take care of regular content updates. How to work with Gramblr:

We suggest you do not hesitate and order comments on Instagram posts in order to get a great chance to increase the rating of your page on the network. In addition to inexpensive prices, you also get the opportunity to compose your own comment text or add completely random messages.

    Download the program from the official website;

    Install it and complete the registration;

    Drag the photo into the Gramblr window or click on the center field to open the downloads folder;

    Crop the pictures, process with a filter, make an animation (there is a “Motion” button for it);

    Add a description text with hashtags and post a photo, if you need to delay the action, use the "Schedule" button.

So, we have considered, perhaps, all the most effective ways posting on Instagram for various devices. All you have to do is take high-quality and emotional pictures or make a video, follow our instructions to get comments and likes.

In early August 2016, Instagram appeared on the social network " Instagram Stories". The updated functionality allowed users to add their stories, which "live" only a day from the moment of publication. This is their main difference from ordinary posts.

In a short time, the stories gained immense popularity - in 5 months from the moment the tool appeared, it began to be used 150 million users, and every fifth publication of "stories" leads to sending a direct message to the author.

Today Stories - effective tool promotion of commercial and personal accounts (read about). We will tell you how to use them at 100%!

How to work with stories on Instagram

How to make history

To add a new story to a social network, you must use latest version application or version older than August 2, 2016. If you are using old version social network, update it in directories like Google Play, Play market and others.

You can add "stories" on the main page with news feeds. It opens automatically when the user enters the application. At the top of the screen are stories posted by other users - those you follow. To add your story, click on the icon with a plus sign - "+". You will be taken to the add menu.

In the menu for adding stories, you can take 3-4 pictures or select them from the device's memory or record a short video. The functionality of the social Instagram networks somewhat similar to the SnapChat network - it also allows you to add funny masks or captions to stories, as well as use filters. Once you've completed your story, click the "Your Story" button, then the "Done" button.

Please note that before publishing, you can set privacy settings, for example, hide your story from some users who follow you, or show it only to "selected ones".

How to add multiple stories

After publishing the first story in 24 hours, the plus icon will disappear. But you can add a few more photos or videos without it. To do this, after the publication of the first story, return to the news feed by clicking the "home" icon in the lower left of the screen. Then click on the camera icon at the top left of the screen.

Multiple added Stories will be shown to your subscribers in order automatically. You can also switch between them, determining which photo will be shown first.

How to mark a person in history

The feature of tagging people in a story is similar to adding a mention of users in a post or comment. Once you've added a photo or video to Stories, switch to edit mode. Click the "Aa" icon at the top right of the screen to add text. After that, enter the "@" symbol and start writing the username. The system itself will show followers with similar names, and you can choose one of them.

The username will appear in the published Stories with an underline, and he will receive a notification in Direct. Everyone who has viewed your story will be able to go to the profile of the mentioned user - it will open when you click on the name.

How to add a hashtag and geolocation

To add a hashtag, use the story editing features. Click the "Aa" icon at the top right of the screen and enter the desired hashtag. First use the "#" symbol, then start writing the hashtag itself. To make it active in the story, select the desired hashtag from those that the system will show at the bottom of the screen.

You can also click the square smiley icon at the top of the screen and select "#hashtag" from the menu that opens. The "#" sign does not need to be entered - you only need to write the word.

To add a location to your story, first take a photo or record a video. Then switch to edit mode and click on the first square smiley icon in the upper right part of the screen. You will see a menu for adding stickers, hashgets, time. Select the item "place" and specify the geolocation, following the prompts on the screen.

If you want to add your place, first post it to Facebook. The two social networks are connected - after you add a new location on FB, you can select it on Instagram.

How to add highlighted stories

Among all published stories, some can be placed on home page profile.To do this, click the icon with a heart and the words "Select" in the lower right part of the screen. Add a new album title or save it to an existing album.

In pinned stories, you can place important information about prices, answers to frequently asked questions, the schedule of the masters and more.

How to add an inscription

To add an inscription to the story, in edit mode, click on the "Aa" icon and start typing the desired text. The functionality does not yet provide for the ability to add multiple labels, but you can use spaces to separate multiple words. But social network offers a wide range of fonts and colors - you can write each letter in a different color or choose a convenient font that matches the filter. You can also add emoticons to the text.

To move captions around the screen - for example, rotate them to a diagonal position - touch the caption and start moving it around until you achieve the desired result.

How to add a link

To add a link, in story edit mode, find the link icon at the top left of the screen and click on it. Then enter the address on desired page site. Don't forget to add a caption on the story itself stating that subscribers can learn more via the link. To follow the link, they will need to swipe up next to More when viewing Stories.

Note! Only users who have more than 10,000 subscribers can. If there are fewer followers on your account, then place an official ad on Instagram and set it to show in Stories.

How to archive Instagram Stories

How to add a poll

When posting a story, tap the square smiley icon - third from the right - at the top of the screen. Then select "poll". Enter a question and answer options. There are only two options available on Instagram so far. You can leave the standard answers - "yes" and "no". You cannot change the colors of words, as in the usual functionality for adding inscriptions.

Instagram stories from computer

The functionality of the social network Instagram from a computer is very limited. However, users come up with ways to circumvent the bans. For example, you cannot view the stories of other users from a computer, even through the official Instagram app or website. But you can download a special browser extension - for example, Chrome IG Story for Google Chrome. It allows you to view all Stories. They look a little different than in the mobile app, but each story can be viewed by clicking on it.

To add an Instagram story from a computer, you can use one of three methods:

  1. Download iOS emulator or Android for operating system your PC or laptop, for example - Nox App Player for Windows. It will allow you to install a mobile application on your PC and use all the functions available to users mobile devices.
  2. Download the official Instagram app for PC. Its functionality almost completely repeats the mobile application. However, there is a serious limitation - when adding a story, Instagram "sees" only the images stored in the camera album.
  3. Use another service that allows you to post to different social networks. For example, the SMMPlanner service. It will allow not only to add Stories, but also to assign certain time their output, which is quite convenient.

How to use Instagram Stories to promote

Conduct surveys

Add polls to some stories. This will affect the engagement of the audience - the more answers are collected in the survey, the greater the level of engagement of your subscribers will be. With the updated social media smart feed that ranks the profile posts with the highest engagement score higher, this is a good start for promotion. The more polls you post, the more additional users by hashtags and geolocations will attract stories.

Do not forget that the target audience should not be "overloaded". Find the optimal number of stories with polls. For example, post them 2-3 times a week. Also, do not forget that visualization is very important on Instagram. Therefore, engage users from the first seconds of the story: add bright picture or an intriguing video intro. Also, do not "stretch" the questions too much - it is better to use short sentences and short answers. Subscribers respond better to mini-surveys because they don't take a lot of time.

Post announcements

With the help of announcements, you can create intrigue and increased attention to your account. Tell the story that your company or you are planning to release something new. For example, mention in passing about your video. So followers will periodically visit the page, see new posts and, possibly, comment on them. This will also have a positive effect on engagement rates, therefore, it will allow you to promote your account faster and more efficiently.

In announcements, give valuable intriguing information so that users are really interested in the new product. It is also recommended to name the exact release date of new products - for example, to say that the full video instruction will be released within a day or a week. Otherwise, some users may unsubscribe due to a long wait. Or use another function - .

Run contests

Mention your contest in your story to draw more attention to it. Choose the format of the competitions, based on the characteristics of your target audience. For example, now popular quests. True, for their organization it is desirable to create several accounts, think over the plot, correctly arrange each stage. As a winner, you can choose the one who completed the quest first - found a way out of it - or a random participant who completed all the tasks.

You can also hold a competition with mutual marks or simple marks. For example, ask the participants of the competition to take a screenshot of your story with a mention of the draw and publish it in their Stories, tagging your profile. This will expand your audience reach and help attract new subscribers. You can choose a winner using a random number generator: count notifications in Yandex.Direct and give the prize to the one whose mark corresponds in order to the received random number.

For the contest idea to work, correctly format the post about the upcoming giveaway. It is advisable to take a picture of the main prize and indicate the dates of the contest in the picture, and describe the conditions for participation in it in a text comment.

Remind yourself often

The story feed is built on a first-come, first-served basis with recently published Stories prominently displayed. Therefore, if you want to stay in front of your subscribers, it is worth publishing 5-10 stories daily. Naturally, you need to create them in accordance with the theme of your account and make the content interesting - frequent publication of uninteresting Stories can lead to a decrease in the number of subscribers.

Instagram Stories is an effective promotional tool that continues to evolve, be sure to include Stories in your . And how do you use it? Share your stories in the comments!

Despite all the tricks of advanced SMM specialists, the key to popularity on Instagram is high-quality, correctly laid out content, which consists of user photos and videos. The more interesting and unique publications, the more likely it is to make your page in demand and achieve popularity in the Instagram crowd. In this article, we will tell you how to make a publication on Instagram and share the secrets of competent promotion of your post.

Today, Insta developers allow you to publish up to 30 hashtags under each publication, so there is room for imagination and creativity.

And for users using Instagram as a business platform, without any doubt, the material will be useful.

How do I add multiple photos to one post?

According to the developers, any Insta user can add up to 10 photos or short videos to one post. You need to do this as follows:

  • Click on the "+" icon at the bottom of your page window to go to the content download menu.
  • Select the Add Multiple tab.
  • Tag the photos you want.

  • Further. You can edit the downloadable content by applying filters to the images. You can do this for all photos at once or individually for each by clicking on a specific image.

How to hide a post?

It's no secret that among the huge number of Insta users there are not only normal people, but also outright haters. Such people take pleasure in "slinging mud" at any content, regardless of its content. Many take this calmly, realizing that even negative comments are activity on the page, which is highly valued by the system. Some do not want people who are not their followers to be able to view the photos and videos they post. If you are one of them, we recommend that you read the instructions on how to hide posts on Instagram. In fact, everything is simple: you need to make a closed account. For this:

  • launch the app on your smartphone;
  • go to your profile by clicking on the "person" icon at the bottom of the control panel;
  • click on the button with the "gear" icon to enter the settings menu;
  • enter the "Account" block;
  • move the slider next to " Closed account» to the active position.

Important! It should be understood that users who are not your subscribers by clicking on the hashtag will not be able to view your publications.

Instagram is becoming more and more popular, and talking about your life and views of the world in a creative way has long become a fashion trend. In the article we will talk about the main features of the social network.

Instagram Interface

At the bottom of the application screen is a toolbar. The Home tab is a news feed that displays your posts and the posts of those you follow.

"Magnifying glass" tab - search by filters. The silhouette icon is a search for a person by name or login. # sign - search by hashtag, combining many publications under common theme. The far right icon is a filter by places, the far left is a general search by all filters.

The camera icon in the center of the toolbar will direct you to the gallery to add a picture, or to the photo or video mode.

The heart tab displays the activities of your followers, including following your account, likes and comments. Here you can also view recent activities your friends who are not associated with your village.

The silhouette tab is your account profile. All your publications are displayed here, as well as the number of subscribers and subscriptions. By clicking "Edit Profile" you can add Additional information About Me.

Search for friends

To invite friends from other social networks, go to your profile and click on the “…” icon. Touch the social media icons to go to your friends list. Click "Follow" next to those you want to follow. If their accounts are open, the subscription will be issued instantly. Otherwise, you will have to wait for approval.

You can set the search by filters described above. Hashtags - good way find an interest group. Personal search will allow you to find friends from social networks that are not represented on Instagram. Looking through the news feed, it is easy to find interesting communities and celebrity pages.

To post a photo or video, click on the camera icon. To take a photo, go to the "Photo" tab and click blue circle. Or just select images from your phone's gallery. Crop your photo to Instagram standard. Select filters to add color to the picture, specify the contrast, brightness and other settings. Tap the arrow at the top to continue.

In the "Video" tab, hold the red circle to create a video. Please note that Instagram limits the length of a video to 15 seconds.

By clicking "Tag People", specify the people shown in the photo. Touch the person in the picture and enter the name or username of a friend in the search bar. From the proposed list, select a person, and the figure in the photo will be marked with his login.

Instagram Direct

When posting a snapshot, go to the "Inbox" (Direct) tab to send a private post. Only recipients will see it. Check off recipients from the list or search by name by tapping the magnifying glass icon. Click the green checkmark to send a private message.

account settings

In the profile tab, click on "..." to go to "Settings". Here you can change your password, link social media accounts, set up notifications. To close the page from prying eyes, drag the "Closed account" slider to the right. Now only the people you approve can see your posts.

You have become familiar with the basic tools of Instagram. But there are many other nuances additional features and restrictions, which you can explore in the Instagram articles on our website.

How to make a post on Instagram from a computer, upload photos?

Many users are wondering - how can I post photos on Instagram from a computer? It's really possible.

Despite the fact that Instagram is designed specifically for mobile operating systems, it is possible to post your photos from a computer.

As everyone knows, there is no official client for Windowd and the possibility of publishing snapshots via the web interface.

How to post photos on Instagram from a computer?

Instagram photo from computer

First of all, you can use an Android emulator that mimics all the features of Instagram from a computer. most the best program for that is BlueStacks.

There are also several applications designed to upload photos to this social network. So, now let's talk about everything in more detail.

How to upload photos from BlueStacks?

Posting on Instagram

Working with the program is not difficult at all. First you need to find and download it from the official site.

We have already talked about how to install Instagram on a computer. In short, the program is installed on the computer by clicking the "Next" button. Well, after that, Instagram is installed accordingly.

How to add pictures? To do this, drag the desired photo from the computer directly to the emulator itself. In this case, you will be offered several applications to choose from, where it will be imported.

You just have to choose Instagram and that's it. The picture will be loaded. Then it can be processed and now you can send it for publication.

Grambr photo upload app

This program also has an official website. There are versions not only for Windows, but also for OSX. Regarding the installation, there are no secrets and chips in it. How to work with the program correctly?

  • Enter your Instagram login details
  • Click on the file image to add a photo
  • Now click on "Upload" and the photo will be on your Instagram! In addition, you will receive a link to your photo and an embed code.

There are also some drawbacks. You must crop the image to 650x650 format yourself. Also, you cannot use the standard filters provided by Instagram. Although it is possible to insert hashtags into the description of a photo, they often do not work correctly.

Video: How to upload photos to Instagram from a computer?

How to use Instagram | How to Use Instagram Properly

We decided to write an article on how to learn how to use Instagram, so to speak, the Instagram application for beginners. So, boys and girls, sit down and listen. We will learn about the basic functions of the social network Instagram, learn how to take photos, apply filters and upload them to the network.

To start…

First, let's talk a little about Instagram: what it is and how to use it. This application is also a social network. With it, you can take photos, edit them and publish them. Someone considers Instagram to be a worldwide evil (like other social networks), and someone sees a gold mine in it. Whatever opinions exist, in order to develop your own, you need to try.

Of course, we won't be able to learn how to use Instagram until we download and install it. This is described in detail in other articles on our website, here we will only slightly touch on the topic.

Reasonable and sane boys and girls do not take Instagram installation files anywhere. There are situations when you have to do this in order to start using it. If this is not your case, do not experiment. It is always better to use the application from the official store. And we hasten to please: a version of Instagram for Windows phone- Instagram beta. Therefore, now you can download Instagram from three stores - App Store, Play Market and Microsoft Store. We also have an article on how to use Instagram on a Windows Phone smartphone.

  • We find the application there and click "Install".

It will be installed, after which we open it and get to the registration page. You can register different ways: via phone number, email address or Facebook. The first two involve entering your data.

We proceed to the next step - how to use Instagram on your phone.

After registering, we get to the feed - this is the main page where the latest publications of all the users you subscribe to appear. Your pictures will also appear there.

If you like something, like it (click on the heart under the photo). To leave a comment, touch the cloud. Using these features is very easy.

And if you touch the arrow, you can send a photo or video to a friend via Direct.

To take a photo, click on the small camera icon at the bottom. First we will get to the gallery (from where you can also take a picture), but to take a picture of something right now, you need to click on "Photo", and then on the big circle at the bottom.

Now let's move on to filters. To use the filters, you need to click on a particular box under the photo. The effect will be visible immediately:

If you need to change the brightness (the effect will be very easy), you press the sun on top, and then adjust it with your finger.

In the field on the right, write something with a hashtag. If you have already used a similar function, then you know that the words are written together. If you want to write separately, then put a hashtag before each word. It is not necessary to write, but in this way your photo can be found by these words, and those who do not subscribe to you will be able to appreciate it. Instagram will show all posts that were made with the same or similar tags.

In addition to photos, you can record videos. To do this, click "video" below, and then - on the circle. Hold your finger throughout the entire shooting process. You can also apply filters to the recording. Also don't forget to put a better cover.

At the end, we attach a video on how to properly use Instagram on your phone.

Instagram Stories

What is the point

How to watch them

Stories appear at the top, above all posts in the feed. There you will see small avatars of those who published the story, surrounded by a multi-colored circle.

To view, you need to click on it. If several users you follow write stories, they will line up. And if you start one of them and don't stop it in time, they will automatically scroll one after another.

After viewing, the multi-colored circle will disappear.

How history is made

There is an icon at the top left. To record history, you need to click on it.

The viewfinder opens. You can take a photo or video. To take a photo, just touch the circle at the bottom. To record a video, hold down. One video can be no more than 10 seconds. After 10 seconds, the recording ends.

So let's take a photo. Two icons appear at the top. By pressing the first one, you get the opportunity to draw. Pressing the second - write.

The text can be reduced and enlarged, rotated. All this with your fingers, there are no special buttons.

You can draw with three tools: a round marker, a flat one and the last one - especially interesting. This is a white stripe with a glow around the edges. Glow in the color you choose.

Colors, of course, can be matched to other instruments. And don't be scared, in addition to those iridescent ones that you will see right away, there are two more stripes of shades: with a transition from red to brown and from white to black. To see them, you need to slide your finger across the palette to the left. We agree that this is not very convenient, because sometimes it may not work. This is especially inconvenient if the tool is already on and the paint is selected. Then you can just draw a stripe in this place instead of moving to other colors.

So, you colored the photo, wrote something on it and saved the changes. Now you can send by clicking on the arrow below. Your story appeared among others.

There is one peculiarity in creating Stories. It hangs published only 24 hours, after which it is deleted. And within 24 hours you can add to this story. That is, you are given a certain period of time for it. Now you have posted one picture. And it will show up during that time. Then you decide to take another photo, then a video. Subsequent photos or videos will be strung on top of each other.

How to use Instagram on Windows 10

On a Windows 10 computer, you can also use the official Instagram app.

You can view your Instagram feed just like on your phone. Likes, comments and message forwarding are also available.

Search by specified parameters. You can find the photo or user you are interested in. You can also search by hashtags.

You can view your likes and comments that you left yourself or those that you left for your posts.

Profile management is also available as on the phone.

Settings account look like this.

Well, a full-fledged Direct has not gone anywhere.

As you may have noticed, we did not specify the ability to add new photos and videos to the feed and story. That's right, according to some idea of ​​the developers, these functions are not available in the application for Windows 10.

Last video

This video is about how to use Instagram. It will be useful to those for whom a verbal description is not enough. Here, the installation of the application is discussed in more detail, what Instagram is and how to learn how to use it.

What else is worth knowing?

So don't forget to watch the video. It tells you how to use Instagram on your phone. And check out other articles. They have a lot of interesting things about how to use Instagram.

How to upload photos to Instagram from a computer

Are you wondering how to add a post to Instagram from a computer? Since this application does not have an official Windows client and the ability to download photo and video files, there are several workarounds with which you can share publications with friends using a desktop computer.

How to post to Instagram from a computer?

For this purpose, designed android emulators operating under Windows and Mac OS. Among them is the program - BlueStacks. Despite the fact that this emulator allows you to use all the functions of Instagram and it works more stable than its "analogues", posting publications with it is a rather troublesome business.

To publish a record through BlueStacks, you need to do a lot of steps, from downloading the program from the developer's site to processing images. In addition, this emulator does not provide the ability to schedule a publication time (which is inconvenient, especially if you are afraid of forgetting to post a photo or video).

When deciding how to publish a post on Instagram through a computer, it is best to opt for online service- SMS planner. This service has more features than BlueStacks and is also easier to use.

For those who do not want to use applications that are difficult to understand, the SMMplanner service will allow you to upload publications from your computer to Instagram online exactly at the frequency that is convenient for the user. Also, for additional ease of use, the service provides an image editor and delayed posting of images and videos, which allows the user not to worry about the timeliness of the publication of the post. You can also specify a geotag for a specific post.

So, how to upload a post to Instagram from a computer online using SMMplanner?

To start working with Instagram using SMMplanner, you need to register on the site and connect your account, specifying your login during the authorization process.

Posts can be edited in a special editor, which provides the ability to apply filters, focus the image, crop it, add text to the image, and other functions.

Performing actions in SMMplanner (so that the post is added to the publication queue and posted on Instagram) takes a minimum of time, so this service is now appreciated by those who are not used to wasting time.

And to speed up the work in the service, you can pre-create a schedule for a specific public or project, which will significantly speed up the choice of the date and time of publication. This allows you to quickly create entire content plans for many months.

The function of overlaying a watermark on the image has also been introduced. The service itself overlays the text or image of the watermack on your photo. That allows you to protect it from theft and thereby brand your content.

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Instagram was created as a mobile application, and officially you can upload photos only from your phone. In some cases, it is convenient only from a computer: the pictures were taken on the camera, long text uncomfortable typing on a small screen, low Internet connection speed. Special services and programs have already found a way to publish posts on Instagram through a computer. Before you start, you need to know a few rules.


Instagram rewards mobile app users. Attempts to post photos from a computer may result in various problems. Including, account blocking for downloading from third-party services. Most of them require personal login information: password and login.

Sometimes you need to verify by phone. The developers have created a complex system to avoid spam and automated actions: cheat likes, comments, etc. You may even need to change your password.

The site has spam filters to block too active accounts. When the number of likes, posts or comments exceeds 150 units per hour, the corresponding buttons become unavailable.

Be extremely careful when transferring personal information to suspicious tools, scammers can hide behind them. Consider how to post on Instagram from a computer and what programs can help with this.

How to post on Instagram from a computer using a web browser

The browser is the easiest way to publish from a computer. All you need is a modern version. Consider the actions on an example, Firefox.

Benefits of downloading via browser:

  • the fastest way;
  • no need to install additional software;
  • no spam filters: the social network thinks that the user is on the phone.

Among the shortcomings, one can single out the lack of a media content scheduler.


BlueStacks- handy program, which can be downloaded from the main page of the official website. This is an emulator that can fully recreate the functionality of Android on personal computer. It weighs a lot, it can slow down. Free and contains ads. At first, you will have to get used to how to post on Instagram in BlueStacks from a computer.

After installation, go to the application and click on the gear. You will be prompted to register Google account Or open an existing one. Log in and start searching Instagram. Install it by clicking the appropriate button, similar to a mobile download of the program. Now the social network will be available in mobile version on the monitor screen. You can create a desktop shortcut.

To upload a photo, it will be enough to drag it into the emulator window, which will display a list of applications to send. Select Instagram. All processing functions are available to you: filters, cropping. Add text, hashtags, tag people, and post your first post from your computer. All actions by analogy with a mobile application.


Another solution for how to write and post on Instagram from a computer is Gramblr. When launched, it asks for a password and login from the account. The function of the program is to download a photo and a caption to the text. The set of filters is limited to the standard ones, there is cropping to a square. You need to add text, tags and send the entry. The tool also provides a history of published publications and is able to download on a schedule. It is important that the computer is turned on when posting.


Instaposting- free service that doesn't even require registration.
How to add a post to Instagram using Instaposting from a computer:

  • Start creating a post: upload a photo from the explorer or drag it to the program area;
  • Edit the image if necessary: ​​filters, cropping;
  • When you publish a post, the service will ask for a password and login from the account.

The tool also allows you to download posts with videos in mp4 format.


Flume is implemented only for operating room Mac systems OS and supports all Instagram tools. However, the add from computer functions are only available in Pro versions after subscription. The app was originally on the Mac App Store. Due to a violation of the rules of the social network, it was withdrawn, but users continue to work with older versions of this program.



Uplet is another tool that solves the problem of how to post on Instagram through a computer. Available for Mac OS for a fee. The post is made in a few clicks: a photo is uploaded, a description, hashtags, etc. are filled in, everything is like in the regular version. It does not have wide settings for image editing.

The service has more advanced functionality:

  • uploading photos from a computer: built-in photo editor;
  • description of the post with hashtags;
  • publication date planning;
  • subscriber boost.

The first 5 days are free to use.

The official version of Instagram for Windows 10

The Windows 10 app allows users to film broadcasts, send Direct messages, and download Stories.

  • Open the desktop version of Instagram.
  • Click on the camera icon.
  • Select photos in folders.
  • Allow access to the microphone and camera if you are going to broadcast.

It is not yet possible to add photos, but perhaps in the future this feature will be implemented due to numerous requests from users.

How to edit an Instagram post from a computer

Another task that the user faces is how to edit a post on Instagram without a mobile application, from a computer. For example, a mistake has been made. Instaredactor will help with this task.

Main functionality:

  • Editing records;
  • Text layout;
  • Autoposting;
  • Synchronization via the cloud;
  • Content plan.

How to delete a post on Instagram from a computer

It is easy to delete a post from a mobile application, the social network has provided this opportunity. For some time, links to photos will be relevant, but after the services are updated, they will disappear and along with them all the information: likes, comments. That's just in official version there is no delete function on the computer. But you can use the BlueStack emulator. Through it, you can fully use Instagram: publish, edit and delete posts.

How to schedule an Instagram post from a computer

Let's move on to tools that will help not only publish a post, but also schedule it for a specific time.

  • Onlypult. Contains a photo editor with a lot of settings: filters, cropping, sets hashtags and geolocation. Built-in calendar and planner for scheduling publications. In addition, the resource analyzes user activity: likes, comments. Provides a subscription for $ 12, there is a trial period.
  • smmplanner. The service works with various social networks. One of the security advantages: it does not store passwords on the server, but uses special algorithms. Able to apply watermarks, searches for the most popular posts. Offers 50 free posts per month. A trial period and a subscription are available.
  • smmbox. This service is distinguished clear interface and easy navigation. Applies a watermark to an image. Able to quickly plan and place a record. Offers two weeks free trial.

Of the main disadvantages - paid subscription. And as mentioned at the beginning, Instagram may require you to confirm the password, up to the procedure for resetting it. All actions take time, you need to be prepared.

Now you can work on Instagram both from a mobile application and from a computer.

Summing up

We looked at 9 ways to create and publish posts on Instagram from a computer, and this is far from full list. Be careful when transferring data from your account to unfamiliar services: check the name of the site to avoid hacking. We wrote about how to protect yourself from phishing in the article "".
