Ways to sync iCloud Contacts to Android phone or tablet. Four Ways to Transfer Contacts from iPhone

Buying a phone has always entailed the not-so-pleasant procedure of “moving” from an old device to a new one, but recently the need to synchronize and other personal information has been added to the traditional transfer of contacts. It's good if your next smartphone is on the same platform as the previous one, but if you decide to "cross over to the enemy camp", then the task becomes much more complicated. In this article, we will consider two options for transferring data - from iOS to Android and vice versa.


iOS can synchronize contacts, calendar and mail with a Google account, and if you are in due time as mailbox chose Gmail, there is nothing to worry about - just log into your Android smartphone account, and all your information will be immediately available on your new phone.

If you didn’t expect to “move” from iOS in the future, then most likely you have this data tied to iCloud, in which case the procedure will be somewhat more complicated.


To transfer contacts on your phone, you need to connect an iCloud account and allow them to be synchronized (settings - iCloud - (sign in to your account) - turn on Contacts). Now they need to be “pulled out” from the cloud - for this, on the computer, open the www.icloud.com page, enter your account, then go to the Contacts item and select the necessary contacts.

After that, in the menu called by pressing the gear button, select the Export vCard item, and a VCF file with a list of contacts will be downloaded to your computer. Now open the page www.google.com/contacts, in the left menu, select the "Import contacts" item and open the downloaded VCF file (if you already have a preliminary version of the updated "Contacts" available, in which import does not work yet, you need to open the "More" list in a similar menu on the left, select import, after which you will be prompted to go to old version this service). After that, it remains only to enable contact synchronization in the settings of the new Android smartphone.


The transfer of events in the user calendar looks very similar - in the iCloud settings we allow calendar synchronization, on the www.icloud.com website we go to the appropriate section and in the list of available calendars click on the Share icon to the right of its name. In the menu that appears, enable the Public Calendar option and copy the link that appears (webcal://....). Paste it into the address bar new page, replace webcal with http, then press Enter - as a result, a file with a name of hundreds of characters and without an extension is downloaded to the computer. This is the usual text file, which can easily be given a more decent name. To connect it to Google Calendar, open the page www.google.com/calendar, find the Other Calendars item, select Import calendar in the drop-down menu and open the newly downloaded file from the computer - after that, all events from it will be added to your calendar on your Google account.


There shouldn’t be any problems with the “moving” of the mailbox - if you are not using Gmail, but iCloud (or any other service), just find in Google Play any client that supports it, such as Mailbox or myMail .


Here we will consider the most common option - using the standard iOS on iOS. Safari browser and "moving" to popular on Android Chrome and Firefox.

Transferring bookmarks from Safari is also carried out using iCloud (in the device settings, of course, you need to enable their synchronization), however, this is not done using the resource website, but the iCloud for Windows client.

It should be marked "Bookmarks", in the options specify the browser (Chrome or Firefox), click Apply and select Merge. After that, the utility will offer to download the iCloud Bookmarks extension for one of these browsers, and as a result, your bookmarks from mobile Safari will appear in the desktop browser. If you have chosen Chrome, you do not need to do anything further (provided that you have logged into your Google account in it). With Firefox, the task will be somewhat more complicated (especially if you have not previously used user data synchronization in this browser) - you need to set up synchronization in it, for which you need to log into your Firefox account (or create one), do the same on an Android smartphone and enter the code obtained there in the desktop browser.

If you install iCloud for Windows if you don’t want to, you can get by with iTunes instead (for this, bookmark synchronization with iCloud must be turned off in your smartphone settings). To do this, you need to connect your iPhone to your PC, launch iTunes, open the device page in it, go to the "Details" tab, find the "Other" item in it and select the "Sync bookmarks with:" item (where there may be options Internet Explorer and Safari), then click Apply. Now the bookmarks from the iPhone are merged with the bookmarks of one of these desktop browsers - you just have to run it and export the bookmarks to an HTML file, and then import them into desktop browsers in a standard way. Chrome versions or Firefox, from where they are “sent” to the Android smartphone in the manner described in the previous paragraph.


To transfer photos / videos, you can use Google service+ Photos - to do this, you need to install the official Google+ client on your iPhone, connect to your Google account in it and enable auto-upload for photos and videos, then select the "Download all photos and videos" item. Once the download is complete, you'll be able to see all of your content in the Photos app on your new Android smartphone. If you do not want to use the Google+ service, you can perform this procedure without connecting to the Internet at all. To do this, you need to connect your iPhone to your computer via USB, open File Explorer, right-click on the smartphone icon in the list of devices and disks and select "Import images and videos". After that, an import window will appear in which you can configure the parameters of this procedure (select a folder, delete files after copying is completed, etc.). Now it is enough to connect an Android smartphone to the PC and use Explorer to copy the resulting folder to its memory (or to an SD card).


Perhaps one of the most difficult tasks when “moving” is, of course, if your music library is stored in iTunes, and not in the form of MP3 tracks organized by folders (in this case, the whole task comes down to easy copying files from PC to smartphone using any file manager).

Google itself recommends using its Google Play Music player, which can upload your iTunes library to its “cloud”, from which you can then listen to it not only on an Android smartphone, but also in a browser on a PC. To do this, you will have to install the Google Music Manager utility on your PC and indicate in it that your music library is in the iTunes library, and then wait for the download to complete (only this moment the service allows you to download up to 50 thousand tracks, which will be more than enough for any user).

If streaming "broadcasting" your own music over the Internet does not appeal to you, and you don't want to bother with downloading each album separately (or you use another audio player instead of Google Play Music), you will have to turn to one of the third-party utilities. Unfortunately, they tend to be shareware, like iSyncr for example. This procedure can also be performed using the DoubleTwist audio player, for which there is a desktop client with an interface similar to iTunes.


As noted at the beginning of the article, iOS can synchronize contacts, calendar and mail with a Google account, so if you used it on an Android smartphone, the task of “moving” from Android to iOS will be much easier than vice versa.


If your contacts on your old phone are linked to a Google account, transferring them will be a breeze. First you need to make sure that contact synchronization is enabled on your Android smartphone (most likely, Settings - General - Accounts & Sync), and that the smartphone itself has connected to the Internet at least once after you edited your contacts for the last time. Now it’s enough to add a new Gmail account in the iPhone settings (Settings - Mail, Addresses, Calendars) and enable synchronization for all available items (Mail, Contacts, Calendars, Notes) in it - after which all of the above will appear in the new smartphone.

If you stored contacts locally, in the phone itself, then the task becomes a little more complicated - in a regular “dialer”, you must first export all such contacts to a separate VCF file (in internal memory or to an SD card), and then import them back, but not into the phone’s memory, but into the account Google entry. Further actions, as you might guess, repeat the procedure described above. If your contacts application does not support the import/export of all entries in bulk, you will have to edit each contact individually, manually transferring it to your Google account.

If you want to finally break with the "Google past", contacts should be imported into iCloud. To do this, we create a copy of them in a VCF file (either on the phone, as described above, or on the contacts.google.com website, where you need to select the vCard format), and then import them on the www.icloud.com/#contacts page (calling the menu settings using the gear button and the Import vCard item). Note that in the first case, you may receive an error message "Unable to import vCard" without any explanation - most likely, this means that your VCF file was created in 2.x format, while iCloud requires a version not lower than 3.0.


Google Calendar automatically connects to your new iPhone along with contacts, mail and notes (as described above), so no additional steps need to be taken (except to make sure that synchronization is also enabled in the iOS settings in your Google account settings for the calendar).

If you plan to abandon your Google account, the calendar should be imported into iCloud, and this is no longer such a trivial task. Of course, if you have a Mac, everything is simple - on the page www.google.com/calendar you need to select the desired calendar, in its settings, click on the ical button in the "Closed calendar address" section, copy the suggested URL, paste it in a new tab and press Enter - after that, an ICS file will be copied to your computer, which you need to "feed" to the system application Calendar.

For PC owners Windows base more and more difficult - for this purpose they will have to use iTunes and Microsoft Outlook, since iTunes can only sync calendars with this program. You will need to import the resulting file into Outlook, then connect your iPhone to your PC, open iTunes on your device's tab, go to the "Details" sub-item and select the desired calendar in the "Sync Calendars" section. Another option is a third-party utility - for example, Copy My Data (Android, iOS), which can transfer not only the calendar, but also contacts, and photos / videos.


Of course, it's easiest to keep using your old Gmail account, but you can also create a new @icloud.com account. To do this, in the iOS settings, select the iCloud section and enable the Mail application in it - after that you will be prompted to register a new mailbox. And in order to receive correspondence sent to the old address, you need to enable redirection for it - in Gmail we call the settings (gear in the upper right corner), in which in the “Forwarding and POP / IMAP” tab we add a new iCloud address using the button “ Add forwarding address. After that, a confirmation letter will come to him - click on the link, return to gmail settings and make sure that the line "Forward copies of incoming messages to addresses:" contains the correct address, and then click "Save changes".


Most likely, you used Chrome on Android, but on iOS you will switch to Safari (if you plan to continue using Chrome on iOS, you don’t need to read further this section - the browser itself synchronizes your bookmarks on a new device).

So, in Chrome, select the bookmark manager (Ctrl-Shift-O), click on the gear in the upper right corner and select "Export bookmarks". We import the resulting HTML file into Internet Explorer, after which we connect the iPhone to the PC, launch iTunes and select "Sync bookmarks with: Internet Explorer" in the device properties. A little lower, in the "Add-ons" section, check the box next to the bookmarks and click "Apply" - after that your bookmarks will appear in mobile Safari.


Everything is simple here. We connect the Android smartphone to the PC via USB, copy the photo and video files to any folder on the hard drive (usually they are located on the device in the DCIM folder), then we connect the iPhone, launch iTunes, go to the "Photo" tab in the device menu and turn on synchronization, after which we select the folder in which the necessary files are located. If it contains a video, additionally check the box next to "Include video in synchronization."

If you don't have iTunes (and don't want to install it), you can use third party utilities synchronization - for example, the already mentioned Copy My Data, or PhotoSync (Android, iOS).


The transfer of music, as well as photo / video, is also carried out elementarily, and according to the same scheme. The music library is copied from the Android smartphone to the PC, dragged to iTunes, and then in the settings connected iPhone on the Music tab, synchronization is performed - either the entire library in a crowd, or only selected artists.


As you can see, the procedure for transferring personal data, although rather troublesome, is ultimately solvable - after it, all that remains is to “transfer” your favorite applications, or rather, install their versions for the new platform or find the most suitable analogues. However, this is a topic for a separate article.

There are two serious mobile operating systems on the market that annually wage war with each other for users - Android and iOS. The first of them is developed by Google Corporation, and the second by Apple. The Android operating system is used on a thousand models of smartphones and tablets, while iOS is used only on iPhones and iPads of different generations.

When switching from one mobile operating system to another, a number of factors frighten the user. Their greatest concern is the circumstance of data loss. Photos, videos, music, etc. can be transferred to cloud storage, and then downloaded from there on a competing operating system, but what you can’t send to the “cloud” in standard ways so these are the contacts. In this article, we will take a closer look at how to transfer contacts from iPhone to Android using operating system tools or a third-party application.

The vcf format is the standard for exporting and importing contact data. It is a text file that contains the elements of electronic business cards vCard. When exchanging contact data between programs on smartphones, tablets, computers and other devices, they are transmitted in the vcf format.

Majority computer devices And operating systems know how to work with vcf files if they have the appropriate application. When you open a file on Windows, information from it is read into Windows Contacts, on the operating Mac system OS they open in the address book. By reading the information from the Android vcf file, the user can add new data to the contact list.

vcf files store vCard data as text. Based on this, if necessary, you can open it using the usual Notepad on Windows or another text editor.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that you can transfer contacts from iPhone to Android if you export from Apple devices them as a file in vcf format, and then open it on a smartphone with the Google operating system.

How to Transfer Contacts from iPhone to Android Using My Contacts Backup App

The easiest way to transfer data about phone numbers and their owners from an iOS device to Android is to use a specialized application that can compose a phone book into a vcf file. There are several such applications on the iPhone in the AppStore, but the best choice you can consider the program My Contacts Backup. It is distributed free of charge clear interface and performs all the functions assigned to it.

To transfer contacts from iPhone to Android, after installing the My Contacts Backup application, allow it to access your contact information. Then it remains to click on the "Backup" button, and the program will begin linking the vCards available on the phone into a vcf file. Borrow this process it can take a different amount of time, depending on the number of contacts on the smartphone (more than 100 contacts are formed in the form of a vCard in 10 seconds).

When the vcf file is created by the program, the "Email" button will appear. By clicking on it, you can enter your email, and send a list of saved contacts to it. Please note that you can only send contacts via My Contacts Backup to email using standard application"Mail".

When the list of contacts is compiled and sent, it remains to log in to the mail from the smartphone on the operating Android system and activate the file. After that, the list of contacts on the smartphone will be replenished with the information that was stored on the iPhone.

Apple has developed its own cloud storage service called iCloud. iPhone owners and iPad can use it to back up various information, including contacts. At the same time, you can not only import files into the iCloud service, but also export them from there if necessary.

To get a file with contact information in vcf format from the iCloud service, you need to go to the corresponding site - iCloud.com. Next, you need to log in using your Apple ID. After that, go to the "Contacts" item and select those that you want to export (if you want to select all contacts in the list, press the key combination Ctrl + A). After that, in the lower left corner, click on the gear and select "Export vCard".

Further, as described above, the contact file saved in vcf format must be sent to your mail (or use another data transfer access to your smartphone) and open it on the Android operating system.

The two most convenient ways to transfer contacts from iPhone to Android are described above. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that there are other ways to export data in vcf format, in particular, the AppStore offers applications that are alternative to My Contacts Backup.

If you decide to change your iPhone to an Android smartphone, then this means that you are tired of the restrictions in iOS. And at this stage, you need to resolve the issue of transferring data and entries from the phone book. How to transfer contacts from iPhone to Android with minimal labor and time costs? Many tools have been created for the transfer, and you just have to choose the most affordable and easy way.

Available ways to transfer contacts

A few years ago, manual input was used to transfer contacts - you had to pick up two phones and transfer each contact in turn, reading the data from the original handset and entering them on the new device. Also, SIM cards were used for this, containing a small amount of memory on board for storage. phone records. Both methods have certain disadvantages - in the first case, a large amount of work awaits us, and in the second case, we will face the fact that additional contact data is not stored on the SIM card.

Subsequently, SMS channels and Bluetooth began to be used to transfer contacts. In the first case, we are seeing high costs for sending SMS with contact details, and in the second case, we are waiting for the possibility that the original phone simply does not have Bluetooth. With the advent of smartphones, the transfer of contact data has ceased to be a serious problem, as users have access to various cloud services and specialized applications for quick device synchronization.

Today, transferring contacts from iPhone to Android can be done in the following ways:

  • Using the MC Backup application;
  • With help third party applications;
  • Using the iCloud service;
  • With the help of the Gmail service.

As you can see from the presented list, there are really a lot of opportunities. Consider these methods of transfer and identify their features.

Transfer contacts using vCard

We have already said that the SIM card does not store additional data about contacts - only the names of subscribers and their phone numbers are stored here. Save additional numbers, addresses to the SIM card Email, names of organizations, website addresses and much more will not work. Therefore, for the transfer of extended data, was created text format vCard, which additional fields are still preserved. By transferring a file with a contact to another phone, we will ensure the full transfer of almost all the necessary data.

In ordinary mobile phones there is a regular option to export contacts in vCard format. As for smartphones Apple iPhone, then here we need the MC Backup program. To install it, visit the official app store. After downloading and installing the application, you need to run it and copy the contacts to the vCard file. Now we have a file with all contacts and additional data, and all we have to do is transfer it to an Android smartphone and import it.

The easiest way to transfer the vCard file is by using the most common email - then you will need to import and make sure the transfer is correct. If your iPhone is set up to transfer data via Bluetooth (implemented using third-party applications), you can transfer a file through this channel without using the Internet.

Transfer via iCloud

Transfer contacts from iPhone to Android will help and standard cloud services. Since the iPhone stores phone book entries in the iCloud service, nothing prevents us from visiting the iCloud website and getting a vCard file there. This is done in the "Contacts" section, by selecting the "Export vCard" item - then we just have to save the file on the hard drive. So, now you have a file with our contacts. What to do next? And then you can choose one of the ways to import contacts:

  • Transfer a file with contacts to a smartphone via Bluetooth, a memory card or via a data cable;
  • Import file to Gmail service.

By choosing the first method, you need to ensure that the file is copied to the smartphone's memory. If your computer has Bluetooth, then you can provide wireless transmission data. Transfer is also performed by copying the file to a memory card or via cable. After that, it remains to open the file on the smartphone and import it. Next, turn on synchronization and wait until all received contacts are saved on the Google server.

Choosing the second method, you need to go to the Gmail website and find the "Contacts" section there. Here we are interested in the "More" item, under which the "Import" sub-item is hidden. Select this item and click on the line "Import from a CSV or vCard file". We indicate the location of the file, wait for the download, go to the "Contacts" section and observe the results - if everything went well, a list of contacts will appear on the screen.

Some users notice that after downloading the vCard file, the contact list remains empty. In this case, you just need to wait, rather than retrying the import. You also need to remember to enable synchronization on your smartphone so that the contact details are successfully downloaded to the smartphone’s memory.

Transfer contacts using third-party apps

Is it possible to transfer contacts from iPhone to Android using third-party software? Especially for this, a huge number of all kinds of applications are laid out in the app stores for both platforms. With their help, you can quickly copy your phone book through the following channels:

  • bluetooth;
  • WiFi;

With the transfer of contacts via Bluetooth, everything is clear - you need to connect both devices together and wait until the software copies all the necessary information. With regard to transmission over Wi-Fi, this implies the need to connect both devices to one wireless network. If you want to transfer contacts via NFC, just bring both smartphones close to each other.

The advantage of using third-party applications is that they can copy not only contacts, but also many other data - photos, videos or work documents. Individual applications provide data transfer through their servers or via the Internet, by direct communication between devices (in this case, connection to the same Wi-Fi network is not required).

Transfer contacts via Gmail

Now we will talk about the easy way copy contacts. It is based on the basic capabilities of both smartphones. In order to back up contacts, you need to add a Google account to your iPhone- this is done through the menu "Mail, addresses, calendars". We enter the data and indicate what needs to be synchronized (we are interested in contacts). After a few minutes, all contacts will be transferred to your Google account. Next, we just have to activate the synchronization on the smartphone with Android and wait for its results. Summing up, it should be said that all methods are quite simple.

But the last method is the simplest, since it uses the basic synchronization capabilities. It will help you quickly transfer contacts from iPhone to Samsung and to any other device running the Android operating system.

The question of how to transfer data from iPhone to Android worries many users who decide to switch from one operating system to another. The acquisition of a new gadget always poses the need to transfer old user data, contacts, photos, music. Convenient if the previous device was with the same shell. But if you switched to another operating system, then the task becomes more complicated.

iOS is a convenient and reliable operating system. It supports synchronization of contacts, as well as calendar and mail with a Google profile, if you specify it as a mailbox. In this case, you do not have to worry about anything, just log in to your account on your Android phone. Immediately after that, the data will be available for viewing on the new gadget.
If you didn’t think in advance that you would transfer data from iPhone to Android, then most likely you tied all the data to the iCloud service. In this regard, the procedure is slightly more complicated.


To transfer data from the contact book, you need to connect iCloud account and enable sync. You can do this by going to the iCloud options menu, where you need to launch Contacts. We just have to extract the data from the cloud, for which we go to the www.icloud.com page on the computer. On it, enter the data from your account, click on the “Contacts” item and mark the necessary contacts.

Next, press the gear key and then on the "Export vCard" item. A VCF file will be saved to your computer, where you will find all the contacts selected in the previous step. We go to the page www.google.com/contacts, in the left menu, select the item "Import contacts" and open the file downloaded earlier. If you are using the beta version of the updated "Contacts", where the import does not yet function properly, select "More" in the menu on the left. IN complete list select import, after which you will be prompted to return to previous version this service. It remains only to activate the synchronization of the contact book in the parameters of the new Android device.


Now let's move on to transfer calendar data from iPhone to Android. The transfer of events from the user's calendar is performed as follows. Go to the iCloud settings, where you need to allow calendar synchronization. On the www.icloud.com resource, go to the appropriate section and in the list of available calendars look for the Share icon located to the right of its name. In the menu that appears, select the Public Calendar option, and then copy the link (webcal://….). Open a new page in your browser and paste it into the address bar. We replace Webcal with http, Enter. This will cause the computer to save a file with a name of hundreds of characters. It represents the standard Text Document, which can be given any name. To connect it to Google Calendar, open the link page www.google.com/calendar in the browser, go to the “Other Calendars” section, where in the drop-down menu, click Import calendar. Now we open the downloaded file from the PC, after which all events will be transferred to your calendar on your Google account.


“Moving” a mailbox is the easiest moment if you use not Gmail, but iCloud or another service. Visit Google Play and download any mail client. For example, Mailbox or myMail will do.


The question of how to transfer data from iPhone to Android smoothly moved to bookmarks. We will analyze the classic version, because most iOS users use the Safari browser and “switch” to Chrome or Firefox on the Android OS. Data transfer from Safari is also performed using the iCloud service (we first enable synchronization in the device settings). But you need to do this not with the help of the site, but through the iCloud application for your computer.

In it, you need to select the “Bookmarks” item, set the browser in the settings, press the Apply button and select Merge. After the above manipulations, you will be prompted to download special utility iCloud Bookmarks for one of the browsers to completely transfer bookmarks from Safari to Chrome or Firefox. If you have previously logged into your Google account, then you do not have to do anything else. Using Firefox browser the task will be somewhat more difficult, especially if synchronization was previously disabled. First of all, you will need to activate synchronization, for which we log into your Firefox account or register it. We do the same on the Android phone and enter the received code in the browser.
If you don't want to install iCloud on your computer, iTunes can be used instead. But there is one feature here - you need to activate synchronization with iCloud in the smartphone settings. For this purpose, we connect the iPhone to the PC, turn on iTunes and open the device page in it. Select the "Details" tab, where we find the "Other" item. Next, select the item "Synchronize bookmarks from the Safari browser" and click "Apply". After these steps, the bookmarks from your iPhone are merged with the bookmarks of one of your desktop browsers - you just need to turn it on, export the bookmarks to an HTML file and import it into the desktop versions of Chrome or Firefox using the standard method. Of these, they are transferred to the Android phone in the manner described above.

Photo as well as video files

It is convenient to use the Google+ Photos service to move photos and videos. To do this, install on your iPhone the official google app+, in which you need to enter your profile and activate auto-upload of photos and videos. Next, select the item "Download all photos and videos." We are waiting for the download process to complete, after which you can see your materials in the Photos program on the new Android device. If you do not want to use the Google+ service, then you can carry out this procedure without an Internet connection. To do this, connect your iPhone to the computer using a Lightning cable. We go to Explorer, where we right-click on the icon of our smartphone in the list of available devices. Select "Import Images and Videos". An import window will appear in front of you, where you can set the settings for this procedure (select a folder, delete files when copying is completed, and the like). Now we connect the Android phone to the PC and using Explorer copy the folder to its internal memory or SD card.

Transfer music from iPhone to Android

Transferring music will be most difficult if your music library is stored in iTunes, and not scattered across folders of MP3 tracks. In the latter case, the task will be simpler - you only need to copy the data from your computer to your phone using any file manager.
Google itself recommends using the convenient Google Play Music player, which can upload your iTunes music files to its "cloud". From it, music can be played not only on an Android smartphone, but also in a computer browser. To do this, just download the Google Music Manager utility to your PC, where you need to indicate that your music library is located in the iTunes library.

If you don't like streaming "broadcasting" your music over the Internet, and you don't want to download each album separately (or you use a third-party audio player), then you will have to resort to the help of third-party snails. But unfortunately most of them are only shareware. The DoubleTwist audio player will help you cope with the procedure, for which a desktop client with an interface similar to iTunes is provided.
Now you know how to transfer all data from iPhone to Android, which will come in handy when buying a new gadget.

In this article, we will show you how to quickly and easily transfer contacts from iPhone to Android as well as other data in our example on samsung galaxy S7.

Transferring data from one smartphone to another is no longer a problem - the system move from iOS to Android is child's play - well, at least almost.

Of course, you can transfer all important data such as contacts, messages, music and videos, but copy system applications other iOS is not possible.

In addition to the classic method of moving individual files manually by copy/paste, there are a huge number of applications available from smartphone manufacturers that are able to restore backups from other operating systems. There are also third party solutions.

How to Transfer Data to Samsung Galaxy

Manufacturers such as Samsung and Sony offer their own programs to transfer contacts from iPhone to Android and other data. Software interfaces are mostly clear - connect your smartphone to a computer, select the desired one for recovery backup iOS and import it. Below, we will look at how to transfer data using the Samsung program in several ways.

Samsung provides its customers with a Smart Switch program that can transfer the contents of an old phone to a new Galaxy model, that is, import data from a different operating system.

There are 3 ways to transfer iOS content to Galaxy: import from iCloud, via direct USB connection to iPhone or computer.

Import via iCloud: In the iOS settings on your iPhone, in the iCloud section, select the data that you want to copy to the cloud. To transfer them to a new Galaxy smartphone, download and install the Smart Switch Mobile app on it. Current Galaxy flagship S7 this application is already built into the system.

Launch Smart Switch Mobile and select "iOS Devices". At the same time, none of the devices need to be connected via USB, import from iCloud will be launched automatically, this does not even require you to log in with your Apple ID account. Select content and click on "Import".

With Smart Switch Mobile, you can import contacts, calendar, photos and videos directly from iCloud or from iPhone to Samsung via USB (OTG) connection.

Via USB A: Transferring data from iPhone to Samsung via USB works in the same way as importing from iCloud. Only in this case, the devices need to be connected to each other via USB via an OTG adapter (adapter). For the Galaxy S7 model, it is offered as a kit.
Download and install Smart Switch Mobile on Android and select "iOS Devices". The program will scan the contents of the iPhone, and then copy the selected data.

Important: The iPhone must not be password-protected via iTunes, otherwise it will not work to transfer contacts, music, videos, etc.

Via PC: First you need to make sure that the local iPhone backup on the computer was created with using iTunes. Also check if it is password protected.

Then download the Smart Switch program on your Windows or Mac computer and launch it. Connect your smartphone and click on the Smart Switch application on the Restore button, then on the item "Select another backup". Open " Backup iTunes" select the appropriate iOS backup and mark the content to copy - contacts, bookmarks, photos, videos and application list. The list can be viewed when Smart Switch Mobile is installed on Samsung phone- the program will show iOS apps relevant Android list, which can be installed on the Galaxy.

Sync contacts from iPhone via Google

You can sync all contacts from iPhone to Android using Google account. If you want to use this method, you need to register an account.

Go to Settings on your iPhone and select Mail, Contacts, Calendars. Then, in the "account" menu item, add your Google account that you use on mobile device Android. Choose what data should be synced - for example, all contacts - and make sure you have an active internet connection. In fact, this is the best and most reliable way to quickly transfer contacts to a new Android device. Contacts will be saved to Google servers, and you will have the opportunity to use them at any moment from any Android device and computer. Now you will not lose your contact list from your iPhone.

Easy Way to Transfer Photos Directly from iPhone to Android

To transfer an array of photos from iPhone to Android device, connect iPhone to PC. Now you can access your iPhone's disk storage and photos in the "DCIM" folder, and directly transfer them to the connected via USB phone Android or first on the computer.

In the same way, you can sync music to PC. And from a computer, you can simply transfer it to any smartphone with a different operating system.

Transferring data using third-party programs

Third party applications serve as a file converter between different operating systems.

Transfer contacts, SMS messages and multimedia files on new phone you can use paid and enough functional program mobiletrans. In the free trial version, you can only transfer 5 contacts.

First, install the program on your PC. Connect your iPhone and Android to your computer via USB and launch MobileTrans.

Requirements: The computer must have iTunes so that you can transfer data to your iPhone. In addition, activate the "USB Debugging" function on Android, which is located along the path: Settings - Developer Options - Debugging.

In MobileTrans, select the data to copy. Note that with this program you can transfer any data. Click on the copy button and MobileTrans will transfer everything selected from your smartphone from iOS to Android.
