World of tanks no internet connection. Cannot establish a network connection

Most people experience problems with Google services, one of the most common is a connection problem in a popular service " Google Play". After reading hundreds of tips, breaking the Internet in search of a reason, many still do not find a solution.

One of the initial steps towards solving this problem is a specialized program called Freedom. It was created to make purchases of resources within the application "". This way to fix the problem lies in the fact that if you previously installed this program, but then deleted it, you can return everything by installing it again. So, download the Freedom program, install it, open it, click "Stop", then close it and delete it again. If this method did not bring any result, you need to go to the second method.

Solving the problem: Failed to establish a reliable connection to the server

IN this method fix the error, go along the path / system / ect there we are looking for the file " hosts". We open in text editor this file and add " localhost". To save the settings of this operation, you need to remount /system in r/w mode or use AdAway to restore the default hosts.

Probably most users have the popular program "". In the third way, you need to go to your gmail account through this client. In most cases, it is this method that works, but if nothing works this time, you can try the fourth method.

date and time can play an important role in Android-based mobile devices, the reason wrong connection may be hiding in an incorrectly set date and time. Try resetting the date and time settings. If this does not help you, go to step 5.

The fifth way is to flash Hard reset. Do not forget that at the same time absolutely all the data from your mobile device will be lost, so it is better to do it in advance backup systems.

All the necessary information about the firmware for your particular gadget, you can find on the website

Many people have problems adding an account in the Google Play catalog, namely, when they sign in, they get the error “A reliable connection to the server could not be established.” How to solve it and what is it caused by? Read more in our article.


In most cases, the source of the problem is a pirated program that allows you to download paid content for apps and games on Google Play for free. If you previously installed Freedom, but then uninstalled it and after that the error “Failed to establish a reliable connection to the server” appeared, then you can solve the problem like this:
  1. Download and install Freedom again.
  2. We open the program.
  3. Click "Stop".
  4. Next, close Freedom and delete it from the device.
If this does not help, then move on to another method that works in most cases.

Changing Hosts

If you used Freedom, but the method of installing and removing the program did not help you, then you need to change hosts file in system. This requires and file manager :
  1. We open root explorer and select the rights R / W (read / write; change files).
  2. Go to folder /system/etc/.
  3. Find the file there. hosts and open it in a text editor.
  4. Delete all text and add a line localhost.
The same can be done in simpler ways:
  1. Restore original Hosts file using .
  2. Just delete the Hosts file - it will recover on its own and in its original form.
If you are not going to use AdAway, then it is better to remove all applications that block ads - they can also be the cause of the error.


The problem can often be solved in every Android device. For this:
  1. Launch the YouTube app.
  2. open context menu button on the device.
  3. Click on "Login to your account".
  4. Enter your Google account details and log in.
After that, you should reboot your device.

You can also use the application, which forcibly adds a Google account to operating system Android.

date and time

The reason for the error "Failed to establish a reliable connection to the server" may also be incorrectly set date and time in the device. Try setting the date and time manually, or sync it with yours. mobile operator. Often this helps.

Firmware and hard reset

If all the previous methods did not help, then you can do hard reset (hard reset) devices - programmatically (through settings) or hardware. A soft reset can be found in the settings of any device ("Reset to factory settings"). Hard hard reset by pressing certain hardware buttons, it is done differently for all devices - you can find out about this on the Internet.

You can also install another firmware on your smartphone, or reinstall the original manually. Another similar way is to install the free GApps package through recovery. Before hard reset and other extreme ways to solve the problem with Google Play Make sure you back up your device.

  • Insert another SIM card into your device and add your Google account.
  • Run Wizard initial setup devices.
  • Turn off two-factor authentication in Google account.
  • Turn off Google Play and Google Services Play in the application menu, delete data, turn on and restart the device.

There are a lot of complaints from players about an error in connecting to World of Tanks. In this article we will tell you how to solve the problem with the connection of three different ways and dwell on each in detail. The solution is suitable for those who, when connecting to tanks, receive the following error:

Unable to connect to server

  • The server may not be available or you may need to check your network connection settings.

Connection problem in tanks

The player himself writes about given error following:

It doesn’t go to the test server either, I play other games without any problems, I’m sitting in the TS, I write on the forum, the updates were downloaded and installed on the test server, but I can’t enter the game. There are no mods.


Option 1.

According to our data, this problem occurs for those players who use xDSL (ADSL 2+) technology and a high-speed modem to connect to the Internet. Immediately after the previous patch, the World of Tanks server began to cut off tankers from the game with unstable connection to the network. All cases spoke specifically about a modem connection, which, by the way, is high-speed and is not inferior in stability to ETTx and even xPON technology, if no more than 300 meters of a copper pair are laid from the player’s computer to the PBX. However, ADSL is able to provide Internet access even at distances of several kilometers (here the connection quality drops sharply).

Solution for option 1. If using ADSL, try to consider alternative options Internet access using more stable PON technologies (optics to a PC) or ETTH (optics to a home with branching to users with an RJ-45 twisted pair cable).

Option 2.

This is of course the network settings of your personal computer which are mentioned in the error in connecting to the tanks. This primarily includes configuring the router, NAT, issuing permissions to connect to the worldoftanks.exe file in firewalls and adding exceptions to firewalls. Also opening ports used to connect to WOT.

Solution for option 2. Places to look to check your network connection settings if the server is unavailable include:

  1. Settings used network card and adapter settings (DNS, IP address, gateway in TCP/IP protocol).
  2. Network connection settings. Namely: a shortcut through which you connect to the Internet (relevant for bridging connections); web interface of the router or modem at: with login admin and password admin (relevant for PPoE connections).
  3. Firewall settings built into the antivirus. It is done through the antivirus management program. Add an exception in blocking connections to the World of Tanks server for the executable file of the same name with the .exe extension from the game folder.
  4. Settings Windows firewall. Here you should also allow a connection to the World of Tanks server by adding an exception for the game.
  5. Network group settings (home, public, and others).

Option 3

This is a rare but not unimportant situation that can cause an error in which a connection to the server cannot be established. This includes blocking the player's IP address on the World of Tanks server you are trying to connect to. The MAC address (hardware address that identifies a device on the network) can also be blocked.

Solution for option 3. We recommend that you change the static IP address given to you by your ISP. If you have a dynamic IP address, it is enough to reconnect the Internet to change your IP address to a new one. In the case of blocking by MAC address, you will have to contact Wargaming with a request to unlock the MAC of your network card, modem or PC (unless, of course, you are going to change them or use another computer, modem, router and network card to connect to World of Tanks ).

"Unable to install network connection in WOT. The server may not be available or you may need to check your network connection settings." Are you familiar with this message? Then you are right here. This message can appear for a hundred reasons. In this article, I will try to reveal the main ones.

At the very beginning, I would like you to clearly understand the decoding of this message. Although there is nothing special to understand here. Tanks swear that you either do not have the Internet, or the client for some reason cannot find a connection to game server. That is, you launched the client, which, in turn, tries to go online and find its server at a pre-known IP address, but the server does not respond to it and an error message is displayed accordingly. Next, for clarity, let's analyze exactly how the procedure for connecting to the game server goes:

Now, I hope, everyone is clear on the scheme by which it is necessary to find a problem that prevents the client from connecting to the server. Let's go further...

By the way, in more detail about the bundle router -> provider -> game server I told in the article, because this equipment affects to a greater extent the "lags and friezes" in the game. If you have a very high ping, then you are welcome to read.

How are we going to fight?
BUT, the very first step will be the entrance to the wargaming portal dedicated to tanks. Welcome! What if some work is going on on the servers now. The developers inform about this in advance and even describe the time during which the servers will not be available and they place all this on their website, so do not be shy and go.

Next, we go along the "scheme". After the game client, the first obstacle is the firewall. Disable it (instruction) and try to enter the game. Happened? Congratulations! Play with the firewall turned off or read the article below.

So we've identified the culprit. Now you need to open ports and create rules for this "mind" (windows firewall). But first, let's do the same only in automatic mode.

Let's go download .bat file from wargaming server:

It's not a virus, don't worry. You can open it with Notepad++ and see. Here is its content:

@ECHO OFF set Arg1="%~d0%~p0WorldOfTanks.exe" set Arg2="%~d0%~p0WoTLauncher.exe" IF NOT EXIST %Arg2% GOTO errorwotl netsh firewall add allowedprogram %Arg2% WoTLauncher enable all netsh firewall add portopening udp 20010-20020,32800-32900,12000-29999,5060,5062,3478,3479,3432,30443,53,6881-7881,1900 7881 wot-tcp enable IF NOT EXIST %Arg1% GOTO errorwot netsh firewall add allowedprogram %Arg1% WorldOfTanks enable all chcp 1251 >NUL set text_y="WorldOfTanks.exe" and "WoTLauncher.exe" successfully added to firewall exclusion list. chcp 866 >NUL echo %text_y% GOTO exit:errorwotl chcp 1251 >NUL set text=Could not find file "WoTLauncher". Make sure the file is located in the folder with the game client. chcp 866 >NUL echo %text% GOTO exit:errorwot chcp 1251 >NUL set text_l="WoTLauncher" successfully added to firewall exception list. Could not find file 'WorldOfTanks.exe'. Make sure the game client is updated to the latest version. chcp 866 >NUL echo %text_l% :exit PAUSE

Now start the game and try to connect to any server. Well, how? Works? We defeated the message "Unable to establish a network connection in WoT", HOORAY! Let's go play and don't bother with anything else! If it does not work, then we go to do everything manually.

In order for the message “Unable to establish a network connection in WoT” to no longer occur, it is necessary that some ports are opened for the launcher and the game client in the firewall, here they are:

For WorldOfTanks.exe:
- UDP ranges from 32800 to 32900, from 20010 to 20020 and UDP port 53;
- TCP ports 80, 443.

For voice chat to work, it is also necessary for WorldOfTanks.exe to open the UDP range from 12000 to 29999 and ports 5060, 5062, 3478, 3479, 3432, 30443.
For text chat to work, WorldOfTanks.exe needs to open TCP ports 5222 and 5223.

In addition, you can allow WorldOfTanks.exe UDP protocol and TCP protocol on any port in both directions, thus allowing firewall let the game client pass any packets to any addresses.

For WOTLauncher.exe need to open:
-UDP ports 53, 6881, 1900.
-TCP ports 80, 443, 6881.

Well, how did it work? If yes, then happy for you. Well, if not, then do not despair and read on ...

The next obstacle to connecting to the server is the antivirus. If you do not have it, then skip this paragraph.
Try adding the game folder to the trusted zone of your antivirus. BUT before that, check your computer for viruses.
Everyone has different antiviruses, so the development team wrote a whole book with instructions for you and me, the link to which I give here. (Many thanks to them for the titanic work)
How to add the game client to the antivirus exclusion list.

You can also (but not necessarily) add a list of server IP addresses.

Servers RU1–RU9: - - - - - - - - - - -
The range of addresses required for the launcher and portal to work: -
Ranges of server addresses required for voice communications: - -

In some cases, disabling the antivirus and firewall does not solve the problem - the ports remain closed.

Here either the network connection is buggy, or itself Windows already the horses are moving By the way, because of this, lags and brakes in the game may appear. How to deal with them is written. Now let's try to reset the TCP / IP network settings and all sockets from the command Windows strings using the command netsh winsock reset.

We start the command line:

– For Windows XP: Click Start > Run. In the window that opens, enter cmd.exe and click OK.

- For Windows Vista and Windows 7: click Start, in the "Start Search" field, enter cmd, click right click mouse over the cmd.exe file and select "Run as administrator".

- For Windows 8: on the desktop, press the key combination Win + X. In the menu that opens, select "Command Prompt (Administrator)".

Enter the command on the command line netsh winsock reset and press Enter.

Now it remains only to restart the computer.

Well, how are you there with the message "Unable to establish a network connection in WoT"? Victory? Hurray!!! Keep it up! Well, now you can fight! Good luck on the battlefields, dear tankers and tankers!

Share in the comments which method helped you…

"Unable to establish a network connection in WoT. The server may not be available or you may need to check your network connection settings." Are you familiar with this message? Then you are right here. This message can appear for a hundred reasons.

You must clearly understand the transcript of this message. Although there is nothing special to understand here. Tanks swear that you either do not have the Internet, or the client for some reason cannot find a connection to the game server. That is, you launched the client, which, in turn, tries to go online and find its server at a pre-known IP address, but the server does not respond to it and an error message is displayed accordingly. Next, for clarity, let's analyze exactly how the procedure for connecting to the game server goes:

  • Game client on your PC(trying to connect to server goes through) ->
  • windows firewall(if installed), if the firewall allows the connection, then ->
  • antivirus(if installed) asks the game client, “Where are you going? Suddenly you are somehow not like that "and if it gets good from the antivirus, then ->
  • connection signal passes to the network card of your PC ->
  • Further, router(hub, switch, router or whatever else you have) ->
  • then, provider(there is a mountain of equipment, we will not delve into this) ->
  • and as a result game server.

Now, I hope, everyone is clear on the scheme by which it is necessary to find a problem that prevents the client from connecting to the server. Let's go further...

By the way, in more detail about the bundle router -> provider -> game server I told in the article "High ping in wot - there is a solution", because this equipment affects to a greater extent the "lags and friezes" in the game. If you have a very high ping, then you are welcome to read.

Unable to establish network connection in WoT

How are we going to fight?
BUT, the very first step will be the entrance to the wargaming portal dedicated to tanks. Welcome! What if some work is going on on the servers now. The developers inform about this in advance and even describe the time during which the servers will not be available and they place all this on their website, so do not be shy and go.

Next, we go along the "scheme". After the game client, the first obstacle is the firewall. Disable it (instruction) and try to enter the game. Happened? Congratulations! Play with the firewall turned off or read the article below.

So we've identified the culprit. Now you need to open ports and create rules for this "mind" (windows firewall). But first, let's do the same only in automatic mode.

Let's go download .bat file from wargaming server:

  • archive for Windows XP;
  • archive for Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10;

It's not a virus, don't worry. You can open it with Notepad++ and see. Here is its content:

set Arg1="%~d0%~p0WorldOfTanks.exe"
set Arg2="%~d0%~p0WoTLauncher.exe"
IF NOT EXIST %Arg2% GOTO errorwotl
netsh firewall add allowedprogram %Arg2% WoTLauncher enable all
netsh firewall add portopening udp 20010-20020,32800-32900,12000-29999,5060,5062,3478,3479,3432,30443,53,6881-7881,1900
netsh firewall add portopening tcp 80,443,5222,5223,6881-7881 wot-tcp enable
IF NOT EXIST %Arg1% GOTO errorwot
netsh firewall add allowedprogram %Arg1% WorldOfTanks enable all
chcp 1251 >NUL
set text_y="WorldOfTanks.exe" and "WoTLauncher.exe" were successfully added to the firewall exclusion list.
chcp 866 >NUL
echo %text_y%
GOTO exit
chcp 1251 >NUL
set text=Could not find file 'WoTLauncher'. Make sure the file is located in the folder with the game client.
chcp 866 >NUL
echo %text%
GOTO exit
chcp 1251 >NUL
set text_l="WoTLauncher" was successfully added to the firewall exclusion list. Could not find file 'WorldOfTanks.exe'. Make sure the game client is updated to the latest version.
chcp 866 >NUL
echo %text_l%

Now start the game and try to connect to any server. Well, how? Works? We defeated the message "Unable to establish a network connection in WoT", HOORAY! Let's go play and don't bother with anything else! If it does not work, then we go to do everything manually.

In order for the message “Unable to establish a network connection in WoT” to no longer occur, it is necessary that some ports are opened for the launcher and the game client in the firewall, here they are:

For WorldOfTanks.exe:
- UDP bands 32800 to 32900, 20010 to 20020 and UDP port 53;
- TCP ports 80, 443.

For voice chat to work, it is also necessary for WorldOfTanks.exe to open the UDP range from 12000 to 29999 and ports 5060, 5062, 3478, 3479, 3432, 30443.
For text chat to work, WorldOfTanks.exe needs to open TCP ports 5222 and 5223.

In addition, you can allow WorldOfTanks.exe UDP protocol and TCP protocol on any ports in both directions, thus allowing the firewall to pass any packets to any addresses for the game client.

For WOTLauncher.exe need to open:
-UDP ports 53, 6881, 1900.
-TCP ports 80, 443, 6881.

Windows firewall setup guide.

Well, how did it work? If yes, then happy for you. Well, if not, then do not despair and read on ...

The next obstacle to connecting to the server is the antivirus. If you do not have it, then skip this paragraph.
Try adding the game folder to the trusted zone of your antivirus. BUT before that, check your computer for viruses.
Everyone has different antiviruses, so the development team wrote a whole book with instructions for you and me, the link to which I give here. (Many thanks to them for the titanic work)
How to add the game client to the antivirus exclusion list.

You can also (but not necessarily) add a list of server IP addresses.

Servers RU1–RU9: - - - - - - - - - - -
The range of addresses required for the launcher and portal to work: -
Ranges of server addresses required for voice communications: - -

In some cases, disabling the antivirus and firewall does not solve the problem - the ports remain closed.

Here either the network connection is buggy, or itself Windows already the horses are moving By the way, because of this, lags and brakes in the game may appear. How to deal with them written a separate article. Now let's try to reset the TCP / IP network settings and all sockets from the Windows command line using the command netsh winsock reset.

We start the command line:

– For Windows XP: Click Start > Run. In the window that opens, enter cmd.exe and click OK.

– For Windows Vista and Windows 7: click Start, type cmd in the “Start Search” field, right-click on the cmd.exe file and select “Run as administrator”.

- For Windows 8: on the desktop, press the key combination Win + X. In the menu that opens, select "Command Prompt (Administrator)".

Enter the command on the command line netsh winsock reset and press Enter.

Now it remains only to restart the computer.
