Earning bitcoin bots program. Bots for earning bitcoins

The term Bitcoin bot means a special program (script) whose task is to visit Bitcoin faucets, perform certain actions (for example, specify captcha) and collect Satoshi. Subsequently, the accumulated coins are transferred to the BTC wallet. The advantage of bots is that they automate the process of earning Bitcoin and remove most of the burden from a person. What are the features of such programs? How do they work? What bots are popular in 2018? What are special? These and a number of other questions will be discussed in detail in the article.

What is a Bitcoin Collection Bot?

In 2018, Network members have many options on how to replenish their wallet with virtual currency. Among them are the purchase of BTC on the exchange, the exchange using special services, the use of services, mining on ASICs, mining Bitcoin using cloud services and so on. Despite the low efficiency, another way to earn BTC is used in the cryptocurrency environment - the use of bots to collect Bitcoins on special sites (faucets).

The main difference between earnings is that the user receives Satoshi without any costs and the need for registration (typical for most Bitcoin faucets). In addition, there are no time limits, which allows you to earn 24 hours a day.

A bot is a program that is used to collect Satoshi on several Bitcoin faucets at the same time. Using the script, you can earn coins with a certain frequency (for example, once every 5, 10 or 20 minutes) without putting any effort into it.

When looking for a program for automatic collection satoshi it is important to consider a number of nuances:
  1. You cannot use a script that has not previously been tested in practice by other users. It is recommended to study the features of the program, read reviews about Bitcoin bot on thematic forums, and then make a choice.
  2. When using the program, it is desirable to keep data from unauthorized persons. The best way to protect yourself is to change the IP address or disable the plugin. To increase the level of security, many recommend using a special browser (for example, TOR).
  3. The bot should have a clear setup and installation instructions. The efficiency of mining coins on a computer largely depends on the correctness of the preliminary steps.

How useful is a bot for collecting Bitcoins?

Bitcoin faucets are Satoshi collection services that appeared almost immediately after the development of the BTC cryptocurrency. Their peculiarity lies in the free distribution of Satoshi to users for entering the site, viewing ads, or performing another action. As a rule, the earned coins are credited after entering the captcha, which is why the user has to spend a lot of time.

Earning on one Bitcoin faucet does not make sense, so users are forced to work on several services, which takes a lot of personal time and is very tiring. Even with 8-hour daily work, the income from 1 tap does not exceed 1-2 dollars per month. The use of the Bitcoin bot allows you to simultaneously work on several dozen sites and 24 hours a day. The user is required to meet only three conditions:

  1. Purchasing a generator that provides uninterrupted power supply (optional).
  2. A computer (laptop) connected to the global network.
  3. Monitoring equipment to prevent accidental overheating.
Simultaneous work on 40–50 Bitcoin faucets allows you to increase earnings, and the user is not required to enter captcha (as is the case with manual operation). A bot for Bitcoin faucets bypasses special services on its own, and Satoshi “falls” on the user’s account. As noted, for the program to work correctly, it requires presetting. At the same time, downloading bots is not so easy - they can only be found on special sites and in communities of interest. In addition, bots for Telegram are gaining popularity, which we will also talk about in the article.

What to do before starting work?

Before launching a bot to collect Bitcoin, you may need to register on each of the faucets (this work is done manually). Thanks to this, the program enters the service under the specified data and starts working. The peculiarity of a “smart” script is that it is almost impossible to distinguish its actions from an ordinary person, which reduces the risk of blocking the user with a Bitcoin faucet. Before the advent of bots, autoclickers were used, which were quickly detected by the system, and the owners of suspicious accounts were simply blocked.

How to increase earnings when using a Bitcoin bot - recommendations

It was noted above that a special script works in automatic mode, which "unties the hands" of the user and allows him to do other tasks. To increase the level of earnings, you need to take the following steps:
  1. We attract additional users (referrals). Each Bitcoin faucet is interested in increasing the number of users, so customers are offered a referral program. Satoshi are credited for each person brought by a special link.
  2. We play games. Many Bitcoin faucets provide the opportunity to play and receive additional income in the form of Satoshi.
  3. We control the list of sites in the bot. In some scripts, the list of faucets can be adjusted manually.
  4. Collecting tickets. In a number of Bitcoin faucets, tickets are given for completing a specific task. After collecting a certain amount of such “gifts”, they can be exchanged for Satoshi.

Bitcoin Bots of 2018 - Overview

The number of standard bots for collecting Bitcoin is limited, many programs can only be found on special forums and sites of interest. Sometimes scripts take the form of services for . Let's highlight the main options.

BTC Free Bot

iMacros extension for collecting Satoshi from faucets

The BTC Free Bot program is an automated script designed to collect Satoshi from different . The main emphasis is on sites that instantly withdraw Bitcoin to a wallet. That is why you should immediately register on the xapo.com service, which can later be used to collect and accumulate cryptocurrency.

You need to use the Bitcoin bot BTC Free Bot according to the following instructions:

  1. Installing the browser Mozilla Firefox.
  2. We find and download a special iMacros extension for the browser, with the help of which coins will be mined.
  3. Change the contents of the Macros folder (the necessary information comes with the bot).
  4. Open a folder called address and edit the address.csv document. To enter, use notepad or another similar program. This file contains , Xapo wallet number, login information (login and password), as well as mailbox and a captcha key.
  5. Install the plugin, close the browser and enter it again. The peculiarity of the plugin is that it reduces the screen area, which helps to solve the captcha.
  6. We enter the BTC Free Bot and observe the accumulation of Satoshi.
The advantage of the bot is that it allows you to manually adjust the faucets in the list (add, remove). This is easy to do with the iMacros extension in the editing section. As noted, to increase earnings, it is recommended to attract referrals.


Main page of the Autofaucets site

Autofaucets is a special service that performs the functions of a Bitcoin bot. He collects coins on various faucets by entering the site and solving the captcha. The accumulated Satoshi are automatically transferred to the user's wallet. The advantage is that the process is automated, and no additional actions are required from a person.

The service integrates with the user's browser through a special permission. Later on it happens full copy human actions, and the crane itself does not recognize the catch. Unlike standard rotators, autofaucets.ru independently enters the captcha and copies the wallet data into a special field.

To register on Autofaucets, we go through the following steps:

  1. Let's go to the registration section.
  2. Specify the e-mail or BTC wallet address, then click on the login button.
  3. We write down the name.
  4. Specify the address of the Bitcoin storage or e-mail.
To accumulate Satoshi, follow the instructions:
  1. Go to Personal Area and go to the "Collector" section.
  2. Activate the bot, for example, Factory Faucets.
  3. We act according to the instructions given by the satoshi collector.
Features autofaucets.ru:
  1. The program is an extension, so you do not need to download or install anything on your PC. This means that there is no need to be afraid of viruses. Extensions are checked before being installed in the browser.
  2. For clients, a referral program is provided that allows you to receive bonuses for attracted clients. A special link is given in the personal account. The percentage that is charged according to the referral system is individual for each faucet and ranges from 5 to 25 percent. The more people involved, the higher the earnings.
  3. Simultaneous operation from two PCs is prohibited.
Until recently, the FaucetBOX.com Satoshi collector was popular, but at the end of 2016, the API was disabled. Until mid-January 2017, the service made payments to participants, after which it ceased to exist.

Bots for earning Bitcoins from Telegram

In addition to standard scripts, let's highlight Bitcoin bots of 2018 from the Telegram messenger. Such programs are positioned as simple taps with a number of advantages:
  1. Few ads. If there are blocks, they are needed to pay rewards to users.
  2. Income is more than on standard sites. This is due to the fact that a lot of money rotates in Telegram, including the higher cost of advertising. This means that it is beneficial for the members of the Network to make bots and promote them to the masses.
  3. On most services, it is enough to log in once a day to accumulate Satoshi.
  4. You don't need to enter a captcha.
Let's single out best bots to earn Bitcoins in Telegram:
  1. Get Free Bitcoin (download link - t.me/BitCoinGetBot). The peculiarity of the program is the accrual of free Satoshi in the amount of 20 to 100. The advantage is that it takes a minimum of time to earn money, there is no advertising, and the funds are withdrawn to another Telegram bot @BitcoinBank. The minimum withdrawal amount is 0.001 Bitcoin. At the same time, 12% is credited to the balance of money (those that are on the account). There is a referral attraction program that allows you to earn 100 Satoshi for each attracted user. If you invite 50 people, 3000 Satoshi are charged. The second level of the referral program also works. If the referred friend referred the user, an additional 20 Satoshi are awarded.
  2. CryptoBanker (available at t.me/CryptoBanker). Unlike the previous crane, here you can count on more earnings. The bot provides bonuses in the range of 150-500 Satoshi. Entry frequency - once a day. There is a lottery here, you can see the dynamics of the Bitcoin exchange rate against the USD. There are earnings statistics, information about the service, as well as information about the referral program. CryptoBanker users receive from 70 to 2000 Satoshi through the referral program, depending on the number of friends attracted. For one person, the minimum premium is charged - 70 Satoshi, and for 30 people - the maximum (2000 Satoshi).
  3. BitcoinOpenProjectBot (official link t.me/BitcoinOpenProjectBot). To work with this bot, you need to subscribe to @bitcoinjedi in Telegram. Satoshi collection frequency - 2 times a day. In addition to Bitcoin, you can also collect Ethereum. Available affiliate program. Money is withdrawn after reaching the minimum threshold of 0.01 Bitcoin. The bot also provides for changing the language (if necessary) and there is a help section.
  4. FreeBitcoinSatoshiBot (official link - t.me/FreeBitcoinSatoshiBot). This bot allows you to make good money by collecting funds and accruing bonuses. According to users, about 120,000 Satoshi can be collected within a few days. To use the bot, you will have to subscribe to the @million4you channel, as well as use the service daily. This allows you to count on regular bonuses. Attracting referrals is available directly from the bot.

Advantages of bots for earning Bitcoins

As can be seen from the above review, there are two types of bots for earning BTC - standard (for browsers), as well as for Telegram. The advantages of the latter are discussed above. In this section, we present the pros and cons of standard bots. For convenience, we summarize the information in a table.
Ease of installation and configuration. As a rule, instructions are sent to the bot, so there are no difficulties with its installation and entering the main parameters.The number of Bitcoin bots is limited. Finding a good script on the web is a difficult task.
Reliability. Errors in the operation of a special script are rare. This is due to the fact that the program works completely automatically. The bot itself enters the site, enters the captcha and receives bonuses.You often have to deal with setting up the program yourself due to the lack of instructions.
Work 24 hours a day. Unlike a human, a script does not need to rest. He is able to work constantly, without interruption. At the same time, there is no need for human participation - the script operates completely independently. All that is required is to properly configure the program.To ensure stable operation, you have to spend time reviewing the list of faucets and removing unnecessary (disabled, non-paying) sites.
Increased profit. Making money on faucets does not give a lot of income. To increase profits, you have to work on several dozen cranes at the same time. It is almost impossible to do this on your own, and with the help of a Bitcoin bot you can earn up to $20–30 per month (according to user reviews). The main thing is to periodically review the available faucets and leave only reliable services.The amount of earnings depends on the number of cranes and the stability of their work. The downside is that such services often turn off or stop paying money.
Opportunity to earn money without investment. Almost all options for obtaining Bitcoin require investments. In the case of using a BTC bot, this is not necessary. As a rule, scripts are provided for download free of charge. All that remains is to install the program and start collecting coins. In addition, there is no need to spend money on the purchase of equipment, as it happens in mining.The risk remains that the Bitcoin faucet will recognize the bot and block the user.
Stable profit. If you follow the list of faucets, you can achieve a stable income.

As you can see from the article, bots for earning Bitcoins are a real, but inefficient way to accumulate capital. Despite the automation of earnings, you have to spend a lot of time searching for reliable Bitcoin faucets, which have been quickly ceasing their activities lately due to the lack of profit from the owner. An alternative is Telegram bots, the profitability of which is growing simultaneously with the popularity of the messenger.

Hello dear friends. Today I will give valuable information on how to automate the collection of money, the Bitcoin collection bot is not a joke. Bitcoin is not cheap today. The reason for this is the difficulty of its extraction.

Become happy owner Bitcoin is difficult, without investment, almost impossible. In this case, the priority is to use a bot to earn Bitcoins in an automated mode. A properly configured program will collect Bitcoin derivatives, Satoshi.

The Satoshi mining script will make it much easier to get Bitcoin. Collect cryptocents for the user will be specially developed applications. Further participation of the user in the process is not required. The main thing is to correctly and carefully configure the equipment. If there are errors in the program code, the crane developers will block the software.

How does the bot mine satoshi?

There are many methods for mining digital currency. Beginners prefer Bitcoin giveaways. They have a number distinctive features, before other mining methods:

  1. The user receives Satoshi for free.
  2. There is no registration in the service, you just need to enter a Bitcoin address.
  3. There is the possibility of mining cryptocents, day and night.
    A bot for collecting Bitcoins will be needed only for those users who are going to earn at the same time, on several distributions. Faucets are able to bring Satoshi every 10,20,60 minutes. There are also five-minute services. Subject to one condition, captcha solving.

Will a person be able to solve captchas simultaneously on ten faucets? These are btc faucets.

Naturally not. Solving captcha is not difficult. With a large number of them, solving is tiring. You can try to earn purely on one tap.

This is a bad idea, the profit from 1 faucet per month is hardly 3$.

Also the user will get bored permanent solution captcha. This is where the help of a specialized Bitcoin bot is needed. The advantages of bots over humans are obvious.

There are many robots for collecting cryptocurrency. Many of them are able to mine Satoshi with 40 Bitcoin faucets at the same time.
Bots are able to work around the clock, it is enough just to provide the necessary conditions.

  • It is recommended to purchase a generator, for an uninterrupted supply of electricity.
  • Internet at good speed, as well as providing a well-ventilated area to prevent equipment from overheating.

Using bots to earn Bitcoin on the machine allows you to receive not $3 per month, but as much as $200-300. Considering the fact that a person is not obliged to do anything. He can go about his business and watch the money drop into his Bitcoin wallet.
In order for the script to be able to mine cryptocurrency without stopping, you need to configure it in advance. Digital currency collecting robots are currently illegal. You can download them, as well as find setup instructions, in specialized forums and websites.

What needs to be done before launching the bot?

Before you start Bitcoin bot and start earning Satoshi. Pre-registration is required at each of the faucets. In order for the script to be able to log in on your behalf.
Today, programs behave like people. It is extremely difficult for crane developers to track the actions of the script and understand that a car is at the helm, not a person. Before, before the advent program code, people used autoclickers. They were extremely vulnerable. They can be easily detected, according to the characteristic “non-human” algorithm of actions.

What to do when your work is done by a bot?

While the bot earns Bitcoins on the machine, you can spend your leisure time profitably.
There are many amulets and potions on Bitcoin faucets. With their help, you can increase the percentage of receiving additional Satoshi.
To get additional bonuses, you can do:

  1. Search for referrals. In each Bitcoin faucet, there is a whole referral system. Which allows you to receive additional cryptocents from your referrals. In most distributions, there is a five-level referral system.
  2. Gambling. There are many gambling games. Including games: "Dice", "Lottery", "Guess the number". The man himself is passionate. Do not abuse this opportunity. There is a risk of losing everything that the Bitcoin bot has collected for you. Fortune is always on the side of the system, do not forget about it.
  3. Mini games. In rare cases, mini-games are present in Bitcoin faucets. Upon successful completion, you can get a reward. In the form of additional satoshi.

There are many methods for obtaining additional crypto coins. In some Bitcoin faucets, it is possible to receive tickets. As a reward for solving captcha. When collecting a certain number of tickets (each faucet has its own value), they can be exchanged for Satoshi. There are many lotteries with big winnings. With luck, you can win a prize of $1,000.

How not to get caught using a bot. How to protect yourself and your bot

Bots bring great income in the form of Bitcoins. For owners of cryptocurrency faucets, it is important that the captcha is solved by “real people”.
Sometimes glitches happen program script. The program starts behaving incorrectly, making numerous mistakes. It will not be difficult for distribution administrators to “catch” a dishonest resource user.

After calculating the account, the faucet developers often "ban" the profile. Without the possibility of recovery. All accumulated Satoshi burn out, referrals are dismissed.

When choosing a “quality” bot for collecting Bitcoins, you need to take into account many factors.

  • You don't have to use the first one that comes along. It is advised to search the forums, ask friends. The main thing is to find high-quality software with a properly written script.
  • When using program code, it is better to keep the data confidential. Change of IP is welcome, turning off the plugin for animation. It is better to use a browser with a configured proxy server. Also in this case, all kinds of “anonymizers”, and VPNs will help.
  • Mining cryptocurrency is extremely difficult. To collect it, you will need a specially designed bot program. The main thing is to be able to fine tuning script. The result of the work done will be the first Bitcoin mined, and now it is expensive.

Let's summarize:

  • You can earn Satoshi, but you need a bot to collect Bitcoins.
  • For good earnings, you need a referral network, without this, income will not be very large.

Almost everyone who has encountered bitcoin cryptocurrency, knows that it can be obtained for free on special sites called bitcoin faucets. Every day a new crane appears, but another one dies. There are also giants who work for a long time and stably.

Everything would be fine, come in and collect Satoshi for free. Yes, they don’t pay so much from 10 satoshi to 50 satoshi, rarely more. It would be nice to automate this process and you can really get income ...

It was created just for this task. BTC Free Bot - automated.

Easy and simple to install. Works in the Mozilla Firefox browser. He does not stop for a minute, collecting all the satoshi that is possible.

More emphasis is placed on faucets with instant payment of bitcoins to the Xapo wallet. Therefore, be sure to register on xapo.com, I generally use it to collect Satoshi from all faucets, since there you can also get a standard address for receiving payments.

Bot setup:

The text below is no longer relevant (it has been here since 2016), we have long since switched to own solution service and developed cooler bots

1. Install the Mozilla Firefox browser (with other versions, errors may occur during long work

2. Install the iMacros extension in Mozilla (using it, our bot will be able to collect satoshiki), the latest version for Mozilla is not suitable, choose an earlier version of the plugin.

3. Open the archive, copy the contents of the Macros folder to the Macros folder in Mozilla Firefox (location - My Documents)

4. The contents of the folder on drive C - copy to drive C =)

5. Open the address folder and edit the address.csv c file using notepad or notepad++, and in this address file, specify your data instead of mine

All data must be separated by commas and without spaces. This completes all the settings.

6. Install plugin for Firefox, restart Firefox

This plugin allows you to reduce the screen area in Firefox, which is necessary when processing captcha.

7. Run BTC Free Bot script to collect bitcoins

*A note to new faucets - several faucets need to be edited manually in the bot, substituting your own instead of my data (mail, wallet and password somewhere). This is done through the iMacros extension by clicking the edit button. Everything is very simple.

I am ready to set up my referrals myself, write in the comments.

List of faucets from which the bot collects satoshi

In some faucets, you first need to register to collect Satoshi by the bot and log in at least once with your login in the Mozilla browser, where the bot will work (if there is a registration, then a new one is not necessary, the main thing is to make a login), you can copy this article to your mozilla for convenience and already there to register and log in

I constantly monitor the solvency of faucets and add new ones. Improving the algorithms of the bot. In no way can I access your data through the bot.

For any questions, write in the comments and stay tuned!

Great income and great mood!

P.S. screenshot of how to disable bitcoin faucets

Any bitcoin generator is limited to 21 million coins, because that is how much the total supply of cryptocurrency is. On the this moment Already about two-thirds of the total stock has been “exhausted”. At the same rate of development of the cryptocurrency market, a possible collapse of the system is “planned” by experts for the fourth decade of the 21st century. Most likely, these are just speculations, bitcoin will become a worthy replacement for conventional money.

In any case, there are at least ten years left - it's time to start generating bitcoins. Free cryptocurrencies will allow you to get the first coins without investments. And at the same time, deal with all the nuances of working with bitcoins, check the withdrawal and exchange of coins for real money. After a thorough acquaintance with the system, you can think about serious investments.

Automatic earnings of bitcoins

Fractional parts of bitcoin can be obtained for free on faucet sites. In order for the account to be replenished by several tens or thousands of Satoshi, you need to solve the captcha or watch an ad. Some faucets pay every ten to fifteen minutes. Others - only once an hour or a day. But even when permanent job It is quite difficult to get a tangible amount with several services at once. With faucets, more and more you have to rely only on the affiliate (referral) program.

But the number of people who want to get bitcoins is growing every day. So the number of ways to earn money increases proportionally. For example, there were bots for collecting bitcoins on the machine. Some bots simply solve the captcha, collecting coins from dozens of faucets. Another bitcoin generator - trades cryptocurrency on the exchange.

The bitcoin bot program can be downloaded to a PC, configured and just monitored the balance. Do not forget to withdraw money to the wallet when the minimum amount for payment is reached. The bot for collecting bitcoin successfully works online, so only registration on the site is required. Online bots for collecting cryptocurrency also work when the PC is turned off. True, with some services, profits begin to decline if you do not withdraw savings for a long time.

In 2019, there are bitcoin game generators that regularly award rewards in the form of btc. True, earnings from games cannot be compared with what you can get from various services operating like a lottery, cryptocurrency casino or roulette without investments. Luck may smile here, but for starters, you can use free Satoshi.

More options…

You can get even more profit by doing. A group of programmers in the Indian corporation Unocoin managed to generate cryptocurrency on ordinary computers, while previously super-powerful and very expensive PCs like Nvidia Tesla or Sequoia were required. Such a bitcoin generator, by organizing its own small one, will require investments, but it will also allow you to receive about one BTC per month.

But it is not necessary to buy high-power equipment when you can rent computing power from a specialized company. By investing in a bitcoin generator, you can earn passive income. According to the reverse scheme, they work (translated from English - a common fund) of the joint production of BTC. If in cloud mining a user rents a part of the computing power of the equipment of a specialized company. Then in pools (not in all, for example, they don’t require it), users provide the general fund with the power of their computers.

Basic Cryptocurrency Generation Strategies

So, a bitcoin generator is any program that helps in the extraction of cryptocurrency. There are several options for generating bitcoins, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. The main ways to get BTC in automatic or semi-automatic mode are mining - farms, cloud mining and pools. And also the use special programs(robot - for collecting bitcoins or trading on the stock exchange), simplifying the receipt of coins:

  1. . You can work exclusively on the power of your computer or even assemble a mini-server in your home. If earlier this method gave results. Now, in 2019, working alone is no longer effective. The best option– invest in cryptocurrency by renting the capacity of ready-made equipment, or join pools with several miners.
  2. Bots for bitcoin faucets or trading on the cryptocurrency exchange. The program can be installed on a computer or use the generator's capabilities online. The faucet program is easy to set up, works continuously and significantly increases the speed of cryptocurrency mining.

Online generation

Not all bitcoin collection bots need to be installed on a PC. There are services that work online. Such bitcoin generators allow you to work not only from a computer, but also from a tablet or smartphone. And they require a minimum of time for registration (you do not need to additionally configure anything, as is the case with software bitcoin generators). Money is transferred directly to Btc - wallet. To earn money, you only need a device, a stable internet connection and a wallet number.

As in the case of faucets, there are many online bitcoin bot services. New generator sites are constantly being created, while others disappear. The current list of the best bitcoin generators online is presented in the table.

Name of the siteShort description
bitcoin generatorAccording to the creators, the resource pays out 250 thousand satoshi daily. This Bot for collecting cryptocurrency is in English with an automatic mode, in order to receive earnings you need to register. You will need to specify the BTC wallet number, region and operating system of the device. Bitcoin generator 2019 allows you to generate btc for free (as the developers say). I don’t really believe in him, since they demand a decent amount from you for the withdrawal.
Ultimate codes bitcoin generatorIn addition to directly generating bitcoin cryptocurrency by a robot, the site offers a profitable referral program - 15%.
MoonBitcoinThe resource works similarly to other bitcoin bots, except that if you do not visit the site for a long time, the income will begin to fall. Satoshi are credited every five minutes (even if the user is not online), but in order to earn more, you need to withdraw cryptocurrency more often.
AutofaucetsThe bot for collecting bitcoin in 2019 independently solves the captcha on a variety of faucets, no human participation is required. All actions are performed by emulating the actions of a real user. To run the collector, you need to download and enable the browser extension.

What is the best bitcoin generator? Earnings without investments (video).

bitcoin generator bots

Bots for collecting bitcoins are represented by separate programs that need to be downloaded to your own PC. The principle of operation of such generators is similar to work. The software scripts solve the captcha on many faucets on their own, emulating the actions of a real person.

Cryptocurrency bot nameShort description
bitcoin generator hackA group of programmers is constantly upgrading the service, so today users are already earning with the third version of the bitcoin generator. The bot works with operating systems Windows, iOS (Mac) and Android, the service is available in Russian. The anonymity of the system participants is ensured, the speed of the transfer and the minimum commission fee (sometimes there is no commission at all).
BTC4GENThe bitcoin generator has a number of advantages, which earned the trust of users. The bot works according to an improved algorithm. Software constantly updated, the settings are extremely simple. The generator is significantly ahead of its competitors in terms of earnings.
iMacros extension and bot script for Mozilla FirefoxThe universal bitcoin generator requires the installation of the iMacros extension (at least version 8.9.7) for Mozilla browser Firefox. Then you need to register or log in to the rucaptcha website, which will allow the script to automatically solve the captcha, download and run the freebitcoin_rucaptcha bot.
SuperBitv 2.5The bitcoin wallet generator is somewhat outdated, but still popular with a certain audience. The generator works in a semi-automatic mode: it does not solve the captcha on its own, but eliminates the need to follow a huge number of links to bitcoin faucets.
bitcoin unlimited generatorBitcoin unlimited is a tool that allows everyone to become not only an investor, but also a miner or node operator. How to use Bitcoin generator unlimited? You just need to download and install the program on your computer.

How to use a bitcoin generator? You only need to install the program and watch the increasing balance. The installation process for most bitcoin earning bots (except for browser extensions) is similar. To start working with a bot for earning bitcoins in automatic mode, you need to register on the site and download the miner. The instructions describe the setup process. additional options. Next, you need to start the miner and go to your personal account. After receiving the minimum amount, you can withdraw money to your BTC wallet.

Bitcoin generators allow you to get a stable income without the need to constantly collect Satoshi from faucets manually. In 2019, when using several bitcoin generators at the same time, you can hope for a small income.

Program for receiving bonuses with Bitcoin (faucets).

This is a unique program bonus collector, clear and easy setup will understand even a schoolboy.

How to use and start earning bitcoins?


Interface language: Russian
File Format: EXE
Platform: Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8.1 (32 / 64 bit)

Version: v5.4
Size: 22MB
Sites database: 10522 pcs.


Many of those who have tested earnings "collecting Satoshi from faucets" with the help of the program, they wanted to thank me and asked how this could be done. Of course, I am not against financial incentives, however, moral aspect in this issue is of much greater importance to me.

P.S. If you want to express your gratitude, then do not take it for work and write your review. At the bottom of the page there is a form for posting comments. In it you can leave not only a text review, but and attach a screenshot with your income,received from this method of earning.
