Because of what often the phone reboots. Why Android phone restarts itself - reasons and explanations

Use the tips below to resolve this issue.

Is the device constantly rebooting? Your device might be stuck in a boot loop. Switch to .

Note. Some of these steps can only be performed on devices running Android 6.0 and later.

How to troubleshoot a device

How to troubleshoot applications

Verify that the problem is not caused by an application

It is possible that the downloaded application caused the problem. To check if this is the case, start the device in safe mode.

All downloaded applications will be temporarily disabled.

To start safe mode:

If the problem persists in safe mode

Reboot your device and proceed to the next step.

If the problem disappears in safe mode

Most likely, the downloaded application caused the problem. To find it, follow these steps:

  1. Reboot your device to exit safe mode.
  2. Start deleting recently downloaded apps one by one. Reboot your device after each uninstall and check if the problem is gone.
  3. After uninstalling the application that caused the problem, you can reinstall the programs you need.

Is the problem still unresolved?

Remove case and disconnect external battery

If you have third-party accessories (case, power bank, etc.), disable them when troubleshooting.

Make sure that accessories do not cover the device's sensors or touch the buttons on the device.

Sometimes the owners of a particular smartphone are faced with a problem: their Samsung phone reboots itself. This can happen during a conversation, when taking pictures, while listening to music, working with certain applications.

In any case, the situation is rather unpleasant. And of course, I want to find out the real reason for this "behavior" of the phone. Let's try to figure out why Samsung constantly reboots.

Possible reasons

In general, the factors that cause an independent reboot of the phone are quite diverse. The most common causes are the following:

  • software failure.

Incorrect work software can cause regular reboots of the mobile phone. In this case, the problem can be solved only through a qualitative update;

  • moisture under the phone case.

Samsung constantly reboots even in cases where moisture gets under its case. It is important to thoroughly dry and clean the phone. Moreover, exposure to liquid can disable individual elements of the apparatus that need to be replaced;

  • failure of the signal amplifier.

In the event of a breakdown of such an amplifier, the phone begins to consume more energy, which as a result leads to regular reboots;

  • damage to the main board.

Samsung phone itself reboots when it is damaged printed circuit board. Moisture, and impacts during shocks and falls can damage it. Such a malfunction in some cases is expressed in a constant reboot of the device.

Summing up

These reasons should be attributed to the most common. Their list can be supplemented:

  1. Battery failure;
  2. Overflowing the memory of a mobile phone, etc.

As a rule, it is very difficult to independently determine the true reason why Samsung constantly reboots, and, moreover, it is very difficult to eliminate it. Therefore, in order to promptly solve the problem, it is advisable to contact the service center.

Hello! my samsung galaxy note 4 constantly reboots on the colored samsung logo. When connected to charger- this is not observed, the battery is not swollen, but when it is fully charged, the battery settings say that the battery life is 2 minutes and this is at 100%. What could be the problem?

Good afternoon Alexander. Test your smartphone with a known new and working battery.

It happens that it reboots by itself, but occasionally

Good day, Sergey. This is a common problem with this model, diagnostics are needed.

Sincerely, GrandFon Administrator.

While working with this or that application, regardless of the weight or requirements, the phone reboots itself with a frequency of about 10 minutes

Good afternoon Alexander. Try replacing the battery.

Sincerely, GrandFon Administrator.

While the phone is charging, it turns on and works, but as soon as you disconnect the charger cord, the phone immediately starts to reboot without stopping

Good day, Dmitry. Try replacing the battery.

Sincerely, GrandFon Administrator.

Automatically switches between different programs.

Hello Sergey. Perhaps the problem is in the touchscreen, the replacement costs 1700.

Sincerely, GrandFon Administrator.

Tell me please
The phone itself turns off when they call me, sometimes it reboots itself constantly until I take out the battery.

Hello Yuri. There might be a problem with the battery.

Sincerely, GrandFon Administrator.

Constantly reboots and freezes.

Hello, Alexander. Most likely the flash memory is failing. As a rule, in such cases, only the replacement of the motherboard is carried out.

Sincerely, GrandFon Administrator.

Was the repair carried out for the reason described below, what was eventually changed? Thank you!
"The device periodically goes into reboot (I didn’t find any patterns at what point or why), and it can reboot up to 10 minutes (that is, it reaches the boot screen with the Samsung inscription, freezes and reboots again). Several times I encountered a problem that after 5 minutes of such reboots, the phone stops doing anything at all, the blue light is on and the black screen is on and does not respond to forced reboot(power button + lower sound button). And in this state, he "lives" until the battery runs out (if this happened with a full battery charge, then this is a long story)."

Good day, Dmitry. With this behavior of the device, we replace the motherboard.

Sincerely, GrandFon Administrator.

Maxim Sergeevich October 18, 2017 - 17:05 samsung galaxy s6 edge SM-G925F 32 gb.

The phone constantly reboots, even flashing does not help.

Good afternoon, Maxim Sergeevich. It is necessary to diagnose the device, you may have to change the motherboard. Diagnostics is free.

Sincerely, GrandFon Administrator.

The phone boots up and after 2 seconds. goes to reboot, flashing through odin did not work, how much will the repair cost?

Good afternoon, Vitaly. Bring your smartphone for diagnostics, we will estimate the cost of repairs, agree with you.

Sincerely, GrandFon Administrator.

Samsung phone reboots itself how much will it cost to repair?

Hello Moskaleva Luda. Depending on the cause of the malfunction (specified during the diagnostics), the cost of repairs will be from 1300.

Sincerely, GrandFon Administrator.

The device periodically goes into reboot (I didn’t find any patterns at some point or why), and it can reboot up to 10 minutes (that is, it reaches the loading screen with the Samsung inscription, freezes and reboots again). Several times I encountered the problem that after 5 minutes of such reboots, the phone stops doing anything at all, the blue light is on and the black screen is on and does not respond to a forced reboot (power button + bottom sound button). And in this state, he "lives" until the battery runs out (if this happened with a full battery charge, then this is a long story).

Good afternoon Polina. The problem may be in the battery, in which case it needs to be replaced, or in the memory chip, then you have to change the motherboard. Need diagnostics.

Sincerely, GrandFon Administrator.

A constantly rebooting smartphone is a problem that does not occur as rarely as we would like. There are several common reasons why the phone reboots on its own, and we will try to consider each of them in detail.

It is worth noting that sometimes there is no visible pattern in these restarts, and sometimes there is. For example, they can happen during a call, when you use Bluetooth, or when the device is charging.

Malicious applications

In most cases, spontaneous reboots are caused by low-quality software. Try uninstalling unused applications that might be causing the problem. Make sure that your everyday programs are tested and released by official developers, and are not fake (downloaded from third-party resources). After all, it can be a poorly written product, and besides, it contains malicious code.

Pay special attention to software that has access to system data or with which it processes Email, text messages, etc. Sometimes it happens that the gadget restarts when receiving text message or, for example, during communication.

Perhaps you have software running in background, which causes Android to restart randomly. If it's a software issue, try the following steps, preferably in the order listed.

Often this helps. If not, read on.

Disabled or missing preinstalled apps

Have you tried disabling programs? If you accidentally go too far and disable the pre-installed applications required by the manufacturer to run the Android OS, this can cause the problem that the device began to reboot.

  1. Go to the "Settings" - "Applications" section, there you can sort the installed software and display only system processes in the list.
  2. Enable applications that are required for the correct functioning of the device if any of them are frozen.

Now you need to restart your smartphone for the changes to take effect.


Many Android devices have the ability to shut themselves off if they get too hot. If you use the device in 40-degree heat, work with it at maximum brightness, with GPS, LTE turned on, or even play games, the device will quickly overheat and turn off. This is done so that the temperature increase does not damage the hardware, primarily the battery. Try not to load the device too much during the heat, in any case, do not play on it.

However, if overheating occurs consistently, even when the gadget is not under stress or in direct sunlight, this is probably evidence of a more serious problem. Either an extreme troubleshooting tool can solve it ( full reset settings), which we will describe at the end, or a trip to the salon or store where you bought your device, asking them to fix it.

Unstable battery position (unstable contact)

Of course, this problem only occurs on devices with a removable battery. For example, phones samsung galaxy S4 sometimes restarts non-stop for this reason. Any impact, push can displace the battery and the cable will move away, as a result of which the power supply of the device will be disrupted, and it will spontaneously turn off or restart.

The most common reason for this is that the back cover is slightly bent and does not hold the battery tightly in place. The other is pin misalignment or physical damage as connectors wear out over time. For every problem there is a solution.

In the first case, just buy mounting tape (duct tape), then attach a small strip of it to the back cover so that it holds the battery better. When you turn it on and continue using it, you will notice that the trouble with the fact that the phone is cyclically rebooted has been resolved.

Check the performance, almost always this manipulation helps.

Crashes in Android

Sometimes android system is damaged, starts to work unstably all the time due to violations caused by external factors (virus attack, unsuccessful updates, etc.). Also, interruptions in work may be due to a memory card.

If you are using a flash drive, then pull it out, walk around without it for a while, check how the equipment behaves. If everything is fine, format the card through the computer (insert it into the slot, in "My Computer" click on it right click and click "Format"), having previously saved all the data from it in another place, and paste it back. But be prepared that it may need to be replaced.

Attention! If you're not using a flash drive, your only option might be to reset your device. However, remember that a reset will erase all data from the device, so be sure to do backup.

On most Android devices You can perform a Hard Reset by going to "Settings" - "Backup and reset" - "Reset device". This solution is worth a try in the case of constant overheating of the mobile.

Button drop

Sometimes the "Power" button absorbs moisture or debris gets under it. Make sure that your gadget does not have such a problem. Inspect the key, remember if the smartphone fell into the water. Also check that nothing is putting pressure on the button and causing the mobile to restart.

Faulty hardware

If all of the above has been tried, but your Android is still rebooting non-stop, you obviously have some kind of breakdown. Contact the seller or manufacturer with the problem. If the phone is under warranty, they will fix it for free.

What else can be done?

It should be said about other simple solutions which often help. For example, you can do the following:

  • withdraw battery and leave the device without it for 15 minutes. Then insert it and start the device;
  • install an antivirus from the application store, for example, from Kaspersky Lab and scan the system for infection;
  • insert a new SIM card into the device, as the old ones sometimes conflict with modern devices, and they can be disconnected when you make a call.

Perhaps this is all that you can do yourself without flashing your smartphone to custom firmware. Try simple ones first, then move on to more complex ones. Most likely, you will be able to overcome the problem.

Phones are devices that almost all citizens now have. It is quite easy to manage such a gadget. But only from time to time various problems can happen to him. For example, what if your phone is constantly rebooting? And it happens spontaneously and for no reason, as you think. There are a lot of options for the development of events. What should you pay attention to first of all? How to fix the situation as soon as possible?

Software failure

So, the first and most common reason that the phone is constantly rebooting is the failure of the installed software. Or, as they say, the operating system. As practice shows, very often malfunctions in the installed software cause problems with the device's performance.

How to be in such a situation? First, try turning the phone off and on yourself - the software glitch can be fixed. As a result, the problem will disappear.

Secondly, flash the device. It is advisable to take the phone in this case to specialized service centers. There you will be reinstalled operating system on the gadget, and the problem will stop bothering you. Everything is easy and simple. But not always. And in some cases, flashing is not required. After all, there are a lot of reasons why the phone is constantly rebooting.


Is your phone constantly rebooting? Remember what programs and applications you have installed recently. They may be the cause of this problem.

The point is sometimes it's wrong installed programs cause system crashes. As a result, the phone starts to reboot. The only true solution is to detect a "malicious" application and then remove it.

If you really need the program, just try deleting it and reinstalling it. Same good way, but it does not give any guarantee of success, keep that in mind. Most likely, you will have to get rid of the software once and for all. Usually this is not such a problem - you just need to find an analogue of the remote program that will not cause crashes and malfunctions.


Phone constantly rebooting (Samsung or any other)? Don't be afraid and don't panic. Understanding the reasons for this phenomenon is not so easy, but it is possible to do it without outside help.

Pay attention to the battery of the gadget - this is a very important element for the functioning of the device. If something is wrong with it, the phone will start behaving in an unpredictable way. As practice shows, in the event of a battery failure, the device usually either reboots spontaneously or turns off for no reason.

What to do in this case? If you are sure that the battery is the cause of the problem with the gadget, replace it. Just buy new battery and insert it into the device. Charge the battery and look at the behavior of the phone. Most likely the problem will go away. No? So, the reason for rebooting the smartphone was something else. What other scenarios are there?


Sony phone keeps rebooting? And indeed, any other smartphone? Moisture may be the reason for this. In rooms with high humidity, gadgets can behave unpredictably. And if you recently wet your phone, then there is nothing to be surprised at the problem! Why? Because the device, in principle, could not turn on. And rebooting in this case would not seem to be a problem at all.

If you have suspicions that the smartphone is starting to restart due to high humidity, just try to return to normal as soon as possible. As soon as you leave a place with high humidity, the gadget will work normally.

Phone keeps rebooting? What should I do if the reason for this is moisture on the device? There is only one way out - to dry the smartphone as soon as possible. Take it apart. Next, thoroughly dry all parts with a towel or napkin. In some cases, you can use a hair dryer to dry quickly. Once all the parts are 100% dry, assemble the gadget and see if you can fix the problem. Usually, with operational actions, the result will not be long in coming. Now many phones tolerate moisture well. Therefore, there is no particular reason to panic.


LG phone reboots constantly (and in general, any other gadget model)? In this case, you should pay attention to system settings your device. Often they become the cause of many problems with smartphones. The phone can turn off, reboot, slow down. All this points to the downed settings.

You can edit them yourself so that the system does not reboot. This is difficult to do, so many prefer radical way- flashing. The most difficult and most efficient process. It is not recommended to implement it on your own, seek help from specialists. If the reason for constant reboots lay precisely in the downed settings, then after flashing this phenomenon will disappear.


What else can you pay attention to when the phone constantly reboots? The amount of information on the gadget. Take a good look at how much space is left both on the memory card and on the built-in "place" of information storage. For what?

The problem is that often the fullness of the memory in any gadget leads to problems. Fortunately, you can fix the situation easily and simply - just clean your smartphone. Delete all old and unnecessary applications, media files and programs. And make it a habit to clean your phone space from time to time. So you can return the device to the right track, and also prevent the problem from reappearing.

By the way, if you are wondering why the phone is constantly rebooting, look at the total capacity of your memory card, if any. Each smartphone works smoothly only with a certain extra space. If a larger memory card is inserted into the gadget, the performance is impaired. As a result, there are crashes, sudden reboots and turning off the gadget. Therefore, only use memory cards that meet the maximum capacity for your phone model.


There is another not very dangerous and easily fixable reason for a sudden reboot of the smartphone. In principle, the same option is relevant for other gadgets (like computers). It's about overheating. As soon as the device heats up to a certain temperature, it either turns off or reboots. It is quite normal - so the system saves itself from failure.

The solution to the problem is simple - just stop bringing the device to overheating. Disable programs running in the background, do not use the phone continuously for too long. Only in this way will you be able to normalize the operation of the gadget. Try not to keep it in the sun.


Is your phone constantly rebooting? What to do in this case? Check it for viruses. A phone infection often causes a spontaneous reboot of the device. In this case, various antiviruses will help. Or service centers.

If you find viruses on your mobile phone, remove them. After treating the phone, all problems will disappear by themselves. Viruses are found every day on smartphones more and more often. Therefore, this option should be checked first.


In some cases, if the phone constantly reboots, you just need to change it. Each device has its own lifespan. And when it comes to an end, various failures and malfunctions appear. There is no way to fix them. In order not to waste time, take the phone to a service center - they will help you find the source of the problem, and also tell you if it makes sense to fix it.

Wear and tear on equipment is inevitable. Therefore, if your phone has been running for about 5 years and then suddenly starts to reboot, it is quite possible that it needs to be changed.

Even the most reliable technology can suddenly fail, and Android devices (even from well-known brands) are no exception. One of the most common problems that occurs on phones running this OS is a permanent reboot (bootloop). Let's try to figure out why this problem occurs and how to get rid of it.

There may be several reasons for this behavior. They depend on many circumstances that need to be taken into account: whether the smartphone has been mechanically damaged, whether it has been in water, what type of SIM card is installed, and what software and firmware are installed inside. Consider the reasons for reboots.

Reason 1: Software conflict in the system

A headache for developers of applications and firmware for Android is the huge number of hardware combinations of devices, which makes it impossible to test all existing ones. In turn, this increases the likelihood of conflicts between applications or components within the system itself, which causes a cyclic reboot, otherwise a bootloop (bootloop). Bootloops can also cause user intervention in the system (incorrect root installation, an attempt to install an incompatible application, etc.). best method to correct similar failure will reset the device to the factory state using the recovery.

If this did not bring results, you can also try - on your own, or using the services of a service center.

Reason 2: Mechanical damage

A modern smartphone, being a complex device, is very sensitive to extreme mechanical loads - shocks, shocks and falls. In addition to purely aesthetic problems and damage to the display, the motherboard and the elements on it. It may even happen that the display of the phone remains intact after the fall, but the board is damaged. If shortly before the appearance of reboots, your device survived a fall, this is most likely the reason. The solution to this kind of problem is obvious - a visit to the service.

Reason 3: Faulty battery and/or power controller

If your smartphone is already several years old, and it has begun to periodically reboot on its own, there is a high probability that the cause is a failed battery. As a rule, in addition to reboots, there are other troubles - for example,. In addition to the battery itself, there may also be problems in the operation of the power controller - mainly due to the mechanical damage or marriage mentioned above.

If the cause is in the battery itself, then replacing it will help. On devices with a removable battery, it is enough to buy a new one and replace it yourself, but devices with a non-separable case will most likely have to be carried to the service. The latter is the only measure of salvation in case of problems with the power controller.

Reason 4: Faulty SIM card or radio module

If the phone starts to spontaneously reboot after the SIM card is inserted into it and turned on, then this is most likely the reason. Despite its apparent simplicity, the SIM card is quite complex. electronic device, which can also break. Everything is checked quite easily: just install another card, and if there are no reboots with it, then the problem lies in the main SIM card. It can be replaced in the company store of your mobile operator.

On the other hand, this kind of “glitch” can also occur if the radio module malfunctions. In turn, there can be a lot of reasons for such behavior: starting from factory defects and ending with the same mechanical damage. Changing the network mode may help. It is done like this (note that you will have to act quickly in order to be in time before the next reboot).

Reason 5: The phone has been in water

For any electronics, water is a mortal enemy: it oxidizes contacts, which is why even a seemingly surviving phone after bathing fails over time. In this case, the reboot is just one of many symptoms that usually build up. Most likely, you will have to part with the “drowned” device: in service centers may refuse to repair if it turns out that the device has been in the water. We recommend that you be more careful in the future.

Reason 6: Bluetooth problems

Quite rare, but still relevant bug in the work bluetooth module- when the device reboots, you just have to try to turn it on. There are two ways to solve this problem.

  • Don't use bluetooth at all. If you are using accessories like wireless headset, fitness bracelet or smart watch, then this solution is definitely not suitable for you.
  • Phone flashing.

Reason 7: Problems with the SD card

The reason for sudden reboots can also be a failing memory card. As a rule, this problem is accompanied by others: media server errors, the inability to open files from this card, the appearance of "phantom" files. The best solution will replace the card, but you can first try to format it, after making a backup copy of the files.

Reason 8: Presence of a virus

And finally, the last answer to the question about rebooting is that a virus has settled in your phone. Additional symptoms: some of the phone's applications suddenly start downloading something from the Internet, shortcuts or widgets that you did not create appear on the desktop, certain sensors turn on or off spontaneously. The simplest and at the same time radical solution to this problem will again be reset to factory settings, the link to the article about which is presented above. An alternative to this method would be to try .

We got acquainted with the most characteristic causes of the reboot problem and options for solving it. There are others, but they are mostly specific to some specific model Android smartphone.
