A program for remote administration was found. Long arms: remote computer control from Android devices

How to control employees, control children or monitor a person at a computer?

It is difficult to imagine the everyday life of a modern person without the use of a computer or mobile devices connected to the global network and used daily to receive and process information for personal and business purposes. Computers have become a part of life not only for adults, but also for teenagers and children, who spend several hours daily on the Internet.

Modern schoolchildren from the first grades are trained to use computer technologies and actively use them for educational and entertainment purposes. Unfortunately, the Internet is flooded not only with workshops on solving problems in physics or mathematics, which do not pose a threat to the fragile child's psyche. The global web contains countless unsafe websites, including extremist, sectarian and "adult" sites, that can seriously harm a child's normal development as an individual and lead to problems in the future. Agree, you would not want your child to study occult rituals or look through pages of dubious content instead of doing homework after school.

In view of the foregoing, many parents may have a completely reasonable question: How to protect a child from harmful influence Internet?, “How to find out what a child does in his free time at the computer?”, “Who does your beloved child communicate with?”, “ How to organize control over children?».

There are many programs for monitoring computer activities and spyware, but, as a rule, all of them are paid, slow down the computer's performance and are easily detected even by inexperienced users. In reality, you can only view the contents of the log files with the entered data on the keyboard and in some cases screenshots. In addition, you can view these log files only on the computer where these files were created. Those. if you are in a remote location, you will not be able to view these files. Of course you can customize automatic sending these logs to the mail or server, but this is fraught with additional difficulties and a waste of time. Plus, it's just inconvenient.

For full control over children, it can be very convenient to use programs for remote access to a computer via the Internet. Some of these programs are very easy to set up, and to be more precise, they practically do not require it and are able to instantly establish a connection with any computer connected to the Internet.

One of these programs is Ammyy Admin. And despite the fact that the main application area of ​​the program is the provision of remote technical support, features and versatility of Ammyy Admin make it easy to use it as a tool remote control for the children. When it comes to business, monitoring and control of employees is also one of the areas of application of the program.

Why should I use Ammyy Admin to control my children remotely?

  1. You can connect to any PC in a few seconds.
  2. You can view the image of a remote computer from any other computer connected to the Internet. No tedious settings, registrations and installations!
  3. Ammyy Admin bypasses all known firewalls and antiviruses (which cannot be said about programs keyloggers) and does not require installation. At correct settings it will be almost impossible to find Ammyy Admin.
  4. Your child will never realize that someone is watching him in real time.
  5. You can interactively enable voice chat and listen to what is happening on the remote PC side.
  6. Ammyy Admin is completely free for home use, provided that you have not exceeded the free version usage limit.

How to set up child control using Ammyy Admin?

So, the procedure for setting up the program is extremely simple and will not take more than a minute.

What you need to do on the remote computer that we will monitor:

What you need to do on the computer from which we monitor:

If you want to organize employee control by monitoring their work computers, then under the laws of some countries you need to warn them about this. In any case, it will be useful to do this, because. knowing that the computer is under surveillance, the employee will not engage in extraneous activities on the work computer, which will reduce the risk of viruses infecting the computer and leaking confidential information, as well as increase the useful working time.

There are a lot of programs for organizing remote access. There are paid and free programs, there are programs for different operating systems. It is clear that in this article we will not be able to consider everything at once, but we will talk about the most interesting of them, and most importantly, we will understand what is more effective for a particular task.

Radmin (shareware)

About ten years ago, Radmin was the most popular remote access program, and it still exists (www.radmin.ru) - it has not gone anywhere during this time. Let's start the review with it.

The program consists of two parts: Server and Viewer. The first one runs on the remote computer(s) and the second one runs on your computer and is used to connect to the remote machines you are about to configure. On the developer's website, you can download both the complete set and individual components. There is also a portable version of the Viewer that works without installation, and the version of Radmin Server 3.5 NTI is a special version without a tray icon, that is, a user of a remote computer will not know that Radmin is installed on it until you start managing his computer.

I will note the key features: support for Windows 8 32/64 bit, support for switching user sessions in Windows XP/Vista/7/8, compatibility with Wine (Radmin can organize remote access to a Linux PC via Wine), Telnet support, remote PC shutdown, Radmin server scanner (allows you to find all the PCs you can manage on your network), file transfer between Server and Viewer.


  • The functionality of the program: here is its own authentication, and support for voice chat, and the ability to transfer files. Everything is very convenient.
  • Due to the fact that Server is installed on the remote computer, the presence of the user is not required, as in other similar programs. For example, you can administer remote PCs of your colleagues when they are out for lunch. Other similar programs require either the user to allow the connection, or the user to provide you with a password that is automatically generated each time you connect.
  • Low system requirements, the program does not load the processor at all, which is especially important for my old laptop with an AMD processor, which heats up like an iron - it acted as a "remote" computer.
  • Just starting the Server is not enough, you also need to configure it.
  • Many users love TeamViewer not for its functionality, but for the fact that it doesn't require any special ports (it uses port 80 by default) and doesn't require firewall configuration. Radmin Server uses port 4899, and it will not be possible to start it without configuring a firewall.
  • No mobile clients.
  • Does not support other OS.

TeamViewer (freeware)

Now, probably, from the programs for remote access, TeamViewer is the most popular of all. You can download it full version from www.teamviewer.com/ru without paying a penny. The program is absolutely free for non-commercial use.

Rice. 4. TeamViewer launched

TeamViewer pleases with support for Windows, OS X, Linux, which was so lacking in Radmin. There are also mobile clients for Android, iPad/iPhone: you can control a remote computer from your iPhone. There is also a Portable version of the program for Windows, which is very useful for infrequent use of the program, and the Portable version can be run both on the “server” and on the “client”, unlike Radmin, where you can only run the client (Viewer) without installation, and the "server" part must be installed.

After starting the program, you will see the main TeamViewer window and the Computers and Contacts window (Fig. 4). If you plan to help all your relatives and colleagues at once, you can click the "Register" button, create an account, and then in this window you will see all the numerous computers that you set up.

Rice. 5. TeamViewer in action

Now let's figure out which is which. If you need to connect to your computer, then you must tell the remote party your ID (in this case, 969 930 547) and password (8229). How to report, decide for yourself - you can copy and transfer these values ​​via Skype, ICQ, email, SMS, or simply dictate by phone. This password changes each time the program is started. If the program is installed on your computer, you can make a permanent personal password, but I do not recommend: the password can be compromised and then anyone can connect to your computer.

If you need to connect to a remote computer, then you need to enter the ID of the remote side (in this case, 411108007) and click the "Connect to partner" button, after which the program will ask you to enter the password that you received from the remote side. That's all - in the window that appears, you can configure the remote computer (Fig. 5).

You probably already noticed the main difference from Radmin: you need to transfer the password to the person who sets up the computer, and in Radmin the password is specified when creating a user account. In other words, you need the presence of the user at the computer. The question is, how to organize a home office when you want to access your work computer from home, for example, at night. Everything is very simple. You need to organize TeamViewer autostart (for example, add it to the Startup group or register it in the registry in the Run key) and set a Personal Password. Please note that you cannot set a personal password if the program is not installed on your computer, but is launched without installation.

There is one more program you should be aware of: TeamViewer Host. It runs as a system service and is used for 24/7 access to a remote computer, including logging in/out. It turns out that TeamViewer Host allows you to organize a terminal server, and it supports an unlimited number of clients for one server (the number of clients is limited only by the computing capabilities of your computer). It should also be noted that to install TeamViewer Host, you need administrator rights, which are not always available, so in most cases you will still use the regular TeamViewer. However, if you need to set up only one computer (or simply organize remote access to it, say from home), then TeamViewer Host is not needed. For the sake of justice, it should be noted that if a regular TeamViewer (not Host) is running on computer A, then computers B, C, D (the number three is given as an example) can connect to it for joint administration. Another thing is that you need to coordinate the actions of administrators, since the keyboard and mouse are common, but one can configure, the rest will observe.

Like Radmin, TeamViewer allows you to share files, voice and text messages, as well as remotely restart the computer (the required command is located in the "Actions" menu, see Fig. 5, just restarting the computer is not enough - after all, then the TeamViewer communication session will not be established, you only need to reboot the computer during its configuration through the "Actions" menu) .


  • Simplicity (the program is simpler than Radmin - a huge advantage for inexperienced users who will have to install it on the remote side).
  • The program completely does not require installation: both on the client and on the server. Installation is optional.
  • Works on port 80 (and some additional ports) so no firewall configuration is required.
  • Availability of versions for other operating systems.
  • Availability of mobile clients for Android, iOS and Windows phone 8 (that is, you can control the remote computer directly from your iPad).
  • Possibility of organizing interactive conferences (up to 25 participants).
  • Does not require administrator rights for remote access.
  • The processor loads noticeably more than Radmin, my old laptop even overheated and turned off.
  • Although there are mobile clients, they are not very convenient (however, this is better than nothing).

Royal TS (shareware)

Once upon a time there was such a program - mRemote. I don’t know what happened there, but the mRemote project was closed, and the developers took it and created another project - Royal TS. On the site you will find versions for Windows, OS X and iOS (can be run from iPhone and iPad).

In Royal TS, before creating a connection, you need to create a document, that is, one connection = one document. Royal TS documents are a very handy thing, they can be transferred like regular files, for example, to another admin. He will be able to open such a document and immediately connect to a remote computer without having to create a connection manually. The shareware version has a limit on the number of simultaneously open documents - ten. As for me, this is quite enough for non-commercial use of the program, so in practice you won’t even notice that you are missing something (unless, of course, you administer a huge network of computers remotely).

The first thing to say is that this program is fundamentally different from Radmin and TeamViewer. Both of these programs combine the functionality of both a server and a client (in the case of Radmin, the server and client are different programs, in the case of TeamViewer - the same program). In other words, on one of the computers you can install Radmin Server or TeamViewer, and on the other, use Radmin Viewer or TeamViewer, respectively, to connect to this remote computer. So, Royal TS is something like Radmin Viewer, that is, a program for connecting to a remote server, but the server will have to be created on its own. How you do it is your problem. Royal TS will not help you create such a server, but will only allow you to connect to it.

Rice. 6. Royal TS for Windows

Among the protocols for connecting to a remote server that Royal TS supports: RDP, Telnet, SSH, Citrix, VNC. The RDP / Telnet / SSH servers themselves and others will have to be configured independently.

On the one hand, this is beyond the scope of the article, on the other hand, it would be incomplete if I did not give an example of setting up at least one of the servers that Royal TS supports. SSH / Telnet servers, I think, the reader will not be very interested. I want something graphic. Suppose we have Linux (Ubuntu or its clone) and we need to set up a VNC server. To do this, first install the VNC server with the command:

sudo apt-get install vnc4server

After that, you need to run it - for the first time without parameters:

sudo vnc4server

When running the sudo vnc4server command, you need to enter the password that will be used to connect to this VNC server. The password itself will be stored in $HOME/.vnc/passwd. I won't say a word more - there is man :). After the first launch, you need to start vnc4server by specifying the screen number:

sudo vnc4server:3

Next, in Royal TS you need to create new document(on the File tab), then go to the Edit tab and click the VNC button. In the window that appears (Fig. 7), you need to enter the display name (Display Name) - in our case: 3, the IP address of the VNC server and specify the port number (usually 5900). The password will be requested when connecting to the server.

Rice. 7. VNC Connection Options


  • A universal client for connecting to a remote server using various protocols.
  • There are versions for Windows, OS X and iOS.
  • It is impossible to organize remote access using only Royal TS tools, additional programs are needed.
  • Not suitable for remote configuration of computers of inexperienced users - they simply will not be able to configure the necessary remote access services.

Supremo: free and easy (freeware)

Let's analyze the situation. If you don't like TeamViewer or you can't use it for some reason (including the need to purchase a license for commercial use), and Radmin is also not suitable for any reason, then you will have to look for analogues. Since the article deals with simple and free programs, then it is necessary that the following program be: a) free; b) simple. This is the Supremo program, which can be downloaded from the site.

The program (Fig. 8) was created "in the image and likeness" of TeamViewer. It does not require installation, its principle of operation is the same as that of TeamViewer, even it uses the same terminology (this is me regarding the partner ID and other inscriptions in the program interface).

The computer you are setting up and the support technician's computer must be running Windows only. Various editions of Windows are supported, including Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008R2. ABOUT Windows support 8 and Windows Server 2012 on the official site nothing is said yet.

Rice. 8. Supremo program

The algorithm for using it is simple: you need to run the program on both computers, then ask the remote party for its ID and password, and then click the "Connect" button. Before this, the remote side must press the "Start" button, otherwise the connection will not be allowed. Perhaps this is the only difference from TeamViewer.

To make the review more complete, let's go to the program settings (Tools -> Options). In the "Security" section (Fig. 9) you can configure automatic start programs, specify a password for remote connections and specify which IDs are allowed to connect to your computer.

Rice. 9. Supremo security options

In the "Connection" section (Fig. 10), you can specify the proxy server settings if it is present on your network.

Rice. 10. Supremo connection parameters

In addition to its direct purpose, namely remote control of a computer, the program can be used to exchange files. For file sharing (which is possible in two directions - both download and upload) just use drag & drop.


  • Easy to use.
  • Does not require installation.
  • Ability to transfer files.
  • Chat capability.
  • No firewall configuration required (using HTTPS/SSL).
  • No support for OS other than Windows.
  • No mobile clients.

LogMeIn (freeware)

Let's consider another useful program- LogMeIn (Fig. 11). The purpose of this program is the same as that of all the others discussed in this article - remote access. On the logmein.com website you will find several similar products, but we are primarily interested in the LogMeIn Free product. Its capabilities are quite sufficient for most purposes: access to a computer running Windows or OS X, remote control and desktop viewing, copy and paste data between computers, reboot function, chat, support for multiple monitors, intrusion detection via SSL / TLS protocol, not requires firewall settings, does not require administrator rights on the remote computer.

Personally, I liked the functions of copying and pasting data between computers, as well as the reboot function: in the process of setting up a computer, it sometimes needs to be rebooted, after which the remote access session will be automatically restored, which is very convenient.

Unlike the Free version, Pro version supports transferring files between computers, HD video, dragging and dropping files between computers and a few other features that are hardly worth paying almost 53 euros per year for - that's how much the Pro version costs. A comparison of the two versions, as well as the OS X version, can be read at: https://secure.logmein.com/comparisonchart/comparisonFPP.aspx.

Rice. 11. LogMeIn Main Window

The way you work with this program is slightly different from TeamViewer and similar programs. It's a little more complicated, but apparently that's how the LogMeIn developers determine who uses the program and for what purposes. In the main window, select "from a Mac or PC" and then you will see the sequence of actions that you need to perform in order to give another user access to this computer (Fig. 12). Grandpa and grandma will definitely get confused and not appreciated. You can’t do without registering on logmein.com, although it is free, it is completely unnecessary in terms of convenience.

Rice. 12. How to connect to this PC

There is, however, a simpler way - anonymous access through a browser. Enough interesting feature, which is not available in other similar programs. The bottom line is this: a user who wants you to set up his computer creates an invitation link, then sends it to you in any convenient way (via email, Skype, and so on). Invitation link is valid certain time(the time is assigned by the remote user), even if someone peeps the link, he is unlikely to be able to use it after the expiration date.

Let's take a look at how to create an invitation and how to use it. In chapter " General access to the desktop" displays the current prompts. By clicking the "Send invitation" button, you can generate the same link. The invitation creation wizard allows you to define the duration of the invitation and how the invitation will be sent (can be sent via e-mail link, or you can just get the link and send it manually).

Rice. 13. Manage a remote computer through a browser

Then this link must be sent to the person who will be setting up the computer. When he copies it to the browser and opens it, he will see a screen similar to the one in fig. 13. To continue, you need to click the "Continue" button. After that, the user who sent the link will receive two requests in sequence. The first request is a request to allow access to the guest, the second request is to grant access rights (Fig. 20). The guest can either fully control the computer, or only view the desktop without control.


  • Does not require administrator rights.
  • Does not require firewall configuration.
  • Ability to use a browser for remote control.
  • mobile clients.
  • A somewhat unusual way of working.

Mosh (mobile shell): a good alternative for SSH

Mosh can also be used for remote access to the console (that is, you can remotely execute commands and see their result). The main advantage of Mosh over SSH is the ability to roam, that is, change the network to client machine, which is useful on the road when the network can change (now it is cellular, in a few minutes - Wi-Fi, while the IP changes, but the connection remains). Frequently traveling admins will appreciate this. But there is one big drawback: Mosh will not connect to a regular SSH server, which means that Mosh will have to be installed on the server. But Mosh does not work as a daemon, like SSH, but as a regular program, that is, root access is not needed to run it. Mosh is available for many Linux and BSD distributions, OS X, iOS (as part of the popular iSSH client), and Android.


VNC (Virtual Network Computing) is a system for remote access to a computer desktop using the RFB (Remote FrameBuffer) protocol. It was previously shown how to organize a VNC server on Linux; on Windows, such a server can be created using the UltraVNC or RealVNC programs. UltraVNC is similar to RealVNC but has additional features such as encrypting the connection between the client and the server, the Java Viewer module (access to a remote PC through a Java-enabled browser), and others. While RealVNC has a VNC Viewer plugin for Google Chrome so there is no need for Java Viewer. As already noted, the programs are largely similar, so in this article we will only consider UltraVNC.

When installing UltraVNC, it is possible to install both a VNC server and a VNC client. On your computer, if you do not need remote access to it, you can not install the VNC server. When installing the VNC server, it will be possible to configure it to run as a system service, but this requires admin rights. The RFB protocol that VNC uses usually uses ports 5900-5906. Therefore, to connect via VNC, you need to configure a firewall, otherwise it will "kill" the connection.

The UltraVNC Viewer program is used to connect to the VNC server. The program is universal and you can use it to connect to any VNC server, not just the one running UltraVNC Server. Similarly, you can connect to a server created by the UltraVNC Server program with the RoyalTS program or any other VNC client.

A few words about how it all works. First, launch the UltraVNC Edit Settings program and on the Security tab set a password to access the VNC server, then you need to launch the UltraVNC Server program. After that, on another computer, we launch UltraVNC Viewer (Fig. 14) and enter the IP of the computer on which the VNC server is installed, and click the Connect button.

Rice. 14. UltraVNC Viewer


  • You need admin rights, you need to configure the firewall.
  • The same protocol can be used for Windows controls, OS X and Linux, but these are not the advantages of a specific program, but of VNC itself.

SSH access

SSH remains a classic of remote access. It would seem, what else can you think of? Well, for example, what if you have a lot of remote machines? Prescribe aliases for each? Eat special utilities, allowing you to quickly switch between machines. One such manager in Linux is Gnome Connection Manager. The program is very convenient, highly recommended. Windows uses AutoPuTTY for this purpose, a wrapper for the popular PuTTY SSH/Telnet client, which can be downloaded from http://www.r4dius.net/autoputty/. There is a similar SSH connection manager for OS X -Shuttle . For mobile platforms you can use mobile SSH clients - Prompt (iOS) and ConnectBot (Android). You can easily find links and screenshots on the Web.

Ammyy Admin (freeware)

Ammyy Admin is another program for remote desktop access. The program is good because it is absolutely free, it is not demanding on resources at all (the executable file generally takes a ridiculous 700 Kb), it allows you to organize both regular remote access to the desktop and a connection in the style of a remote office, it does not require installing and changing firewall settings. You can find the rest of the program's features on the developers' website.

AnywhereTS (freeware)

Allows you to convert computers to thin clients. The main purpose of this program is by no means remote access for reasons of technical support, as in all previously described programs, although it can also be used for this. AnywareTS allows you to give a second life to old computers that will be used as thin clients - connect to a server that will run programs that are physically impossible to run on old PCs. Detailed information about this program you will find on the website of the developers.

Remote access in Windows 8

This review would not be complete if we did not consider the capabilities of the OS itself. On the "server" (that is, on the computer to which remote access is planned), you need to perform the following steps:

  • Run SystemPropertiesRemote.exe.
  • Enable the "Allow remote assistance connections to this computer" checkbox.
  • Turn on the "Allow remote connections to this computer" switch and click the "Apply" button.
  • If you use power saving mode, you need to configure the computer so that it never goes into sleep mode.

On your computer, use the Remote Desktop Connection application to connect to a remote computer.

Rice. 15. Remote access permission

Google Hangouts: Screen Sharing and Video Conferencing

As a last resort, you can use the new service from Google - Hangouts. It allows you to arrange video calls, during which users can share their screen with each other. If you wish, you can familiarize yourself with this service.

Instead of a conclusion

There are a lot of programs for remote access. As I hope I have shown, the most familiar tool is not always the most effective. It is necessary to build on the conditions of a specific task, target platforms and other factors. I hope now I have finally cleared up the whole picture of remote access in your head. All suggestions and wishes can be sent to [email protected]

How to follow the child if you are not nearby? Easily. There are programs that allow you to view the screen via the Internet, by linking to an account. Moreover, in addition to the tracking function, each of these programs has a lot of additional functions. Let's take a look at the most popular tracking and remote control software.

NeoSpy is a program for remote monitoring of a user's PC with the function online viewing screen via the Internet (linked to an account). With the help of this software product you can always view the screen of your home or work PC not only from another computer, but even from your phone or tablet via the Internet. The program is easy to install: you download the installation wizard from the official website, which downloads the program itself and installs it (by the way, there are no advertising and intrusive toolbars that even large software companies have been guilty of lately in the distribution kit). Further, after installation, go to the settings and link the program to your account, after which the function of viewing the screen online will be available.

NeoSpy Spy Software

In addition to normal viewing, you can choose what to watch: windows that open, text typed on the keyboard, sites visited by the user, as well as correspondence in instant messengers installed on the user's PC.

As you can see from the screenshot of the settings, the program provides a lot of opportunities, which everyone chooses for himself, based on his goals and objectives.

Linking an account is very easy. Select the "View via Internet" item, enter the username and password, click "Connect". Turn on tracking.

Now go to the program's website, enter your username and password, go to the "Account" tab and click on "Your computers".

Online tracking in the account

In addition to viewing the screen itself, you can connect to your webcam, which will help you monitor not only the actions on the computer, but also around it. You can see if your child is doing their homework.

If the program is installed on a portable device, the program shows on the map the geographical location of your device at the time of use.

It should be noted that of the considered programs of this kind, it is NeoSpy that makes it possible to conduct covert online tracking and allows you to save video from the screen in your account. It is also possible to scroll, rather than watch the entire video. Unlike NeoSpy, other programs do not save video, and tracking requires you to be constantly connected to the screen.

An important difference between NeoSpy and other presented programs is completely hidden surveillance, that is, the user does not see messages about your connection on his screen, as, for example, in TeamViewer and other programs, thanks to this your child will not know about the surveillance of him.

What else can be done with NeoSpy?

Traffic encryption. All data transmitted through the server is securely encrypted. They are almost impossible to decipher. NeoSpy uses AES encryption of data transmitted over the network (image screen, motion pointer, keyboard signals, etc.). Double password protection. The first is the online account: the password that is used to log into the online system. This only allows you to view a list of computers previously added to online system but doesn't let you contact them. The second password (and the most important one) is the access password, which allows you to connect to your computer and see sensitive data.

Main window interface

Remote Access Alerts

When using the "Messages" option, you can notify the user about something. Other security features:
The user cannot remove or close the tracking module even through the task manager.

Remote Desktop

When controlling a remote PC, the screen of that computer is displayed (via the Internet or local network) on your own monitor. That is, you will be able to see everything on the remote PC as if you were sitting in front of it, regardless of the distance between the PCs.

The program allows you to work with different remote PCs simultaneously, from anywhere in the world.

How is Remote Desktop in NeoSpy different from other programs?

The main advantages of the NeoSpy remote control software are:
- Built-in keylogger;
- High speed and performance;
- Internet Gateway allows you to connect to a remote PC behind a firewall or when there is no IP address routing or the IP address changes dynamically - this is a unique feature of the program!
- Low network load due to optimized data compression algorithm. The encryption algorithm makes the use of the program absolutely safe;
- Multiple simultaneous connections. With this feature, the network administrator can effectively view various remote computers at the same time;
- GUI convenient and intuitive;
- Remote Desktop is easy to install. You do not need to be a computer expert to set up and operate this software.

UltraVNC is powerful and simple, and last but not least, it's free. It displays the desktop of a remote PC (via the Internet or LAN) on your computer screen. The program allows you to use your mouse and keyboard to control the remote computer you are connected to. You can manage this computer as if it were your own. For technical support workers, this program will be especially useful, because. will help you quickly access the client's PC and carry out the necessary operations, wherever the client is. The program does not require particularly complex actions from the client and is launched from a file. UltraVNC works great under almost all operating systems (Windows: from Windows 95 to Windows8, Linux, Mac OS) x32 and x64. With the built-in viewer, you can share files between computers.

UltraVNC Interface

Who will benefit from UltraVNC - for those who need remote support Windows users. The products have been specially designed to meet the needs of:

  • Help Desk;
  • IT departments;
  • Users who want to help their relatives and friends, or access their home PCs from work or Internet cafes.

DameWare Mini Remote Control

Powerful software remote control PCs that run on Windows, Linux and Mac OS. DameWare Mini Remote Control (MRC) is one of the best remote control software. DameWare Mini Remote Control is available from DameWare Central Server and Administration Console for advanced management. MRC is licensed based on the number of vehicles in your organization. The program was created more than 10 years ago and since then thousands of IT administrators have got a perfect connection to remote servers, PCs and laptops thanks to DameWare Mini Remote Control. DameWare MRC provides remote control for Mac systems OS X, Windows and Linux and includes many great features for remote PC control.

Intuitive control interface. You can receive information from remote computers that can be located anywhere: in the same building, on the other side of the city, or around the world. DameWare MRC makes remote desktop use incredibly fast.

Benefits of DameWare Mini Remote Control:

  • Remote control Windows, Mac OS X and Linux systems. Connect via RDP, RDP or VNC from one console. A separate screen is created for each user, for easy remote troubleshooting. File transfer possible during remote control sessions Mini Remote Control can be deployed with a DameWare central server and administration console that provide advanced management capabilities from a single center. You can restart your computer and turn on sleeping computers, edit BIOS settings remotely, create Mount ISO images on remote PCs. It is possible to install or reinstall the OS remotely.

    With DameWare MRC's chat feature, you can chat online with remote users to set up their computer. DameWare MRC allows you to define rules for accessing remote PCs for various types users: require non-administrators to get permission for remote connections; allow administrators to connect without permission; manage access rights using group policy. Automatically Deploy Remote Control: DameWare MSI Builder is included with MRC, allowing you to create an MSI package to install MRC customer service agent, including with any custom settings. DameWare Mini Remote Control supports identification and remote connection using a smart card. MRC is part of the DameWare Remote Support (DRS) system administration tool. In addition to RTOs, the DRS software suite includes DameWare Mobile, Windows administration, Active Directory, management, configuration and export tools. However, please note that in order to download the trial version, you will need to fill out a registration form.

Radmin 3 is a program for remote control of your PC running Windows. The program makes it possible to work on several computers at once quite fully, simply by connecting to the desktop of a remote PC. The software allows you to use many languages, share files. The ability to work in Telnet mode makes it possible to manage a large organization remotely without problems.

Radmin remote control

Program features:
- The program is compatible with all versions of Windows.
- Excellent speed.
- Secure connection.
- Supports Intel® AMT features.
- Works under Windows 8 x86 and x64.
- Support for multi-user chats, both text and voice.
- Work with multiple monitors.
- Easy and simple to install.
- File transfer is protected.
- Does not require a lot of system resources.
- Supports multiple connections at the same time.
- Technical support is free.
Additional features:

The ability to select the screen color transmission mode: from 2 thousand to 16 million colors.
- Mouse wheel support.
- Support for keyboard shortcuts.
- There is no limitation on the screen resolution of the remote PC.
- The viewer is compatible with Wine (works under Linux OS).
- Clipboard support.
- Unlimited address book.
- Built-in search for Radmin servers.
- Excellent reference.
- Work in TelNet mode.
- Ability to remotely shutdown the PC.
- Logging of all connections.

Another program that allows you to easily connect to any computer that has Internet access is TeamViewer. Just an ID and a password are enough, because the program has the ability to run even without installation. TeamViewer is a program for managing a PC, showing a specific window from your screen to other users, which helps to train employees, hold meetings, listen to employees' reports, and simply discuss and plan work without leaving the computer.

Remote control via TeamViewer

You can create an account on the program's website and add any computer to your address book. Lists inside the book are supported, which will allow you to connect to the right computer in just two clicks by simply selecting the desired PC name from the list. For persistent connections, you can set a permanent password and store it in your address book. This will allow you to quickly connect to the desired computer without entering a password. Advantages of TeamViewer: The program has a conference mode (but there is a limit of 25 participants). There is support for mobile devices. You can take screenshots in real time. TeamViewer guarantees the security of the connection. The program is shareware and has limitations free use. Paid features are more suitable for large companies. However, there are some connectivity issues between different versions. A user with version 9 will no longer be able to connect to a user with version 4.

Anyplace Control is a remote control program. The program displays the client's remote desktop on your screen and allows you to control it remotely using your own mouse and keyboard. Some of the software's popular applications include remote support within a corporate environment or simply work from home with remote access to office computers.

Transfer files between PCs Anyplace Control provides an easy and secure option for transferring files between PCs using an interface that is similar to Windows XP Explorer. The Anyplace Control file transfer software is very fast and reliable. Even in the event of a network failure, it will resume transmission at the location where the failure occurred. Thus, there is no need to start the procedure again. There is no need to set up a router or firewall. You will be able to connect to Remote Desktop with three different ways: "Connection IP", "Account Connection" and "Computer Connection ID" Anyplace Control provides access to remote PCs over the Internet that do not have external IP addresses. You can easily connect to other PCs with dynamic IP addresses or internal (192.168.xx) addresses without any additional network configurations. You will be able to easily connect to your PC via the Internet, even if it is behind a router, firewall or proxy server. You don't need to open firewall ports or configure your router.

Anyplace Control Interface

You can connect to your client in a few clicks. Anyplace Control does not require special computer skills. If the standard installation of the host module is too complicated, then the remote user can manually download software by clicking on a special link that has a pre-configured host module (does not require installation or any additional configuration).

Summing up, we can say that most programs support the most necessary functions - direct control of a remote PC. Some are free, some you have to buy. Some programs support the creation of accounts, which greatly simplifies remote management in the future. Often you can just view the screen of a remote computer without taking control of the latter. However, not all programs are multiplatform. Some work exclusively under the control of only one operating system, which is not very convenient in a large organization. For such purposes, it is much more expedient to use paid global products that support creating accounts and PC lists, saving passwords, run most of the most popular operating systems and are easily integrated into a large organization. If you just need to periodically monitor the screen of your home PC remotely, there is no point in buying expensive software, most of the functions of which you will not need. It is also worth paying attention to the very operation of the program: some clearly show your remote presence on the computer, and some do not manifest themselves in any way, which will be very useful for covert surveillance at computer.

Some of you, after reading the title of the article, probably wondered: “Why do you need to control another computer over the internet?” It turns out that it is necessary, and first of all, for potential readers of my blog - pensioners and teapots.

Don't think that I want you to learn this in order to take control of your neighbor's computer, whose dog pisses you off with his constant barking and starts doing something incredible with him, terrifying him and his dog. Of course not. And without his knowledge, such management is unlikely to succeed. I will not intrigue you, I will move on to the topic.

Why you need to manage another computer via the Internet

Of course, first of all, in order for someone more experienced and versed in
computer technology, for example, your friend or relative living far away from you could, if necessary, help you solve your PC remotely.

Yes, even not necessarily a problem, but simply set up some kind of program or help to issue the same application for a passport via the Internet. Or another case: you are already a fairly experienced user and you need to sometimes look at your home PC from your “travel” laptop while you are away.

At least in order to print some kind of documentary, which is the only one there. Or for some other reason, you never know? This is where you need to manage others, that is, your home computer via the Internet.

Or take an enterprise that has its own local network. Imagine running system administrator, if you need to run a program somewhere or bring another PC out of a freeze. And if there are hundreds of computers and not just one, but in different cases? You have to be a sprinter here. And then, after a while, you will erase your legs to one place. I hope I dispelled your doubts about the uselessness of this case?

How remote administration works

Of course, these are not hacker tricks and various trojans. Although the methods of programs used to remotely control a computer via the Internet are very similar. And they differ from viruses only in that they act openly and naturally, with the mutual consent of the owners of the PCs involved in this process.

They consist of two parts. The first is the server, the second is the client side. The server is installed on the computer that needs to be controlled, and the client part is installed on the one that the administrator uses. In this, remote administrators are very similar to Trojans. But the goals, as you know, they are completely different.

You can connect to the PC where this server is installed only by knowing its IP address, as well as the password, which must be set on it in order to prevent anyone from accessing it via the Internet. And then this very “anybody” will be able to work on your “brainchild” no worse than any Trojan.

Influence of the type of ip-address and problem solving

If you have a static IP address to access the Internet, then there will be no problems. But if it is static, but is part of the network of a house or district, and those, in turn, have a dynamic (that is, changing from time to time) address for accessing the Internet, then difficulties may already arise. Well, just if you are not a member of any network, but access the Internet at a dynamic address - the same problem.

But these problems are solvable. There are, for example, such special sites as No-Ip.com or DynDNS.com, where you can register, install an updater program and get a permanent address through them: user.no-ip.com. True, these sites are in English, but if necessary, I'm sure you can find others in Russian too.

This is for information, but in general I would not bother with it. There are currently many ready programs, who each time take over all this technical work with registering the current address on their server and indicate at what address to look for your PC on the Internet.

But if there is a need for a static IP address (for example, I need it for a number of other reasons), then this can be done through your provider. For those who don't know, an ISP is an internet service provider. In our city in Bashinformsvyaz, today the connection costs 150 rubles, the monthly fee is 50 rubles. Agree not such a great amount even for pensioners.

Possibilities after remote connection

I will not talk about the amenities that appear after that. This was said at the very beginning when we figured out what it was for. And what are the specific opportunities directly related to management? Here are the main ones:

  • see the desktop, or rather a copy, of the remote PC on your screen;
  • intercept control at any time even with the keyboard, even with the mouse;
  • run any programs that are installed on the managed computer and install new ones as needed;
  • open and, if necessary, modify files;
  • transfer any files over the Internet in forward and reverse directions;

So, thanks to remote administration, we get full control of another computer via the Internet. Virtually unlimited control. Of course, this is with the full consent of its owner. Only for this you need a communication channel speed of at least 256Kbps and a special program.

Programs to control another computer via the Internet

For these purposes, there are enough programs, both paid and free. I will list the most common and of course free:

  • LogMeIn Hamachi

    Allows you to combine into your own virtual network via the Internet up to 16 PCs from different parts of the world. In addition to management, there are many other possibilities, up to the organization of network games;
  • Ultra VNC

    It can organize remote control even when all other programs are powerless, but for beginners the settings are very difficult, and there is no support for the Russian language; / li>
  • Ammyy

    Externally, the program is very much like Team Viewer. But its working principle is fundamentally different. It is tied to the PC hardware, and therefore it is enough to allow the program with this ID to the computer once and in the future it will be able to connect to it without any requests.
  • Team Viever

    First of all, this program is good because it does not care about your static or dynamic address. Working with it, without exaggeration, is a hundred times easier than with the native “Remote Assistance” of Windows. We only need to install the program on the PC that we are going to use in this process and create our account in the Team Viewer service.

Installing TeamViewer

There is nothing complicated here, but since my blog is designed primarily for pensioners and dummies, we will analyze in detail and focus on some of the nuances. In the first window, select "Install":

On this, I think, we can finish.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the PenserMan blog pages.

Remote access to a computer via the Internet will allow you to control your PC, even if it is thousands of miles away from your location.

The technology works on the principle of assigning a unique identifier to the user in the global network.

This data is used to connect to the remote control.

The function can be configured using system functions Windows operating system, and with the help of additional programs (their use is usually free).

Notice! In order to access remote computer via another PC, the remote PC must be turned on and have an Internet connection. Also, the function or program that provides a remote connection must be connected on both devices. In the operating Windows system there is a built-in ability to configure a remote connection between two PCs.

Using the Internet ID feature in Windows

The Windows operating system has a built-in ability to set up a remote connection between two PCs.

The function is called Internet ID, it allows you to connect to the desired Host as quickly as possible.

However, all additional network protocols NATs are ignored by devices. This allows you to ensure a fast and uninterrupted connection.

Please note that the speed of a remote connection directly depends on the quality of the Internet connection.

Assigning a unique identification number on the network greatly simplifies the connection process. By using this feature, computers do not have to set up the reverse connection process every time.

Also, the Internet ID function is quite easy to use and even an ordinary user can configure its operation.

How does an Internet ID work? The connection of two computers occurs due to the connection to a single Host. The interface is displayed using the NAT protocol or a standard firewall.

Follow the instructions below to set up remote access to a PC using the Internet ID option yourself:

  • First you need to get an identifier with which two computers can establish a connection. The procedure for issuing an identifier is carried out by the host free of charge;
  • Some builds of Windows may not have a previously installed utility. You can download it from the link http://db.repairdll.org/internetidadmin.exe/ru-download-50.html .
  • Install the tool on both computers and get to work;
  • Once installed, a host icon will appear on the desktop toolbar. Click on it right click mouse and select the connection settings item;
  • Then, in a new window, click on the appropriate button to get an Internet ID. This procedure must be done on the computer from which another PC will be controlled;
  • After a few seconds, a window will appear with a text field, which will contain an identifier that provides a remote connection between two PCs. Remember it, because without specifying an identifier on another PC, you will not be able to set up a connection;
  • Now you need to perform several actions on the client personal computer (to which you will connect). Run the installed utility, select the operating mode as "Client";
  • Click on the button for creating a new connection and in the window that opens, specify the name of the connection and the identifier itself. You can choose any name, and the Internet ID must match the one that was issued on the first PC. Press the OK key;
  • Next, the connection properties will open. Select the connection mode via ID, as shown in the figure below, and enter it again in the corresponding text field;

Now wait a few seconds and wait for the connection to complete. On subsequent attempts to gain remote access to another PC, it will be necessary to enter only the identifier on the administrator side, and on the client side, select the previously created connection template.

In addition to the suggested method for setting up remote access, you can use special programs which are even easier to set up.


TeamViewer is one of the most popular applications for creating a connection and working with remote access to a computer.

The program is also available on operating systems Android, IOS, MacOS, Windows and more.

Such cross-platform will allow you to provide access to a computer even from your phone. You can download the application for the desired OS from the link on official page developer https://www.teamviewer.com/en/download/windows/ .

main feature utilities: the user does not need to deal with the client and server parts of the program separately. It is enough just to install the program on both computers and set up a connection in a few mouse clicks.

After the first activation, the application window displays a personal computer ID and an access password.

To connect to another computer, just enter its identifier in the Partner ID field and click the Connect button.

Advantages of TeamViewer:

  1. The presence of several modes of operation of two computers at once: remote access, file and folder transfer mode, VPN;
  2. During the connection, you can open a chat window, this will allow two users to communicate in real time without being distracted by other messengers;
  3. To provide full-scale system administration of another PC, you can connect the option of 24/7 remote access. In the inactive mode, the function consumes few resources and does not load personal computers;
  4. Speed ​​and stable connection. Due to the availability of quality hosts, users do not face the problem of access failure (this only happens in case of a bad connection to global network Internet);
  5. Please note that TeamViewer cannot be used for commercial purposes. The developer has built into the program a utility for determining the commercial connection. If it is detected, access to the PC will be immediately blocked.

If you want to use the modules for corporate connection, you will need to buy paid version applications.

Ammy admin

This program allows you to access the remote control function of other PCs. The functionality is very similar to the Team Viewer described above.

Available modes of operation include the ability to view and remotely control other personal computer or the user's laptop.

The program can be used without installing it on two devices. Enough to open on computers portable version. The utility is not intended for use in commercial organizations and enterprises.

Download Ammy admin You can visit the official website of the developer at http://www.ammyy.com/ru/.

To get started, run Ammy admin on both computers. Then enter the ID of the server computer on the client computer. Click on the "Connect" button. The connection diagram is also shown in Figure 8.

This application is more suitable for organizing a one-time connection than for long and regular work. Among the advantages over other similar software can be noted a simplified connection process, an intuitive interface and high speed.

Among the shortcomings of the application, it can be noted that it is not available on mobile devices and tablet PCs. There is also no folder and file transfer mode.

The use of the program is limited to fifteen hours per month. Such a function is organized to eliminate the possibility of commercial use.

Lite Manager

This utility is different user-friendly interface and a wide range of options. The application has two parts: for separate installation on the server and client side.

Unlike previous utilities, using LiteManager will be more appropriate for more advanced users who need to organize regular access to a remote computer.

Also, unlike TeamViewer and Ammy admin, a unique identifier for the server PC is assigned only once (at the first start). In the future, it does not change. This will allow you to quickly remember it and in the future not have problems with its introduction on the client side.

Also, users have the opportunity to independently set their own identifier on the network.

The program itself is paid, however, if you do not need to use it for commercial purposes, you can download the LiteManager Free version. It is free and its operation is limited only by a filter that determines a possible commercial connection.

The application presents a large number of modes for connecting two PCs, namely:

  1. Remote access;
  2. Data transfer;
  3. Chat organization mode;
  4. Ability to access the registries of two PCs;
  5. Task Manager.

Also available in the program is the function of recording a screen in real time, inventory options and installing programs on a client PC using a server. Among the shortcomings of the program, one can note its absence on mobile operating systems.


This software is one of the first programs whose developers were able to organize uninterrupted remote access to a PC using the Internet.

The main advantage of the utility is the organization of network security and protection against unauthorized copying of data by an intruder.

All transmission channels are protected by cryptographic algorithms.

Also, the application has a very good speed. The first connection occurs in a matter of seconds. You also have the opportunity to access the BIOS of a remote computer.

The utility cannot set up a connection without specifying the IP address of the server PC, that is, connection by ID is not possible.

All modern applications to work with remote access are different fast work and convenient user interface.

Choose the appropriate connection method, based on whether it will be regular or one-time.

Thematic videos:
